Plant bulbous species of Alsosneat and active part in the Saffron members of the vaccination and is called (attributes) and tend flowers in blossom, and dried in the shade and then on the high or minutes on low heat, and this article for the color red, orange, and with a pungent smell and distinctive taste, and kept in time for a court order not to lose their value as a precious
Active substances
Contain members of the vaccination (attributes) on the pilot of a fatty oil smell aromatic and coloring
Medicinal properties:
Saffron oil, anti-pain, cramps, and the remover of pain and menstrual pain of periodontal membrane
House and a tonic for the central nervous system, and it is useful for cases of ED
Saffron is a spice used in the processing of foods
Saffron has the characteristics and resistance to cancer prevention
In the latest study published in the journal "Medicine and Experimental Biology" specialized, proven researchers in Mexico that can be used saffron, a type of plants that are added to food as a seasoning and spices to add flavor, as protective of the cancer or the treatment program devoted to this disease, the researchers found after reviewing a wide range of laboratory studies and research conducted on animals, that saffron is not only prevents a new cancerous tumors, but may cause the shrinking existing tumors, and chemotherapy more effective, and encourages anti-cancer effects
The researchers explained that the health benefits of saffron may be due in part to the high content of compounds known Balkorotanued which also include the subjects of "lycopene" and "beta carotene," as agents of prevention and treatment of cancer
The experts pointed out that the cultivation of saffron, harvesting process is very difficult so the sources are limited and expensive, noting that this study adds new evidence that certain foods and spices contain compounds that have protective properties of cancer, for example, showed the animal studies that the plant "Rosemary" protect against breast cancer, and that turmeric protects against some types of tumors, and studies suggest that frequent intake of fruits and vegetables, especially onion family, such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, may help in the prevention of certain cancers
And extracts of saffron from a small flower is in her heart saffron threads are extracted accurately and in the hands of people with experience and art to capture and aggregation and cultivation of saffron plants costly grown physically and artistically and technically becomes the price is expensive, especially species luxury of it, which is cultivated in Iran, where that access to 500 grams of it requires cultivation at about 70 000 Ik flower must all be true and valid, and hailed the fresh saffron is dried lose a lot of weight Valkhmsh Twenty kg after drying it becomes about five kilograms only
The benefit of saffron
Modern medicine does not recognize that the saffron aphrodisiac and that what was thought old is not properly considered saffron antispasmodic bring happiness to the heart of the drink, stimulant of the stomach, severe effect of the intestines and nerves, tonic diuretic menstruation, and saffron enter in some drugs used to stimulate the heart and some types of Kohl Assistant to remove the blurring of the eye
Use saffron since ancient times in the treatment of many diseases such as gastroenteritis, and Kmahdo for stomach disorders and to treat whooping cough and colds and alleviate stomach gas as well as in treatments of religious as typing veins and Quranic verses ink of saffron, rose water brought for the benefit and healing, God willing
Enters the saffron in the modern pharmaceutical industry, such as those used to expel intestinal worms and atypical antipsychotic drugs for cases of neurological and psychiatric drugs used to stimulate the urinary excretion of drugs and many other
Saffron is fraud because of the high price mixing herbs with similar weight gain, such as saffron-like color and a melting speed of the water and sold as saffron is true
Research confirms that frequent eating saffron cracked head and the senses so Tnom advised not doing it too much for one gram of saffron is required for the original Hundred Flowers For half a kilo of the same class needs 225 thousand flower of the saffron flowers so it was a heavy price
Finest saffron-haired red hair Leche parties prefer soft and yellowish color, good smell Intelligent thick hair which is in the limbs, Sepah blank
Chemical analysis showed that saffron contains a substance called (to Rosen (and sweet taste of this Article tonic for the nerves and the booster and stimulant and helps to generate menopause on women
Boil one gram of saffron in a liter of water and drink it after cooling drink is a stimulant to the cold and the nerves
Ibn Sina says:
Saffron: essence: a famous unknown
Choice: good color, soft Age Smart smell a little egg on his hair is full of many printing: The hot dry temperature in the second and the Ibusth In the first
Actions and properties: clutch analyst for the maturation arrest of an attractive and moderate temperature deoppilant said Galen: The temperature is stronger than the grip and heated fat
Alkhoza said: It does not change at all confused, but keeps fit on the stiffness and mold and strengthens the intestines
Ornamental: drinking improves the color
Tumors and warts: Analyst tumors and painted it red
Members of the head: the head and hurt Musda drink Balmibouktg of a hypnotic dark veil of the senses if watering in the drink until drunk Ergn benefit of the tumor and warm in the ear
Members of the Al Ain charming sight and prevent calamities and to benefit from the mist and Icthal by the blue-acquired diseases
Members of Sadr delightful tonic for the heart and the owner smelled Alambsm Cosh of hypnosis, especially fat and easy to self and strengthens the self-machines
Members of the food: It is sickening fall lust Bamadadth acidity in the stomach and that the lust, but it strengthens the stomach, liver, because it is heat and tanning, arrest and told the people: The saffron is good for the spleen
Members of the Jerk: Beh irritates and produces urine and benefit from the rigidity of the uterus and the joining of malignant sores which, if used Bmom yolk or weakness with Zeta and claimed that some of them drink in the open ridge was born at
Poison: it was said that three Mthaqil kill him Baltvrih
Acne Treatment - Best Acne Treatments
The best ways to treat acne
Acne Treatment - Best Acne Treatments
At first everyone will have to pass in adolescence to know that the appearance of acne at this stage of life is natural. So you have to deal with these pills quietly and patiently to avoid treatment and its effects.
And before you start mentioning the methods of treatment, we must understand the following facts:
- The maintenance on the sterilization of skin exposed to air pollutants is the first step to treatment.
- Refrain from touching and playing with these grain output of what the white substance, because this leads to increase the number of grains, leaving a trace after the disappearance of the grain itself.
- In adulthood begin hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin she can discharge fat that cause clogged pores of the skin and with the presence of dead skin cells formed protrusions external skin with black heads sometimes and sometimes open the pores; which allows bacteria to enter and result in the pollution appears that grain
Acne treatment:
- Mixing milk with water when washing the face, it helps to sterilize the skin and prevent the emergence of new grains.
- The use of paper and eucalyptus leaf, as it is one of the sterile material for the skin:
By putting boiling water on paper and eucalyptus covered for 3-4 hours and then filtered with a piece of gauze and then mixed with a little natural apple cider vinegar and place it in the refrigerator and wash the skin by the day.
- The use of yeast helps to prevent the emergence of grains because they contain vitamin "B" is very important for the skin so try eating 3 tablespoons of yeast (yeast bread kneaded yeast or medical) with a glass of milk each day
- The use of cocktails to nourish and lighten the skin:
A - Cocktail Beauty:
Consists of the islands and parsley, plus lemon juice.
Note: The mixture is pressed through the sap islands.
B - Collection of vegetables:
Consists of spinach and parsley, then add the orange juice
C - Collection islands:
Consists of carrot juice, orange juice and ginger added to it sometimes.
D - cocktail option:
Consisting of cucumber juice and add lemon juice
This cocktail benefit the owners oily skin in particular.
- Avoid the anxiety and stress because it will increase the grain.
- Avoid cosmetics in this particular period.
- Avoid washing with soap and replace it with ordinary soap or soap medical children.
- If you are still traces of the pills you can use creams peeled after consulting your doctor.
- Eat some grass Klhalbh watercress and also a lot of onions and garlic.
- Avoid using oils and creams for hair because it has an indirect effect on acne
- Eat a balanced diet contains all the essential elements needed by the body, namely: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals of different taking into account the reduction of fat and carbohydrates and sugars, chocolate, nuts, and the Sudanese pulp and cream,
Sources of the essential elements:
Protein of two types:
- Animal protein: It is located in the meat of all kinds.
- Vegetable protein, such as found in beans, and soybeans.
Carbohydrates: They are available in rice, pasta, bread, and others.
Fat: meat are associated with or present in margarine and oils.
Vitamins found in abundance in fruits and vegetables of all kinds.
- Iron: Available in honey, black, and Balah, and liver, eggplant, and spinach.
- Calcium: of course, available in milk, all dairy products such as cheese and yogurt.
- Magnesium and phosphorus: are available in seafood such as fish and shrimp.
These are all the body needs on a daily basis, and we have taken a neutral and balanced.
- The use of masks that can be prepared at home:
A - Mask Paper cabbage: are boiled hard, and then taken into water boiling, and used Kgusal face on the regions of grain and pimples;, using cotton swabs moistened with this washing machine, and passed on the face, and can be saved in the refrigerator to be used more than once, and that washing leads to the elimination of pimples.
B - Mask Garlic, after cut into small pieces, and place it on the pimples or grain, even though it hurts a bit but it gives a very good result, and is used twice daily, morning and evening.
C - Chamomile mask: the grip of a small plant chamomile are added to two cups of hot water to boiling for 20 minutes, then drain, and stained fluid warts twice a day.
D - mask the islands: your Ptbshir without peeling carrots with the addition of a lemon for half an hour, and place it on the skin, which gives the skin clarity and luster, color, and remove all wrinkles, pimples, and eliminate impurities that ascend the oily skin.
E - pomegranate mask: a cup of pomegranate juice + a teaspoon of vinegar, and smearing this mix warts several times a day.
Acne Treatment - Best Acne Treatments
At first everyone will have to pass in adolescence to know that the appearance of acne at this stage of life is natural. So you have to deal with these pills quietly and patiently to avoid treatment and its effects.
And before you start mentioning the methods of treatment, we must understand the following facts:
- The maintenance on the sterilization of skin exposed to air pollutants is the first step to treatment.
- Refrain from touching and playing with these grain output of what the white substance, because this leads to increase the number of grains, leaving a trace after the disappearance of the grain itself.
- In adulthood begin hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin she can discharge fat that cause clogged pores of the skin and with the presence of dead skin cells formed protrusions external skin with black heads sometimes and sometimes open the pores; which allows bacteria to enter and result in the pollution appears that grain
Acne treatment:
- Mixing milk with water when washing the face, it helps to sterilize the skin and prevent the emergence of new grains.
- The use of paper and eucalyptus leaf, as it is one of the sterile material for the skin:
By putting boiling water on paper and eucalyptus covered for 3-4 hours and then filtered with a piece of gauze and then mixed with a little natural apple cider vinegar and place it in the refrigerator and wash the skin by the day.
- The use of yeast helps to prevent the emergence of grains because they contain vitamin "B" is very important for the skin so try eating 3 tablespoons of yeast (yeast bread kneaded yeast or medical) with a glass of milk each day
- The use of cocktails to nourish and lighten the skin:
A - Cocktail Beauty:
Consists of the islands and parsley, plus lemon juice.
Note: The mixture is pressed through the sap islands.
B - Collection of vegetables:
Consists of spinach and parsley, then add the orange juice
C - Collection islands:
Consists of carrot juice, orange juice and ginger added to it sometimes.
D - cocktail option:
Consisting of cucumber juice and add lemon juice
This cocktail benefit the owners oily skin in particular.
- Avoid the anxiety and stress because it will increase the grain.
- Avoid cosmetics in this particular period.
- Avoid washing with soap and replace it with ordinary soap or soap medical children.
- If you are still traces of the pills you can use creams peeled after consulting your doctor.
- Eat some grass Klhalbh watercress and also a lot of onions and garlic.
- Avoid using oils and creams for hair because it has an indirect effect on acne
- Eat a balanced diet contains all the essential elements needed by the body, namely: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals of different taking into account the reduction of fat and carbohydrates and sugars, chocolate, nuts, and the Sudanese pulp and cream,
Sources of the essential elements:
Protein of two types:
- Animal protein: It is located in the meat of all kinds.
- Vegetable protein, such as found in beans, and soybeans.
Carbohydrates: They are available in rice, pasta, bread, and others.
Fat: meat are associated with or present in margarine and oils.
Vitamins found in abundance in fruits and vegetables of all kinds.
- Iron: Available in honey, black, and Balah, and liver, eggplant, and spinach.
- Calcium: of course, available in milk, all dairy products such as cheese and yogurt.
- Magnesium and phosphorus: are available in seafood such as fish and shrimp.
These are all the body needs on a daily basis, and we have taken a neutral and balanced.
- The use of masks that can be prepared at home:
A - Mask Paper cabbage: are boiled hard, and then taken into water boiling, and used Kgusal face on the regions of grain and pimples;, using cotton swabs moistened with this washing machine, and passed on the face, and can be saved in the refrigerator to be used more than once, and that washing leads to the elimination of pimples.
B - Mask Garlic, after cut into small pieces, and place it on the pimples or grain, even though it hurts a bit but it gives a very good result, and is used twice daily, morning and evening.
C - Chamomile mask: the grip of a small plant chamomile are added to two cups of hot water to boiling for 20 minutes, then drain, and stained fluid warts twice a day.
D - mask the islands: your Ptbshir without peeling carrots with the addition of a lemon for half an hour, and place it on the skin, which gives the skin clarity and luster, color, and remove all wrinkles, pimples, and eliminate impurities that ascend the oily skin.
E - pomegranate mask: a cup of pomegranate juice + a teaspoon of vinegar, and smearing this mix warts several times a day.
The best ways to treat colon
The best ways to treat colon
Treatment of the colon - the best ways to treat colon
Treatment of colon, bloating, herbal
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and suffering and gas treatment
Many suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and gases causing them to fatigue and pain, colic and a sense of fullness too many symptoms of diarrhea periods and periods of constipation symptoms of many digestive disorders, indigestion, nausea, and plenty of symptoms vary from person to person.
Irritable bowel syndrome does not cause any danger to life. And do not lead into any serious illness in the long run. It is possible to control many of these annoying symptoms in many patients by following these instructions:
First tips for the owners of IBS:
1 - anxiety, tension and stress must be mitigated to the minimum and distracting leisure identities useful.
2 - the quality of foods, chickpeas, beans, falafel, lentils resulting digest large quantities of greenhouse gas strikes digestive therefore have little ones.
3 - difficult to digest the milk sugar found in milk
4 - reduction of chewing gum, which helps to swallow a large amount of gases during the process of chewing.
5 - soft drinks: various types as they contain large quantities of carbon dioxide, which leads to swelling in the abdomen and digestive disorders.
6 - chewing food well and not to rush to eat the food.
7 - and avoid junk food, fatty snacks and meals containing large amounts of spices and chilies.
How can we treat irritable bowel syndrome and gases:
First intake of natural fibers and are available in many fruits, vegetables and eat various authorities and this is very important to start treatment.
Second, coffee, tea, reduce to the minimum.
Third: to refrain from the use of full wine and smoke.
Fourth: to refrain from fat, grease, and pickles
Herbal treatment:
Paper thyme 100 grams
Shammar 100 grams
Forget the 100 grams
Mint 100 grams
100 grams caraway
Cumin 100 grams
First drink:
Grind well in equal proportions and take a teaspoon of ground herbs and place them on the 200 ml boiling water in a cup and leave it 10 minutes and analyze the plant with honey or sugar and drink after eating 3 times a useful and proven.
Second, powdered
Take the herbs teaspoon ground and eaten after a meal with a glass of water once in the morning and once in the evening, very useful.
Treatment of the colon - the best ways to treat colon
Treatment of colon, bloating, herbal
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and suffering and gas treatment
Many suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and gases causing them to fatigue and pain, colic and a sense of fullness too many symptoms of diarrhea periods and periods of constipation symptoms of many digestive disorders, indigestion, nausea, and plenty of symptoms vary from person to person.
Irritable bowel syndrome does not cause any danger to life. And do not lead into any serious illness in the long run. It is possible to control many of these annoying symptoms in many patients by following these instructions:
First tips for the owners of IBS:
1 - anxiety, tension and stress must be mitigated to the minimum and distracting leisure identities useful.
2 - the quality of foods, chickpeas, beans, falafel, lentils resulting digest large quantities of greenhouse gas strikes digestive therefore have little ones.
3 - difficult to digest the milk sugar found in milk
4 - reduction of chewing gum, which helps to swallow a large amount of gases during the process of chewing.
5 - soft drinks: various types as they contain large quantities of carbon dioxide, which leads to swelling in the abdomen and digestive disorders.
6 - chewing food well and not to rush to eat the food.
7 - and avoid junk food, fatty snacks and meals containing large amounts of spices and chilies.
How can we treat irritable bowel syndrome and gases:
First intake of natural fibers and are available in many fruits, vegetables and eat various authorities and this is very important to start treatment.
Second, coffee, tea, reduce to the minimum.
Third: to refrain from the use of full wine and smoke.
Fourth: to refrain from fat, grease, and pickles
Herbal treatment:
Paper thyme 100 grams
Shammar 100 grams
Forget the 100 grams
Mint 100 grams
100 grams caraway
Cumin 100 grams
First drink:
Grind well in equal proportions and take a teaspoon of ground herbs and place them on the 200 ml boiling water in a cup and leave it 10 minutes and analyze the plant with honey or sugar and drink after eating 3 times a useful and proven.
Second, powdered
Take the herbs teaspoon ground and eaten after a meal with a glass of water once in the morning and once in the evening, very useful.
The definition of alternative medicine
Alternative Medicine
Defined alternative medicine as follows (a group of health professionals based on medical knowledge of a stand-alone each, based on accurate diagnosis through a comprehensive examination; taking into account the psychological and mental health in addition to the physical, applying therapeutic principles of each, may be used water, electricity and radiation and laser, heat, massage and manual therapy, herbs, medicinal oils, and natural medicines).
Alternative medicine is divided into the following sections
1 - treatments tend to have mental control over the body, including yoga and hypnosis.
2 - electromagnetic therapy may be used in the hard magnet or AC and most of the uses is in treating bone fractures to treat sores and wounds resistant to treat patients with diabetes and restoration of nerve cells is also used to raise the efficiency of the human immune system.
3 - replacement therapy, a systematic study in most countries of the world such as Chinese medicine branches (Ironing Massage Cupping Acupuncture Chinese), Indian Alaopda AIDS medicine, natural medicine (Nachral) environmental medicine.
4 - for example, manual therapy and Alastaiobathi Alcreobraktk a process of amending the joints, various types of massage, physiotherapy (Aelovesyothirabi). Notes and sections of the definition that the term alternative medicine is broad and is not intended for the information given and many of the alternative medicine specialist protesting against the name and the best that medicine called authentic because it is original and is a branch Mtwoor
Defined alternative medicine as follows (a group of health professionals based on medical knowledge of a stand-alone each, based on accurate diagnosis through a comprehensive examination; taking into account the psychological and mental health in addition to the physical, applying therapeutic principles of each, may be used water, electricity and radiation and laser, heat, massage and manual therapy, herbs, medicinal oils, and natural medicines).
