
Cancer Alternative Medicine For Treatment Of Cancer!

Cancer alternative medicineCancer alternative medicine is widely spread treatment for cancer and is giving equal response in treating cancer.
There are many reasons why many of the cancer patients are turning towards cancer alternative medicines.
The main reason behind this is the adverse effects of chemotherapy and the return of malignant cancer tumor even after the surgery.
The stress levels are increased and the older and weak people are not able to cope up with the treatment and its side effects.
There are mainly two treatments in treating cancer
  • Conventional method – In this method, all external medicines treats only the disease and disease related symptoms. Example-chemotherapy or any surgery relating in treating cancer and its tumors.
  • An alternative method – In this method, the treatment not only treats the disease and its symptoms but also treats the body and controls the cancer by affecting the other body parts. Example – herbal therapies [Cancer Herbal Remedy], mind-body therapy, immunology therapy, holistic treatment etc.
Herbal therapies in cancer alternative medicine
These treatments are referred as the oldest of all treatments in the world. This therapy mainly uses herbs and its products for increasing your self immunity system.
Hoxey therapy (a paste made by blood rot, arsenic, burdock, red clover, barberry, buckthorn bark and many other herbs) is a very good example from the treatments used in treating cancer through herbal methods.
Echinacea Angustifolia root is the most powerful immunity enhancing compound and treats cancer by stretching immunity system.
In this herbal therapy, ESSIAC is also a very important and ancient treatment used in treating cancer and even AIDS too. This is a combination of burdock root, Indian rhubarb root, sheep sorrel and slippery elm.
Mind-body therapy as cancer alternative medicine:
Many doctors are suggesting hypnosis, counseling, bio feed back and spiritual well-being while choosing mind-body therapies to cure cancer.
The main aim behind using body-mind therapy is that, they change the course of illness and try to bring you into remission of the illness feeling and disease.
Immunology therapy as cancer alternative medicine:
Many physicians who treat cancer through this therapy believe that cancer exists in the body due to the poor immunity system and imbalances in the body.
Based on this belief, they treat cancer by developing self immunity system. This therapy is done by bolstering those affected parts and developing self immunity which destroys the cancer cells and stopping to attack the body again.
Holistic treatment as cancer alternative medicine:
Alternative medicine is refereed as holistic. This means the treatment is done not only to your affected or infected part, but it is done to the whole body.
This treatment checks your food habits – whether you are receiving the whole nutrients and supplements in your diet which are necessary for the body.
Brazil nuts: These nuts contain small amount of Radium and Radioactive material which is useful in treating cancer. These nuts have selenium, which is an anti strong-cancer product.
The use of some ingredients can lower the risk of cancer and can help their part in healing cancer. The ingredients that prevent from the occurrence of cancer are:
Flax seeds- These seeds have anti-oxidant properties. They can be chewed or mixed with coffee seeds and can have as an extra ingredient in coffee.
Broccoli: These have anti-oxidant properties and avoid cancer. Carrot and tarragon also share the same properties.
Tomatoes: National cancer institute has discovered that people who take tomatoes can produce strong anti cancer properties and the risk of cancer can be lowered.
Blue berries: These also have strong anti-cancer properties.
Herbal tea: Anti-oxidant properties will control the growth of cancer cells and control cancer cells growth.
Aloe Vera, Echinacea and lantana are also used in stopping cancer cells growth and are also alternative cancer treatment products.
Cancer alternative medicines should be used as per the prescription of the physician. All the alternative medicines can have side effects like nausea, vomiting etc.

Cancer Alternative Medicine For Treatment Of Cancer!

Cancer Herbal Remedy As An Alternate Treatment For Killing Cancer Cells!

Cancer Herbal RemedyThe alternative treatment for cancer is done through cancer herbal remedy.
Cancer herbal remedy provides wise and beneficial effects against the cancer.
If you are the patient suffering from advanced cancer and you did not have any benefit from chemotherapy, cancer herbal remedy will provide beneficial effects in this situation.
Cancer herbal remedy is used to activate its own healing system.
This remedy not only treats affected area but also helpful in treating different levels such as physical, mental, spiritual and emotional problems.

PS-SPES cancer herbal remedy against cancer:

PS-SPES is a cancer herbal remedy. Eight remedies are used for preparation of cancer herbal remedy. Cancer herbal remedy is used when you will not respond to the traditional cancer therapy. Prostate cancer will respond to the PS-SPES cancer herbal remedy.
The herbs present in the PS-SPES are used in improving your immune system and you have anti tumor activity.
If you use chemo therapeutic treatment (treatment based on drugs), it will produce uncontrolled abnormal cells. The plant medicines have the excellent sources in treatment of cancer.

