
How Common Is Bedwetting?

Bedwetting is an issue that millions of families face every night. It is extremely common among young kids but can last into the teen years.
Doctors don't know for sure what causes bedwetting or why it stops. But it is often a natural part of development, and kids usually grow out of it. Most of the time bedwetting is not a sign of any deeper medical or emotional issues.
All the same, bedwetting can be very stressful for families. Kids can feel embarrassed and guilty about wetting the bed and anxious about spending the night at a friend's house or at camp. Parents often feel helpless to stop it.
Bedwetting may last for a while, but providing emotional support and reassurance can help your child feel better until it stops.

How Common Is Bedwetting?

Enuresis, the medical name for bedwetting, is a common problem in kids, especially children under the age of 6 years. About 13% of 6-year-olds wet the bed, while about 5% of 10-year-olds do.
Bedwetting often runs in families: kids who wet the bed often have a relative who did, too. If both parents wet the bed when they were young, it's very likely that their child will.

Coping With Bedwetting

Bedwetting usually goes away on its own. But until it does, it can be embarrassing and uncomfortable for your child. So it's important to provide support and positive reinforcement during this process.
Reassure your child that bedwetting is a normal part of growing up and that it's not going to last forever. It may comfort your child to hear about other family members who also struggled with it when they were young.
Remind your child to go to the bathroom one final time before bedtime. Try to have your child drink more fluids during the daytime hours and less at night. Fluids given later in the day should not have caffeine. Some parents try waking their kids in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Many also find that using a motivational system, such as stickers for dry nights with a small reward (such as a book) after a certain number of stickers, can work well. Bedwetting alarms also can be helpful.
When your child wakes with wet sheets, don't yell or spank him or her. Have your child help you change the sheets. Explain that this isn't punishment, but it is a part of the process. It may even help your child feel better knowing that he or she helped out. Offer praise when your child has a dry night.

When to Call the Doctor

Bedwetting that begins abruptly or is accompanied by other symptoms can be a sign of another medical condition, so talk with your doctor.
The doctor may check for signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI), constipation, bladder problems, diabetes, or severe stress.
Call the doctor if your child:
  • suddenly starts wetting the bed after being consistently dry for at least 6 months
  • begins to wet his or her pants during the day
  • starts misbehaving at school or at home
  • complains of a burning sensation or pain when urinating
  • has to urinate frequently
  • is drinking or eating much more than usual
  • has swelling of the feet or ankles
  • your child is still wetting the bed at age 7 years
Also let the doctor know if you're feeling frustrated with the situation or could use some help. In the meantime, your support and patience can go a long way in helping your child feel better about the bedwetting.
Remember, the long-term outlook is excellent and in almost all cases dry days are just ahead.

Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD
Date reviewed: October 2008

Treatment of diabetes with food:

Treatment of diabetes with food:
The best way to treat this disease is to follow this diet for 10-15 days:
* Focus on nutrition of whole grains (rice full - whole wheat - millet full - full corn - barley - oats) only .. ie the proportion of whole grains be 100% .. be taken in any way .. .. raw or cooked with water or without ..
* Refrain from taking any liquids .. and only drink water when needed and in quantities that very, very simple .. because we get the fluids from the food we eat ..
* Refrain from sugar and all kinds of candy ..
* Refrain from all fruit ..
* Refrain from all kinds of meat ..
* Refrain from the vegetables ..

And eat a hundred grams of pumpkin (pumpkin), cooked .. with 50 grams of saying Alazuki Alvajum Red (available in natural food stores) .. .. every day, provided that the pumpkins .. and Alazuki (Aladuque is the same - Shafi, kidneys) from .. production areas cool .. (Belgium - Canada - America - Brazil - France) .. and characterized Bgenihama carbohydrate substance that prevents doctors from diabetes .. because they turn into sugar in our bodies .. but the rice and pumpkin full .. .. and has the ability Alazuki .. without the help of medical products .. to cure diabetes, God willing ..

