

"Disabled" redirects here. For the poem by Wilfred Owen, see Disabled (poem).

"Disabilities" redirects here. For the Middle Age restrictions, see Disabilities (Jewish).

A disability may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental or some combination of these.Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions.

 An impairment is a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executing a task or action; while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations. 

Thus disability is a complex phenomenon, reflecting an interaction between features of a person’s body and features of the society in which he or she lives.

—World Health Organization

Many people would rather be referred to as a person with a disability instead of handicapped. "Cerebral Palsy: 
A Guide for Care" at the University of Delaware offers the following guidelines:
[2]Impairment is the correct term to use to define a deviation from normal, such as not being able to make a muscle move or not being able to control an unwanted movement. Disability is the term used to define a restriction in the ability to perform a normal activity of daily living which someone of the same age is able to perform. For example, a three year old child who is not able to walk has a disability because a normal three year old can walk independently. Handicap is the term used to describe a child or adult who, because of the disability, is unable to achieve the normal role in society commensurate with his age and socio-cultural milieu. As an example, a sixteen-year-old who is unable to prepare his own meal or care for his own toileting or hygiene needs is handicapped. On the other hand, a sixteen-year-old who can walk only with the assistance of crutches but who attends a regular school and is fully independent in activities of daily living is disabled but not handicapped. All disabled people are impaired, and all handicapped people are disabled, but a person can be impaired and not necessarily be disabled, and a person can be disabled without being handicapped.An individual may also qualify as disabled if he/she has had an impairment in the past or is seen as disabled based on a personal or group standard or norm. Such impairments may include physical, sensory, and cognitive or developmental disabilities. Mental disorders (also known as psychiatric or psychosocial disability) and various types of chronic disease may also qualify as disabilities.Some advocates object to describing certain conditions (notably deafness and autism) as "disabilities", arguing that it is more appropriate to consider them developmental differences that have been unfairly stigmatized by society.

A disability may occur during a person's lifetime or may be present from birth.

Top 10 Cosmetic Dental Procedures

A great smile often acts as a booster for your self confidence and modern cosmetic dentistry has enabled us many advanced procedures to reshape our smile. You must consult your dentist first to determine which cosmetic dental procedure is best for your needs.
Here are some of the most common cosmetic dental procedures that can help you own that beautiful smile.
Teeth Whitening or Bleaching
This procedure is usually done inside the dentist’s clinic but you can also get some products at some retail stores. Their prices vary so you can definitely find one that will suit every budget. This kind of treatment is used to eliminate tooth stains and discoloration. The results can be instantly achieved and you can enjoy whiter teeth for a long time.
Dental Implants
This type of dental procedure is a better alternative to traditional dentures because it could give you the kind of teeth that will look and feel more natural. The teeth will be planted directly into the bones so you will not have to worry about your teeth falling off. These tend to be costlier though.
Dental Bonding
Teeth could easily get crooked or broken due to injury and some people are just born with not-so-perfect teeth. So, dental bonding is highly recommended to fix these kinds of problem. A clay-like material will be applied to the teeth and a special kind of intense light will be used to harden the material and give the best possible results.
These are usually made of porcelain to achieve shiny and white teeth.  Dental veneersare specifically recommended for people with tooth discoloration or heavy stains problems. This dental procedure could also correct damaged teeth due to other causes. It could effectively change the way your teeth look and could create a positive effect on your teeth’s appearance.
White Fillings (Composites)
Fillings are commonly used to repair the damages or holes caused by cavities. They often come in metallic form which is highly noticeable when you smile but now, these fillings also come in white shades that will easily blend with the color of your teeth. These are known as composites. You will achieve a more natural look with these kinds of fillings.
Dental Bridge (Fixed partial denture)
This will help eliminate the flat look or effect caused by the absence of teeth. A denture will be placed on the location of the missing tooth and will be connected by a crown. This could definitely bring back the natural appeal of your smile. Bridges are better alternatives to removable partial dentures in comfort level as well as aesthetic appeal.
Dental Contouring
This is used to align or straighten crooked or overlapped teeth. It could also help people who have problems with the shape of their teeth. The procedure is simple and there will be no to little pain that is completely tolerable.
Cosmetic Gum Surgery
Have you ever noticed some people who seem to have very long teeth? This is because of the recession of gums due to the natural aging process or gum disease. Gum disease is a very dangerous entity that can lead to the recession of the gums. This could be fixed by grafting some tissues from the other areas of your mouth and then using these to rebuild the gum area.
Custom Dentures
This is the simplest form of dental procedure when it comes to replacing missing teeth. It has become the most common preference because of its simplicity and as it costs cheaper.
Accelerated Orthodontics
This is one of the best ways to achieve perfectly straight or aligned teeth. This is better than getting braces because the process will normally take about 3-8 months only compared to braces that could stay on your teeth for years.

Aloe vera saves animals and human from severe hemorrhagic shock

Aloe vera saves animals and human from severe hemorrhagic shock (blood loss)

Here's a fascinating use of phytonutrients found in aloe vera. I've talked about this in previous articles but never discussed it in detail until now. It turns out thatspecial polymers found in aloe vera gel have the ability to potentiate the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.