Therapies that support cancer herbal remedy:

This herbal therapy for treating cancer believes that cancer is caused due to the problem in the immune system and due to the imbalance of the body.
If your body is healthy then it will be strong enough to fight against the cancer cells. The imbalance in your body is caused due to the improper dietary habits. Stress also causes imbalance in your body.
The species of cetraria and usnea are also used as the cancer herbal remedy. Cancer herbal remedy is used to strengthen the body’s ability and to eliminate the cancer cells.
Hoxey therapy (one of the therapy in herbal therapies) with all internal and external preparations (includes diet, vitamin and mineral supplements, and psychological) counsel to strengthen your body and fight against cancer.
Essiac herbal therapy supports essiac products and these are used as an effective product for fighting against cancer.

Different cancer herbal remedies for self medication:

The below remedies are present in your surroundings and you can use them as self medications.
  • You can use broccoli and green tea for breast cancer.
  • Use broccoli for colon cancer and rectal cancer.
  • You can use green tea for esophageal cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer and for pancreatic cancer.
  • Use aloe vera and periwinkle for general cancer.
  • Use aloe vera and broccoli for lung cancer.
  • You can use broccoli, carrot, tarragon and tomato for preventive cancer.
  • Use aloe vera, fennel and green tea for prostate cancer.
  • Use aloe vera, broccoli, green tea and garlic for stomach cancer.
  • Use periwinkle for testicular cancer.
  • You can use aloe vera, echinacea, lantana and violet for cancer treatment.
These herbal remedies are emphasized on the immune system and imbalance of your body and are used for strengthening your body’s ability to eliminate cancer cells.

Cancer Herbal Remedy As An Alternate Treatment For Killing Cancer Cells!

Alternative Cancer Medicine – An Effective Remedy For Your Cancer Symptoms

Alternative Cancer Medicine

Do have cancer or know someone who has?
You may already know that sometimes the treatments can be as overwhelming as the disease.
Conventional treatment methods can have many side effects such as nausea, loss of appetite, hair loss and etc.
That’s why most of the cancer victims look for alternative forms of treatment and alternative cancer medicine.
They come up with some options that are meant to be complementary to the more modern forms of treatments.
The alternative cancer medicine community is blamed of exaggerating the validity of alternative medicine, while the conventional treatment providers tend to understand the effects of alternative therapies for cancer sufferers.
You may already know that there is no cure for cancer. NCCAM is the national center for complementary and alternative medicine has conducted studies and proved that acupuncture relieves the pain, nausea and fatigue associated with both colon and breast cancer.
The study also proved that acupuncture also help to control the neck pain and headaches associated with surgery for brain tumors or throat cancer.
Ginger is a good tasting treatment and acts as alternative cancer medicine to help with nausea and vomiting which are the side effects of chemotherapy.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy acts as an alternative cancer medicine and is currently being studied as a relief for larynx cancer patients.
Massage also acts as a best alternative cancer medicine to relieve fatigue for all forms of cancer.
Another form of alternative cancer medicine is coupling pancreatic enzymes with chemotherapy. It can be helpful for fighting the symptoms of cancer and used in pancreatic cancer treatment. Pancreatic enzymes are the proteins secreted from the pancreas that help in food digestion.
There is a distinction between complementary medicine and alternative medicine. Complementary medicine is used along with conventional medicine, while alternative medicine is used instead of conventional medicine.
Studies show that using complementary medicine you can achieve better long-term results on difficult stages of cancer, whereas alternative cancer medicine is helpful in the early stages of cancer. This study is called as CAM.
According to the studies 36 percent of adults with different stages of cancer use both complementary and alternative cancer medicine. 62 percent of cancer victims use CAM therapy along with megavitamin therapy.
For every 500 cancer patients 79 percent of them use some form of complementary and alternative cancer medicine for their cancer symptoms.
The most effective benefit of CAM therapy is that most of you feel better as you are taking some other form of control over your cancer. CAM therapy increases the quality of your life and chances for survival.
If you are considering complementary and alternative cancer medicine then you should ask some questions with your health care provider about the therapy before you begin treatment.
You have to make confirm that, what the outcomes are if alternative cancer medicine will interfere with conventional treatments and also ask for any side effects. You should have all the information before agreeing to any type of treatment.