Step Two:
In this period we will move to the food or add more accurately, other food ..
In the third week:
* Continue on whole grains contained in the first step .. but be attributed to food 90% ..
We add only vegetables .. and of course, prefer * diversification of vegetables that grow above ground and vegetables that will be represented below .. .. 10% of vegetables eaten as a vegetable season .. should stay away from them once a shade plants (eggplant - potatoes - Green Filv - tomato - avocado - the ground wire) .. and there are vegetables Aisthab multiplication of any of them .. be taken at intervals spaced (celery - choice - Albzalia Green - Mushrooms - Red Cabbage - Lettuce - legumes Almnepth) .. As for vegetables that can be taken continuously Wild -.... etc.) ..
* Refrain of fluids .. and only drink water when needed and in quantities that are very simple ..
* Refrain from sugar and all kinds of candy ..
* Refrain from all fruit ..
* Refrain from all kinds of meat ..
Fourth week:
The same third week but less than whole grains to 80% and increase the proportion of vegetables to 20% ..
With the rest of the steps and follow the instructions ..
Week Five:
Less than whole grains to become 70% .. and continue to the percentage of vegetables and 20% .. 10% add soup is prepared by a grain and vegetables with miso .. with the remainder to follow the same instructions about taboos ..
The sixth week until the end of four months (120 days) .. continue on the same system of the fifth week ..

And then must hold the healthy, balanced diet ..

Diabetes and honey

Diabetes and honey
Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Aridi, who holds a Ph.D. and MS in Food Science and Nutrition therapeutic properties of bee products
During your studies Scientific Is there a link between high blood sugar, honey, Is there any precautions for patients with diabetes when you use honey?
- If we throw light on the installation of honey bees chemical it contains 75% - 80% of the sugars is glucose by 35%, and fructose (sugar fruits) 40-45%, sugar, sucrose 3% in addition to several sugars such as maltose, sugars many this is not always fixed and that these percentages are not fixed for all types of honey, each type of honey is specially formulated based on the quality of nectar and the diversity of sources, floral and methods of bee-keeping, feeding on the solutions of sugar for bees as well as some other factors if you may get a honey sugar glucose in which high if Feed your bees to glucose or the fruits of grapes and the sworn enemy of a patient with diabetes may get the honey sugar fructose which high if fed bees on nectar of flowers and given a sufficient period to maturity of honey, this may suit some of the diabetes, particularly type II non-insulin-dependent because the fruit sugar (fructose ) are not represented fully in the body as it does not require insulin to be introduced to the cells if the patient's diabetes was a disease that has the type I insulin-Vonsahh not eat honey, if he so wishes to be within the limits allowed him out of the meal and under medical supervision because the doctor is I know the situation of each patient's rate of one tablespoon in the morning empty stomach, but if a person has diabetes type II ie, non-insulin-dependent and based on diet and certain medications that is to say the percentage of sugar in the blood do not rise to high levels where there is activity in the pancreas, but not enough to organize the level of sugar in the blood and this can take natural honey and one teaspoon (21 gm) morning on an empty stomach only so as to activate the pancreas, there are a lot of scientific research world, some warn of the use of honey for diabetic and other supports covered under certain conditions, and research supports addressing prophylaxis and treatment for his role in stimulating insulin and compensate for the body what it needs from vehicles nutrition are important, such as minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other treatment is characterized by the honey from other materials, this theory does not require proof or proving the remembrance of Allah Almighty in the Holy download in Surat Al-Nahl {out from their bellies a drink of varying color wherein healing to the people! verse No. 69, Vmarb diabetes, especially non-insulin-dependent No one can deprive him of this Article therapeutic food, but according to the regulations and under the supervision of a medical and we would like to review some scientific research has proved that eating a diabetic patient (non-insulin-dependent) of honey Kmlakh one am not raise blood sugar but also activates the secretion of insulin leads to a reduction in the percentage of sugar in the blood, and scientific research and the reasons attributable a reduction in blood sugar, one tablespoon of honey (21 g) gives the calorie amount to 68 calories, less than the apple one and less of the 3 dates of medium and less than a banana if the amount of calories is nothing frightening, then why doctors warn diabetics of honey while allowing the patient's eating dates if the 3 dates that are given more power than a spoon of honey, a patient with diabetes may address more than 10 dates and rice and fruits, etc. This of course has something random and non-compliance with diet, honey is not responsible for raising blood sugar more dangerous than fat honey in their impact.

He revealed that the coefficient Woelm German produce solutions of honey after the liquidation of Gharwiath 20%, 40% under the name of the M2 Woelm ready for injection intravenously is known that these compounds reduce blood sugar, and who benefit from honey are patients with diabetes is insulin-dependent NIDDM Here it should be noted that the use must be within reasonable limits with the expense of the calories of honey in the need of the patient and often the patient is obese, where the amount of insulin in the first normal and may be more than the normal level then taxing the gland Wenger Hans in the pancreas weakening of insulin secretion requires a warning to activate and this case, honey is the most suitable materials and should be use cautiously because excessive eating may lead to the secretion of abundant amount of insulin will cause the consumption of sugars consumed, as well as insulin, which leads this representation is excreted in large quantities of fatty substances, which cause weight gain.

