Alternative Therapies for Insomnia – Part 2
In part one of this post we looked at the herbal and acupuncture remedies for insomnia. We now look at some of the other alternative therapies for insomnia.
Relaxation and Meditation
A lot of sleeplessness stems from stress, anxiety and so on. So working to reduce stress and control anxiety is important for addressing sleeplessness. Meditation is effective to help calm and center the mind, effectively enhancing relaxation by methods such as progressive muscle relaxation, and so on.
The regular practice of meditation and yoga is known to help increase the production of melatonin in the body, which helps with muscle relaxation.
Biofeedback is also found to be an effective remedy for sleeplessness.
In addition, relaxation techniques such as visualization (imagining a relaxing scene by involving all the sense can induce relaxation) relaxation response (technique based on transcendental meditation), mindfulness (focusing the mind effectively on the present) can help singly or in combination.
Quite simple brisk exercises can tire the body and relax the mind, which are both conducive to a good night’s sleep. A number of studies have shown how exercise can help to reduce stress and improve restful sleep. Ancient disciplines such as Tai Chi and Yoga are also known to specifically help improve sleep.
Dietary changes
As with everything else, making changes in one’s diet can also help to improve sleep. Cutting out caffeinated drinks such as sodas and reducing intake of coffee by not having it during bed time, reducing intake of sweets and so on help to reduce wakefulness.
Foods that contain certain amino acids are known to help in making a person sleep. Many find thatwhole grain crackers taken before sleep can help to induce sleep.
Magnesium supplements can help promote sleep. And equally, eating foods rich in magnesium such as green leafy veggies, brewer’s yeast, almonds, cashews, whole grains and so on can help to promote better sleep.
Alternative Therapies for Insomnia – Part 2
Alternative Therapies for Insomnia – Part 1
Those of us who suffer from insomnia or disturbed or poor quality sleep on a regular basis are aware of how debilitating it can be not to have enough rest.
However most of us may be uncomfortable with the idea of using drugs to induce sleep, because of the possible addictive nature of drugs as well as possible side effects.
Here are some effective alternative therapies for insomnia.
Herbal remedies for insomnia
Valerian is known to be an effective antidote to insomnia, helping a person fall asleep as well as maintain sleep. One study demonstrated the efficacy of the herb to be as much as Serax (drug prescribed for anxiety). Chamomile is also known to be an effective sleep aid because of its relaxing properties.
In addition, lavender is known to induce relaxation and herbs such as ginseng, lemon balm, hops,passionflower and skullcap are also effective in helping with insomnia.
Some of these herbs such as passionflower also have additional therapeutic properties such as helping with digestion, apart from use as a relaxation and sleep aid.
Melatonin is actually a hormone that is known to have a crucial impact on sleep and in at least one study has been seen to counter problems such as those caused by jet lag and circadian rhythm disorders.
Magnesium supplements
They are also very useful as a sleep aid because this nutrient is known to govern muscle relaxation and hence can calm restlessness.
Kava is another herb known to help with sleeplessness connected to anxiety.
Acupuncture for insomnia
The ancient Chinese therapy that consists of inserting fine needles into specific points in the body is also known to help with sleeplessness. Studies have been able to demonstrate a notable improvement in sleep quality for people with insomnia after having undergone acupuncture treatment.
Alternative Therapies for Insomnia – Part 1
How To Get Effective Relief From Back Pain With Chiropractic Therapy?
Are you suffering with low back pain? Tired of using many treatments for relief? Then prefer chiropractic therapy for effective relief.
According to the research, chiropractic therapy is as safe and effective as conventional treatments. Injuries and strains are the main reasons for low back pain. But, it takes some time to heal your low back pain.
This therapy might make you feel more comfortable as you wait for the healing to occur.
Chiropractic therapy is based on the concept that restricted movements in the spine can lead to pain and reduced functioning.
The therapist of chiropractics uses spinal adjustments in order to treat the restricted spinal mobility.
The main goal of chiropractic therapy is to restore the spinal movements that lead to improved functioning and decreased back pain.