Alternative Cancer Medicine – An Effective Remedy For Your Cancer Symptoms

Hypnosis Can Help With Asthma

According to Dr Mahavash Agah, she and her team at her hypnotherapy clinic have had quite significant success in dealing with asthma using hypnotherapy.
asthma using hypnotherapy
The reason why hypnotherapy can help in dealing with asthma is because asthma is known to be a psychosomatic disorder which can have emotional triggers, apart from merely physiological and physical ones.
Not only does asthma negatively impact quality of life, it also can be expensive to manage and deal with. For these reasons, it is important to find out how hypnosis can help reduce the frequency as well as the severity of asthma attack which is what is being studied by Dr Agah.
The doctor and her team noted that patients who were undergoing hypnotherapy were showing less anxiety before an asthma attack and also fewer successive fits of coughing. Hypnotherapy, they found decreased both the frequency as well as the severity of the asthma attacks.
Also being treated by using hypnotherapy are others, who have been suffering from severe and chronic pains, mental instability and addiction to pain killers. In addition, hypnotherapy can offer great benefits for improving conditions such as fibromyalgia, migraines and headaches, easing and lessening post operative pain and even for managing and reducing labor pains.

Hypnosis Can Help With Asthma

Hypnotherapists Help One Another Lose Weight

It is unlikely that the creators of Skype ever visualized what all their invention would come to mean for people around the world, and the many different applications it could well be used for – apparently hypnotherapists hypnotizing one another to help lose weight by connecting on Skype is one of those uses!
hypnosis therapy to lose weight
The story is that of Tracy Jones who lived in Wrexham and fellow hypnotherapist Carolyn Arnold living in Newport with the distance of 130 miles between them. Not only do they offer one another hypnosis therapy to lose weight, they also offer the same sort of service to others; their clients.
Tracy Jones of Cariad Hypnotherapy has used self hypnotherapy in the past to get over her third pregnancy, when her second pregnancy ended in a pregnancy loss. She now helps women deal with fertility problems as well as weight loss problems.
She now wants to use the therapy to tackle her own weight issues with the help of someone who would challenge her to do more with herself and to offer support as well.
Meeting Carolyn Arnold who runs Nurturing Life Hypnotherapy, through twitter proved to be fortuitous for both women as they grew to be online friends and then turned into one another hypnotherapists.  

Hypnotherapists Help One Another Lose Weight

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Becoming More Popular

As more people become desperate to find a permanent solution to their weight problems, more of them are turning to hypnotherapy for weight loss.
hypnotherapy for weight loss
According to experts, the reasons for weight loss efforts being unsuccessful are manifold –
  • The underlying reasons for overeating are not explored and properly understood.
  • The requisite will power to stick to plan may be lacking.
  • Diets make one hungry making people relapse into unhealthy eating habits.
  • Boredom is another reason why people go back to their unhealthy habits.
The TranceBand, it is claimed may therefore be the answer that offers a permanent weight loss solution – techniques such as the gastric band hypnotherapy; and in addition, weight loss hypnotherapy, time line therapy, food awareness are used to bring about a holistic solution for overweight .
The methodology used is to first find out the reason for a person’s overeating and then offer people the will power to control those impulses to overeat.
In addition, using hypnotherapy gastric band is used, that supposedly is able to offer the same successful results as an actual surgically inserted gastric band. This gives people control over the size of their stomach so that they stop eating when they feel full without having to undergo surgery.

Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss Becoming More Popular

Know the Wonderful Benefits of Hypnosis for Children

Children are often better candidates for hypnosis than adults. Hypnosis for children can deal with problems such as anxiety, pain, asthma, insomnia and bed wetting.
Research showed that children respond to hypnotic suggestions more quickly when compared to adults as they are more in touch with their imaginations. Children above 5 years of age can respond well to the treatment.
Hypnosis for children or pediatric hypnosis involves teaching your children how to self-hypnotize in order to eliminate the bad habits, physical symptoms and various other health conditions.
During the session, your child will learn how to use relaxation techniques and mental images like a fantasy or daydream to enter into an altered mental condition.
Once the baby enters into this altered state, therapist gives some suggestions to produce a desired change in behavior, anxiety and symptom intensity.
Your child can also be given specific teachings about their difficulties as a means of assisting them learn to exercise to get control over their bodies.
For instance, children with bedwetting can be trained with the basic anatomy and bladder functioning.
Usually, children need to attend 4-8 hypnosis sessions, during which the therapist teaches your child how to hypnotize himself. Probably, you will find few hypnotherapists that can work with children.