The Russian said Dr. Ayryc that among the components of honey, a sort of natural hormones like insulin.
A study was conducted by Ahmed (2000) to determine the impact of honey bees to the level of glucose in the blood of patients with diabetes type II who are not dependent on insulin was discovered with the disease recently and so giving them different doses of honey or a mixture of sugars essential in honey (fructose , glucose, sucrose) in the same proportions that exist in a sample of honey used in the study as well as giving them doses of glucose to the resistance between the impact and effect of honey and mix of sugars on the level of glucose in the blood and found that small doses of honey (25 g) did not cause the rise mentioned in the blood glucose level after an hour of the start of the test and that the level of blood sugar dropped clearly after 3 hours than in the fasting state, it was noted that a mixture of sugars and glucose causes a sharp rise in the level of sugar in the blood after an hour while the honey did not occur a significant effect and the study showed that it is possible that dealing with patients with diabetes, natural honey, according to guidelines and within the accounts of food .. And to take advantage of food components.

Has conducted all of the (Tobiasch and Killian 1953) study on the effect of honey on diabetes and found that the effect of honey in raising the blood sugar is at least half of the effect of glucose and found that 9 of 17 people after eating a honey sugar their blood after 180 minutes returned to the less-than-average Previous and recommended to the use of honey in the diet diabetic calculated may be used twice in the morning and afternoon at 20 g for each time did not affect the levels of diabetes in study participants so as not to exceed the calories of honey taken in today (60-120 calories) and found that honey Summer the most suitable of honey winter for a patient with diabetes may be due to characterize summer honey in the country of study as a result of the nectar of flowers and chemical composition (percentages sugars) is suitable for patients with diabetes to high fructose example, while the winter may be the result of feeding the fruits or solutions to the lack of flowers in winter .

Study for a doctorate that you made on patients with diabetes found in the honey to eat led to lower blood glucose (fasting), a significant decrease from the fourth week of 219 Milgerama / 100 grams to 195 mg / 100 g and has continued to decline for up to 141 mg / 100 g in the second week of ten of these average and the cases are not all equal.

All-natural honey has a similar effect, but some brands from other characterized and the reason for reducing the percentage of sugar in the blood may be due to the following:
1 - that honey contains a natural hormone and insulin-like Russian, Dr. Ayryc.
2 - Honey may occur a kind of shock to Vionnbh pancreatic beta cells as a result of the sugars of honey contain high amounts of norepinephrine who shall in turn greater than the insulin with the passage of active days (two hours after taking the honey rises slightly and then drops to lower levels of the previous rate).
3 - may have an effect on the receptor cells Cell Receptor
4 - There may be reasons other than that and God knows it.

Moumaa in Indian medicine with ordinary medicine

I have used Moumaa in Indian medicine for thousands of years to treat many diseases, the most important treatment of wounds and fractures as well as the treatment of bronchitis, chronic asthma, sexual stimulant and anti-ulcer and low-sugar against infections, Modern studies have shown that Moumaa contain chemical compounds many of the most important acid Alfolvic acid Alheiumik The three turbines and Sterolat and organic acids and Allagiu carboxylic acid and benzoic acid and hippuric Bnzokumarin and resin and fatty acids and amino acids including: glycine and methionine and Alasparajen and glutamic acid and aspartic acid and vinyl Altaarosen and whining.

One of the main uses of modern Mumia use against the disease diabetes which increases the level of insulin in diabetics, will also maintain the balance blood sugar is also Moumaa activate the immune system and anti-inflammatory in addition to her work Kamadadh for stomach ulcers and duodenum are to move minerals like calcium and phosphorus and magnesium into muscle tissue and bone are Moumaa of the best medicines to treat wounds.

One caveat that must be followed not increase the dose as Moumaa contain hippuric acid and coumarin that cause blood thinners.

The proposed dose 200 mg twice to three times a day for 25 to 30 days and can repeat the treatment after a week to two weeks from the time of interruption of treatment.

Fruit of the Book of the Prophet Aldoana of Medicine and the Quranic / c Ela natural medicines.
Ginseng: Canadian researchers found in three experiments they conducted on animals and humans, that the herb ginseng Khavdha impact of sugar, which helps in reducing the levels of glucose in the blood both in patients with diabetes or is injured.