What do I mean by that? I mean that aloe vera gel turns sludgy, oxygen-depleted blood into smooth-flowing oxygen-rich blood! It's being used experimentally right now by the U.S. military to save the lives of soldiers who have lost enormous amounts of blood from battlefield injuries. The original research was done on rats (see below) by unethical researchers who kill rats for a living. They bled out the rats, removing up to 3.15mL of blood per 100g of rat body weight (which is a huge amount of blood when you consider the small size of the rats), then tried to resuscitate them by injecting a polymer made from aloe vera. The study showed phenomenal improvements in the resuscitation , blood  pressure and survival in the group receiving the aloe vera polymer.

What it means is thatthe aloe vera made the remaining blood work better.And this was done in rats who, believe it or not, have far healthier diets than the average U.S. consumer. By using aloe vera in humans, the improvement in the "sludge blood" found in most U.S. adults would be nothing less than astonishing. Drug companies, of course, want to isolate some chemical found in aloe vera and turn it into a patentable drug. But that's entirely unnecessary.Just eat aloe vera geland you get the benefits. Besides, the benefits are not due to one isolated chemical, they're made possible by a symphony of supporting phytonutrients. That's something that all the minds in western pharmaceutical science today still can't understand: thesynergy of healing compounds from nature.

Aloe vera gel is one of my own secrets to strong athletic performance. People who know me at the gym call me a "cardio machine." They even gave me a nickname in Capoeira that means "The Machine." Because at age 38, I'm out-performing twenty years olds. One of my secrets is simply thatI frequeuntly eat raw aloe vera gel. It makes my blood carry more oxygen to enhance the function of my tissues and organs. That gives me a strong "oxygen advantage" over everyone else, because almost nobody else eats aloe vera (they're too closed minded to even consider the possibility of what it might do for them). So while others are eating poisonous foods and taking toxic drugs, I'm eating nutrient-dense superfoods and taking aloe vera.

The effect is so powerful that I'm fairly certain as soon as professional athletes figure this out, they're going to start doping with aloe vera gel. They'll cycle farther, swim faster and recover more quickly from any physical exercise.Aloe vera gel turns normal blood into super-oxygenated blood.But you have to eat a lot of it. I blend up an entire leaf (a piece of gel about the size of my forearm) in a smoothie and drink that. You can't expect huge benefits from taking tiny nibbles of aloe vera. You have to make it part of your diet. Eat it like food.

Aloe vera et cancer

Aloe vera et cancer

  • Stop la croissance des tumeurs cancéreuses.
  • La plante diminue les taux de cholestérol élevés.
  • Accroît l'oxygénation du sang.
  • Diminue l'inflammation et soulage la douleur arthritique.
  • Protège le corps contre le stress.
  • Prévient les calculs rénaux et protège le corps contre les oxalates.
  • Alcalise le corps en aidant à l'équilibre des habitudes alimentaires trop acide.
  • L'aloe vera gère les ulcères, la maladie de Crohn et d'autres troubles digestifs.
  • Réduit la haute pression sanguine naturelle, en traitant la cause, et pas seulement les symptômes.
  • Nourrit le corps avec des minéraux, des vitamines, des enzymes.
  • Accelère la guérison des brulure et des coups de soleil.
  • Aloe vera lutte contre la constipation.
  • Stabilise le sucre dans le sang et réduit les triglycérides chez les diabétiques.
  • Prévient et traite les infections dues au candida.
Pourquoi certaines personnes atteinte de cancer utilisent l'aloe vera?
L'aloe vera est surtout utilisée pour la peau. Certaines personnes ayant un cancer utilisent l'aloe vera pour soulager et guérir les brulures causées par leur traitement de radiothérapie.
Il y a des preuves de l'efficacité de son utilisation pour les petits problèmes de peau et les brulures.
De nombreux patients disent que ça les soulage, des infirmiers spécialisés et des radiothérapeutes recommandent son utilisation.
Plus rarement des personne utilisent l'aloe vera en injection ou en capsules pour traiter leur cancer, il n'y a pas encore de preuves scientifiques que l'aloe soigne le cancer.
Certaines études en laboratoire ont montrées qu'une substance contenue dans les feuilles d'aloé vera (Aloe emodin) peut bloquer la croissance des cellules cancéreuses (tests en tubes à essais) mais cela n'a pas été démontré avec des essais sur l'homme. Il faut d'autres études avant de savoir si une partie de l'aloe vera peut aider à prévenir ou soigner certains types de cancer.
Ne pas abuser de la plante en usage interne sous risque d'une intoxication à l'aloïne

Présentation de l'aloé vera

Présentation de l'aloé véra, de ses bienfaits pour l'organisme humain.Cette plante aux mille vertus utilisée en phytothérapie dans le monde entier est connues depuis les temps les plus reculés.L'homme a ainsi pu tirer le meilleur parti de l'aloé vera aisi que de ses principes actifs biens utiles au bien-être de chacun.