Alternative medicine is divided into the following sections
1 - treatments tend to have mental control over the body, including yoga and hypnosis.
2 - electromagnetic therapy may be used in the hard magnet or AC and most of the uses is in treating bone fractures to treat sores and wounds resistant to treat patients with diabetes and restoration of nerve cells is also used to raise the efficiency of the human immune system.
3 - replacement therapy, a systematic study in most countries of the world such as Chinese medicine branches (Ironing Massage Cupping Acupuncture Chinese), Indian Alaopda AIDS medicine, natural medicine (Nachral) environmental medicine.
4 - for example, manual therapy and Alastaiobathi Alcreobraktk a process of amending the joints, various types of massage, physiotherapy (Aelovesyothirabi). Notes and sections of the definition that the term alternative medicine is broad and is not intended for the information given and many of the alternative medicine specialist protesting against the name and the best that medicine called authentic because it is original and is a branch Mtwoor
Cocoa , Chocolate tree ( Theobroma Cacao )
Parts used:
Seeds, grains
Tropical America (Central and South America), Ceylon, Java.
80% of the global harvest of the seeds of today's cocoa comes from West Africa.
Cacao tree bearing leaves and fruit throughout the year, but months picking fruit be in June and December.
The seeds are used in Mexico, or rather like the minted money, and these were the seeds necessary for small transactions, and is still used for that to this day in some areas in Mexico.
The cocoa tree is grown in large quantities in the shade of trees that are larger, such as the banana tree and the fruits of the cocoa tree is kept in a century or a bag of beans, such as peas or beans. This century or the bag opens when the fruit matures and graduated from dried seeds and warm sun, (currently drying the steam).
In the middle of the seventeenth century AD, spread the chocolate in Western Europe, became popular in Switzerland, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, where he became a bitter drink enriched with sugar and milk, improving its taste and many buying.
In Central America used cocoa for centuries to treat fevers, coughs, and reproductive status and pregnancy, and painted objects cocoa butter for the treatment of burns, chapped lips, hair baldness, and cracked nipples chest (during breastfeeding children).
Currently used cocoa butter and cocoa in many treatments, especially in ointments for cuts, problems in the treatment of asthma, and a reasonable alternative to coffee, which can tire some, and a nutritious substance for Ye Naqhen acute diseases.

Seeds contain:
• Theobromine
• fat
• Vitamins E, C
• Some minerals such as magnesium, selenium and the metal is important.
Cortex contains a gel.
The use of cocoa and medical benefits:
Usually used in foods are sweet and delicious ice cream, etc., and is used in medicine, and preparation of medicines, and in this regard has healing powers because of the high content of antioxidants, caffeine, theobromine.
Chocolate and address:
1. Diseases that lead to decomposition of tissue and Thtkha with age, due to the presence of vitamin E. C, magnesium and selenium. Substances called: antioxidants, which prevent tissue damage and destroy the body which cause diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. And has conducted some research on a group did not eat chocolate, and ate a group of one to three plates chocolate per month, and the result was a mortality rate of less than 36% in the category that dealt with chocolate. It was also noted that eating more than 3 panels per month chocolate reduces the incidence of heart disease and death.
2. Diseases, fatigue and decadence, containing cocoa 10-20% of caffeinated coffee, and so the cocoa and chocolate removes laziness and drowsiness and lethargy, and to give a range of activation is causing a lot of nervousness and jitters as they do coffee.
3. Gastroenterology: The theobromine in the cocoa cause relaxation of the muscles of the intestines, so we find that it is desirable to address some of the chocolate after a big meal.
4. Respiratory disease: The substance theobromine and material Theophylline is a chemical close of the effect of medical similarly, and article Theophylline prescribed to expand the airways and prevent Chnjha, and such use has recently started, so it helps eating chocolate prescribed medications for the treatment of chest congestion in colds and flu.
5. Calming the nerves and improve your mood: Chocolate contains a compound that plays an important role in the biochemistry of sensation and feeling of the situation of love.
6. Urinary system: diuretic which directly affects the cells in the kidney, so it helps drugs prescribed for cardiac hypertrophy, where body fluids accumulate, leading to expansion of the heart, as well as cocoa reduces blood pressure, which increases the effectiveness of medications prescribed.
7. Cosmetics (skin and skin), especially pomade protector of the skin, Anamam and moisturizes the skin and skin, and softens the skin layers, and prevents cracking of the skin from cold or exposure to chemicals at the housewives, as well as prevent cracking of the lips that gets in the winter, is struggling and prevent cracking of the nipples when nursing mothers, and prevents cracking of the skin in the abdomen when pregnant. As well as the intervention material in the composition of cocoa butter masks that are placed on the face or body to keep the vitality and beauty of skin and face and to keep the freshness and vitality face.
8. There is a tendency among women to eat chocolate during the menstrual cycle to compensate for energy.
9. Pharmaceutical uses: and the preparation of medicines and make it in the outer layer of grain and desalination and remove the repulsive taste of medicine in the drink, and in the manufacture of suppositories, ointments and in industry.
Side effects of cocoa:
Consult your doctor, especially when the following symptoms:
• blisters on the face, acne.
• sensitive skin and rashes.
• Eating 222 grams of dark chocolate (over an ounce) Awakther opposed the poisoning occurs, such as:
Headache, insomnia, discomfort, irritability, muscle tremors, tachycardia pulse, irregular heartbeat, mild delirium.
Drug interaction:
The mix of plants and herbs with certain drugs alter the effect and the effect of these drugs and work, causing unwanted side effects, and is not required, and must review and tell the doctor about medications that are covered by the patient and in particular of taking the following medications:
• medicines eliminating frustration, and should not be eating chocolate or cocoa through the use of these drugs for example (Nardil, Parnate).
• You should avoid eating chocolate with the property (Theo - Dur).
• Do not eat chocolate in people allergic to this article, leading to rashes and sensitive skin.
• You must not eat chocolate at the people who follow a diet low Alsodio, such as people with high blood pressure, or weak heart muscle, and cardiac hypertrophy.
• You should avoid eating too much chocolate in people with colon disease (colon or Awar).
• must specify the cocoa in patients with intestinal diseases and inflammation, heart disease, and cardiovascular disease, and heart palpitations.
• prepare for persons with blisters facial acne, you should avoid ointments and cosmetic creams that contain cocoa butter.
What do you say new research for this article?
Some of the antioxidants in cocoa reduces the blotting of blood vessels (the accumulation of spark plugs in the arteries). Which reduces the incidence of blood clots. And the right that patients have access to antioxidants by eating fruits and vegetables and vitamins, which have higher nutritional value of cocoa and contains less fat.
Fat that chocolate can lead to obesity and heart disease, but the chocolate in the candy cause fewer problems than butter food that contains fat more and the percentage of cholesterol the most, as well as the kind placed in the cake and candy, and draw attention to the cocoa does not contain cholesterol (except chocolate mixed with milk), cocoa contains fat, and particularly saturated fat, which accuses it cause higher rates of cholesterol in blood, and heart disease and some cancers, and we remember that the saturated fat in cocoa is a form of saturated fat-filled b Acid Stearic that do not raise the proportion of blood cholesterol.
And for tooth decay, studies have shown that the antioxidants in cocoa contribute to the growth inhibition of bacteria harmful that contribute to get tooth decay, and the problem becomes a real sugar in candy, not chocolate itself, and to prevent this effect is recommended Balamadamadp after chocolate.
There is also no evidence that chocolate causes pimples, skin, kidney stones, and colic in children, but it contains material Tyramines found in red wine, types of cheese Kashkaval that can ignite headaches and migraine in people susceptible to these seizures.
Can of chocolate could lead to "burning heart" when people with weak muscles opening the esophagus and connected to the stomach, leading to the rise of acid up into the esophagus, leading to the burning heart, and the reason here that the opening between the stomach and the esophagus does not close tightly.
The chocolate contains caffeine increased from 10-20% less than those in coffee, the high percentage of caffeine in coffee cause activating a strong and lead to addiction, and caffeine relationship with perpetuating insomnia and tension, high blood pressure, high Alcoltsrol blood, high sugar in the blood, and the possibility for genetic diseases and birth defects when embryos.
The best in people with diseases and symptoms mentioned here, to reduce or avoid eating chocolate and all kinds of foods that contain caffeine.
Wise use:
The cocoa and chocolate is one of the safe materials that could be addressed without significant damage, and avoid eating the best chocolate in the following cases:
- Pregnant and lactating women
- People with insomnia
- People with nervous myself
- High blood cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- People with diabetes
- People with heart disease
The chocolate is the safe side in the quantities typically consumed in the normal case.
The use of chocolate in quantities and doses of medical doctors, specialists vested, and could not be self-sufficient.
Finally, the cocoa tree is different from a coconut tree and the tree of Coca, which is extracted from cocaine.
Seeds, grains
Tropical America (Central and South America), Ceylon, Java.
80% of the global harvest of the seeds of today's cocoa comes from West Africa.
Cacao tree bearing leaves and fruit throughout the year, but months picking fruit be in June and December.
The seeds are used in Mexico, or rather like the minted money, and these were the seeds necessary for small transactions, and is still used for that to this day in some areas in Mexico.
The cocoa tree is grown in large quantities in the shade of trees that are larger, such as the banana tree and the fruits of the cocoa tree is kept in a century or a bag of beans, such as peas or beans. This century or the bag opens when the fruit matures and graduated from dried seeds and warm sun, (currently drying the steam).
In the middle of the seventeenth century AD, spread the chocolate in Western Europe, became popular in Switzerland, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, where he became a bitter drink enriched with sugar and milk, improving its taste and many buying.
In Central America used cocoa for centuries to treat fevers, coughs, and reproductive status and pregnancy, and painted objects cocoa butter for the treatment of burns, chapped lips, hair baldness, and cracked nipples chest (during breastfeeding children).
Currently used cocoa butter and cocoa in many treatments, especially in ointments for cuts, problems in the treatment of asthma, and a reasonable alternative to coffee, which can tire some, and a nutritious substance for Ye Naqhen acute diseases.
Seeds contain:
• Theobromine
• fat
• Vitamins E, C
• Some minerals such as magnesium, selenium and the metal is important.
Cortex contains a gel.
The use of cocoa and medical benefits:
Usually used in foods are sweet and delicious ice cream, etc., and is used in medicine, and preparation of medicines, and in this regard has healing powers because of the high content of antioxidants, caffeine, theobromine.
Chocolate and address:
1. Diseases that lead to decomposition of tissue and Thtkha with age, due to the presence of vitamin E. C, magnesium and selenium. Substances called: antioxidants, which prevent tissue damage and destroy the body which cause diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. And has conducted some research on a group did not eat chocolate, and ate a group of one to three plates chocolate per month, and the result was a mortality rate of less than 36% in the category that dealt with chocolate. It was also noted that eating more than 3 panels per month chocolate reduces the incidence of heart disease and death.
2. Diseases, fatigue and decadence, containing cocoa 10-20% of caffeinated coffee, and so the cocoa and chocolate removes laziness and drowsiness and lethargy, and to give a range of activation is causing a lot of nervousness and jitters as they do coffee.
3. Gastroenterology: The theobromine in the cocoa cause relaxation of the muscles of the intestines, so we find that it is desirable to address some of the chocolate after a big meal.
4. Respiratory disease: The substance theobromine and material Theophylline is a chemical close of the effect of medical similarly, and article Theophylline prescribed to expand the airways and prevent Chnjha, and such use has recently started, so it helps eating chocolate prescribed medications for the treatment of chest congestion in colds and flu.
5. Calming the nerves and improve your mood: Chocolate contains a compound that plays an important role in the biochemistry of sensation and feeling of the situation of love.
6. Urinary system: diuretic which directly affects the cells in the kidney, so it helps drugs prescribed for cardiac hypertrophy, where body fluids accumulate, leading to expansion of the heart, as well as cocoa reduces blood pressure, which increases the effectiveness of medications prescribed.
7. Cosmetics (skin and skin), especially pomade protector of the skin, Anamam and moisturizes the skin and skin, and softens the skin layers, and prevents cracking of the skin from cold or exposure to chemicals at the housewives, as well as prevent cracking of the lips that gets in the winter, is struggling and prevent cracking of the nipples when nursing mothers, and prevents cracking of the skin in the abdomen when pregnant. As well as the intervention material in the composition of cocoa butter masks that are placed on the face or body to keep the vitality and beauty of skin and face and to keep the freshness and vitality face.
8. There is a tendency among women to eat chocolate during the menstrual cycle to compensate for energy.
9. Pharmaceutical uses: and the preparation of medicines and make it in the outer layer of grain and desalination and remove the repulsive taste of medicine in the drink, and in the manufacture of suppositories, ointments and in industry.
Side effects of cocoa:
Consult your doctor, especially when the following symptoms:
• blisters on the face, acne.
• sensitive skin and rashes.
• Eating 222 grams of dark chocolate (over an ounce) Awakther opposed the poisoning occurs, such as:
Headache, insomnia, discomfort, irritability, muscle tremors, tachycardia pulse, irregular heartbeat, mild delirium.
Drug interaction:
The mix of plants and herbs with certain drugs alter the effect and the effect of these drugs and work, causing unwanted side effects, and is not required, and must review and tell the doctor about medications that are covered by the patient and in particular of taking the following medications:
• medicines eliminating frustration, and should not be eating chocolate or cocoa through the use of these drugs for example (Nardil, Parnate).
• You should avoid eating chocolate with the property (Theo - Dur).
• Do not eat chocolate in people allergic to this article, leading to rashes and sensitive skin.
• You must not eat chocolate at the people who follow a diet low Alsodio, such as people with high blood pressure, or weak heart muscle, and cardiac hypertrophy.
• You should avoid eating too much chocolate in people with colon disease (colon or Awar).
• must specify the cocoa in patients with intestinal diseases and inflammation, heart disease, and cardiovascular disease, and heart palpitations.
• prepare for persons with blisters facial acne, you should avoid ointments and cosmetic creams that contain cocoa butter.
What do you say new research for this article?
Some of the antioxidants in cocoa reduces the blotting of blood vessels (the accumulation of spark plugs in the arteries). Which reduces the incidence of blood clots. And the right that patients have access to antioxidants by eating fruits and vegetables and vitamins, which have higher nutritional value of cocoa and contains less fat.
Fat that chocolate can lead to obesity and heart disease, but the chocolate in the candy cause fewer problems than butter food that contains fat more and the percentage of cholesterol the most, as well as the kind placed in the cake and candy, and draw attention to the cocoa does not contain cholesterol (except chocolate mixed with milk), cocoa contains fat, and particularly saturated fat, which accuses it cause higher rates of cholesterol in blood, and heart disease and some cancers, and we remember that the saturated fat in cocoa is a form of saturated fat-filled b Acid Stearic that do not raise the proportion of blood cholesterol.
And for tooth decay, studies have shown that the antioxidants in cocoa contribute to the growth inhibition of bacteria harmful that contribute to get tooth decay, and the problem becomes a real sugar in candy, not chocolate itself, and to prevent this effect is recommended Balamadamadp after chocolate.
There is also no evidence that chocolate causes pimples, skin, kidney stones, and colic in children, but it contains material Tyramines found in red wine, types of cheese Kashkaval that can ignite headaches and migraine in people susceptible to these seizures.
Can of chocolate could lead to "burning heart" when people with weak muscles opening the esophagus and connected to the stomach, leading to the rise of acid up into the esophagus, leading to the burning heart, and the reason here that the opening between the stomach and the esophagus does not close tightly.
The chocolate contains caffeine increased from 10-20% less than those in coffee, the high percentage of caffeine in coffee cause activating a strong and lead to addiction, and caffeine relationship with perpetuating insomnia and tension, high blood pressure, high Alcoltsrol blood, high sugar in the blood, and the possibility for genetic diseases and birth defects when embryos.
The best in people with diseases and symptoms mentioned here, to reduce or avoid eating chocolate and all kinds of foods that contain caffeine.
Wise use:
The cocoa and chocolate is one of the safe materials that could be addressed without significant damage, and avoid eating the best chocolate in the following cases:
- Pregnant and lactating women
- People with insomnia
- People with nervous myself
- High blood cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- People with diabetes
- People with heart disease
The chocolate is the safe side in the quantities typically consumed in the normal case.
The use of chocolate in quantities and doses of medical doctors, specialists vested, and could not be self-sufficient.
Finally, the cocoa tree is different from a coconut tree and the tree of Coca, which is extracted from cocaine.
Green tea / Black tea
Parts used in the tea:
Leaves, evergreen tree
Tea is the second drink in the world, after water, which occupies the first place. Arabs and Europeans and Americans drink a nice tonic drink, and thirst-breakers, and peptic, and this belief began to change after seeing the effect of the tea anti-oxidant, and the benefits in the fight against diseases of aging, and cancer, and heart disease.
Many people and some herbalist use the word tea to indicate the drink herbal (plant), which was attended by soaking herbs in boiling water, either in herbal medicine is actually word tea means tea leaves called Camellia Sinesis boiling water, and the fact most people do not consider tea products plants and herbs.
There are three types of tea:
• black tea.
• green tea.
• partially fermented tea.
• and three varieties of leaves of the plant called Camellia Sinesis.
Green tea is a favorite in China and Japan (dry tea leaves and fragmentation), green tea and enjoy being the best in terms of differentiation of medical benefits.
Black tea, preferably in the Arab States, Britain, Europe, and USA (dried leaves and then left to ferment.)
May be called the tea produced from a source such as Ceylon Tea.
Tea is different from the so-called (Tea Tree) "tea tree". An Australian tree oil has the effect of sterile topically to the skin.
Asia, especially China and India, is grown in Assam, formerly Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Japan, and Indonesia.
China is the largest producer of tea, devotes more than 4 million acres of land for the cultivation of Chinese tea, as well as tea is a product of India's important agricultural crops.
The tree begins production in its third year, and in the fifth year of production and continue to strengthen to about 20 years.
There are several types of tea according to the source: Ceylon, Indian, Japanese, Javanese, and other ...
• caffeine which is called (Theine).
• Tannin, one of the articles Holding.
• Bohic acid.
• oils.
• Wax protein.
• gum.
• ash.
• theophylline.
• theobromine.