The study showed the first, where they had been given three grams of the herb ginseng, medicine unusual for the nine people living with diabetes type II, and ten others are not infected with the disease, followed by a solution containing 25 grams of glucose by mouth, that the group that took the herb saw a drop sugar in the blood by 28
22%, compared to the group that dealt with ordinary medicine.

Some of the herbal medicines useful for the treatment of diabetes

Some of the herbal medicines useful for the treatment of diabetes
Plant Marshmallow: a grass around me scientifically known as Althaea officinalis and the part of the plant used to reduce blood sugar is the root and back to influence the reduced blood sugar to the gels, which ranged between 25 and 35%, and pectin, which has a rate ranging between 1 12% and leaf marshmallow uses many are used flowers and leaves next to the roots Ktardh hit and comfort and generating and anti-stone and anti-inflammatory and infectious ulcer and duodenum, there are of marshmallow products found in local markets in the form of capsules and moods and pigments and tea bags.

Laurel Bay Laurel: 
Laurel is a plant large trees oldest known scientifically as Laurus nobilis and the user part of the plant leaves and volatile oil. Contain the papers to the volatile oil by 3% and the most important compounds in this oil is Alsceniol and Allinalol Alfabeinin and also contains articles and materials Afsip gel and resin materials. The Greeks and Romans used as a medical and laurel leaves are used for the treatment of upper digestive system problems, and to treat pain resulting from the turmoil occurring in the gastrointestinal tract, and the bay leaves stimulate the appetite and increase the secretion of juices Alhiama. The doctor says Richard Anderson, the bay leaves work to help the body to use insulin better and the dose used is 500 Mellgram of powdered leaves (about half a teaspoon) has studied the impact of the papers to the experimental animals, and gave good results.

Muammar tree is a plant known scientifically as Gymnem Sylvestre and the user part of it is the leaves and sometimes the legs. Original home of this plant, India and Africa but now cultivated in most countries of the world. We have used the Indians of this plant from several centuries for the treatment of diabetes in recent years has worked several studies on experimental animals and in humans, and proved the effectiveness of leaves of this plant for the treatment of blood sugar and proved that the leaves of this plant increases the secretion of insulin in patients with type first no-insulin-dependent.

I've found that leaves of this plant contain Gelokozydat called Jaymanamin (Gymnemin) has been studying this plant to people dependent on insulin, where he experimented with the papers to the 27 patients with diabetes who use insulin because they are the first type has been proven by the study, said the papers are to stimulate the production of insulin from the pancreas. We have also proved that this plant is one of the drugs that there is no damage to his side despite the use for a long time, and there of the drug products are codified in the form of capsules. Should diabetics who take insulin, do not use this plant only after coordination with the relevant good.

Black tea Black tea
Muammar herbal tea plant part used him a wad of fresh and black tea come from the leaves. The study on the Indian black tea and experimental animal study found that tea extract reduced blood sugar and therefore, diabetics can eat a large amount of black tea. Plants, a Saudi native habitat.

The most important findings of Dr. Jaber separate chemical compound again is considered the first of its kind has never been separated from any other plant is this compound is a new addition to the chemistry and also, this compound has an effect reduced the blood sugar has patented this compound, USA has been given Name (Saudin) and then one of the reputed universities in the United States U.S. construction of this compound is chemically and reached the final version of the compound after ten years and published a method of construction in the finest magazines in the U.S.. Dr. Jaber has published three papers in three different international scientific magazines, and chapter 12 of the same plant compound called Ricardan one of them has the same effect as the boat Saudis. Since the compound has become praising the Saudis We hope to God that utilized in the near future.

Saudi Arabia has given the plant a plant and the 12 excellent results against diabetes, but because the side effects is not complete her studies, we can not mention their names for fear of being misused, especially since some of them is one of the Abannataat toxic.

Chromium Chromium
This metal is one of the most important minerals for the production of insulin from the pancreas and is usually given to diabetics with type I insulin-dependent and the metal found in apples, beef, yeast, liver, butter, chicken, corn, eggs, sweet potatoes, peel onions, tomatoes and all the grain kinds. The metal chromium contribute to the process of glucose metabolism and helps in the production of insulin and blood sugar regulation and reduces the increase in insulin. Will also reduce cholesterol and also reduce weight and increase muscle tissue. It also helps to transfer glucose to the tissue and it has products in local markets. Alberhom

(Figs (Nopal
Herbal plant Muammar his cards disc prolonged by large thorns him flowers yellow to orange fruit the size of pears in a large oval-shaped and has a sweet taste. This plant is spreading in most parts of the world and is famous for the Taif and Abha and cold regions in the Kingdom of the best kinds of fruit and favorite fruit and favorite in the summer. Known scientifically as Opuntia Ficus - indica .. The user of the plant leaves, flowers and fruits.