Conditions that can be treated with hypnosis for children include:

  • Academics performance
  • Acting out
  • Asthma
  • Anxiety
  • Bedwetting or nocturnal enuresis
  • Behavioral problems
  • Confidence and self-esteem
  • Dyslexia and various learning difficulties
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Fitness and weight loss
  • Habit disorders such as thumb sucking, trichotillomania and Tourette’s Syndrome
  • Motion sickness
  • Nail biting
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Pain relief
  • Public speaking
  • Reducing fear of painful medical procedures
  • Sibling rivalry or birth of a new sibling
  • Sports performance
  • Sleep terrors, nightmares and various sleeping problems
  • School phobia
  • Stuttering
  • Trauma
  • Temper tantrums
  • Transitions such as death of a pet or loved one
  • Tourettes and various other motor disorders
One of the greatest advantages of hypnosis for children is that it has no negative side effects. It is completely drug free, calming and enjoyable for children.
Hypnosis for children gives them the tools and techniques that are required to make healthy decisions in the life. It eliminates the mystery of how thoughts always precede action.
Knowing this helps to encourage a sense of control within your child. The therapy gives children a hope and encouragement required to reach the goal of self-management.
Hypnosis for children helps them to overcome with the challenges like anger management, test anxiety and many more.

Know the Wonderful Benefits of Hypnosis for Children


Understanding The Benefits Of Reiki And Theta Healing

Reiki and Theta healing have been used in some culture for centuries.
Both healing therapies are used to bring physical and mental healing to any area of the body.
These healing methods are very different than traditional medical treatments.
The person who needs to be healed does not undergo tests or take medicines in order to experience health restoration.
Instead, these practices believe that through energy transference any ailment can be cured.
Each healing practice uses different techniques. However, the treatment options also have some similarities. Some healers use a combination of both therapies to provide a stronger chance or source of healing.

How the Reiki Healing Technique Works?

The Reiki healing technique uses energy to remove blockages that can occur within the body’s energy fields. The practice teaches that there is a flow of energy within and around the human body.
Without this flow blockages can occur due to stress, anxiety, or tension. It is believed that these blockages can harm the body, mind, or spirit.
Because of these blockages, you may experience physical or emotional pain. When the Reiki treatment process is used for healing, these blockages can be removed, and the physical or mental pain can be eliminated.

The Practice of Reiki Healing

Reiki healers use hand positions for the completion of healing. These hand gestures can be completed over the body, on the body, or from a distance. In fact, Reiki healers can perform healing on anyone, anywhere in the world.
The Reiki healer will use mental concentration, in conjunction with hand gestures specifically for the ailment, to direct energy to the afflicted person. Reiki can be used to treat any ailment or condition.
In fact, it is often used to aid in speedy recovery after surgery or medical procedures.

How the Theta Healing Technique Works?

The theta healing techniques uses theta brain waves and a connection to a higher power to direct energy for healing. Through this technique physical changes are made within the afflicted person’s body. These changes may be either physical or mental.
By concentrating and going to a higher theta brain state the healer can eliminate physical or mental abnormalities within the person’s body.
This practice is based on the belief that specific thought patterns and choices made within a person’s life can lead to illness and abnormalities.

The Theta Healing Technique

Theta healers transfer healing power through theta waves. In order to transfer the healing the healer must relax deeply into the Theta state. During this state the healer connects mentally with the energy of the higher power.
During this period the healer can determine what the physical or mental abnormality is and begin to make changes for healing. The energy continues to be transferred from the higher power to the healer, into the one being healed, until restoration is complete.
Theta healing also helps to change or restore beliefs or thoughts that can lead to illness. For example, negative thought patterns or self doubt can be removed, so that you can enjoy a life free of depression and anxiety. 

Understanding The Benefits Of Reiki And Theta Healing

Top 10 Benefits Of Reiki Massage

Reiki is a Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki massage pertains to the use of spiritual energy to heal a person’s aura through kneading and rubbing various body parts to obtain spiritual therapy.
Although reiki and massage are two different things, the combination of these in Reiki massage helps a patient achieve physical and spiritual well-being simultaneously.
In order to learn how to conduct a Reiki massage, one must learn with a sensei or teacher, who is a skilled Reiki practitioner. They teach the apprentice how to absorb energy from the universe, and channel it to their patient to promote well-being.
The master will also act as a channel through which bad energy is removed and replaced with good energy. The entire procedure will then allow the patient to heal spiritually and physically.
Reiki massage is a recognized form of holistic healing that has been around for thousands of years. It is known for providing an alternative treatment to many ailments in the body. Its benefits include the following:
  1. Reiki massage helps greatly with pain relief and management.
  2. Removes energy blockages and helps with circulation of good energy and blood flow.
  3. Helps protect and strengthen the immune system.
  4. Increases one’s vitality and postpones the aging process.
  5. Promotes spiritual growth and emotional clarity.
  6. Speeds up the body’s healing properties.
  7. Encourages better sleeping and breathing.
  8. Assists in detoxifying and removal of waste and toxins.
  9. Reduces high blood pressure.
  10. Reduces side effects from drugs and medical treatment.
Because of the many benefits and illnesses that Reiki massage can heal, it has become a popular choice for alternative treatment.
It has also been around for thousands of years, yet patients today can still benefit from the art of the massage in the local wellness centers.
If you want to maximize the good that Reiki massage can do for your body and well-being, it is recommended to do long-term practice instead of just a few sessions to address your problems.
Long-term treatment through this type of massage will open your energy channels and allow you to enjoy stronger immunity, and mental and spiritual defense and clarity against the stress that daily life can bring.
Everyone can benefit from the use of Reiki massage; it doesn’t matter if you are young, pregnant, or old. However, it should be noted that it should not be seen as an instant cure-all for disease.
It should be used as a complementary treatment and can also be used alongside Western medicine and other forms of treatment especially for serious conditions.
However, if you simply want to use the massage to treat minor problems such as pain management, Reiki massage can be of great help.
It is also a great way to achieve emotional well-being even if no pain or illness is being experienced. Make sure you only work with a licensed Reiki massage practitioner to maximize your benefits of this ancient art and method of healing.

