foaming colon snake
The Use Of Antioxidants To Fight Free Radicals
In our daily diet antioxidants should be introduced systematically as they are good for our general health and will help fight against the damaging effects of free radicals.
In our body there are oxidation processes, which produce free radicals that can damage the cells in our body; this is where antioxidants play a fundamental role in the removal of these free radicals from our system.
Antioxidants can be found as supplements to integrate with our daily diet, these will improve our overall health and that of our family.
We can find a very good natural antioxidant supplement in green tea; it contains epigallocatechin gallate and catechin polyphenols, which are both excellent antioxidants.
It has been found that people who drink green tea regularly, have a lower risk of cancer and that green tea even destroys cancer cells without harming the body.
This natural remedy has also other extremely beneficial properties, such as helping to overcome and prevent heart diseases, infections, rheumatoid arthritis, high levels of cholesterol and will strengthen the immune system.
Other advantages in green tea is that it helps lose weight and can even prevent tooth decay when drank regularly.
There can be a few disturbing effects due the caffeine content in green tea, which can upset sleeping patterns in those people sensitive to caffeine.
The Use Of Antioxidants To Fight Free Radicals
6 Odd Ways To Kill A Cold
Winter comes with snow, wind and a green, gluey leakage. To prevent this leakage, the immune system must be strong and the will to kill it soon must be present.
There are proper ways for protection: consuming healthy foodsand beverages is probably the most efficient way followed by having certain amount of vitamins and minerals each day.
However, there are some extraordinary ways to help people kill the cold, too.
The first way is not to blow the nose. It is said that the more blow causes more mucus to run into the sinuses.[sinus infection]
Recent researches show that this situation happens every time after blowing the nose. The best method to prevent is to stay unstuffed and blow only one nostril each time gently.
To prevent from blowing, a spoon of sea-salt can be added and mixed into a glass of water. Then sniffing some of this mix will let the mucus flow gently through the nostrils without any help of blowing.
One other odd solution is to use a sauna. A research showed that using sauna can relieve cold symptoms. “Baking the cold” method will show its results by also reducing recurrence. This method can be easily used with hot water at home.
In a deep and wide pot, pour the hot water. Then close the face up to the pot with a towel on it and breathe the steam deeply. The water can be more aromatic and relaxed with a few lavender or mint. This process opens the sinuses and helps to “bake” the cold.
As a common thought, exercising can cause the cold to be killed. The more exercise means a more strong immune system which results with a low percentage of catching a cold.
Also studies show that flu has the capacity to spread faster and more effectively in dry air. Staying in places where humidity is higher or avoiding the dry-aired places, viruses cannot easily approach to the body.
Along with eating well and exercising regularly, sleeping is an important factor for helping the body to destroy a cold.
Researchers found out that sleeping less than 6 or 7 hours may tend to catch a cold three times more than sleeping 8 hours and more. So the right way is to hibernate and sleep it off.
The last odd way to kill cold is to put on more jackets and blankets to prevent cold air.
People who wear more are less likely to be cold, thus searching inside the wardrobe and putting out the warmest clothes becomes necessary. Sweating off a cold is sure to kill it. The example of the Indian shamans is ancient but quite effective.
In conclusion, these odd but beneficial ways help people fight the cold. In order to shine like a star throughout the winter, these ways are worth to try.
6 Odd Ways To Kill A Cold
3 Ways To Promote Natural Health Remedies
The body is somewhat a wear and tear system that is just as inevitable as sicknesses and ailments alike. The good thing about our body is that it does work in mysterious ways.
There is a term that exists and it is called self healing, which is promoted by natural health remedies.
The term natural health remedies means that the body heals itself or undergoes preventive cures to itself without the help of modern day medicines or machines.
It promotes the inner power which is present in each individual which is surprisingly a very effective way to cure and prevent both short term and long term sicknesses.
In order for our body to naturally heal itself, we need to rely on traditions of old natural health remedies that have been past on from long ago.
Natural health remedies from the ancient Chinese and Indians have been proven to be very effective in dealing with modern day ailments.