Uses and benefits of medicinal tea:
1. Tonic for the spectrum: tea contains three compounds activated, making herbal tea in the ranks of dealing with chest diseases and asthma, as well as tea contains substances holding. The Explore the world of Japanese that tea contains material effect an anti-oxidant, which is suitable and prevent cell damage, which happens before the stage for heart disease, most cancers, which coincides with aging, such as stroke, glaucoma eye, damage the eyeball, It affects permanently blind.
2. Cancers: experience has shown to contain green tea on the capabilities of anti-cancer (esophagus, colon and rectum, pancreas, lung, and chest), the higher the consumption of green tea, the less potential stomach cancer risk (at least 10 cups of tea a day).
3. Heart disease: because of the nature and presence of antioxidants in tea.
4. Respiratory disease: Tea contains three stimulants, and everyone has the impact of vessels and airways, is described now activated Theophylline, (in needles, pills, suppositories), to treat asthma attacks.
5. Treatment of diarrhea: Cementing materials called Taninns address and prevent diarrhea, and there is a popular combination in the United States dealing with diarrhea consists of bananas, rice, apples, tea, toast.
6. Injury, necrosis treated teeth: like bananas, tea is rich in fluoride, which prevent and fight tooth decay, and fluoride is green tea and black alike, as well as astringent to help in the fight against bacteria that cause tooth decay.
7. Current studies suggest that tea works Kmkhvd levels of cholesterol in blood.
8. Generates urine, prevents the accumulation of fluid in the body.
9. Cementing materials in tea have anti-virus software.
10. Over tea in the secretion of sweat to the skin.
11. Reports demonstrated the benefit of Chinese tea in the treatment of hepatitis different forms, and so taking it with prescribed treatment.
12. Recent reports to the existence of special materials antioxidant thought to their usefulness in preventing heart disease and cancers, the article named Gallate (EGCG), which is found in all types of tea, and green tea contains a larger amount of this article (tea is not fermented), and green tea better than black tea, in preventing heart disease and cancer. Prefer not to give the tea under the age of two years and over 65 years, and reduces the benefits of milk tea as an antioxidant.
Damage or harm caused by tea:
• cause birth defects so it is better to leave the drinking by pregnant women.
• Qbodh cause the stomach.
• increases in the secretion of stomach acid.
Leaves, evergreen tree
Tea is the second drink in the world, after water, which occupies the first place. Arabs and Europeans and Americans drink a nice tonic drink, and thirst-breakers, and peptic, and this belief began to change after seeing the effect of the tea anti-oxidant, and the benefits in the fight against diseases of aging, and cancer, and heart disease.
Many people and some herbalist use the word tea to indicate the drink herbal (plant), which was attended by soaking herbs in boiling water, either in herbal medicine is actually word tea means tea leaves called Camellia Sinesis boiling water, and the fact most people do not consider tea products plants and herbs.
There are three types of tea:
• black tea.
• green tea.
• partially fermented tea.
• and three varieties of leaves of the plant called Camellia Sinesis.
Green tea is a favorite in China and Japan (dry tea leaves and fragmentation), green tea and enjoy being the best in terms of differentiation of medical benefits.
Black tea, preferably in the Arab States, Britain, Europe, and USA (dried leaves and then left to ferment.)
May be called the tea produced from a source such as Ceylon Tea.
Tea is different from the so-called (Tea Tree) "tea tree". An Australian tree oil has the effect of sterile topically to the skin.
Asia, especially China and India, is grown in Assam, formerly Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Japan, and Indonesia.
China is the largest producer of tea, devotes more than 4 million acres of land for the cultivation of Chinese tea, as well as tea is a product of India's important agricultural crops.
The tree begins production in its third year, and in the fifth year of production and continue to strengthen to about 20 years.
There are several types of tea according to the source: Ceylon, Indian, Japanese, Javanese, and other ...
• caffeine which is called (Theine).
• Tannin, one of the articles Holding.
• Bohic acid.
• oils.
• Wax protein.
• gum.
• ash.
• theophylline.
• theobromine.
Uses and benefits of medicinal tea:
1. Tonic for the spectrum: tea contains three compounds activated, making herbal tea in the ranks of dealing with chest diseases and asthma, as well as tea contains substances holding. The Explore the world of Japanese that tea contains material effect an anti-oxidant, which is suitable and prevent cell damage, which happens before the stage for heart disease, most cancers, which coincides with aging, such as stroke, glaucoma eye, damage the eyeball, It affects permanently blind.
2. Cancers: experience has shown to contain green tea on the capabilities of anti-cancer (esophagus, colon and rectum, pancreas, lung, and chest), the higher the consumption of green tea, the less potential stomach cancer risk (at least 10 cups of tea a day).
3. Heart disease: because of the nature and presence of antioxidants in tea.
4. Respiratory disease: Tea contains three stimulants, and everyone has the impact of vessels and airways, is described now activated Theophylline, (in needles, pills, suppositories), to treat asthma attacks.
5. Treatment of diarrhea: Cementing materials called Taninns address and prevent diarrhea, and there is a popular combination in the United States dealing with diarrhea consists of bananas, rice, apples, tea, toast.
6. Injury, necrosis treated teeth: like bananas, tea is rich in fluoride, which prevent and fight tooth decay, and fluoride is green tea and black alike, as well as astringent to help in the fight against bacteria that cause tooth decay.
7. Current studies suggest that tea works Kmkhvd levels of cholesterol in blood.
8. Generates urine, prevents the accumulation of fluid in the body.
9. Cementing materials in tea have anti-virus software.
10. Over tea in the secretion of sweat to the skin.
11. Reports demonstrated the benefit of Chinese tea in the treatment of hepatitis different forms, and so taking it with prescribed treatment.
12. Recent reports to the existence of special materials antioxidant thought to their usefulness in preventing heart disease and cancers, the article named Gallate (EGCG), which is found in all types of tea, and green tea contains a larger amount of this article (tea is not fermented), and green tea better than black tea, in preventing heart disease and cancer. Prefer not to give the tea under the age of two years and over 65 years, and reduces the benefits of milk tea as an antioxidant.
Damage or harm caused by tea:
• cause birth defects so it is better to leave the drinking by pregnant women.
• Qbodh cause the stomach.
• increases in the secretion of stomach acid.
Baldness treatment - the best ways to treat baldness
Factors affecting the growth of hair:
1 - Cut Hair
Many believe that cutting the hair helps to grow but this is in fact incorrect Vakas does not stimulate hair growth does not change its nature, but only affects the outer part of a hair, a leg and can increase the density of the crust in the outer layer of the hair, leading to thickening of the hair.
2 - Gender
The most abundant hair in women, while increasing body hair in men.
3 - strain
Iggsr hair in some races and races such as the Caucasus, at least in others, such as the peoples of the East Asaaz
4 - hormones
Some hormones increase the growth of hair and other body hair increase, namely:
- Thyroid hormone: deficiency leads to a lack of developing follicles and appears to shiny hair is a senior, and falling quickly.
- Hormone pituitary gland: an increase of this hormone leads to hair loss and increased body hair.
- Hormone gland above the kidney: increased hormone leads to increased growth of body hair.
- Note hormones (testosterone) and cause increased increased facial and body hair.
5 - Massage:
The light massage of the scalp, stimulates circulation and thus the hair follicles deep massage that can harm the bulbs.
6 - Nutrition:
The balanced nutrition, health and beneficial to the body hair is in contrast to malnutrition that can lead to hair loss
7 - Stress
Negatively affect the psychological pressure on the growth of hair and the example of the emergence of alopecia (area on the scalp free of hair).
8 - Drugs:
There are some medications increase the density of hair and the other less,.
9 - Chronic diseases:
Weaken some of the chronic diseases of the hair growth such as heart disease and kidney failure.
Hair Loss
Can be hair loss is temporary or permanent.
First, temporary hair loss:
There are many reasons for hair loss is very temporary, including:
1 - anemia and iron deficiency:
Can increase hair loss anemia in a clear and significant, and the hair usually returns to normal after treatment.
2 - exposure to psychological stress and health:
Such as some surgical procedures, injury, severe illness or exposure to some psychological problems, it could be falling hair profusely after exposure to such conditions and return hair to normal after the elimination of these problems, it can also fall out of hair from a specific region of the scalp or beard when men, the hair back to normal after a period of time.
3 - an imbalance of hormones:
This can occur during pregnancy and childbirth Viggsr hair during pregnancy because of the increase of female hormones and flaking after birth when the low level of these hormones abruptly, and the increase or lack of thyroid hormone can cause hair loss, which dates back to normal after treatment faulty thyroid gland.
4 - the use of certain drugs:
Such as drugs used to treat cancer (methotrexate methotrexate), and Alaakkakeralta used to dilute blood (heparin haparin), and drug chloroquine (cloroquine) which is used to treat malaria.
5 - increase male hormone (testosterone, testosterone) that causes hair loss and the large head and body hair such as what is happening in Almtkis ovarian syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome).
6 - Infection with certain localized infections of the scalp, such as fungal infections that cause hair loss in the pubic area.
7 - can be a hair loss a presentation of some diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus
(Lupus erythematousis).
8 - to harm the hair dye chemicals or frequent use of drying or heat up during the development of hair pulling rollers that are used by decorating the hair, or rub the hair vigorously during drying.
9 - frequent exposure to hair conditioner, sun and dust.
10 - wash your hair frequently with salt water or hardship or with added chlorine.
Second, permanent hair loss (baldness)
Often gets baldness in men and this is the impact of male hormones, and starts after reaching adulthood, and can say that some women lose hair with age advancement, however, because the full baldness male hormones does not affect women only rarely.
The baldness can occur because of an injury hair follicles either Alagaftria or bacterial infections or by burning the hair dryer air, if not avoid the problem early and the injury led to the formation of scars in the affected follicles.
It should be noted that baldness can occur in rare instances due to poor immunity, the body and self can be a balding limited in small areas or to include the scalp are sometimes extends baldness to include hair the whole body and this condition is called alopecia full (alopecia totalis).
Cause injury treatment with hot oil and hair follicles can occur and the harm that lead to permanent baldness in the affected areas and therefore has to be cautious during treatment or during the operation of oil pools of oil.
Hair loss treatment varies depending on the causative factors, if the cause is malnutrition, anemia can be treated precipitation sound nutrition and iron tablets, but if the reason is the disruption of thyroid hormone can be back to normal hair that corrects the defect.
If either of hair loss due to localized infections should use the appropriate antibiotic and then is cured with the permission of God.
For hair loss caused by the use of certain drugs, the precipitation is gradually stopped after the arrest of treatment, but had to be from the use of drugs may be replaced with another, with fewer side effects.
If the hair loss because of increased male hormones they must treat the problem causing the increase in the secretion of hormones, in the case of the impossibility of treatment can use some topical medications that stimulate hair follicles and increase their growth, such as minoxidil (menoxidil).
In the case of permanent baldness, there is no medicine to bring life to the defective bulb, but can resolve the problem by changing the shape or hairstyle Btgaidh to hide the affected area, and in severe cases can make a hair transplant, which proved successful in multiple centers around the world.
Alternative Medicine (mixes and tips to strengthen hair and treat baldness and prevent hair loss and install):
Public health care, where it has a direct impact on the safety of hair or hair loss, the roots of the hair and Besalath depend on what gets your body of food, so it is necessary to contain your food on the basic elements of food, the most important proteins that are available in meat, eggs, pulses, dairy products, vitamins, minerals and salts that exist in abundance in vegetables like spinach, carrots, cabbage, leafy vegetables and fresh fruit.
Ahard to massage the scalp every day in the early morning, or before engaging in business, the goal is to stimulate blood circulation to the scalp with a view to maintaining the health of the ground where the hair, and must have a massage with fingertips that it covers the entire head, preferably the use of some vitamins nutrients or lotions for hair, and can be used during the massage Bulsion hair, for dry hair preferably after a bath oil, hair wrap a warm towel after a bath to further stimulate circulation.
Avoid chemical products such as hair dyes and hair creams individual, as well as hot air dryers (Alscoar) and others.
A. Hair normal: take into account the shampoo normal twice a week during the winter and 3 times weekly during the summer, with the need to use soap and shampoo, a little alkali to preserve it from droughts, with the hairdresser once a week using some vegetable oils such as olive oil or aloe plant to ensure vitality of the hair and Ndharth.
B. Greasy hair: Prefer washing greasy hair three times a week shampoo has a lemon or white (to save the hair from excess fat).
T.. Dry hair: Dry hair enough to wash once a week using shampoo containing the oil or Allanonan, preferably castor oil, a bath a week.
According to the use of certain plants (such as chamomile flowers, seeds, peanuts) with olive and cactus plants and seeds as well as islands in strengthening the hair and prevent his fall.
According to massage the scalp with the juice of onions for the treatment of hair loss as well as useful in removing stains and freckles the face when heated and soaked in vinegar and then scrub its face.
According to the following address for 3 months:
On the first day: eating pack watercress, On the second day the fruit of Islands is peeled, on the third day the fruit of choice Bakcherha, On the fourth day repeat the same monotonous over 3 months, and in the fourth month running a mixture of equal proportions from each of the sweet almond oil and oil Kheruag oil olive to massage the scalp with water droplets at the massage and it once before sleep every night (and can use this mixture to the eyelashes and eyebrows, too) and then comb the hair comb and wide eyes, in the fifth month painted hair once or twice a week with a mixture of oils mentioned above, as could use a few drops of it to paint the skin stretched and worked to Tnaimha and increases the density and thickness of eyelashes.
Action mixture consisting of garlic raw or garlic oil (which is the strongest because it is center) with the bone beef with juice or oil, onions, and Tlkht these components and then squeeze in the intersections hair and then subjected to steam until the opening of pores and to a quarter of an hour and repeat this process every week.
Fat fingertips of the hands of the oil seeds of watercress and fresh paint to the areas free of hair and germinate until the areas to be absorbed by the scalp, to repeat it 3 times a day, do not wash your hair only once a week, and Bamadaoma for two months.
According to the use of henna in hair nutrition, they are the best and oldest form of natural dye, which feed the hair and gives texture Hariri also gives him the natural beauty and protect the limbs of embrittlement.
Stay away from any sources of concern psychological, and not to suppress feelings of anger or frustration or oppression or grief, but to hasten to the discharge so as not to accumulate internally, and here comes the exercise light walking, and the meetings of openness and disclosure with their closest loved ones as a treatment quickly to psychological pressures, and thus public health.
According to mixing 50 grams of juice, watercress with the amount of 50 grams of Sbrto (alcohol) with a little paper flowers of Roses, and tells you its scalp every day for a month to prevent hair loss, as has the use of oil, watercress with pill vitamin "B" boat + CD-Iron for 3 days while the use of oil, watercress.
Washing hair Bmenkua Thyme strengthens hair and prevents the fall.
According to medical Gdhafah castor oil to the components of the shampoo to wash hair for increased luster and shine and to prevent falling or brittleness.
For the treatment of female baldness is useful eating 2% solution of a substance MINOXIDIL
Mixing castor oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil and applied to the hair.
Mix onion juice, watercress juice, olive oil, cumin powder and uses the painter.
According to peel boiled garlic and mix with olive oil and applied to the hair.
Mix onion juice with the juice, watercress evenly with a little alcohol dissolved Vij juice, garlic and applied to the hair.
Boiling patience in the olive oil and applied to the hair.
Grinding paper dried figs and add the hot olive oil with a little rose water and rub their scalp once daily.
Mixing equal Mekdaran of watercress juice and pure alcohol with a little rose water and rub their scalp once daily.
Action mixture of 10 grams {Vaseline oil +25 g castor oil +5 grams pine fragrance oil +75 g alcohol white +3 g} violet fragrance and massage this mix the hair and roots.
Action mixture of {5 grams ammonia +15 grams fragrance Alterbntina +100 grams alcohol Eafor} and massage are the roots of the hair.
According to rub radish juice.
According to rub watercress juice with rose oil.
Eat onions with meals.
Eat lupine or use boiled water wash.
1 - Cut Hair
Many believe that cutting the hair helps to grow but this is in fact incorrect Vakas does not stimulate hair growth does not change its nature, but only affects the outer part of a hair, a leg and can increase the density of the crust in the outer layer of the hair, leading to thickening of the hair.
2 - Gender
The most abundant hair in women, while increasing body hair in men.
3 - strain
Iggsr hair in some races and races such as the Caucasus, at least in others, such as the peoples of the East Asaaz
4 - hormones
Some hormones increase the growth of hair and other body hair increase, namely:
- Thyroid hormone: deficiency leads to a lack of developing follicles and appears to shiny hair is a senior, and falling quickly.
- Hormone pituitary gland: an increase of this hormone leads to hair loss and increased body hair.
- Hormone gland above the kidney: increased hormone leads to increased growth of body hair.
- Note hormones (testosterone) and cause increased increased facial and body hair.
5 - Massage:
The light massage of the scalp, stimulates circulation and thus the hair follicles deep massage that can harm the bulbs.
6 - Nutrition:
The balanced nutrition, health and beneficial to the body hair is in contrast to malnutrition that can lead to hair loss
7 - Stress
Negatively affect the psychological pressure on the growth of hair and the example of the emergence of alopecia (area on the scalp free of hair).
8 - Drugs:
There are some medications increase the density of hair and the other less,.
9 - Chronic diseases:
Weaken some of the chronic diseases of the hair growth such as heart disease and kidney failure.
Hair Loss
Can be hair loss is temporary or permanent.
First, temporary hair loss:
There are many reasons for hair loss is very temporary, including:
1 - anemia and iron deficiency:
Can increase hair loss anemia in a clear and significant, and the hair usually returns to normal after treatment.
2 - exposure to psychological stress and health:
Such as some surgical procedures, injury, severe illness or exposure to some psychological problems, it could be falling hair profusely after exposure to such conditions and return hair to normal after the elimination of these problems, it can also fall out of hair from a specific region of the scalp or beard when men, the hair back to normal after a period of time.
3 - an imbalance of hormones:
This can occur during pregnancy and childbirth Viggsr hair during pregnancy because of the increase of female hormones and flaking after birth when the low level of these hormones abruptly, and the increase or lack of thyroid hormone can cause hair loss, which dates back to normal after treatment faulty thyroid gland.
4 - the use of certain drugs:
Such as drugs used to treat cancer (methotrexate methotrexate), and Alaakkakeralta used to dilute blood (heparin haparin), and drug chloroquine (cloroquine) which is used to treat malaria.