Top 10 Benefits Of Reiki Massage

Methods And Effects Of Reiki Therapy

Reiki therapy can help a person in a number of different ways – whether it is wanting to lower stress, such as pre wedding jitters for instance, or whether it is to treat physical ailments, even life threatening conditions such as cancer, its healing that can be administered by using little more than the energy of one’s hands.

Reiki Therapy can help to heal in any number of different situations; in life and even thereafter:

Reiki therapy for Migraine

reiki therapyIt can be performed by healing the liver. It is advisable to accompany full body healing by plucking the flowers from the basil bush, and eating about a tablespoon of this (crushed into a powder) along with honey.
Since migraine is usually a chronic condition, this is best done for a period of three days

Reiki Therapy for Sinusitis

This involves focusing on the healing of the heart and brow chakras

Reiki Therapy for weight reduction

Several different chakras such as the brow, heart, solar, back heart, liver, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, and spine are to be concentrated on here.
Using Reiki individuals do find that they find assistance in losing weight or being better able to control it.

Reiki Therapy for Asthma

Asthma, though a common condition can be very debilitating, and by focusing on multiple chakras such as the back heart and the brow chakras.
Along with the chakras, organs affected by asthma such as lungs, diaphragm, nose, bronchi, form the focus, and also other organs such as the stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver.

Reiki therapy for heart disease

This can be administered for general improvement in the health and condition of a heart patient as well as at the time that a heart attack is actually happening.
For heart patients, the chakras to focus on are the back heart chakra, the pancreas, liver, intestines, stomach, spine and kidneys.
If someone is actually undergoing a heart attack, until such time as help arrives, Reiki therapy should be administered to the Solar Plexus and then the Hara Chakra. Don’t administer Reiki directly to the heart and also ask the person to simulate coughing.

Reiki Therapy for Eye Conditions

Ranging from shortsightedness to infections such as conjunctivitis (pink eye) and conditions such as glaucoma and cataract can be improved by use of Reiki.
Not just the eyeballs corners of the eyes and brow chakra, the kidneys, and reproductive organs are also targeted here.
To supplement Reiki therapy for the eyes, it is recommended that charged drinking water and amethyst crystal therapy also be used.

Reiki therapy during pregnancy

Not only the expectant mother but also the unborn child can benefit from Reiki. By concentrating on the solar, brow and hara chakras, a woman’s delivery and labor can be eased.
The baby may also be born healthy and with a spiritual bent of mind, as a recipient of Reiki in the womb.

Reiki therapy can benefit even in the afterlife

The deceased will find that their passage is eased and the grief of survivors may also help to be soothed. 

How Reiki Helps Alleviate Problems Relating to Cancer Treatment?

As the west becomes more receptive to alternative therapies and complementary medicine, these therapies are now finding more acceptance and wider application.
Acupuncture is now used to alleviate pain as well as deal with menopause symptoms, yoga and meditation are effectively used for reducing stress, hypnosis is used to reduce weight and beat addiction and so on.
So it is not surprising that Reiki is now being used as an effective tool for reducing cancer related problems such as pain, fatigue, nausea and anxiety, as the Wall Street Journal reports.
Cancer therapies, such as they are, can often cause problems and debility by themselves – chemotherapy can cause nausea, mental as well as physical fatigue, and feelings of anxiety.
Cancer centers that deal with patients undergoing such unfortunate side effects have now taken to offering Reiki to reduce cancer related suffering.
Reiki, which involves lightly placing the hands on the body or even having them held above the body without touching, is suitable for cancer patients since many find deep massage to be painful and intolerable.
Even those who do not support the fact that Reiki can cause life energy to flow into the person, admit that light touch therapy can in fact be beneficial, particularly for cancer patients who are constantly subjected to needle pricks, tests and other bothersome procedures.
While skeptics express bewilderment about Reiki working for cancer patients, they do accede that it does in fact work because when the mind relaxes, then so does the body, there appearing to be a sort of reciprocal relationship between mind and body.
Another way in which Reiki could benefit a cancer patient, think researchers, is that the bond or rapport that forms between the Reiki therapist and the cancer patient could also be beneficial for the person producing a positive result and increased wellbeing.