It has been proved by laboratory studies that the papers figs reduced blood sugar and cholesterol and obesity. In a recent study has legs Alberhom found that patients with diabetes is dependent on insulin and those who fasted for 12 hours when it took the bottom stems of the plant sugar have declined significantly increased their insulin. In another study on the leaves that were proven to improve the performance of insulin and was told that the leaves and stems of figs can be a major force in the treatment of diabetes is dependent on insulin. There is a preparation of papers Alberhom sold in markets are regulated. Oash.

(Blueberry mountain (Bilbenny
Muammar herbal plant has small leaves and the fruits of blueberry-colored black form known scientifically as Vaccinium myrtillus and contains tannins and acid, fruit acids and sugars and Gelokozydat contain the papers to arbutin. I have used the plant for a long time in the treatment of sugar in the blood and reduced, especially in cases of diabetes late evolution as it increases insulin production and uses of the plant tonic that drug anti-emetic antiseptic disinfectant of the urinary system. It must be noted that this reduction of plant reduces sugar For good people with diabetes requiring insulin, but eat the grass in the form of soaked without consulting a doctor or specialist qualification.

Bitter melon Bitter Melon or Bitter apple
Bitter melon herbal plant creeping Muammar leg of the original desert areas, especially in Saudi Arabia, and bitter melon plants of the extreme bitterness and usually a good example is said (the order of Handal) .. Handal of yellow flowers and fruits are similar in size to an orange or apple green color scheme blanks before maturity and then turn yellow. Fruit and smooth .. Contains the core of the sponge, which is attributable to the impact of the strong laxative and bitter melon is one of the strongest laxatives at all as it contains a large number of seeds between the spongy pulp and seeds of bitter melon is called "Hped" .. Use of bitter melon all its parts, but the material used to reduce blood sugar is especially seeds and seed coat known as "novels on the short" and should get rid of the bitterness of bitter melon seeds, washed several times with water and salt.

The vehicle described by most of the herbal medicines and the previous chrome called Blood suganr
There would have had an American company called (Nature's Way) installed, and natural character used for the treatment of diabetes is the form of capsules and includes this recipe 420 mg of leaves Alberhom, 255 mg of leaves Alawessh 0.260 mg of fenugreek seeds and 150 mg of each of the fruits of the option of Korea and the seeds of bitter melon and 75 mg of Conclusion dry plant Aljmnia 0.66 mg of acid extract of the leaves Aljmnezek, Chrome Paulinkulinic (Cromium Polynicolinate) by 300 micrograms and vitamin "A" units by 1505.

Important Note You should not use this drug by pregnant women and breastfeeding women and non-use by people with diabetes only after coordination with the physician.

Moumaa Mumya
Moumaa a homogeneous mixture of the secretions of plants and derivatives of animal and mineral-like in form, tar steel, but sometimes the intention to structure a black or black as seen in the image, and consists Moumaa when it rains which washed the rain to the low-lying areas where they accumulate in certain drilling and, when dry water These holes or depressions filled with a substance Moumaa gathered under a certain control and cut into pieces and exported to various parts of the world. There Moumaa in specific places of the world such as the Himalayas, Nepal, Altea and Pamir, Iran and Kashmir and some Russian regions.

The company announced the zenith the planet for providing the product is strange herb neurolaena lobata

The company announced the zenith the planet for providing the product is strange herb neurolaena lobata is the herb of the most important herbs for healing, this property is an anti-toxins and antifungal and anti-bacterial and Central America, residents say that the plant is completely cured of sugar.

Bitter gourd
Herbaceous plants around me know scientifically as creepy momordica charantia and popularly known by several names such as Kerala and pears, cucumbers Albulsmah Korean This is a famous plant that gave off like zucchini or option, but it highlights the protrusions on the outer surface is characterized by many and bitter taste. I began research on the fruits of this plant in 1960, where studies have shown that these fruits can control the level of blood sugar in patients with diabetes. In a clinical trial conducted on humans found that 5 grams "about teaspoons" of powdered fruit dry taken daily reduced blood sugar by 54% and in another study took 50 ml "about a quarter cup of the summary of fruits with reduced blood sugar by 20%. Has done a study science in the Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Saud University, where Dr. Jaber bin Salem Al Qahtani study of several plants of the annexation of the fruits of bitter gourd and proved the effectiveness of these fruits in reducing blood sugar, but there are other plants was distinct from the plant was published this research in: International Journal of crude Dirg Research in 1985. can be eaten the fruits of this plant as is or can be squeezed or can be done boiling them where taken four ounces of fruit chopped fresh and immersed in a liter of water and boil until it reaches the amount of water in half "pint" and drain and drink once one day.