5 - increase male hormone (testosterone, testosterone) that causes hair loss and the large head and body hair such as what is happening in Almtkis ovarian syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome).
6 - Infection with certain localized infections of the scalp, such as fungal infections that cause hair loss in the pubic area.
7 - can be a hair loss a presentation of some diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus
(Lupus erythematousis).
8 - to harm the hair dye chemicals or frequent use of drying or heat up during the development of hair pulling rollers that are used by decorating the hair, or rub the hair vigorously during drying.
9 - frequent exposure to hair conditioner, sun and dust.
10 - wash your hair frequently with salt water or hardship or with added chlorine.
Second, permanent hair loss (baldness)
Often gets baldness in men and this is the impact of male hormones, and starts after reaching adulthood, and can say that some women lose hair with age advancement, however, because the full baldness male hormones does not affect women only rarely.
The baldness can occur because of an injury hair follicles either Alagaftria or bacterial infections or by burning the hair dryer air, if not avoid the problem early and the injury led to the formation of scars in the affected follicles.
It should be noted that baldness can occur in rare instances due to poor immunity, the body and self can be a balding limited in small areas or to include the scalp are sometimes extends baldness to include hair the whole body and this condition is called alopecia full (alopecia totalis).
Cause injury treatment with hot oil and hair follicles can occur and the harm that lead to permanent baldness in the affected areas and therefore has to be cautious during treatment or during the operation of oil pools of oil.
Hair loss treatment varies depending on the causative factors, if the cause is malnutrition, anemia can be treated precipitation sound nutrition and iron tablets, but if the reason is the disruption of thyroid hormone can be back to normal hair that corrects the defect.
If either of hair loss due to localized infections should use the appropriate antibiotic and then is cured with the permission of God.
For hair loss caused by the use of certain drugs, the precipitation is gradually stopped after the arrest of treatment, but had to be from the use of drugs may be replaced with another, with fewer side effects.
If the hair loss because of increased male hormones they must treat the problem causing the increase in the secretion of hormones, in the case of the impossibility of treatment can use some topical medications that stimulate hair follicles and increase their growth, such as minoxidil (menoxidil).
In the case of permanent baldness, there is no medicine to bring life to the defective bulb, but can resolve the problem by changing the shape or hairstyle Btgaidh to hide the affected area, and in severe cases can make a hair transplant, which proved successful in multiple centers around the world.
Alternative Medicine (mixes and tips to strengthen hair and treat baldness and prevent hair loss and install):
Public health care, where it has a direct impact on the safety of hair or hair loss, the roots of the hair and Besalath depend on what gets your body of food, so it is necessary to contain your food on the basic elements of food, the most important proteins that are available in meat, eggs, pulses, dairy products, vitamins, minerals and salts that exist in abundance in vegetables like spinach, carrots, cabbage, leafy vegetables and fresh fruit.
Ahard to massage the scalp every day in the early morning, or before engaging in business, the goal is to stimulate blood circulation to the scalp with a view to maintaining the health of the ground where the hair, and must have a massage with fingertips that it covers the entire head, preferably the use of some vitamins nutrients or lotions for hair, and can be used during the massage Bulsion hair, for dry hair preferably after a bath oil, hair wrap a warm towel after a bath to further stimulate circulation.
Avoid chemical products such as hair dyes and hair creams individual, as well as hot air dryers (Alscoar) and others.
A. Hair normal: take into account the shampoo normal twice a week during the winter and 3 times weekly during the summer, with the need to use soap and shampoo, a little alkali to preserve it from droughts, with the hairdresser once a week using some vegetable oils such as olive oil or aloe plant to ensure vitality of the hair and Ndharth.
B. Greasy hair: Prefer washing greasy hair three times a week shampoo has a lemon or white (to save the hair from excess fat).
T.. Dry hair: Dry hair enough to wash once a week using shampoo containing the oil or Allanonan, preferably castor oil, a bath a week.
According to the use of certain plants (such as chamomile flowers, seeds, peanuts) with olive and cactus plants and seeds as well as islands in strengthening the hair and prevent his fall.
According to massage the scalp with the juice of onions for the treatment of hair loss as well as useful in removing stains and freckles the face when heated and soaked in vinegar and then scrub its face.
According to the following address for 3 months:
On the first day: eating pack watercress, On the second day the fruit of Islands is peeled, on the third day the fruit of choice Bakcherha, On the fourth day repeat the same monotonous over 3 months, and in the fourth month running a mixture of equal proportions from each of the sweet almond oil and oil Kheruag oil olive to massage the scalp with water droplets at the massage and it once before sleep every night (and can use this mixture to the eyelashes and eyebrows, too) and then comb the hair comb and wide eyes, in the fifth month painted hair once or twice a week with a mixture of oils mentioned above, as could use a few drops of it to paint the skin stretched and worked to Tnaimha and increases the density and thickness of eyelashes.
Action mixture consisting of garlic raw or garlic oil (which is the strongest because it is center) with the bone beef with juice or oil, onions, and Tlkht these components and then squeeze in the intersections hair and then subjected to steam until the opening of pores and to a quarter of an hour and repeat this process every week.
Fat fingertips of the hands of the oil seeds of watercress and fresh paint to the areas free of hair and germinate until the areas to be absorbed by the scalp, to repeat it 3 times a day, do not wash your hair only once a week, and Bamadaoma for two months.
According to the use of henna in hair nutrition, they are the best and oldest form of natural dye, which feed the hair and gives texture Hariri also gives him the natural beauty and protect the limbs of embrittlement.
Stay away from any sources of concern psychological, and not to suppress feelings of anger or frustration or oppression or grief, but to hasten to the discharge so as not to accumulate internally, and here comes the exercise light walking, and the meetings of openness and disclosure with their closest loved ones as a treatment quickly to psychological pressures, and thus public health.
According to mixing 50 grams of juice, watercress with the amount of 50 grams of Sbrto (alcohol) with a little paper flowers of Roses, and tells you its scalp every day for a month to prevent hair loss, as has the use of oil, watercress with pill vitamin "B" boat + CD-Iron for 3 days while the use of oil, watercress.
Washing hair Bmenkua Thyme strengthens hair and prevents the fall.
According to medical Gdhafah castor oil to the components of the shampoo to wash hair for increased luster and shine and to prevent falling or brittleness.
For the treatment of female baldness is useful eating 2% solution of a substance MINOXIDIL
Mixing castor oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil and applied to the hair.
Mix onion juice, watercress juice, olive oil, cumin powder and uses the painter.
According to peel boiled garlic and mix with olive oil and applied to the hair.
Mix onion juice with the juice, watercress evenly with a little alcohol dissolved Vij juice, garlic and applied to the hair.
Boiling patience in the olive oil and applied to the hair.
Grinding paper dried figs and add the hot olive oil with a little rose water and rub their scalp once daily.
Mixing equal Mekdaran of watercress juice and pure alcohol with a little rose water and rub their scalp once daily.
Action mixture of 10 grams {Vaseline oil +25 g castor oil +5 grams pine fragrance oil +75 g alcohol white +3 g} violet fragrance and massage this mix the hair and roots.
Action mixture of {5 grams ammonia +15 grams fragrance Alterbntina +100 grams alcohol Eafor} and massage are the roots of the hair.
According to rub radish juice.
According to rub watercress juice with rose oil.
Eat onions with meals.
Eat lupine or use boiled water wash.
Treatment of hoarseness - the best ways to treat hoarseness
Treatment of hoarseness - the best ways to treat hoarseness
Home treatment for hoarseness caused by inflammation of the throat or false drinks safe
1 - cinnamon and mint drink:
Boil cinnamon and mint, or their papers in the water, then drain and drink a glass cup in the morning and evening.
2 - grape juice:
Drink natural juice in the morning before eating.
3 - drink milk, honey and butter:
Boil a teaspoon of milk in a cup of water, then add honey to sweeten natural and add one tablespoon butter to increase its effectiveness, and drink a cup a cup in the morning and evening.
4 - natural lemon juice drink:
It is considered one of the most effective in the treatment of beverages such cases.
5 - Gargle Erenb local honey:
Cabbage leaves are cut and then hit in the blender with a little water and then filtered and shown with honey and throats by mouth.
Home treatment for hoarseness caused by inflammation of the throat or false drinks safe
1 - cinnamon and mint drink:
Boil cinnamon and mint, or their papers in the water, then drain and drink a glass cup in the morning and evening.
2 - grape juice:
Drink natural juice in the morning before eating.
3 - drink milk, honey and butter:
Boil a teaspoon of milk in a cup of water, then add honey to sweeten natural and add one tablespoon butter to increase its effectiveness, and drink a cup a cup in the morning and evening.
4 - natural lemon juice drink:
It is considered one of the most effective in the treatment of beverages such cases.
5 - Gargle Erenb local honey:
Cabbage leaves are cut and then hit in the blender with a little water and then filtered and shown with honey and throats by mouth.
Alternative Medicine and figs
Alternative Medicine and figs
Of parts used in the fig
Home of the fig and date:
Fig fruits brought by the section in the Koran.It was her appreciation of the fruit since ancient times and the dry form and soft green. And native to Persia, Asia, Syria and Lebanon. The Phoenicians used it in their travels sea and land. Currently it is cultivated in all Mediterranean basin countries and in most warm and temperate regions.
Figs in the back of the graphics and inscriptions and sculptures. It is said that he had reached the Greeks through a town called Caria in Asia and from here we know that the label is resolved name of the country that arrived to the west of the fig is called in Latin Ficus Caria.
Fig was a major food for the Greeks have used it in abundance in the tables Alaspartion their food daily. Athletes in particular, adopted their own food mainly on figs, in the belief that it increases in strength. Greek state has enacted at that time a law prohibiting the export of figs and fruit with excellent product from their country to other countries.
Teen came to Persia and entered Europe through Italy. Pliny gives the details in his writings for more than 29 varieties of figs were known in his time. And praises the particular species produced in the town and the town of Caria Tarant and Herculaneum.
Dried figs found in Pompeii in the exploration campaigns carried out on the town, which was covered with sand (the town-pattern) and the back of figs in fees, which included Aljdranih figs along with other groups of fruit. Pliny mentions that the figs grown in the gardens of houses was used to feed the slaves in order to provide them with energy and strength of the service, and in particular, was feeding on figs, agricultural laborers and slaves who work in agriculture.
Teen plays an important role in any Almithaluja Latin mythology. He was present as an offering to the god Bacchus in religious rituals.
Said to be the wolf that breastfeeding and Romlos Raemus Rumulus & Ramus rested under a fig tree. And Romlos Raemus and are the founders of the Romanian Empire. Hence the sanctity of the fig tree when the Romans. It is noteworthy that Ovid in his writings during the annual celebrations for the New Year of the Romans was the fig offers a gift. The population of the town of Cyrene put on their heads garlands of figs when they were sacrificed to Saturn, who they see as the discoverer of fruit.
The wild fig Pliny wrote about Homer and other famous physicians such as Dioscorides, who was known medical writings were translated into Arabic. And agreed to some of his information celebrities of Arab doctors and criticized by others, and proved and rejected the argument and evidence the reasons for rejection.
Now issue a dried figs to the world from Asia and Spain, Malta and France. Dried ripe fruits under the sun, or dried in the form of chips across the orifice and exposing the inside of the sun and the air so dry faster and better.
Tin, figs Figs, Ficus Caria
Composition of figs:
- The principal component of the existing fig Aldickstrozz Dextrose is a sugar which is 50% of the composition of figs- Vitamin A, B and C- Contains high concentrations of salts of iron, calcium, potassium and copper- Gives high prices. Every 100 grams Tina Green gives 70 calories, and gives the dry weight for the same 270 calories
Uses and benefits of medical figs:
- Teen laxative use, nature, and is used with other drugs such as the article is very effective Senna and rhubarb Rhubarts syrups for the manufacture of laxatives, especially in Britain- Mkra Mjhie and eliminates bloating and flatus- Anamha soothing to the skin and removes blackheads. Tan hair Shayeb topically with food- Removes the problems of cold and flu and their impact on the nose and throat- Used on pumps figs dental abscesses and inflammation of the gums and mouth and other tumors- Use the milk that comes out from the neck of the immature figs to remove warts that put the milk on the wart- From the land and the gardener mixed with fennel, anise, sesame seeds eaten the morning helps health strength and activity and increases in weight- Strengthens the liver and can be altered and enlarged spleen removes- Addresses the diseases of the blood vessels and veins, particularly hemorrhoids, eaten and placed topically- Stimulates the kidneys and increase blood circulation fed by the performance of its functions- Leader of urine and the gravel and sand FRAGMENT- Addresses the diseases of the chest, coughing, asthma and bronchial spasm and inflammation- Addresses the diseases of tachycardia. Prevents water gathering in the heart and lungs and body, which results in reducing the pressure gently and prevents bleeding- Activates the brain and circulatory who shall the brain functions better, especially if eaten with foods rich in phosphorus, such as nuts, almonds, pistachios and pine- Addresses the diseases of the blood brain such as strokes and Parkinson's disease and blotting- Addresses the skin diseases such as vitiligo- Address the disease gout worked to remove salts of uric acid from the body through urine and through perspiration. Address the diseases of the joints and pains- Milk, figs helps to erode the dead flesh in the body, such as warts, Vioda the meat becomes tender harsh- Addresses the figs mental illness, and works to calm the nerves, and remove the types of anxiety, fear, frustration and tension
Of parts used in the fig
Home of the fig and date:
Fig fruits brought by the section in the Koran.It was her appreciation of the fruit since ancient times and the dry form and soft green. And native to Persia, Asia, Syria and Lebanon. The Phoenicians used it in their travels sea and land. Currently it is cultivated in all Mediterranean basin countries and in most warm and temperate regions.
Figs in the back of the graphics and inscriptions and sculptures. It is said that he had reached the Greeks through a town called Caria in Asia and from here we know that the label is resolved name of the country that arrived to the west of the fig is called in Latin Ficus Caria.
Fig was a major food for the Greeks have used it in abundance in the tables Alaspartion their food daily. Athletes in particular, adopted their own food mainly on figs, in the belief that it increases in strength. Greek state has enacted at that time a law prohibiting the export of figs and fruit with excellent product from their country to other countries.
Teen came to Persia and entered Europe through Italy. Pliny gives the details in his writings for more than 29 varieties of figs were known in his time. And praises the particular species produced in the town and the town of Caria Tarant and Herculaneum.
Dried figs found in Pompeii in the exploration campaigns carried out on the town, which was covered with sand (the town-pattern) and the back of figs in fees, which included Aljdranih figs along with other groups of fruit. Pliny mentions that the figs grown in the gardens of houses was used to feed the slaves in order to provide them with energy and strength of the service, and in particular, was feeding on figs, agricultural laborers and slaves who work in agriculture.
Teen plays an important role in any Almithaluja Latin mythology. He was present as an offering to the god Bacchus in religious rituals.
Said to be the wolf that breastfeeding and Romlos Raemus Rumulus & Ramus rested under a fig tree. And Romlos Raemus and are the founders of the Romanian Empire. Hence the sanctity of the fig tree when the Romans. It is noteworthy that Ovid in his writings during the annual celebrations for the New Year of the Romans was the fig offers a gift. The population of the town of Cyrene put on their heads garlands of figs when they were sacrificed to Saturn, who they see as the discoverer of fruit.
The wild fig Pliny wrote about Homer and other famous physicians such as Dioscorides, who was known medical writings were translated into Arabic. And agreed to some of his information celebrities of Arab doctors and criticized by others, and proved and rejected the argument and evidence the reasons for rejection.
Now issue a dried figs to the world from Asia and Spain, Malta and France. Dried ripe fruits under the sun, or dried in the form of chips across the orifice and exposing the inside of the sun and the air so dry faster and better.
Tin, figs Figs, Ficus Caria
Composition of figs:
- The principal component of the existing fig Aldickstrozz Dextrose is a sugar which is 50% of the composition of figs- Vitamin A, B and C- Contains high concentrations of salts of iron, calcium, potassium and copper- Gives high prices. Every 100 grams Tina Green gives 70 calories, and gives the dry weight for the same 270 calories
Uses and benefits of medical figs:
- Teen laxative use, nature, and is used with other drugs such as the article is very effective Senna and rhubarb Rhubarts syrups for the manufacture of laxatives, especially in Britain- Mkra Mjhie and eliminates bloating and flatus- Anamha soothing to the skin and removes blackheads. Tan hair Shayeb topically with food- Removes the problems of cold and flu and their impact on the nose and throat- Used on pumps figs dental abscesses and inflammation of the gums and mouth and other tumors- Use the milk that comes out from the neck of the immature figs to remove warts that put the milk on the wart- From the land and the gardener mixed with fennel, anise, sesame seeds eaten the morning helps health strength and activity and increases in weight- Strengthens the liver and can be altered and enlarged spleen removes- Addresses the diseases of the blood vessels and veins, particularly hemorrhoids, eaten and placed topically- Stimulates the kidneys and increase blood circulation fed by the performance of its functions- Leader of urine and the gravel and sand FRAGMENT- Addresses the diseases of the chest, coughing, asthma and bronchial spasm and inflammation- Addresses the diseases of tachycardia. Prevents water gathering in the heart and lungs and body, which results in reducing the pressure gently and prevents bleeding- Activates the brain and circulatory who shall the brain functions better, especially if eaten with foods rich in phosphorus, such as nuts, almonds, pistachios and pine- Addresses the diseases of the blood brain such as strokes and Parkinson's disease and blotting- Addresses the skin diseases such as vitiligo- Address the disease gout worked to remove salts of uric acid from the body through urine and through perspiration. Address the diseases of the joints and pains- Milk, figs helps to erode the dead flesh in the body, such as warts, Vioda the meat becomes tender harsh- Addresses the figs mental illness, and works to calm the nerves, and remove the types of anxiety, fear, frustration and tension
Alternative Medicine and grapes
Alternative Medicine and grapes
Grapes, grapes, grape
Parts used in the grape:
Fruit, seed, paper which is used for cooking in some countries in the Mediterranean countries (all the Arab countries) in addition to Turkey and Greece.
History and the home of grapes:
Back to the pre-history of old, the plant mainly known Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, and eaten as food and drank extracts.
Symbol of the vine to vine, the Greek god Dionyosos, appeared sculptures statues and pictures on the walls of old buildings, and the vine found in Asia, Africa and North America and Central and South America, as well as Europe.