How Reiki Helps Alleviate Problems Relating to Cancer Treatment?

Top 3 Guaranteed Complementary Therapies

Complementary therapies are ideas that are not unheard of in these modern times.
Alternative therapies, as it is also known as, is practiced by millions of individuals that live their day to day lives, work in stressful jobs, and experience all sorts of ailments which need to be tended to in every way necessary.
Complementary therapies are treatments that veer away from traditional methods that answer to ailments such as body pains, muscular pains, depression, anxiety, and even preventive medicine that can lead to long term complications later on in life.
It is also a sure-shot way of religiously practicing treatments that are guaranteed to be all-natural and promote a holistic outlook in life, which is not only good for the physical self, but also for the emotional and mental aspect of oneself.
There are a lot of complementary therapies available for everyone to avail of.
Remember that different people experience different kinds of ailments that are, in general, answered by different techniques that are unique to one another.
To be more specific, here are some examples of complimentary therapies and their noted health advantages each have to offer:
1. Shiatsu Massage
    This complementary therapy first originated in Japan. Although its treatment is generally a massage treatment, it follows the same concept of Chinese acupuncture.
    The only difference is that it does not require acupuncture needles to stimulate the qi, but instead uses fingers to systematically apply pressure on certain acupuncture points in the body.
    With the treatment at play, it allows the body to send signals from the acupuncture points to different parts of the body to hasten the healing process. It is noted that it is a good treatment to combat muscle pains, aches, head aches, and stress.
    2. Aromatherapy
      This complimentary therapy is known to soothe both the mind and body by inhaling essential oils which are applied to the body through the help of massages.
      The unique detail about aromatherapy is that unlike normal massages, it is more focused on the personality of the patient. This means that the oils that are used on certain patient vary from one another depending on the patient’s condition and reason for going through aromatherapy.
      The treatment itself is said to relieve stress, anxiety, respiratory ailments, and high blood pressure.
      3. Yoga
        Yoga therapies first originated in ancient India. The concept of yoga is to promote the oneness of every aspect of an individual; spiritual, physical, and mental.
        It is a therapy that revolves around disciplined breathing and physical exercise. Its health benefits are said to relieve physical stress, emotional stress, fatigue, and personal living lifestyle.
        Complementary therapies are treatments that are is in great demand and accepted by many. As the world progresses, so does the demand for a healthier lifestyle and treatments that actually promote it.
        Day by day new establishments are being erected in different spots in every city in the world to answer to the growing demand for complementary therapies.
        Perhaps it would be wise to inquire about these complementary therapies and apply them to your daily lifestyle.

        Top 3 Guaranteed Complementary Therapies

        Don’t Mix Warfarin And Dietary Supplements, Says Study

        If you have been prescribed any anti blood clotting medicine such as Warfarin or similar formulation, then you must make it a point to reveal to your doctor information about any dietary or herbal supplements you are taking.
        Researchers discovered strong evidence of the fact that 10 top selling supplements could alter the efficacy of the anti clotting medication.
        dietary supplements
        Further this could create a dangerous mix that could result in internal bleeds, up the risk of stroke or even result in the formation of a potentially deadly blood clot.
        Many people use over the counter multivitamins and such like seemingly innocuous supplements, however they neglect to mention this fact to a doctor, erroneously thinking that it is not a relevant detail to mention.
        According to Jennifer Strohecker, PharmD, a clinical pharmacist at Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake City, less than a third of people tell their doctors about the supplements they are taking. According to the study the medical charts of those on warfarin were examined, and though 75% of them were on some or other supplement, this was not mentioned in their medical charts.
        This study underlines the importance of clearly stating to a conventional medicine practitioner as well as an alternative practitioner the full details of any and all medications and supplements one may be taking.

        Don’t Mix Warfarin And Dietary Supplements, Says Study

        The Uses And Benefits Of Complementary Therapy

        If you are looking for a cheaper yet effective way to treat your sickness then you should try using complementary therapy.
        There has been an increase in the usage of these treatments over the past few years and a lot of medical experts and practitioners believe that this trend would continue over the next years.
        complementary therapyThere are a lot of reasons why this type of treatment is in demand.
        They are not only more affordable in the pocket but they are also great when it comes to the promotion of a person’s personal well being.