The therapist uses his hands to apply a sudden and controlled force to the joints and pushes it beyond its normal range of motion. The therapist also uses stretching and massage to relax your muscles that are shortened or in spasm [Hot stone massage for muscle relaxation].
Not only the lower back, but your chiropractor addresses possible spinal joints in the mid back, neck, and also the extremities that need corrections. He uses the manual adjusting technique in the mid back and neck, when the lower back is addressed with small force techniques.
Is chiropractic therapy right for you?
Often, chiropractic and osteopathy are confused because both the treatments include manipulation of the body. Chiropractic therapy tends to be more mechanistic in its approach, with great emphasis on your spine as the major support structure. Poor posture in your childhood can also lead to back problems in coming years.
Is it safe to consider chiropractic therapy?
Generally, chiropractic therapy is considered as safe, but the treatment is not suitable for everyone. If you have any of the below mentioned conditions, then don’t try to seek this therapy.
- If you have osteoporosis or any signs and symptoms of nerve damage like tingling, numbness or loss of strength in your leg or arm.
- If you are having the history of spinal surgery, then test with your surgeon before going to consult thechiropractor.
- If you have any manipulations of the neck and if they are linked to the strokes.
- If your back pain is accompanied by chills, fever, unintentional weight loss or sweats, then you need to consult the doctor to discard the possibility of any infection or tumor.
Are there any side effects with chiropractic therapy for low back pain?
You may or may not experience the side effects from this therapy. But, there are some mild side effects like temporary discomfort in some parts of your body such as tiredness or headaches that can be treated. These are very minor effects and they will disappear within 1-2 days.
The rare problem that occurs from low back adjustment is cauda equina syndrome. There is a chance to occur this condition one in a million people.
So, you need to inform the practitioner about any treatments or medications that you use at the time of undergoing the chiropractic therapy. Taking proper care can keep your back pain at bay.
Regular exercises, maintaining healthy weight and proper sitting postures all contribute to reduce the back pain. Don’t perform any type of activity that involves repetitive bending or twisting.
How To Get Effective Relief From Back Pain With Chiropractic Therapy?
Get Effective Relief From Back Pain With Back Pain Therapies!
Not getting effective relief from the severe back pain? Then don’t worry, there are various back pain therapy techniques, which give effective relief from this dreadful condition.
Innovative physical therapy as back pain therapy:
The innovative physical therapy techniques offers you great relief from back pain even if all the other treatments fail.
Souchard’s global postural re-education (GPR) is a technique employed for series of tender movements to support spinal column joints and it also strengthens and stretches your muscles that became weak and tight when under use.
GPR helps to correct your posture and decompresses your spinal canal. This technique helps for 95% of people who are suffering from acute back pain at any point in their life.
Chronic back pain leads to too much discomfort, so you will be unable to perform the exercises on your own. You need to take the help of a therapist who guides you throughout the process and stretches your muscles along the spinal column.
Basically, there are two positions, one is standing up and the other is lying down with your knees bent. During each pose, you need to put your arm at your sides and try to open them widely.
Chiropractic as back pain therapy:
Basically, chiropractic is based on the concept that restricts your movements from the spine, which lead to pain and reduced functioning. Spinal manipulation is one form of therapy that most of the chiropractors use to treat the restricted spinal mobility.
The main goal of chiropractic technique is to restore your spinal movements and as a result it improves functioning and decreases your back pain. The therapist uses his hands to apply a sudden and controlled force on the joints and pushes it beyond its normal range of motions.
Stretching and massage effectively relaxes your muscles which are in spasm and shortened. You can also use other treatments like electric stimulation, ultrasound and exercises.
Yoga as back pain therapy:
Recent study conducted in US revealed that yoga therapy can be helpful in relieving back pain. Yoga provides a combination of mental focus and physical exercise. They act as suitable back pain therapy for your severe condition.
Yoga practice shows a great improvement in muscle flexibility and endurance.
Acupuncture as back pain therapy:
Chinese acupuncture provides great relief from the lower back pain than various other conventional treatments. When the acupuncturist treats your back pain, he uses both distal and local needles to help resolve your problem.
Distal points are essential during acute pains. Most often, the needles can be inserted in the areas other than your back and finally you will get effective and quick relief. There are many local points on your back and the therapist will palpate the body and finds the most sensitive places to insert the needles.