Installation of grapes:
- Fresh cluster contains: water 82%, 16% Glosadat, mineral salts, potassium, iron, selenium, boron, vitamin PP, A, B6, B5, B2, B1, C
- Dried fruits (raisins) are very rich in sugar, potassium and iron with a good amount of vitamin A derivatives and all Aftiamin B
- Contains grape Phyochemicals such as Ellagic acid and Resvertrol
- Sowing has Proantho cyanidins
Uses and benefits of grape seed and grape Medical
- Exposure to sunlight for more than half an hour for human, animal and plant, starting in the manufacture of labeled molecules free Free Radicals, which is harmful substances lead to the aging of tissues and wrinkles, and if one remains for a long time under the influence of UV light skin is Elv, and grapes effect This contrasts with, and through the antioxidants contained in grapes Antioxidents with the presence of vitamin A
- The presence of Ellagic acid in grapes and grape seed Ikk carcinogens within the body, and thus inhibits the growth of cancers and prevents the transformation of healthy cells into cancer cells
- The presence of resveratrol Resveratrol found in grapes and the seed gives protection for the heart and blood vessels, research has shown recently in Japan that this article prevent the blotting of blood vessels animals
- Proved to scientists at Cornell University that the black grapes contain very high amounts of Resveratrol does not like white or green grapes, but must address all types of grapes to the content of a substance Ellagic acid and other materials useful
- Described as grape seed for the treatment of vascular disease
- Because of red grapes contain the metal and the seed of selenium Selenium, Grape prevent cancers, as well as by the impact of anti-oxidant selenium gives the heart and blood vessels, immune diseases,
- Because grapes contain the metal and the seed of Boron, which benefit women after menopause, Faihafez high rates of female hormone Oestrogen and thereby alleviating the problems faced by women at menopause
- Contains the seeds of red grapes, especially a lot of material called Proanthocyanidins which is similar to materials found in plants and called flavonoids Flavonoids which protects the fat cells of the problems of free radicals and destruction of tissues and cells, which also prevents heart disease, to protect material Kolgan Collagen necessary for the safety of the blood vessels
- Play a grape seed Proanthocyanidins its proximity materials play an important role in the fight against disease by activating immune system resistant to bacteria, viruses and fungi, is also struggling and working all kinds of allergies as material anti-inflammatory
Grapes, grapes, grape
Parts used in the grape:
Fruit, seed, paper which is used for cooking in some countries in the Mediterranean countries (all the Arab countries) in addition to Turkey and Greece.
History and the home of grapes:
Back to the pre-history of old, the plant mainly known Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, and eaten as food and drank extracts.
Symbol of the vine to vine, the Greek god Dionyosos, appeared sculptures statues and pictures on the walls of old buildings, and the vine found in Asia, Africa and North America and Central and South America, as well as Europe.
Installation of grapes:
- Fresh cluster contains: water 82%, 16% Glosadat, mineral salts, potassium, iron, selenium, boron, vitamin PP, A, B6, B5, B2, B1, C
- Dried fruits (raisins) are very rich in sugar, potassium and iron with a good amount of vitamin A derivatives and all Aftiamin B
- Contains grape Phyochemicals such as Ellagic acid and Resvertrol
- Sowing has Proantho cyanidins
Uses and benefits of grape seed and grape Medical
- Exposure to sunlight for more than half an hour for human, animal and plant, starting in the manufacture of labeled molecules free Free Radicals, which is harmful substances lead to the aging of tissues and wrinkles, and if one remains for a long time under the influence of UV light skin is Elv, and grapes effect This contrasts with, and through the antioxidants contained in grapes Antioxidents with the presence of vitamin A
- The presence of Ellagic acid in grapes and grape seed Ikk carcinogens within the body, and thus inhibits the growth of cancers and prevents the transformation of healthy cells into cancer cells
- The presence of resveratrol Resveratrol found in grapes and the seed gives protection for the heart and blood vessels, research has shown recently in Japan that this article prevent the blotting of blood vessels animals
- Proved to scientists at Cornell University that the black grapes contain very high amounts of Resveratrol does not like white or green grapes, but must address all types of grapes to the content of a substance Ellagic acid and other materials useful
- Described as grape seed for the treatment of vascular disease
- Because of red grapes contain the metal and the seed of selenium Selenium, Grape prevent cancers, as well as by the impact of anti-oxidant selenium gives the heart and blood vessels, immune diseases,
- Because grapes contain the metal and the seed of Boron, which benefit women after menopause, Faihafez high rates of female hormone Oestrogen and thereby alleviating the problems faced by women at menopause
- Contains the seeds of red grapes, especially a lot of material called Proanthocyanidins which is similar to materials found in plants and called flavonoids Flavonoids which protects the fat cells of the problems of free radicals and destruction of tissues and cells, which also prevents heart disease, to protect material Kolgan Collagen necessary for the safety of the blood vessels
- Play a grape seed Proanthocyanidins its proximity materials play an important role in the fight against disease by activating immune system resistant to bacteria, viruses and fungi, is also struggling and working all kinds of allergies as material anti-inflammatory
Bitter Orange, Sweet Orange, (Citrus Vulgaris, Citrus Aurantium)
Orange, Orange
Bitter Orange, Sweet Orange, (Citrus Vulgaris, Citrus Aurantium)
Parts used in orange:Fruit, flowers, bark
Habitat:Asia, India, China, is grown in Spain, and in many countries of the world, especially the Mediterranean basin.
Chaff is used or Nashva standing of the green.
Oil prepared from young leaves (Trbun) are called: oil of petit grain oil pilot prepared from sweet orange peel (normal) is called oil of purtugal
Difficult to save oil, orange peel, and more convenient methods are those that add orange oil to olive oil by 10% of the volume.
Flowers perfume and give the so-called Zeta Atraa Neroil.
In our country, gives the "orange blossom water," which is water with oil, orange flower, "Abu Sfeir," and oil plays an important role cast in the manufacture of perfumes.
The largest orange groves in the world located in the south of France, and Sicily.
The amount of oil extracted from orange blossom depends on temperature and weather conditions at the place of agriculture, harvest time, and the oil is extracted by distillation.
Enters the blossom water in the food industry, where used in France biscuit makers to give their products and luster, refreshing taste.
Composition:- Bitter orange oil
- Limonene
- Citral
- Citronelial
- The smell of bitter orange oil, more accurate and a good paper than that of sweet orange trees
Uses and benefits of medical orange:
1. Used oil, a major food Kmenkh
2. Use as or with turpentine oil in the treatment of chronic bronchitis
3. Orange and refreshing tonic for the kidney function
4. Plays a role dried orange blossom booster gentle nerve, using boiled, the bitter orange blossom Kmenkh is better than the sweet orange blossom
5. Used oil added to drugs to hide the taste of drugs that alienate patients and prevent them from taking the drug
6. Gives the fruit of orange juice and the same medical benefits in Lemon
Bitter Orange, Sweet Orange, (Citrus Vulgaris, Citrus Aurantium)
Parts used in orange:Fruit, flowers, bark
Habitat:Asia, India, China, is grown in Spain, and in many countries of the world, especially the Mediterranean basin.
Chaff is used or Nashva standing of the green.
Oil prepared from young leaves (Trbun) are called: oil of petit grain oil pilot prepared from sweet orange peel (normal) is called oil of purtugal
Difficult to save oil, orange peel, and more convenient methods are those that add orange oil to olive oil by 10% of the volume.
Flowers perfume and give the so-called Zeta Atraa Neroil.
In our country, gives the "orange blossom water," which is water with oil, orange flower, "Abu Sfeir," and oil plays an important role cast in the manufacture of perfumes.
The largest orange groves in the world located in the south of France, and Sicily.
The amount of oil extracted from orange blossom depends on temperature and weather conditions at the place of agriculture, harvest time, and the oil is extracted by distillation.
Enters the blossom water in the food industry, where used in France biscuit makers to give their products and luster, refreshing taste.
Composition:- Bitter orange oil
- Limonene
- Citral
- Citronelial
- The smell of bitter orange oil, more accurate and a good paper than that of sweet orange trees
Uses and benefits of medical orange:
1. Used oil, a major food Kmenkh
2. Use as or with turpentine oil in the treatment of chronic bronchitis
3. Orange and refreshing tonic for the kidney function
4. Plays a role dried orange blossom booster gentle nerve, using boiled, the bitter orange blossom Kmenkh is better than the sweet orange blossom
5. Used oil added to drugs to hide the taste of drugs that alienate patients and prevent them from taking the drug
6. Gives the fruit of orange juice and the same medical benefits in Lemon
Mexican – Yam , Dioscorea Villosa
Home sweet potatoes: Mexican – Yam , Dioscorea Villosa
The southern United States of America and Canada
There are about 150 types of sweet potatoes are eaten. There is an India-China products used for the pigment in the South China
Dioscorea Villosa is the annual plant, this type of potatoes in the beginning gives Tfha taste or no taste, no smell, and then the mouth gives a taste of the spice is hard to crush the raw
Installation of sweet potatoes:
Saponin is much in the roots, and substance Discorein and gets the latter article depositing the juice with water
Uses and benefits of sweet potatoes Medical
- An anti-spasm and colic
- Addresses the nausea of pregnant women
- Used for many pain diseases, cholera, convulsions
- Addresses the pain nerves
- Addresses Alhazoukh spasmodicity
The southern United States of America and Canada
There are about 150 types of sweet potatoes are eaten. There is an India-China products used for the pigment in the South China
Dioscorea Villosa is the annual plant, this type of potatoes in the beginning gives Tfha taste or no taste, no smell, and then the mouth gives a taste of the spice is hard to crush the raw
Installation of sweet potatoes:
Saponin is much in the roots, and substance Discorein and gets the latter article depositing the juice with water
Uses and benefits of sweet potatoes Medical
- An anti-spasm and colic
- Addresses the nausea of pregnant women
- Used for many pain diseases, cholera, convulsions
- Addresses the pain nerves
- Addresses Alhazoukh spasmodicity
Alternative Medicine herbal treatment: Sorrel
Alternative Medicine herbal treatment
Perennial slender and low. Its shape and equity securities Sanabel terminal with small green flowers turn to red when mature seeds. It grows wild types and some are grown, and is one of the legumes in agriculture.
It grows wild in the bush near the wetlands and canals, and planted the acidity of the leaves. A herb with an altitude of about (30) centimeters, is of two types: the great gardener Sorrel and Sorrel small gardener, there is a small paper acidosis in most temperate regions of the world. Growing in fallow land and in pastures, and in the early Moktef class.
Sorrel has a small paper and Oczalat Entrakinnonat (including Alkrisovanol and Alaamurden and Alveskjon).Alantrakinont with irritant and laxative effect when they are isolated.
History and heritage
Sorrel small paper is a component of anti-cancer drug called Isaac Essiac, as well as its
Kkhaddrh in power. Alaasiak also includes, a local version of American, burdock and red elm and Alraud
The Ashabon knew at the beginning of this century, after a nurse noticed that the healing of a Canadian patient took this formula from breast cancer, and since that time, there has been uneven Alaasiak history.
Medical uses
Sorrel small paper, eliminating the toxicity of the herb, fresh juice and the effect of a marked diuretic, which is similar to other members of the platoon Sorrel, mild laxative, and can serve as a treatment for chronic diseases in the long run, especially those related to gastric and intestinal tract.
Acidosis and to use the dining table: acidosis separate sheets for segments of its market and grated and mixed with mayonnaise dried milk, then add the apple (grated) and mix well and provide authority.
To make soup: roasts a little flour in the ghee Thmissa light, remains exact retain turquoise, white, then add the onion chopped and a quantity of gravy meat salted, and boil the equator, and by the end of boiling a few minutes only added to the soup, the amount of 125 g of paper Sorrel chopped.
The thickness and types of pasta: toasted flour as described above in the preparation of the soup and add the amount of milk and bring to the equator, and blends well with the chopped sorrel leaves.
CAUTION: Sorrel should not be taken by a small paper who has a tendency to suffer kidney stones.
Perennial slender and low. Its shape and equity securities Sanabel terminal with small green flowers turn to red when mature seeds. It grows wild types and some are grown, and is one of the legumes in agriculture.
It grows wild in the bush near the wetlands and canals, and planted the acidity of the leaves. A herb with an altitude of about (30) centimeters, is of two types: the great gardener Sorrel and Sorrel small gardener, there is a small paper acidosis in most temperate regions of the world. Growing in fallow land and in pastures, and in the early Moktef class.
Sorrel has a small paper and Oczalat Entrakinnonat (including Alkrisovanol and Alaamurden and Alveskjon).Alantrakinont with irritant and laxative effect when they are isolated.
History and heritage
Sorrel small paper is a component of anti-cancer drug called Isaac Essiac, as well as its
Kkhaddrh in power. Alaasiak also includes, a local version of American, burdock and red elm and Alraud
The Ashabon knew at the beginning of this century, after a nurse noticed that the healing of a Canadian patient took this formula from breast cancer, and since that time, there has been uneven Alaasiak history.
Medical uses
Sorrel small paper, eliminating the toxicity of the herb, fresh juice and the effect of a marked diuretic, which is similar to other members of the platoon Sorrel, mild laxative, and can serve as a treatment for chronic diseases in the long run, especially those related to gastric and intestinal tract.
Acidosis and to use the dining table: acidosis separate sheets for segments of its market and grated and mixed with mayonnaise dried milk, then add the apple (grated) and mix well and provide authority.
To make soup: roasts a little flour in the ghee Thmissa light, remains exact retain turquoise, white, then add the onion chopped and a quantity of gravy meat salted, and boil the equator, and by the end of boiling a few minutes only added to the soup, the amount of 125 g of paper Sorrel chopped.
The thickness and types of pasta: toasted flour as described above in the preparation of the soup and add the amount of milk and bring to the equator, and blends well with the chopped sorrel leaves.
CAUTION: Sorrel should not be taken by a small paper who has a tendency to suffer kidney stones.
Henna plant (Low sania Henna)
Henna plant (Low sania _ Henna):Shrub of the platoon Alhanaúah lythracees Yearbook or perennial stay about three years and may extend to ten, permanent vegetation, heavy branching, with a length of three meters, the plant henna dendritic Muammar has roots and spheroid red leg and many branches and branches of side a green color and turn brown at maturity , and a simple leather henna leaves oval-shaped length of 3 _ 4 cm oval or broad Stanah situation facing red light or yellowish white. , And small white flowers have a strong aromatic smell and a distinct cluster in Nurat and fruit tray containing a small pyramid-shaped seeds, henna and the tree has two types differ in the color cast Kalsnf Alba A white floral Miniata product with violet flowers. The types of henna: municipal, and Shami, al Baghdadi, and thorny.
The main home for Henna:
South West Asia, and you need to a hot environment, so they grow extensively in tropical environments of the continent of Africa. The cultivation has spread in the countries of the Mediterranean basin and the main producing countries of Egypt, Sudan, India and China.
Chemical composition:Henna leaves contain contain different Glicosidih the most important of the main material, known as Allawson (Lawsone) Dzeiha chemotherapy and type 2 - hydroxy -1.4 - Nfetukenon or 1.4 Nfetukenon. This article is responsible for the biological effect medically, as well as responsible for the dye and the color brown blackened and proportion in the papers about 88% to the type of henna Limermis compared Balsnfein with flowers white and red light, and the proportion of Alglicosid in the leaves of each is 5.0% 6.0%, respectively . Henna consists of the following vehicles: type pigments of 4.1 Navthokinnon include 1% to Lawson (2-hydroxy Navthokinnon 4.1) Hedroksilitid Navthalin derivatives such as: 4 Gelokosaal Wuxi 2.1 Dai-hydroxy as well as Kiomaran, xanthone, flavonoid 0.5 10% Tannen, acid Gaelic , a small amount of steroid such as sitosterol. Flowers and contains a two-volatile oil has a strong smell and is considered the most important components Alvobita Aaonon material (A, B, Ionone).
The amount of active substances, in particular Article Allawson in the leaves of henna, the more progress the plant life and leaves the modern contain small amounts of these materials from those of older, next to that containing the acid Galak materials Taninah up rate of between 5-10%, and the sugar and resin rate of about 1 %.
The user:And the user of the henna plant usually flowers, leaves, twigs and buds of modern growth.
The main home for Henna:
South West Asia, and you need to a hot environment, so they grow extensively in tropical environments of the continent of Africa. The cultivation has spread in the countries of the Mediterranean basin and the main producing countries of Egypt, Sudan, India and China.
Chemical composition:Henna leaves contain contain different Glicosidih the most important of the main material, known as Allawson (Lawsone) Dzeiha chemotherapy and type 2 - hydroxy -1.4 - Nfetukenon or 1.4 Nfetukenon. This article is responsible for the biological effect medically, as well as responsible for the dye and the color brown blackened and proportion in the papers about 88% to the type of henna Limermis compared Balsnfein with flowers white and red light, and the proportion of Alglicosid in the leaves of each is 5.0% 6.0%, respectively . Henna consists of the following vehicles: type pigments of 4.1 Navthokinnon include 1% to Lawson (2-hydroxy Navthokinnon 4.1) Hedroksilitid Navthalin derivatives such as: 4 Gelokosaal Wuxi 2.1 Dai-hydroxy as well as Kiomaran, xanthone, flavonoid 0.5 10% Tannen, acid Gaelic , a small amount of steroid such as sitosterol. Flowers and contains a two-volatile oil has a strong smell and is considered the most important components Alvobita Aaonon material (A, B, Ionone).
The amount of active substances, in particular Article Allawson in the leaves of henna, the more progress the plant life and leaves the modern contain small amounts of these materials from those of older, next to that containing the acid Galak materials Taninah up rate of between 5-10%, and the sugar and resin rate of about 1 %.
The user:And the user of the henna plant usually flowers, leaves, twigs and buds of modern growth.
Saffron has the characteristics and resistance to cancer prevention
Bulbous plant of the species Alsosneat, and effective part in the saffron and called members of the vaccination (attributes) and tend the flowers blooming, and then dried in the shade on the high or minutes on low heat. This article is bright red and orange with a pungent smell and distinctive taste, and save time in the court order not to lose their value as precious.
Active ingredients:
Contain members of the vaccination (attributes) on the pilot of a fatty oil smell aromatic and colorful materials.
Medicinal properties:
Saffron oil, anti-pain, cramps, and the remover of pain and menstrual pain of periodontal membrane.
House and a tonic for the central nervous system, and it is useful for cases of sexual impotence.
Saffron is a spice used in the processing of foods.