        What is Complementary Therapy?

        This type of treatment is used in combination with conventional medical treatments and is comprised of different treatments which include acupuncture and homeopathy for example.
        Many of these treatments would be considered as alternative medicine but most of these complementary therapy treatments are widely accepted by medical establishments all over the world.
        You might find that the terms “alternative therapy” and “complementary therapy” are often used interchangeably which leads to the misconception that they are the same thing.
        The truth is that these terms are not quite the same even if they refer to the same treatment types.
        Alternative therapy is something that you use in replacement for conventional medical treatment. When it comes to complementary therapy, this is all about treatments that you can do in addition to the conventional medical treatment.
        This is why some treatments can be considered as both alternative and complementary – depending on the situation on which they are being used.
        Even though the complementary therapy is being used along with conventional medical treatments, they are very different when it comes to philosophical terms.
        The most significant difference that you can spot out is that complementary therapy treatments use a more holistic approach wherein the focus of the treatment is on the whole person’s being.
        Conventional medical treatments would be focusing on the disease and its symptoms.
        For example, if you have a migraine the physician can recommend you to take anti-nausea or pain relief medications as medical treatments while he can also recommend that you take a massage or acupuncture as a complementary treatment.

        How Complementary Therapy Works

        Complementary therapy practitioners like chiropractors, naturopaths and acupuncturists often see health as a balance of emotional, spiritual and physical factors. The treatments are done as an attempt to restore that balance.
        This easily explains why all the complementary therapy treatments concentrate more on the person as a whole instead of concentrating on the sickness itself.
        The most widely used complementary therapy treatments in the United States are acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy and chiropractic. You have to be sure though that you check with your doctor first before you take up any complementary therapy treatments or medications.
        This is to ensure that you are working with medication and techniques that will not interfere with your medical treatments.
        You have to take note that some of these treatments can cause adverse interactions with the medications that you are taking so it is important that you get your doctor’s approval first before using anything.

        The Uses And Benefits Of Complementary Therapy

        Aromatherapy: How Does It Work

        Aromatherapy is increasingly now looked upon as part of a holistic approach to healing which is even being acknowledged by many practitioners of conventional medicine, particularly when used in adjunct with mainstream medicine.
        Simply put, Aromatherapy is the treatment or prevention of disease by use of the human olfactory sense. Volatile plant oils, including essential oils, are used for psychological and physical well-being within this discipline and the impact can be through inhalation as well as through application.
        Aromatherapy is thought to have a twofold benefit upon human beings: firstly the agreeable smells positively impact the brain particularly the limbic system (which supports a variety of functions including emotion, behavior, long term memory, and smell) through our sense of smell. The oils can be invigorating and anxiolytic, promoting good health and well being.
        Secondly the essential oils used in Aromatherapy are themselves thought to have a therapeutic effect on the body in topical application, since they are thought to have antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and antibacterial properties which can help control infections. There are also antioxidant properties of aromatherapy oils which can promote good health.
        While essentially concerned with the use of aromatic oils, Aromatherapy also concerns itself with finding solutions for promoting good health using cold pressed vegetable oils, jojoba (a liquid wax), hydrosols, herbs, milk powders, sea salts, sugars (used as exfoliants), clays and varieties of beneficial muds.
        It is important to differentiate between perfume or fragrance oils and the essential oils that are employed for holistic healing as envisaged by aromatherapy.
        While the former typically would have additives of an artificial, chemical nature, they would be unable to provide the same healing benefits as the latter.
        There is much skepticism with regard to aroma therapy, with conventional medical practitioners being doubtful or even dismissive of the healing properties of the therapy, questioning its scientific basis.
        Even for those that question the efficacy of aromatherapy as a procedure to aid the process of healing, there is one undeniable positive, and that is the lack of side effects.
        There are generally no side effects of aromatherapy, and with the possible exception of certain people with specific health problems who may be advised to avoid certain oils, this is true for most practices.
        So while accepting the limitations of aromatherapy, this is a branch of alternative medicine that does not aim to replace standard medical care; but rather to complement it.

        Aromatherapy: How Does It Work

        Aromatherapy for Acne – Cure Acne with Essential Oils

        Aromatherapy can be used to treat ailments, ease anxiety and depression, sooth nerves, and eliminate insomnia. Also, this therapy is used to treat acne and is a great non toxic way to treat mild acne on your face and body.
        Various essential oils have wonderful acne treatment properties. Each time you apply the essential oil on your skin, it should be diluted with any of the carrier oils such as apricot kernel oil or vegetable oil.
        aromatherapy for acneEssential oils are very powerful and are in use for thousands of years to cure various physical and mental conditions. When the essential oils are applied to the problem area, they improve circulation and also remove the waste matter.
        These oils have wonderful antibacterial properties. They cleanse your skin deeply and help skin return to normal condition by balancing the secretions of sebaceous glands.