These natural health remedies may be utilized in different ways such as herbal medicines and natural techniques manifested in physical, mental, and spiritual treatments.
For those who wish to get more out of treatments other than conventional medicines and modern medical machinery, there are a number of ways to promote natural health remedies. Here are some of the basic natural health remedies available for us today:
1. Naturopathy
This is a good example of natural health remedies that utilizes the natural elements to help prevent diseases, body maintenance, and alternative cure to sicknesses.
Natural elements such as using water, earthly elements, and natural herbs are used to remove toxins from within our body that is said to be the root cause of sicknesses. The concept of proper digestion and proper diet is also needed in this therapy.
2. Chinese herbal medicines
This example of natural health remedies does not strike as unfamiliar to a lot of people. It has been an alternative medicine used by many to help fight sicknesses both mild and severe.
Herbal medicines use natural root and plant extracts specific to certain ailments. The uses of these herbal medicines are either in its raw form or processed into capsules and syrups. No chemical additives are present in this natural health medicine.
3. Chinese acupuncture
This traditional treatment has been part of the list of natural health remedies since the beginning. This natural remedy promotes for inner strength and power, often referred to as the qi, to help the body of its sicknesses and ailments.
The treatment is done by locating acupuncture points in the body and inserting acupuncture needles into them to stimulate electric signals to different organs and nerves in the body.
By doing so, it triggers the body to naturally heal itself from within without the use of chemicals or conventional medicine.
If you have existing ailments that you wish to cure make sure to consult your doctor about it. Remember that if you are stricken by sickness it is best that you get all the help you can get.
Natural health remedies is a good way to further boost the healing process and should be taken as a good source of alternative treatments.
3 Ways To Promote Natural Health Remedies
Simple Ways to Incorporate Aloe Vera into Your Life
A lot of cosmetic products claim to contain Aloe Vera which we know has many health giving benefits. But did you also know that it is best to use Aloe Vera directly for best results and that it is a plant that is quite easy to grow at home?
Any sunny place, whether you want to have the plant in a pot or want it in the ground, is good for an Aloe Vera plant.
What you don’t want to use immediately can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.
Direct Applications of the Aloe Vera gel can help in a number of different ways such as:
- It can soothe irritated, sunburned, dry or chapped skin. It can eliminate redness and acts as a balm for a number of skin problems – simply Apply the gel directly to the affected areas.
- It isn’t just sunburn but also minor burns that the skin suffers can be effectively soothed by Application of Aloe Vera.
- Some also report to finding help for skin related problems such as acne and resultant blemishes, by using Aloe Vera.
- Aloe Vera is a natural balm for soothing insect bites.
- It can help cuts, wounds and minor traumas to heal better and faster.
- Eczema and psoriasis can also be helped by topical Aloe Vera Application.
- Apart from its medicinal uses, Aloe Vera also has a lot of cosmetic Applications – it is known to be an age old remedy for delaying signs of aging by helping to smoothen and rejuvenate skin.
Applying the gel to the hair directly is also known to be a great conditioner for hair, and can be particularly useful for alleviating dryness.
Simple Ways to Incorporate Aloe Vera into Your Life
The 14 Best Natural Herbal Remedies
—-Know The Herbal Plants Usable For Treatment
Nowadays, when people are more in favor of using natural ingredientsinstead of chemical products, natural herbal remedies are going well into their favor.
Nevertheless, this trend has already hit the western market several years back but oriental people are using natural herbal remedies for a very long time already as therapeutic elements.
Centuries back when there was no medical technology, people used to get herbal treatment to cure several ailments.
These are wonderful, as they not only reduce quantity of harmful chemicals in our body but also help us in getting cured in a more natural manner. There are numerous herbs, which are used for curative measures. Below is a list to check out on an extensive array of frequently used herbs:
1. Lagundi (Vitex Negundo)
Raw Lagundi is used for curative measures to more than a thousand years in the said country but nowadays it is widely sold as capsules, which are conveniently prepared by various pharmaceutical companies.