Saffron has the characteristics and resistance to cancer prevention
In the latest study published in the journal "Medicine and Experimental Biology" specialized, proven researchers in Mexico that can be used saffron, a type of plants that are added to food as a seasoning and spices to add flavor, as protective of the cancer or the treatment program devoted to this disease. The researchers found after reviewing a wide range of laboratory studies and research conducted on animals, that saffron does not prevent cancerous tumors are only new, but it may cause the shrinking existing tumors, and chemotherapy more effective, and encourages anti-cancer effects.
The researchers explained that the health benefits of saffron may be due in part to the high content of compounds known Balkorotanued which also include the subjects of "lycopene" and "beta carotene," as agents of prevention and treatment of cancer.
The experts pointed out that the cultivation of saffron is harvested and the process is very difficult so the sources are limited and expensive, noting that this study adds new evidence that certain foods and spices contain compounds that have protective properties against cancer. For example, animal studies have shown that the plant "Rosemary" protect against breast cancer, and that turmeric protects against some types of tumors. Studies suggest that a lot of eating fruits and vegetables, especially onion family, such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, may help in the prevention of certain cancers.
And extracts of saffron from a small flower is in her heart saffron threads are extracted accurately and in the hands of people with experience and art to capture and aggregation and cultivation of saffron plants costly grown physically and artistically and technically becomes the price is expensive, especially species luxury of it, which is cultivated in Iran, where that access to 500 grams of it requires cultivation at about 70.000 Ik flower must all be true and valid, and hailed the fresh saffron is dried lose a lot of weight Valkhmsh Twenty kg after drying it becomes about five kilograms only.
The benefit of saffron
Modern medicine does not recognize that the saffron aphrodisiac and that what was thought old is not properly considered saffron antispasmodic bring happiness to the heart of the drink, stimulant of the stomach, severe effect of the intestines and nerves, tonic diuretic menstruation, and saffron enter in some drugs used to stimulate the heart and some types of Kohl Assistant to remove the blurring of the eye.
Use saffron since ancient times in the treatment of many diseases such as gastroenteritis, and Kmahdo for stomach disorders and to treat whooping cough and colds and alleviate stomach gas as well as in treatments of religious as typing veins and Quranic verses ink of saffron, rose water brought for the benefit and healing, God willing.
Enters the saffron in the modern pharmaceutical industry, such as those used to expel intestinal worms and atypical antipsychotic drugs for cases of neurological and psychiatric drugs used to stimulate the urinary excretion and many other medicines.
Saffron is fraud because of the high price mixing herbs with similar weight gain, such as saffron-like color and a melting speed of the water and sold as saffron is true.
Research confirms that frequent eating saffron cracked head and the senses so Tnom advised not doing it too much for one gram of saffron is required for the original Hundred Flowers For half a kilo of the same class needs 225 thousand flower of the saffron flower, so its price was high.
Finest saffron-haired red hair Leche parties prefer soft and yellowish color, good smell Intelligent thick hair which is in the limbs, Sepah blank.
Chemical analysis showed that saffron contains a substance called (to Rosen (and sweet taste of this Article tonic for the nerves and the booster and stimulant and helps to generate menopause for women.
Boil one gram of saffron in a liter of water and drink it after cooling drink is a stimulant to the cold and the nerves.
Active ingredients:
Contain members of the vaccination (attributes) on the pilot of a fatty oil smell aromatic and colorful materials.
Medicinal properties:
Saffron oil, anti-pain, cramps, and the remover of pain and menstrual pain of periodontal membrane.
House and a tonic for the central nervous system, and it is useful for cases of sexual impotence.
Saffron is a spice used in the processing of foods.
Saffron has the characteristics and resistance to cancer prevention
In the latest study published in the journal "Medicine and Experimental Biology" specialized, proven researchers in Mexico that can be used saffron, a type of plants that are added to food as a seasoning and spices to add flavor, as protective of the cancer or the treatment program devoted to this disease. The researchers found after reviewing a wide range of laboratory studies and research conducted on animals, that saffron does not prevent cancerous tumors are only new, but it may cause the shrinking existing tumors, and chemotherapy more effective, and encourages anti-cancer effects.
The researchers explained that the health benefits of saffron may be due in part to the high content of compounds known Balkorotanued which also include the subjects of "lycopene" and "beta carotene," as agents of prevention and treatment of cancer.
The experts pointed out that the cultivation of saffron is harvested and the process is very difficult so the sources are limited and expensive, noting that this study adds new evidence that certain foods and spices contain compounds that have protective properties against cancer. For example, animal studies have shown that the plant "Rosemary" protect against breast cancer, and that turmeric protects against some types of tumors. Studies suggest that a lot of eating fruits and vegetables, especially onion family, such as cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, may help in the prevention of certain cancers.
And extracts of saffron from a small flower is in her heart saffron threads are extracted accurately and in the hands of people with experience and art to capture and aggregation and cultivation of saffron plants costly grown physically and artistically and technically becomes the price is expensive, especially species luxury of it, which is cultivated in Iran, where that access to 500 grams of it requires cultivation at about 70.000 Ik flower must all be true and valid, and hailed the fresh saffron is dried lose a lot of weight Valkhmsh Twenty kg after drying it becomes about five kilograms only.
The benefit of saffron
Modern medicine does not recognize that the saffron aphrodisiac and that what was thought old is not properly considered saffron antispasmodic bring happiness to the heart of the drink, stimulant of the stomach, severe effect of the intestines and nerves, tonic diuretic menstruation, and saffron enter in some drugs used to stimulate the heart and some types of Kohl Assistant to remove the blurring of the eye.
Use saffron since ancient times in the treatment of many diseases such as gastroenteritis, and Kmahdo for stomach disorders and to treat whooping cough and colds and alleviate stomach gas as well as in treatments of religious as typing veins and Quranic verses ink of saffron, rose water brought for the benefit and healing, God willing.
Enters the saffron in the modern pharmaceutical industry, such as those used to expel intestinal worms and atypical antipsychotic drugs for cases of neurological and psychiatric drugs used to stimulate the urinary excretion and many other medicines.
Saffron is fraud because of the high price mixing herbs with similar weight gain, such as saffron-like color and a melting speed of the water and sold as saffron is true.
Research confirms that frequent eating saffron cracked head and the senses so Tnom advised not doing it too much for one gram of saffron is required for the original Hundred Flowers For half a kilo of the same class needs 225 thousand flower of the saffron flower, so its price was high.
Finest saffron-haired red hair Leche parties prefer soft and yellowish color, good smell Intelligent thick hair which is in the limbs, Sepah blank.
Chemical analysis showed that saffron contains a substance called (to Rosen (and sweet taste of this Article tonic for the nerves and the booster and stimulant and helps to generate menopause for women.
Boil one gram of saffron in a liter of water and drink it after cooling drink is a stimulant to the cold and the nerves.
Olive oil is classified based on several characteristics
Olive oil
Olive oil is classified based on several characteristics, listed as follows:
1 Color: He should be on the steps from green to yellow (yellowish-green golden yellow or dark green and light yellow).
2 Appearance: where the color is bright or Atma.
3 Transparency: where is transparent or brown.
4 textures: thick, even with varying liquidity.
5 Smell: aromatic characteristic or non-existent or smells strange.
6 Taste: distinguish the taste of olives or the absence of that or creamy taste without the flavor.
7 Term Storage: where the distinction: Oil road this season. Old oil: the previous season. Oil too old: older seasons.
The classification circulating in the international trade classification is approved and issued by the International Council of Olive Oil: The supply him with the following explanation:
Oil is classified into two classes two basic:
A. Olive oil: oil is a product of the juice of fresh olives.
B olive pomace oil (olive oil, Arjun), a Zitalnatj dregs of olive (olive Arjun). And extracted from the remains of the age of the olives. Here we include the adopted classification for each class are as follows:
First: Category I: olive oil is the oil obtained directly and fully from the fruits of the olive tree. And classified into the following types:
A virgin olive oil.
Pure olive oil.
II: Category II: oil or olive pomace oil Arjun olive oil is extracted from the pomace olive presses any of the remains of the fruits of the olive: and classified into the following types:
Pomace olive oil, 1 raw (crude) oil or raw Aerjohn.
2 Refined olive pomace oil or refined olive oil, Arjun.
3 Oil or olive pomace olive oil, Arjun. The following is the definition of each category, types and specifications:
Class I: olive oil Olive oil
And classified into three types: 1
Refined olive oil: Virgin Olive oil is the oil obtained directly and full of fresh olives by mechanical and physical simple transactions without any thermal or chemical is classified under the types:
A virgin olive oil: Virgin Olive Oil fit for direct consumption as a distinction in three degrees.
Extra virgin olive oil (Extra) EXTRA VIRGIN O.O a virgin olive oil has the smell and taste good acidity and no more than 1% (the ability of free oleic acid in oil, 100 g of the sample).
Good extra virgin olive oil: Fine. voo a virgin olive oil with the same specifications, but, up to a maximum acidity 5.1% (the ability of oleic acid in 100 g of free oil).
Semi-virgin olive oil a good (normal) Semi-fine VOO (Ordinary) with the same specifications, but, acidity up to 3% (the ability of free oleic acid in 100 g oil). With a tolerance of 10% of the pH to distinguish the previous grades.
With extra virgin olive oil: VOO (Lampante) is fit for direct consumption because of the disadvantages of taste or smell, or a rise in pH more than 3.3%. And called extra virgin olive oil (for Ambanti) or oil lamp and is subject to refining operations, or for industrial use.
2 Refined olive oil: Rifned Olive oil, a product of refining oil, virgin olive oil refining in ways that do not affect the natural chemical composition.
3 Oil Olive Pure: Pure olive oil is the oil resulting from a combination of refined olive oil with virgin olive oil which is fit for human consumption as it is.
Class II: olive pomace oil, Olive-Pomace oil Arjun olive oil: oil is the output of the treatment of olive pomace (residue juice Osmaralzaton Palmasr (Aerjohn) organic solvent (hexane benzene) with the refining and purification necessary to classify the following types:
Pomace olive oil, 1 raw (raw) Crude Olive-pomace oil is olive pomace oil refining dedicated to processing the order to be valid for human use or in the industry.
2 Refined olive pomace oil: Refined Olive-Pomacem Oil is the oil obtained from crude olive pomace oil refining operations are not affecting the original composition of fatty acids. It is intended for human consumption or as Bmzjh with virgin olive oil.
3 Oil pomace olive: Olive-Pomacem Oil is a blend of refined olive pomace oil with virgin olive oil which is fit for human consumption.
Olive oil helps to melt a stone doctors say: "I saw the conditions in which the patient fasting gallbladder stones and then drink olive oil to dissolve the stones, where the gallbladder to contract and expel the stones of the body."
Olive oil is classified based on several characteristics, listed as follows:
1 Color: He should be on the steps from green to yellow (yellowish-green golden yellow or dark green and light yellow).
2 Appearance: where the color is bright or Atma.
3 Transparency: where is transparent or brown.
4 textures: thick, even with varying liquidity.
5 Smell: aromatic characteristic or non-existent or smells strange.
6 Taste: distinguish the taste of olives or the absence of that or creamy taste without the flavor.
7 Term Storage: where the distinction: Oil road this season. Old oil: the previous season. Oil too old: older seasons.
The classification circulating in the international trade classification is approved and issued by the International Council of Olive Oil: The supply him with the following explanation:
Oil is classified into two classes two basic:
A. Olive oil: oil is a product of the juice of fresh olives.
B olive pomace oil (olive oil, Arjun), a Zitalnatj dregs of olive (olive Arjun). And extracted from the remains of the age of the olives. Here we include the adopted classification for each class are as follows:
First: Category I: olive oil is the oil obtained directly and fully from the fruits of the olive tree. And classified into the following types:
A virgin olive oil.
Pure olive oil.
II: Category II: oil or olive pomace oil Arjun olive oil is extracted from the pomace olive presses any of the remains of the fruits of the olive: and classified into the following types:
Pomace olive oil, 1 raw (crude) oil or raw Aerjohn.
2 Refined olive pomace oil or refined olive oil, Arjun.
3 Oil or olive pomace olive oil, Arjun. The following is the definition of each category, types and specifications:
Class I: olive oil Olive oil
And classified into three types: 1
Refined olive oil: Virgin Olive oil is the oil obtained directly and full of fresh olives by mechanical and physical simple transactions without any thermal or chemical is classified under the types:
A virgin olive oil: Virgin Olive Oil fit for direct consumption as a distinction in three degrees.
Extra virgin olive oil (Extra) EXTRA VIRGIN O.O a virgin olive oil has the smell and taste good acidity and no more than 1% (the ability of free oleic acid in oil, 100 g of the sample).
Good extra virgin olive oil: Fine. voo a virgin olive oil with the same specifications, but, up to a maximum acidity 5.1% (the ability of oleic acid in 100 g of free oil).
Semi-virgin olive oil a good (normal) Semi-fine VOO (Ordinary) with the same specifications, but, acidity up to 3% (the ability of free oleic acid in 100 g oil). With a tolerance of 10% of the pH to distinguish the previous grades.
With extra virgin olive oil: VOO (Lampante) is fit for direct consumption because of the disadvantages of taste or smell, or a rise in pH more than 3.3%. And called extra virgin olive oil (for Ambanti) or oil lamp and is subject to refining operations, or for industrial use.
2 Refined olive oil: Rifned Olive oil, a product of refining oil, virgin olive oil refining in ways that do not affect the natural chemical composition.
3 Oil Olive Pure: Pure olive oil is the oil resulting from a combination of refined olive oil with virgin olive oil which is fit for human consumption as it is.
Class II: olive pomace oil, Olive-Pomace oil Arjun olive oil: oil is the output of the treatment of olive pomace (residue juice Osmaralzaton Palmasr (Aerjohn) organic solvent (hexane benzene) with the refining and purification necessary to classify the following types:
Pomace olive oil, 1 raw (raw) Crude Olive-pomace oil is olive pomace oil refining dedicated to processing the order to be valid for human use or in the industry.
2 Refined olive pomace oil: Refined Olive-Pomacem Oil is the oil obtained from crude olive pomace oil refining operations are not affecting the original composition of fatty acids. It is intended for human consumption or as Bmzjh with virgin olive oil.
3 Oil pomace olive: Olive-Pomacem Oil is a blend of refined olive pomace oil with virgin olive oil which is fit for human consumption.
Olive oil helps to melt a stone doctors say: "I saw the conditions in which the patient fasting gallbladder stones and then drink olive oil to dissolve the stones, where the gallbladder to contract and expel the stones of the body."
Thymus Vulgaris
Thyme: It is called the thyme and thyme is a plant known species of oral and hosting in general in the Mediterranean Basin countries and call it a recipe for that delightful mountain mountains perfumed smell smart. Has a strong aromatic smell and spicy taste slightly bitter. And thyme for two types: land and another type implants.
Scientific name: Thymus Vulgaris medical part of the user: flowering branches, and leaves.
Approach: Boil veins flowering and the leaves with water and drink (tea), and that eating boiled herb by half a teaspoon per cup of hot water boiling with a spoon of honey, and addresses the patient's Cup and one to three cups per day for several days .. Tbejh with figs and benefit asthma, indigestion of breath, coughing, and if taken with vinegar increased force to expel wind, urine and menstruation, purify the liver, stomach and chest, and improving color.
Benefits of scientific research for the treatment of thyme:
Respiratory tract: the importance of thyme and medical benefits in curing many diseases, especially respiratory Maitalq such as whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, and in this case, thyme works to soften the mucus making it easier to expel him popular abroad as calm and matter-nasal airways. The boiled thyme mixed with honey gives excellent results in the case of respiratory infections people.
Strengthen the immune system: it should contain the thyme with high working to strengthen the immune system in humans helps to use some add other ingredients such as royal jelly, ginger, cumin, and if used with the garlic, cumin, honey ... It contains some material that will very effectively treat some diseases, as it contains materials that have a characteristic analgesic and antiseptic and stimulant for the circulatory system. Thyme and activates all the general functions of anti-poisoning, and easier to sweating, and generates the urine. And thyme containing resin materials reinforcing the muscles and prevent hardening of the arteries and is working to expand the arteries and strengthen the muscles of the heart and treated urinary tract infections, bladder and cure of disease and renal colic, reduces cholesterol.
Appetizing: Thyme is working to alert the stomach and the expulsion of gases and prevent fermentation and helps digestion and absorption of nutrients and the expulsion of fungi from the stomach and intestines as well as it increases the appetite to eat it contains a rule thymol working to kill microbes and parasites expelled from the stomach in addition to the material Rvkrol a palliative The antiseptic and repellent to mine and anti-bleeding and diarrhea, Add to that the thyme euphemism for food and if the situation with vinegar kindness of meat and gained a taste of the Veda, an anthelmintic scientific experiments have shown that thyme oil kills amoeba that cause dysentery in a short period and Lebed colon bacteria. It increases in body weight because it helps digestion and absorption of fatty acids. We would like to add that thyme can cause constipation (arrest) is sometimes preferred taking it with olive oil.
Anti-oxidation: The rain can Thyme also contains antioxidants, which can benefit from the addition of thyme oil to canned food (such as ghee cans) to prevent oxidative stress rather than the addition of industrial materials may harm human health.
Alarm memory: advances and emphasizes the importance of addressing the previous Xandoich thyme with the olive oil in the morning and before going to school to believe that the thyme stimulant to memory and helps the student to quickly retrieve the information stored and the ease of absorption.
For the treatment of gums and toothache: Thyme is an excellent stimulus to the scalp and prevents hair loss and intensify and can be altered, and chew the benefit in dental pain and inflammation of the gums, especially if cooked with cloves in the water, then Baltamadamad advised him after he cools down. It also protects teeth from decay, especially if chewing a juicy green.
Vnbat thyme is an important factor in the treatment of infections of the throat, larynx, trachea, and is working to alert the mucous membranes in the mouth and strengthens. And enters the thyme in the toothpaste is cleanse the mouth and chew lives dental pain
External use:
Recommended the use of thyme as needed to cleaned and disinfected the wounds and sores, and vagina in the case of gonorrhea appear white.
Thyme is used as a medicine also external, it relaxes the nerves cumbersome, and if one takes a bath of boiling Matara strong thyme, was of great benefit, and that children with rickets have a nourishing and restorative success. It is very effective, as the soothing of rheumatic pain, gout, and arthritis. It allows the preparation of tonic baths abound recommend use for children comic. And add (50) grams of thyme to four liters of water and washing removes the fatigue of the year, and ease the pain of rheumatism, arthritis, and sciatica.
