Alternative therapies like Colonic Irrigation, Colon Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Chelation therapy and Massage therapy — just to name a few — can bring you tremendous health benefits.
While not as well known or understood... Colon Hydrotherapy — also referred to as Colonic Irrigation — can provide you with unique health benefits and help you to restore and maintain optimum health...
So if you're looking for alternative ways to avoid many of today's common diseases and health dysfunctions, then review our colon hydrotherapy articles to find out everything you can about the health benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy... And learn how Colonic Irrigation can be beneficial to your colon health and your life!
One of the HOT topics in the health world today... is the connection between good colon health and successful weight loss!
To learn more about the secret to dramatic weight loss and colon health... go to our Weight Loss Center and find some of the articles we've discovered recently.
Many weight loss specialists now believe that our ability to lose weight, is directly related to maintaining good colon health. People with healthy colons generally maintain normal body weight... While those with low or poor colon function gain excess pounds and inches, making it difficult or impossible to lose weight.
What's the answer? Could losing weight really be as simple as improving your colon health? Apparently the answer is YES!
We've also found a great series of Free Health Reports discussing a variety of cutting-edge health and wellness issues. Please feel free to review any and all that interest you... We think you'll find these informative reports especially helpful if you're looking for common sense health solutions, without resorting to drugs or surgery.
Why use Colon Hydrotherapy and Colonic Irrigation?
The foundational principal of all alternative health therapy is that the human body has a natural pre-disposition to be balanced and totally healthy. In fact, your body has within itself, the power of self-healing.
By assisting your body to overcome a particular dysregulation, the self-healing process can be facilitated. If you're suffering with a degenerative disease, chronic illness or general health imbalance... You can become well again!
But first you must identify the root-cause of your ill-health...
Alternative therapies like colon hydrotherapy and colonic irrigation are not just for detoxification, rejuvenation and restoration of good colon health. They also may be instrumental in preventing the occurrence of disease... and when combined with a powerful group of natural health products you may expect to live a long, healthy life!
Conventional Medicine or Alternative Health Therapy...
Who decides what's right for you?
No doubt conventional medicine excels in the areas of trauma treatment and extraordinary life-saving medical procedures... But the prevention of chronic health problems is more often accomplished through the primary application of alternative therapy, or as a compliment to traditional therapeutics.
If you're looking for an alternative health solution, you're not alone...
According to a 1993 New England Journal of Medicine study — of those people seeking all various health treatments — over one-third elected to have alternative therapy, versus conventional medicine!
What was the primary reason given for choosing alternative health therapy?
“A strong desire to avoid traditional medicines' diagnostic
testing and drug treatment regimen.”
testing and drug treatment regimen.”
Clearly many people have a strong preference towards using alternative healthcare services... Especially when you consider alternative therapy costs are not generally covered by health insurance plans.
Now more than ever... People continue to use alternative therapy services — including Colon Hydrotherapy and Colonic Irrigation — and they're paying directly out-of-pocket up to... Billions of dollars per year!
Apparently, millions of people believe the results they get are worth the cost and...
Alternative Health Solutions Work!
Spend a little time looking around this Web site... You just might find something that changes your life!