It is even said that every part of the Lagundi shrub is useful, as its root is considered good for energy boosting and is a great medicine for diseases such as dyspepsia, colic, rheumatism, worms, boils, and even leprosy.
Its flowers are hailed as awesome curatives used in common cases of diarrhea, cholera, high temperature (fever), liver diseases and cardiac problems.
Moreover, Lagundi seeds are generally taken to heal skin problems, inflammation of the mouth and leprosy. Most importantly, Lagundi has emerged as the most trusted remedy for coughs and asthma.
2. Yerba (Hierba) Buena (Mentha cordifelia)
Popular as ‘Mint,’ this shrub can be found in almost every part of the earth. It is broadly used as one of the natural herbal remedies for weakness, stomach problems and diarrhea.
This plant has an antiseptic nature, which makes it perfect for asthma patients. It is generally used in alcohol solution for asthma. Its leaves are said to be the most important part of a Mint plant for it can be used in the treatment of coughs and colds, toothaches and rheumatism.
3. Basil Leaves
It is one of the few plants, which exhales Oxygen twenty fours a day, as it always support the reaction of ‘photosynthesis.’
Basil is used in diverse forms of medicine in different countries.
People from the Far East use it to heal ‘cough’ whereas in some places, it is used for the treatment of asthma.
It is also useful for vomiting and constipation episodes. In a commercialized manner, Basil is available in capsules.
4. Tsaang Gubat (Carmona Retusa)
Commonly known as ‘Putputai’ and ‘wild tea,’ Tsaang Gubat is a famous antidote. It is broadly used to cure stomachaches, diarrhea and dysentery. This is also used to stop bleeding from snakebites.
It is a well-known body cleanser for newly born babies. Today, this is already available as a capsule and herbal tea in the market.
5. Bayabas/Guavas (Psidium Guajava L.)
The most common name of this herbal tree is the ‘Guava tree.’ The bark and leaves of the guava tree are well-known astringents. They are also effective anti-diarrheic.
Its bark is primarily used in cases of severe diarrhea in children. Ripe guava fruit is used as a curative agent for high blood pressure, poor circulation, diabetes and asthma. These are also considered as an enriched source of Vitamin C .
6. Bawang (AlliumSativum Linn)
It is considered as a super antioxidant and normally prescribed for patients with lower blood pressures and heart diseases.
It is also regarded as the best medicine to boost the immune system and balancing blood sugar. Garlic is a trusted curative agent to increase fat metabolism. Even if there is no ultimate treatment for cancer, Bawang is still a great herbal drug for prevention.
7. Ulasimang Bato (Peperomia Pellucida)
This is a seasonal herb. It is considered as a wonderful treatment for those who are faded up andexperience complexion problems. This is a commonly used medicine for gout and arthritis.
8. Akapulko (Cassia, Alata L.)
Akapulko is a wild shrub, which is known for its antifungal qualities. Akapulko leaves are considered to be the best oriental treatment for fungal diseases because they contain chrysophanic acid.
As a mixture, it is also used to treat bronchitis and alleviate the condition of asthma patients. Akapulko is now available at the market in the form of anti-fungal liniments.
9. Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia)
It is full of momordicin, which makes it bitter. Due to its bitterness, it is considered as one of the natural herbal remedies for diabetes.
It improves the body’s ability to produce more insulin. It is also effectual in HIV problems and liver problems.
10. Sambong (Blumea Balsamifera)
Camphor is the popular name of Sambong. This herbal plant is considered as a great medicine for edema. Normally, doctors prescribe camphor as a medicine todissolve kidney stones.
Tea made from camphor leaves are taken as a remedy to get cured from colds. They also take it as an expectorant and is a trusted remedy for toothaches. Sambong is among the most used medicinal plants today.
11. Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)
You can find this readily available herbal plant in any kitchen. This is obviously a broadly used spice. Ginger is supposed to be magical in the treatment of some diseases.
It is a bit bitter in taste but a perfect treatment for coughs and colds. It is also used to reduce the body temperature in cases of high-fever.