For the beauty of its share of thyme: it is an excellent tonic for the scalp, prevents and stops hair loss, and intensify and activates growth.
Scientific name: Thymus Vulgaris medical part of the user: flowering branches, and leaves.
Approach: Boil veins flowering and the leaves with water and drink (tea), and that eating boiled herb by half a teaspoon per cup of hot water boiling with a spoon of honey, and addresses the patient's Cup and one to three cups per day for several days .. Tbejh with figs and benefit asthma, indigestion of breath, coughing, and if taken with vinegar increased force to expel wind, urine and menstruation, purify the liver, stomach and chest, and improving color.
Benefits of scientific research for the treatment of thyme:
Respiratory tract: the importance of thyme and medical benefits in curing many diseases, especially respiratory Maitalq such as whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, and in this case, thyme works to soften the mucus making it easier to expel him popular abroad as calm and matter-nasal airways. The boiled thyme mixed with honey gives excellent results in the case of respiratory infections people.
Strengthen the immune system: it should contain the thyme with high working to strengthen the immune system in humans helps to use some add other ingredients such as royal jelly, ginger, cumin, and if used with the garlic, cumin, honey ... It contains some material that will very effectively treat some diseases, as it contains materials that have a characteristic analgesic and antiseptic and stimulant for the circulatory system. Thyme and activates all the general functions of anti-poisoning, and easier to sweating, and generates the urine. And thyme containing resin materials reinforcing the muscles and prevent hardening of the arteries and is working to expand the arteries and strengthen the muscles of the heart and treated urinary tract infections, bladder and cure of disease and renal colic, reduces cholesterol.
Appetizing: Thyme is working to alert the stomach and the expulsion of gases and prevent fermentation and helps digestion and absorption of nutrients and the expulsion of fungi from the stomach and intestines as well as it increases the appetite to eat it contains a rule thymol working to kill microbes and parasites expelled from the stomach in addition to the material Rvkrol a palliative The antiseptic and repellent to mine and anti-bleeding and diarrhea, Add to that the thyme euphemism for food and if the situation with vinegar kindness of meat and gained a taste of the Veda, an anthelmintic scientific experiments have shown that thyme oil kills amoeba that cause dysentery in a short period and Lebed colon bacteria. It increases in body weight because it helps digestion and absorption of fatty acids. We would like to add that thyme can cause constipation (arrest) is sometimes preferred taking it with olive oil.
Anti-oxidation: The rain can Thyme also contains antioxidants, which can benefit from the addition of thyme oil to canned food (such as ghee cans) to prevent oxidative stress rather than the addition of industrial materials may harm human health.
Alarm memory: advances and emphasizes the importance of addressing the previous Xandoich thyme with the olive oil in the morning and before going to school to believe that the thyme stimulant to memory and helps the student to quickly retrieve the information stored and the ease of absorption.
For the treatment of gums and toothache: Thyme is an excellent stimulus to the scalp and prevents hair loss and intensify and can be altered, and chew the benefit in dental pain and inflammation of the gums, especially if cooked with cloves in the water, then Baltamadamad advised him after he cools down. It also protects teeth from decay, especially if chewing a juicy green.
Vnbat thyme is an important factor in the treatment of infections of the throat, larynx, trachea, and is working to alert the mucous membranes in the mouth and strengthens. And enters the thyme in the toothpaste is cleanse the mouth and chew lives dental pain
External use:
Recommended the use of thyme as needed to cleaned and disinfected the wounds and sores, and vagina in the case of gonorrhea appear white.
Thyme is used as a medicine also external, it relaxes the nerves cumbersome, and if one takes a bath of boiling Matara strong thyme, was of great benefit, and that children with rickets have a nourishing and restorative success. It is very effective, as the soothing of rheumatic pain, gout, and arthritis. It allows the preparation of tonic baths abound recommend use for children comic. And add (50) grams of thyme to four liters of water and washing removes the fatigue of the year, and ease the pain of rheumatism, arthritis, and sciatica.
For the beauty of its share of thyme: it is an excellent tonic for the scalp, prevents and stops hair loss, and intensify and activates growth.
Pharaohs of the first treated with urine
Before I say one word and tell me the word denounce, please look for the subject «treatment urine» on sites Yahoo and Google on the Internet, you will find hundreds of pages. I have hundreds, too. It is a case history of scientific popular. He was in our country in ancient Pharaonic Egypt and the modern rural countryside In all patients treated with urine and put it on wounds and sores or mixed with honey or drink it pure. May laugh now, because the drugs of each type may have been available, and contain the same substances found in urine and in a purer, but the treatment of human and animal urine phenomenon therapeutic old and still in the desert and in the countryside ..
I did not know that until very recently. When I read the trip «Ra» Seas Norwegian Touraherdal world. He tells us that when he launched the ship built by the papyri to the pyramid. From the port of Safi in Morocco, across the Atlantic to America, the same road traveled by the Pharaohs. He said because of the heat of the sun and salt water may all inflamed skin. This was not in self what is the solution? Solution when the Russian doctor who was accompanying them. Asked them all to urinate on each other. Happened. And healed their skin. The more inflamed sawed therapy!
In the desert they are doing the same thing ..
But they wrote that Paul camel, especially if she is pregnant, the treatment of skin and hair loss .. And treatment of many physical illnesses. This is their style and their conviction that ..
In history, Queen of Egypt Cleoboutrh do so and the Queen of Yemen Balqees. Both are were are putting Paul camel and donkey (Alhmarp) if the urine was pregnant with milk and perfumes also .. The history says that the result was the smoothness of skin and flexibility.
It was also said that the convoy of Queen of Sheba to Jerusalem to meet King Solomon was composed of more than a camel .. It was also said that Paul had maintained Cleoboutrh of «donkey» in the bathroom ..
And now I've got the components of the urine as stated in the book «Introduction to Biochemistry» Dr. Pharaoh The result of analysis of one hundred milligrams is Forty salts, hormones, enzymes and minerals: ammonia, nitrogen, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphate ..
Albert has launched Georgi Nobel Prize winner in several experiments on the impact of material «Anil Geliuksal» and one of the components on the urine of cancer patients results were very encouraging ..
In India, the urine turned to pulp and to the tablets. Dealt with patients in every occasion The occasion was all the diseases. And it is said, a successful and effective ..
I have read in some Arab newspapers finally condemned to just talk about urine therapy. The condemnation is not an opinion nor a scientific research does not rule. And it remains from the ground up in the hands of medical scientists and Alternative Medicine .. Certainly, historically that all ancient civilizations may have resorted to the use of urine. And the first civilizations of Ancient Egypt .. As well as China and the Greeks .. However, the Pharaohs were Precede to monitor the cases handled by the urine. The priests in charge so. And they chose the right man Paul. The patient's urine Vieljohnh sound man too!
It is said that the Greek historian Herodotus when he came to Egypt, the priests informed him of the many mysteries of the universe and the mysteries of disease and treatment. As well as when the philosopher Plato has said famously that the Pharaohs were not only scholars and wise men .. It may have been exposed secrets of the universe Frvo all that he wishes the human mind.
Before committing suicide Cleoboutrh took a warm bath of thick Matara Paul pregnant women and animals. Were you want to look glamorous even after death .. As if it wanted to fall for death itself ..
I did not know that until very recently. When I read the trip «Ra» Seas Norwegian Touraherdal world. He tells us that when he launched the ship built by the papyri to the pyramid. From the port of Safi in Morocco, across the Atlantic to America, the same road traveled by the Pharaohs. He said because of the heat of the sun and salt water may all inflamed skin. This was not in self what is the solution? Solution when the Russian doctor who was accompanying them. Asked them all to urinate on each other. Happened. And healed their skin. The more inflamed sawed therapy!
In the desert they are doing the same thing ..
But they wrote that Paul camel, especially if she is pregnant, the treatment of skin and hair loss .. And treatment of many physical illnesses. This is their style and their conviction that ..
In history, Queen of Egypt Cleoboutrh do so and the Queen of Yemen Balqees. Both are were are putting Paul camel and donkey (Alhmarp) if the urine was pregnant with milk and perfumes also .. The history says that the result was the smoothness of skin and flexibility.
It was also said that the convoy of Queen of Sheba to Jerusalem to meet King Solomon was composed of more than a camel .. It was also said that Paul had maintained Cleoboutrh of «donkey» in the bathroom ..
And now I've got the components of the urine as stated in the book «Introduction to Biochemistry» Dr. Pharaoh The result of analysis of one hundred milligrams is Forty salts, hormones, enzymes and minerals: ammonia, nitrogen, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphate ..
Albert has launched Georgi Nobel Prize winner in several experiments on the impact of material «Anil Geliuksal» and one of the components on the urine of cancer patients results were very encouraging ..
In India, the urine turned to pulp and to the tablets. Dealt with patients in every occasion The occasion was all the diseases. And it is said, a successful and effective ..
I have read in some Arab newspapers finally condemned to just talk about urine therapy. The condemnation is not an opinion nor a scientific research does not rule. And it remains from the ground up in the hands of medical scientists and Alternative Medicine .. Certainly, historically that all ancient civilizations may have resorted to the use of urine. And the first civilizations of Ancient Egypt .. As well as China and the Greeks .. However, the Pharaohs were Precede to monitor the cases handled by the urine. The priests in charge so. And they chose the right man Paul. The patient's urine Vieljohnh sound man too!
It is said that the Greek historian Herodotus when he came to Egypt, the priests informed him of the many mysteries of the universe and the mysteries of disease and treatment. As well as when the philosopher Plato has said famously that the Pharaohs were not only scholars and wise men .. It may have been exposed secrets of the universe Frvo all that he wishes the human mind.
Before committing suicide Cleoboutrh took a warm bath of thick Matara Paul pregnant women and animals. Were you want to look glamorous even after death .. As if it wanted to fall for death itself ..
Urine therapy can be a very effective healing modality
Urine therapy can be a very effective healing modality. Sometimes when all else fails, urine therapy will turn a person around.
Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long time. Pelvic inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, mononucleosis. She had severe kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, severe candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, serious chronic ear and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies. And that wasn't the half of it. She had every conceivable medical test, her share of surgery, and drugs - plenty of them. Then she tried all forms of alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs, mega-vitamins and liv-cell treatments in Mexico. After traditional medicine failed to work, she and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get her well with alternative approaches. Nothing worked.
And then one day, her husband brought home a little book that told of how individuals had been cured of even the worst diseases with a seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy. Soon afterwards, she began the therapy herself. From the first day she began, she received almost instantaneous relief from her incurable constipation and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe abdominal and pelvic pain was gone. The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external) soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion, and digestive problems all began to heal. After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore throats and on again off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which had fallen out by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick and lustrous. Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength came back. After nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy was whole again.
What was this therapy that she had discovered? What was this therapy that has helped seriously ill patients gain complete remissions from their afflictions? What was it that she actually did? Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally re-consumed her own urine
Ms. Christy was sick. Very sick. For a very long time. Pelvic inflammatory disease, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimoto's disease, mononucleosis. She had severe kidney infections, two miscarriages, chronic cystitis, severe candida, endometriosis, adrenal insufficiency, serious chronic ear and sinus infections, food and chemical allergies. And that wasn't the half of it. She had every conceivable medical test, her share of surgery, and drugs - plenty of them. Then she tried all forms of alternative therapy. Homeopathy, herbs, mega-vitamins and liv-cell treatments in Mexico. After traditional medicine failed to work, she and her husband spent over $100,000 trying to get her well with alternative approaches. Nothing worked.
And then one day, her husband brought home a little book that told of how individuals had been cured of even the worst diseases with a seemingly strange and little-known natural therapy. Soon afterwards, she began the therapy herself. From the first day she began, she received almost instantaneous relief from her incurable constipation and fluid retention. Within a week, her severe abdominal and pelvic pain was gone. The chronic cystitis and yeast infections (internal and external) soon disappeared and her food allergies, exhaustion, and digestive problems all began to heal. After a few more months, her colds, flu, sore throats and on again off again viral symptoms disappeared. Her hair which had fallen out by the handfuls after her fifth surgery became thick and lustrous. Her weight normalized, and her energy and strength came back. After nearly 30 years of non-stop illness, Martha Christy was whole again.
What was this therapy that she had discovered? What was this therapy that has helped seriously ill patients gain complete remissions from their afflictions? What was it that she actually did? Well, here it is. She orally and medicinally re-consumed her own urine
How Common Is Bedwetting?
Bedwetting is an issue that millions of families face every night. It is extremely common among young kids but can last into the teen years.
Doctors don't know for sure what causes bedwetting or why it stops. But it is often a natural part of development, and kids usually grow out of it. Most of the time bedwetting is not a sign of any deeper medical or emotional issues.
All the same, bedwetting can be very stressful for families. Kids can feel embarrassed and guilty about wetting the bed and anxious about spending the night at a friend's house or at camp. Parents often feel helpless to stop it.
Bedwetting may last for a while, but providing emotional support and reassurance can help your child feel better until it stops.
Bedwetting often runs in families: kids who wet the bed often have a relative who did, too. If both parents wet the bed when they were young, it's very likely that their child will.
Reassure your child that bedwetting is a normal part of growing up and that it's not going to last forever. It may comfort your child to hear about other family members who also struggled with it when they were young.
Remind your child to go to the bathroom one final time before bedtime. Try to have your child drink more fluids during the daytime hours and less at night. Fluids given later in the day should not have caffeine. Some parents try waking their kids in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Many also find that using a motivational system, such as stickers for dry nights with a small reward (such as a book) after a certain number of stickers, can work well. Bedwetting alarms also can be helpful.
When your child wakes with wet sheets, don't yell or spank him or her. Have your child help you change the sheets. Explain that this isn't punishment, but it is a part of the process. It may even help your child feel better knowing that he or she helped out. Offer praise when your child has a dry night.
The doctor may check for signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI), constipation, bladder problems, diabetes, or severe stress.
Call the doctor if your child:
Remember, the long-term outlook is excellent and in almost all cases dry days are just ahead.
Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD
Date reviewed: October 2008
Doctors don't know for sure what causes bedwetting or why it stops. But it is often a natural part of development, and kids usually grow out of it. Most of the time bedwetting is not a sign of any deeper medical or emotional issues.
All the same, bedwetting can be very stressful for families. Kids can feel embarrassed and guilty about wetting the bed and anxious about spending the night at a friend's house or at camp. Parents often feel helpless to stop it.
Bedwetting may last for a while, but providing emotional support and reassurance can help your child feel better until it stops.
How Common Is Bedwetting?
Enuresis, the medical name for bedwetting, is a common problem in kids, especially children under the age of 6 years. About 13% of 6-year-olds wet the bed, while about 5% of 10-year-olds do.Bedwetting often runs in families: kids who wet the bed often have a relative who did, too. If both parents wet the bed when they were young, it's very likely that their child will.
Coping With Bedwetting
Bedwetting usually goes away on its own. But until it does, it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable for your child. So it's important to provide support and positive reinforcement during this process.Reassure your child that bedwetting is a normal part of growing up and that it's not going to last forever. It may comfort your child to hear about other family members who also struggled with it when they were young.
Remind your child to go to the bathroom one final time before bedtime. Try to have your child drink more fluids during the daytime hours and less at night. Fluids given later in the day should not have caffeine. Some parents try waking their kids in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Many also find that using a motivational system, such as stickers for dry nights with a small reward (such as a book) after a certain number of stickers, can work well. Bedwetting alarms also can be helpful.
When your child wakes with wet sheets, don't yell or spank him or her. Have your child help you change the sheets. Explain that this isn't punishment, but it is a part of the process. It may even help your child feel better knowing that he or she helped out. Offer praise when your child has a dry night.
When to Call the Doctor
Bedwetting that begins abruptly or is accompanied by other symptoms can be a sign of another medical condition, so talk with your doctor.The doctor may check for signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI), constipation, bladder problems, diabetes, or severe stress.
Call the doctor if your child:
- suddenly starts wetting the bed after being consistently dry for at least 6 months
- begins to wet his or her pants during the day
- starts misbehaving at school or at home
- complains of a burning sensation or pain when urinating
- has to urinate frequently
- is drinking or eating much more than usual
- has swelling of the feet or ankles
- your child is still wetting the bed at age 7 years
Remember, the long-term outlook is excellent and in almost all cases dry days are just ahead.
Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD
Date reviewed: October 2008
Treatment of diabetes with food:
Treatment of diabetes with food:
The best way to treat this disease is to follow this diet for 10-15 days:
* Focus on nutrition of whole grains (rice full - whole wheat - millet full - full corn - barley - oats) only .. ie the proportion of whole grains be 100% .. be taken in any way .. .. raw or cooked with water or without ..
* Refrain from taking any liquids .. and only drink water when needed and in quantities that very, very simple .. because we get the fluids from the food we eat ..
* Refrain from sugar and all kinds of candy ..
* Refrain from all fruit ..
* Refrain from all kinds of meat ..
* Refrain from the vegetables ..
And eat a hundred grams of pumpkin (pumpkin), cooked .. with 50 grams of saying Alazuki Alvajum Red (available in natural food stores) .. .. every day, provided that the pumpkins .. and Alazuki (Aladuque is the same - Shafi, kidneys) from .. production areas cool .. (Belgium - Canada - America - Brazil - France) .. and characterized Bgenihama carbohydrate substance that prevents doctors from diabetes .. because they turn into sugar in our bodies .. but the rice and pumpkin full .. .. and has the ability Alazuki .. without the help of medical products .. to cure diabetes, God willing ..
Step Two:
In this period we will move to the food or add more accurately, other food ..
In the third week:
* Continue on whole grains contained in the first step .. but be attributed to food 90% ..
We add only vegetables .. and of course, prefer * diversification of vegetables that grow above ground and vegetables that will be represented below .. .. 10% of vegetables eaten as a vegetable season .. should stay away from them once a shade plants (eggplant - potatoes - Green Filv - tomato - avocado - the ground wire) .. and there are vegetables Aisthab multiplication of any of them .. be taken at intervals spaced (celery - choice - Albzalia Green - Mushrooms - Red Cabbage - Lettuce - legumes Almnepth) .. As for vegetables that can be taken continuously Wild -.... etc.) ..
* Refrain of fluids .. and only drink water when needed and in quantities that are very simple ..
* Refrain from sugar and all kinds of candy ..
* Refrain from all fruit ..
* Refrain from all kinds of meat ..
Fourth week:
The same third week but less than whole grains to 80% and increase the proportion of vegetables to 20% ..