You can follow any of the above treatment methods to get relief from chronic back pain. But, before going to take the back pain therapy, talk to your doctor about the safety of the therapy on your health.
Get Effective Relief From Back Pain With Back Pain Therapies!
Alternative Therapies Give Immense Relief From Back Pain
Anyone who has had recurring, chronic aches and pains knows how difficult the pain is to live with and also how very difficult it is to get rid of it. However, a new study has shown that alternative treatments are of immense benefit for back pain.
As many as 60% of those surveyed said that they had tried some or other (in cases more than one type) of alternative treatment for their back pain and that the CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) therapy had offered exceptional relief. The top therapies that were shown to provide the maximum relief for back pain were:
- Chiropractic Treatment
- Massage
- Yoga
- Tai Chi qi Gong
- Acupuncture
- Herbal remedies
- Relaxation techniques
From among these, it was seen that chiropractic care was the most effective and the most preferred option with 74% people using that to resolve their back pain. Massage therapy came in next; however a range of different alternative remedies were used by back pain sufferers ranging from naturopathy to hypnotherapy.
Though the findings of the study are significant and encouraging in that they show that alternative therapies do work for a great many people, it was disheartening to note that 24% of those surveyed had alternative therapy recommended by their regular medical practitioners.
Alternative Therapies Give Immense Relief From Back Pain
Studies Show Increase of CAM Use
A new study has shown that there is an increase in the use of complementary and alternative medicine among Americans. Where mainstream or conventional therapies have proven too expensive, people have turned to alternative care, says the study which was published in Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.
According to the published findings, over five year duration, there has been a 14% increase in use of CAM treatments.
It was also seen that certain racial preferences for CAM existed – white individuals were more likely to use CAM therapies than Hispanic or African American individuals.
Massage and chiropractic care were seen to be the most popular forms of CAM therapies. As many as 33% of those who undergo CAM treatments reported to doing said that they did so due to having delayed getting treatment for their ailment or because they had treatment needs that had not been met.
Studies Show Increase of CAM Use
The Military Tries Alternative Remedies for Pain
Being in the military and particularly being in war like zones and on deployment can place undue stress and burden on a soldier’s musculoskeletal system resulting in chronic aches and pains that can be difficult to live with.
For the most part, it is pain medication and physical therapy that is used to alleviate pain. Now however the military has come around to using alternative therapies for pain management and to try and prevent pain by using different preventive remedies rather than treat it after it has set in.
One of the methods in which pain management is done is, Acupuncture. Not only can this help in pain management, it can also help prevent prescription drug dependence and abuse which is a rising problem among the troops.
Pain is not just physical, but a complex subject involving the state of mind and possible consequences such as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and to address this, it is important for military personnel to receive instructions in other techniques aimed at relaxation as well, such as yoga and meditation. This can help relieve stress and in turn help with pain management.
The Military Tries Alternative Remedies for Pain
Different Types of Alternative Therapies and Their Definitions
According to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, there are 5 categories of complementary and alternative medicine, which are healing practices that do not fall into the category of conventional or mainstream medicine –
- Combination of theory and practice characterize the non western, alternative medical systems that could include Ayurveda, Chinese herbal medicine, homeopathy, Tibetan medicine, Native American healing practices, acupuncture, and naturopathy.
- Mind body interventions heal using a combination of conventional medicine and also behavioral, social, psychological and even religious methods. This field of alternative medicine includes meditation, yoga, laughter therapy, music therapy, hypnosis, dance therapy, biofeedback and guided imagery.
- Manipulative and body based techniques such as Rolfing, chiropractic therapy, massage, the Alexander technique, acupressure, the Trager Approach, therapeutic touch and so on seek to bring out healing using body manipulation.
- Herbal medicine, dietary supplements, orthomolecular medicines and multivitamins constitute biological based therapies that heal by using botanicals and animal derived extracts.
Reiki, magnet therapies, Oi gong, pulsed fields, and alternative current and so on are energy therapies that try to bring about healing by using, modifying and manipulating energy fields – both external and of the body.
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