12. Turmeric (Curcuma Longa SynC. Domestica)
Many people use Turmeric powder to heal skin ulcersand in some other places it is used to cure the navel of newborn babies.
It plays a great role in tacking blemishes and other skin diseases such as itching of the skin, eczema and psoriasis. Turmeric paste provides a great relief in muscle crack or sprain.
13. Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)
This medicine is widely available in Asian countries. It is a perfect medicine for multitude of diseases such as abdominal pain, colds, bronchitis, cough etc.
In some places, it is used to treat hyperacidity, sore throat and inflammation. If you are suffering from a constant fall of hair then apply Mulethi. It is taken as a great treatment for hair-fall.
14. Indian Gooseberry, Amla (Emblica officinalis)
The Vitamin C enriched fruit is considered as a great medicine to make the eyesight better. It is widely used as an antibacterial agent.
This fruit is full of astringent properties, which makes it a great medication to be used in the prevention of infection. Their magical effects are able to cure ulcers as well.
Taken as the perfect alternatives for the more commercially-prepared and standard chemical medications, natural herbal remedies are making appeal to the masses nowadays.
These are not only lucrative in economic terms but are also the best substitutes to be used for healing. Unlike chemical drugs, they boast of having no unexpected side effects.
The 14 Best Natural Herbal Remedies
8 Ways to Fight Allergies Naturally and Without Drugs
– Keep itchy eyes and running nose at bay with natural allergy remedies
If you suffer from allergies, you’re probably familiar with the pharmaceutical remedies that can relieve your symptoms. But here are some natural ways to fight allergies that won’t make you drowsy or damage your liver.1. Quercetin supplements
You’ll need to take this as a supplement and start about six weeks before the expected start of allergy season to get maximum results. A dose of 1,000 milligrams per day between meals is usually recommended.
2. Bromelain enzyme
This enzyme can also help patients who have recently undergone surgery or had a nasal injury, and can help with a variety of other ailments, including ulcerative colitis, muscle relaxation, shortening labor, and getting rid of fat.
3. Eat to prevent allergies
Additionally, most people do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids in their diets, but these nutrients help to fight inflammation. To boost your intake, eat more walnuts, flaxseeds and flax oil, cold-water fish, and eggs from grass-fed chickens.
4. Neti pot
These little devices are small vessels that look somewhat like Alladin lamps that help you run saltwater through your nasal passages to remove allergens and promote sinus health. In fact, an Italian study on the neti pots showed that this nasal flushing methods can really help to reduce your dependence on antihistamines.
Irrigation of this kind may also help to prevent frequent nosebleeds.
5. Eucalyptus steam
You can either go about your day normally, or for a really intense treatment, lean over the pot or humidifier and drape a towel over the back of your head to drink in the purifying aromas. This will help to loosen mucus in your system and have you breathing easier in no time.
6. Stinging nettle as a natural antihistamine
If you can’t live without some sort of antihistamine support, a natural and effective option is stinging nettle (urtica dioica) that acts using similar mechanisms to pharmaceutical treatments but is free of drug side effects like sleepiness and dry mouth. You can either take stinging nettle as a supplement (freeze-dried, capsule leaves are best), though you can also brew it in tea or take it as a tincture.
7. Butterbur
If, however, you’re allergic to ragweed, this may not be the choice for you as it is in the same family and may worsen your allergies rather than relieve them.
8. Prevention through lifestyle changes
There are several simple things you can do to fight allergies by reducing your exposure to allergensand ease the discomfort that involve some simple lifestyle changes. For instance, start by limiting (or completely avoiding) your use of window fans during allergy season as these can bring allergens into your home or work environment.
Ceiling fans and air conditioners are better in this case. If the allergens are really bad, consider closing windows altogether to keep pollen and other allergens out of the interior spaces as much as possible. And when possible limit how much time you spend outdoors in order to further limit your exposure.
One more thing: if you have carpeting in your home, strongly consider cleaning it with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter. These specialized filters help to trap find particular matter, dust mites, pollen, and mold spores, all of which contribute to common allergies.
8 Ways to Fight Allergies Naturally and Without Drugs
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