With the rest of the steps and follow the instructions ..
Week Five:
Less than whole grains to become 70% .. and continue to the percentage of vegetables and 20% .. 10% add soup is prepared by a grain and vegetables with miso .. with the remainder to follow the same instructions about taboos ..
The sixth week until the end of four months (120 days) .. continue on the same system of the fifth week ..
And then must hold the healthy, balanced diet ..
The best way to treat this disease is to follow this diet for 10-15 days:
* Focus on nutrition of whole grains (rice full - whole wheat - millet full - full corn - barley - oats) only .. ie the proportion of whole grains be 100% .. be taken in any way .. .. raw or cooked with water or without ..
* Refrain from taking any liquids .. and only drink water when needed and in quantities that very, very simple .. because we get the fluids from the food we eat ..
* Refrain from sugar and all kinds of candy ..
* Refrain from all fruit ..
* Refrain from all kinds of meat ..
* Refrain from the vegetables ..
And eat a hundred grams of pumpkin (pumpkin), cooked .. with 50 grams of saying Alazuki Alvajum Red (available in natural food stores) .. .. every day, provided that the pumpkins .. and Alazuki (Aladuque is the same - Shafi, kidneys) from .. production areas cool .. (Belgium - Canada - America - Brazil - France) .. and characterized Bgenihama carbohydrate substance that prevents doctors from diabetes .. because they turn into sugar in our bodies .. but the rice and pumpkin full .. .. and has the ability Alazuki .. without the help of medical products .. to cure diabetes, God willing ..
Step Two:
In this period we will move to the food or add more accurately, other food ..
In the third week:
* Continue on whole grains contained in the first step .. but be attributed to food 90% ..
We add only vegetables .. and of course, prefer * diversification of vegetables that grow above ground and vegetables that will be represented below .. .. 10% of vegetables eaten as a vegetable season .. should stay away from them once a shade plants (eggplant - potatoes - Green Filv - tomato - avocado - the ground wire) .. and there are vegetables Aisthab multiplication of any of them .. be taken at intervals spaced (celery - choice - Albzalia Green - Mushrooms - Red Cabbage - Lettuce - legumes Almnepth) .. As for vegetables that can be taken continuously Wild -.... etc.) ..
* Refrain of fluids .. and only drink water when needed and in quantities that are very simple ..
* Refrain from sugar and all kinds of candy ..
* Refrain from all fruit ..
* Refrain from all kinds of meat ..
Fourth week:
The same third week but less than whole grains to 80% and increase the proportion of vegetables to 20% ..
With the rest of the steps and follow the instructions ..
Week Five:
Less than whole grains to become 70% .. and continue to the percentage of vegetables and 20% .. 10% add soup is prepared by a grain and vegetables with miso .. with the remainder to follow the same instructions about taboos ..
The sixth week until the end of four months (120 days) .. continue on the same system of the fifth week ..
And then must hold the healthy, balanced diet ..
Diabetes and honey
Diabetes and honey
Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Aridi, who holds a Ph.D. and MS in Food Science and Nutrition therapeutic properties of bee products
During your studies Scientific Is there a link between high blood sugar, honey, Is there any precautions for patients with diabetes when you use honey?
- If we throw light on the installation of honey bees chemical it contains 75% - 80% of the sugars is glucose by 35%, and fructose (sugar fruits) 40-45%, sugar, sucrose 3% in addition to several sugars such as maltose, sugars many this is not always fixed and that these percentages are not fixed for all types of honey, each type of honey is specially formulated based on the quality of nectar and the diversity of sources, floral and methods of bee-keeping, feeding on the solutions of sugar for bees as well as some other factors if you may get a honey sugar glucose in which high if Feed your bees to glucose or the fruits of grapes and the sworn enemy of a patient with diabetes may get the honey sugar fructose which high if fed bees on nectar of flowers and given a sufficient period to maturity of honey, this may suit some of the diabetes, particularly type II non-insulin-dependent because the fruit sugar (fructose ) are not represented fully in the body as it does not require insulin to be introduced to the cells if the patient's diabetes was a disease that has the type I insulin-Vonsahh not eat honey, if he so wishes to be within the limits allowed him out of the meal and under medical supervision because the doctor is I know the situation of each patient's rate of one tablespoon in the morning empty stomach, but if a person has diabetes type II ie, non-insulin-dependent and based on diet and certain medications that is to say the percentage of sugar in the blood do not rise to high levels where there is activity in the pancreas, but not enough to organize the level of sugar in the blood and this can take natural honey and one teaspoon (21 gm) morning on an empty stomach only so as to activate the pancreas, there are a lot of scientific research world, some warn of the use of honey for diabetic and other supports covered under certain conditions, and research supports addressing prophylaxis and treatment for his role in stimulating insulin and compensate for the body what it needs from vehicles nutrition are important, such as minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other treatment is characterized by the honey from other materials, this theory does not require proof or proving the remembrance of Allah Almighty in the Holy download in Surat Al-Nahl {out from their bellies a drink of varying color wherein healing to the people! verse No. 69, Vmarb diabetes, especially non-insulin-dependent No one can deprive him of this Article therapeutic food, but according to the regulations and under the supervision of a medical and we would like to review some scientific research has proved that eating a diabetic patient (non-insulin-dependent) of honey Kmlakh one am not raise blood sugar but also activates the secretion of insulin leads to a reduction in the percentage of sugar in the blood, and scientific research and the reasons attributable a reduction in blood sugar, one tablespoon of honey (21 g) gives the calorie amount to 68 calories, less than the apple one and less of the 3 dates of medium and less than a banana if the amount of calories is nothing frightening, then why doctors warn diabetics of honey while allowing the patient's eating dates if the 3 dates that are given more power than a spoon of honey, a patient with diabetes may address more than 10 dates and rice and fruits, etc. This of course has something random and non-compliance with diet, honey is not responsible for raising blood sugar more dangerous than fat honey in their impact.
He revealed that the coefficient Woelm German produce solutions of honey after the liquidation of Gharwiath 20%, 40% under the name of the M2 Woelm ready for injection intravenously is known that these compounds reduce blood sugar, and who benefit from honey are patients with diabetes is insulin-dependent NIDDM Here it should be noted that the use must be within reasonable limits with the expense of the calories of honey in the need of the patient and often the patient is obese, where the amount of insulin in the first normal and may be more than the normal level then taxing the gland Wenger Hans in the pancreas weakening of insulin secretion requires a warning to activate and this case, honey is the most suitable materials and should be use cautiously because excessive eating may lead to the secretion of abundant amount of insulin will cause the consumption of sugars consumed, as well as insulin, which leads this representation is excreted in large quantities of fatty substances, which cause weight gain.
The Russian said Dr. Ayryc that among the components of honey, a sort of natural hormones like insulin.
A study was conducted by Ahmed (2000) to determine the impact of honey bees to the level of glucose in the blood of patients with diabetes type II who are not dependent on insulin was discovered with the disease recently and so giving them different doses of honey or a mixture of sugars essential in honey (fructose , glucose, sucrose) in the same proportions that exist in a sample of honey used in the study as well as giving them doses of glucose to the resistance between the impact and effect of honey and mix of sugars on the level of glucose in the blood and found that small doses of honey (25 g) did not cause the rise mentioned in the blood glucose level after an hour of the start of the test and that the level of blood sugar dropped clearly after 3 hours than in the fasting state, it was noted that a mixture of sugars and glucose causes a sharp rise in the level of sugar in the blood after an hour while the honey did not occur a significant effect and the study showed that it is possible that dealing with patients with diabetes, natural honey, according to guidelines and within the accounts of food .. And to take advantage of food components.
Has conducted all of the (Tobiasch and Killian 1953) study on the effect of honey on diabetes and found that the effect of honey in raising the blood sugar is at least half of the effect of glucose and found that 9 of 17 people after eating a honey sugar their blood after 180 minutes returned to the less-than-average Previous and recommended to the use of honey in the diet diabetic calculated may be used twice in the morning and afternoon at 20 g for each time did not affect the levels of diabetes in study participants so as not to exceed the calories of honey taken in today (60-120 calories) and found that honey Summer the most suitable of honey winter for a patient with diabetes may be due to characterize summer honey in the country of study as a result of the nectar of flowers and chemical composition (percentages sugars) is suitable for patients with diabetes to high fructose example, while the winter may be the result of feeding the fruits or solutions to the lack of flowers in winter .
Study for a doctorate that you made on patients with diabetes found in the honey to eat led to lower blood glucose (fasting), a significant decrease from the fourth week of 219 Milgerama / 100 grams to 195 mg / 100 g and has continued to decline for up to 141 mg / 100 g in the second week of ten of these average and the cases are not all equal.
All-natural honey has a similar effect, but some brands from other characterized and the reason for reducing the percentage of sugar in the blood may be due to the following:
1 - that honey contains a natural hormone and insulin-like Russian, Dr. Ayryc.
2 - Honey may occur a kind of shock to Vionnbh pancreatic beta cells as a result of the sugars of honey contain high amounts of norepinephrine who shall in turn greater than the insulin with the passage of active days (two hours after taking the honey rises slightly and then drops to lower levels of the previous rate).
3 - may have an effect on the receptor cells Cell Receptor
4 - There may be reasons other than that and God knows it.
Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Aridi, who holds a Ph.D. and MS in Food Science and Nutrition therapeutic properties of bee products
During your studies Scientific Is there a link between high blood sugar, honey, Is there any precautions for patients with diabetes when you use honey?
- If we throw light on the installation of honey bees chemical it contains 75% - 80% of the sugars is glucose by 35%, and fructose (sugar fruits) 40-45%, sugar, sucrose 3% in addition to several sugars such as maltose, sugars many this is not always fixed and that these percentages are not fixed for all types of honey, each type of honey is specially formulated based on the quality of nectar and the diversity of sources, floral and methods of bee-keeping, feeding on the solutions of sugar for bees as well as some other factors if you may get a honey sugar glucose in which high if Feed your bees to glucose or the fruits of grapes and the sworn enemy of a patient with diabetes may get the honey sugar fructose which high if fed bees on nectar of flowers and given a sufficient period to maturity of honey, this may suit some of the diabetes, particularly type II non-insulin-dependent because the fruit sugar (fructose ) are not represented fully in the body as it does not require insulin to be introduced to the cells if the patient's diabetes was a disease that has the type I insulin-Vonsahh not eat honey, if he so wishes to be within the limits allowed him out of the meal and under medical supervision because the doctor is I know the situation of each patient's rate of one tablespoon in the morning empty stomach, but if a person has diabetes type II ie, non-insulin-dependent and based on diet and certain medications that is to say the percentage of sugar in the blood do not rise to high levels where there is activity in the pancreas, but not enough to organize the level of sugar in the blood and this can take natural honey and one teaspoon (21 gm) morning on an empty stomach only so as to activate the pancreas, there are a lot of scientific research world, some warn of the use of honey for diabetic and other supports covered under certain conditions, and research supports addressing prophylaxis and treatment for his role in stimulating insulin and compensate for the body what it needs from vehicles nutrition are important, such as minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other treatment is characterized by the honey from other materials, this theory does not require proof or proving the remembrance of Allah Almighty in the Holy download in Surat Al-Nahl {out from their bellies a drink of varying color wherein healing to the people! verse No. 69, Vmarb diabetes, especially non-insulin-dependent No one can deprive him of this Article therapeutic food, but according to the regulations and under the supervision of a medical and we would like to review some scientific research has proved that eating a diabetic patient (non-insulin-dependent) of honey Kmlakh one am not raise blood sugar but also activates the secretion of insulin leads to a reduction in the percentage of sugar in the blood, and scientific research and the reasons attributable a reduction in blood sugar, one tablespoon of honey (21 g) gives the calorie amount to 68 calories, less than the apple one and less of the 3 dates of medium and less than a banana if the amount of calories is nothing frightening, then why doctors warn diabetics of honey while allowing the patient's eating dates if the 3 dates that are given more power than a spoon of honey, a patient with diabetes may address more than 10 dates and rice and fruits, etc. This of course has something random and non-compliance with diet, honey is not responsible for raising blood sugar more dangerous than fat honey in their impact.
He revealed that the coefficient Woelm German produce solutions of honey after the liquidation of Gharwiath 20%, 40% under the name of the M2 Woelm ready for injection intravenously is known that these compounds reduce blood sugar, and who benefit from honey are patients with diabetes is insulin-dependent NIDDM Here it should be noted that the use must be within reasonable limits with the expense of the calories of honey in the need of the patient and often the patient is obese, where the amount of insulin in the first normal and may be more than the normal level then taxing the gland Wenger Hans in the pancreas weakening of insulin secretion requires a warning to activate and this case, honey is the most suitable materials and should be use cautiously because excessive eating may lead to the secretion of abundant amount of insulin will cause the consumption of sugars consumed, as well as insulin, which leads this representation is excreted in large quantities of fatty substances, which cause weight gain.
The Russian said Dr. Ayryc that among the components of honey, a sort of natural hormones like insulin.
A study was conducted by Ahmed (2000) to determine the impact of honey bees to the level of glucose in the blood of patients with diabetes type II who are not dependent on insulin was discovered with the disease recently and so giving them different doses of honey or a mixture of sugars essential in honey (fructose , glucose, sucrose) in the same proportions that exist in a sample of honey used in the study as well as giving them doses of glucose to the resistance between the impact and effect of honey and mix of sugars on the level of glucose in the blood and found that small doses of honey (25 g) did not cause the rise mentioned in the blood glucose level after an hour of the start of the test and that the level of blood sugar dropped clearly after 3 hours than in the fasting state, it was noted that a mixture of sugars and glucose causes a sharp rise in the level of sugar in the blood after an hour while the honey did not occur a significant effect and the study showed that it is possible that dealing with patients with diabetes, natural honey, according to guidelines and within the accounts of food .. And to take advantage of food components.
Has conducted all of the (Tobiasch and Killian 1953) study on the effect of honey on diabetes and found that the effect of honey in raising the blood sugar is at least half of the effect of glucose and found that 9 of 17 people after eating a honey sugar their blood after 180 minutes returned to the less-than-average Previous and recommended to the use of honey in the diet diabetic calculated may be used twice in the morning and afternoon at 20 g for each time did not affect the levels of diabetes in study participants so as not to exceed the calories of honey taken in today (60-120 calories) and found that honey Summer the most suitable of honey winter for a patient with diabetes may be due to characterize summer honey in the country of study as a result of the nectar of flowers and chemical composition (percentages sugars) is suitable for patients with diabetes to high fructose example, while the winter may be the result of feeding the fruits or solutions to the lack of flowers in winter .
Study for a doctorate that you made on patients with diabetes found in the honey to eat led to lower blood glucose (fasting), a significant decrease from the fourth week of 219 Milgerama / 100 grams to 195 mg / 100 g and has continued to decline for up to 141 mg / 100 g in the second week of ten of these average and the cases are not all equal.
All-natural honey has a similar effect, but some brands from other characterized and the reason for reducing the percentage of sugar in the blood may be due to the following:
1 - that honey contains a natural hormone and insulin-like Russian, Dr. Ayryc.
2 - Honey may occur a kind of shock to Vionnbh pancreatic beta cells as a result of the sugars of honey contain high amounts of norepinephrine who shall in turn greater than the insulin with the passage of active days (two hours after taking the honey rises slightly and then drops to lower levels of the previous rate).
3 - may have an effect on the receptor cells Cell Receptor
4 - There may be reasons other than that and God knows it.
Moumaa in Indian medicine with ordinary medicine
I have used Moumaa in Indian medicine for thousands of years to treat many diseases, the most important treatment of wounds and fractures as well as the treatment of bronchitis, chronic asthma, sexual stimulant and anti-ulcer and low-sugar against infections, Modern studies have shown that Moumaa contain chemical compounds many of the most important acid Alfolvic acid Alheiumik The three turbines and Sterolat and organic acids and Allagiu carboxylic acid and benzoic acid and hippuric Bnzokumarin and resin and fatty acids and amino acids including: glycine and methionine and Alasparajen and glutamic acid and aspartic acid and vinyl Altaarosen and whining.
One of the main uses of modern Mumia use against the disease diabetes which increases the level of insulin in diabetics, will also maintain the balance blood sugar is also Moumaa activate the immune system and anti-inflammatory in addition to her work Kamadadh for stomach ulcers and duodenum are to move minerals like calcium and phosphorus and magnesium into muscle tissue and bone are Moumaa of the best medicines to treat wounds.
One caveat that must be followed not increase the dose as Moumaa contain hippuric acid and coumarin that cause blood thinners.
The proposed dose 200 mg twice to three times a day for 25 to 30 days and can repeat the treatment after a week to two weeks from the time of interruption of treatment.
Fruit of the Book of the Prophet Aldoana of Medicine and the Quranic / c Ela natural medicines.
Ginseng: Canadian researchers found in three experiments they conducted on animals and humans, that the herb ginseng Khavdha impact of sugar, which helps in reducing the levels of glucose in the blood both in patients with diabetes or is injured.
The study showed the first, where they had been given three grams of the herb ginseng, medicine unusual for the nine people living with diabetes type II, and ten others are not infected with the disease, followed by a solution containing 25 grams of glucose by mouth, that the group that took the herb saw a drop sugar in the blood by 28
22%, compared to the group that dealt with ordinary medicine.
One of the main uses of modern Mumia use against the disease diabetes which increases the level of insulin in diabetics, will also maintain the balance blood sugar is also Moumaa activate the immune system and anti-inflammatory in addition to her work Kamadadh for stomach ulcers and duodenum are to move minerals like calcium and phosphorus and magnesium into muscle tissue and bone are Moumaa of the best medicines to treat wounds.
One caveat that must be followed not increase the dose as Moumaa contain hippuric acid and coumarin that cause blood thinners.
The proposed dose 200 mg twice to three times a day for 25 to 30 days and can repeat the treatment after a week to two weeks from the time of interruption of treatment.
Fruit of the Book of the Prophet Aldoana of Medicine and the Quranic / c Ela natural medicines.
Ginseng: Canadian researchers found in three experiments they conducted on animals and humans, that the herb ginseng Khavdha impact of sugar, which helps in reducing the levels of glucose in the blood both in patients with diabetes or is injured.
The study showed the first, where they had been given three grams of the herb ginseng, medicine unusual for the nine people living with diabetes type II, and ten others are not infected with the disease, followed by a solution containing 25 grams of glucose by mouth, that the group that took the herb saw a drop sugar in the blood by 28
22%, compared to the group that dealt with ordinary medicine.
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