        Different types of essential oils used in aromatherapy for acne cure:

        Look for oils that have anti-inflammatory, astringent and balancing properties for acne cure.
        1. Tea tree oil: This oil is a natural organic cosmetic, so there are no side effects with this kind of treatment. This oil is extracted from Melaleuca tree that usually grows in Australia. This oil has anti-fungal and anti-septic properties.
        It should only be applied on your skin and not taken internally. Mix 5% of tea tree oil in 95% of Aloe Vera gel. Apply this blend to clean your skin.
        2. Lavender oil: This oil has antiseptic properties. Dilute this oil with witch hazel and apply on to the affected areas.
        3. Jasmine essential oil: This warming and soothing oil has anti-bacterial properties that revitalizes and stimulates your skin. This oil can also be used in perfumes because of its wonderful aroma.
        4. Myrrh essential oil: This oil is extracted from Commiphora myrrha. It has warm and slightly musty smell and is pale yellow to amber in color. This oil has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and sedative properties. It is non-irritant and non-sensitizing, but when applied in high doses acts as uterine stimulant, which is dangerous during pregnancy.
        5. Sandalwood essential oil: This oil is extensively used for dry, cracked and chapped skin and effectively reduces acne and rashes and is also used in various skincare products. Sandalwood has antimicrobial properties making it a popular herbal antiseptic for treating minor skin abrasions. Also, it cleanses and conditions the skin leaving it moisturized, free of germs and protected from the harmful rays of the sun.
        6. Ylang ylang essential oil: It is beneficial for any type of skin, but is more beneficial for oily skin. This oil balances the production of oil and decreases excessive oiliness. This oil has anti-bacterial properties that help to control acne and blemishes. It smoothes and softens the skin and stimulates new cell growth.

        Some other oils for aromatherapy for acne cure:

        In addition to the above oils, other oils containing following properties can also be used in aromatherapy for acne cure:
        Oils with anti-inflammatory properties: Ex. Roman and German chamomile, helichrysum, frankincense, and patchouli. Oils with these properties reduce painful irritation and swelling around the acne region.
        Oils with astringent properties: Ex. frankincense, juniper, neroli, rosewood, palmarosa, geranium, and cedarwood. These oils control oiliness of the skin.
        Oils with balanced properties: Ex. helichrysum, palmarosa, geranium, and rosemary. These oils normalize oil production and improve the skin condition.
        Oils with antiseptic properties: Ex. petitgrain, patchouli, niaouli and palmarosa.

        Aromatherapy for Acne – Cure Acne with Essential Oils

        Aromatherapy As A Natural Aphrodisiac

        If you have ever had a particular smell evoke and erotic memory, or had a perfume transport you to another time and place altogether, then you know the power of aroma to make you feel things, to alter your mood, bring up forgotten memories and do a whole lot besides.
        In the process of human civilization and evolution, much of our instinctive reaction to smell has been diluted so that we no longer react to our sense of smell the way we were programmed by nature.
        aromatherapyHowever, it is still a fact that our olfactory sense can be stimulated to produce certain responses and the way that sex pheromones work is evidence of this fact.
        Using aroma therapy as a natural aphrodisiac first requires a rising of the body temperature since the warmth that this generates, causes the fragrance of the therapeutic oils to start working. Some of the essential oils that you may find work really well for the libido are –
        Jasmine – this is one truly sensual floral fragrance and in places such as India the fragrance has long been used as natural perfume for the body and hair as well. The tradition of applying jasmine scented oil to the hair has been a tradition for ages and continues to this day.
        Rose – If there is one smell or one flower that is quite simply the essence of romance, it would have to be roses. There are reasons why the rose scented bath is the epitome of sensual luxury and the rose petal strewn bed is a call to eroticism. Cleopatra was known to bathe in milk and Rose petals even thousands of years ago.
        Vanilla – The beautiful but subtle smell of vanilla can stimulate the senses and start to make you feel in the mood so to speak. Though vanilla is erroneously sometimes, thought of as a bland spice, it can be very effective in stroking latent fires.
        Ylang Ylang – This is a sweet floral smell that is best used in conjunction with other fragrances since its very sweetness can be cloying for some. However it blends very well with other fragrances to produce the desired results.
        Ginger – This is known to raise the temperature of the body and while it is known to greatly enhance the flavor of any number of dishes, it is also known to be an addition to salves and unction’s that are used to apply to the skin.

        Aromatherapy As A Natural Aphrodisiac