Aziz asks for bitter gourd is dried before cooking or not cooking raw Can Almlaktin Almojuztin mix of bitter gourd powder milk or tea to reduce the bitterness. And how to use it on an empty stomach or after breakfast or dinner and the approximate duration of use .. Do we take him sugar pills and insulin needle?
- Dried raw bitter gourd without cooking and can be blended with Almlaktin if you like milk or tea. And use is usually before eating and the approximate duration of the use of six weeks and then stop a week and re-used again, can be used with the drive, but should not depend on the drive and you can consult with your doctor its use and analysis for those who used insulin injections I hope not to stop insulin and can be used, but after coordination with physician.

Korean option: Mr. Mohammed Aldrebe ask about the fruits of bitter gourd are there in the markets of vegetables, whether eaten raw or cooked or is dried and milled and used Xfov Will attend to eat? You have stated that it can eat the fruit as they are and perform the same effect can be squeezed or boiled them work, or cut and immersed in one liter of water and boil until it reaches the amount of water to half a liter and drink once a day. How much quantity used of these fruits that cut and boil with water?

- The fruits of pumpkin or option Korean found in large markets with vegetables and sold like a regular option is different from regular option by the presence of prominent protrusions and form of shagreen. Can be eaten raw or cooked or as a powder after drying raw and use two tablespoons of the powder and can be used in the form of powdered used by the patient for six weeks, but after coordination with the competent and must not leave the medicine currently used and previously associated together, the analysis of the day and under the supervision of competent, a who can guide you to continue or stop it and after six weeks can be a week to rest and then repeated use .. The second way is to eat the fruit as is or cut up and boiled with water so taken from the option Korean 120 grams and eaten or squeezed or cut into small pieces and placed in a liter of water, and boil until the volume of water half a liter and cooled and filtered and then drink once a day.

Onions, garlic, Onion and Garlic: The onion and garlic supplements have been used for centuries to treat diabetes, especially in Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and either garlic is like the onion in the impact, but the onion is stronger in the field of diabetes and is said to eat garlic fresh is the best thing if possible to reduce the sugar and garlic can be cooked with food that does the same purpose. I have worked many studies on the onions and garlic in the field of diabetes Among the studies done by Dr. Jaber bin Salem Al-Qahtani, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Saud University on the plants used in traditional medicine, Saudi Arabia, which was among the onion and garlic on experimental animals, where he received the results of the distinctive onion and garlic This research was published in the International Journal of Materials Research medicine. He also studied another onion in the other plants have proved that the onion ability to reduce Nbsh sugar in the blood by about 40% was published in the Journal (IRCS Medical SCi) in Britain, and the onion has distinct effects other than its effect on blood sugar is an antibiotic and diuretic and anti-inflammatory and soothing expectorant. It also affects the circulatory system, especially for people who suffer from angina. As that of the similar effects of garlic on where the reduction of blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and TB infection and a blood thinner in the treatment of inflammation of the urinary tract in addition to being a killer for many types of bacteria. Fenugreek Fenugreek

Circuit: Herbaceous plants around me, and user part of the seeds and fenugreek seeds Almnepth (no seeds Almnepth in big markets such as the Panda and Azizia Tamimi Euermarchih, etc.). I have used the track of the hundreds of years have been told by the people if they knew what the benefit of the purchased its weight in gold. Has worked on the fenugreek seeds, scientific studies of many all over the world and was among those studies done by Dr. Jaber bin Salem Al-Qahtani, Department of drugs, King Saud University to study their effect on blood sugar has been proven by the study, published in the journal (Medical Science) to the circuit effects are well to lower blood sugar and the ring used in the form of powdered or in the form of capsules, where there are currently on the market regulated products. The arena of safe medicines for this purpose as it is next to the reduced blood sugar by reducing the cholesterol and liver cancer and drop the Adrar also milk the lactating women.

What medications used to treat diabetes?

What medications used to treat diabetes?There are natural medicines and other chemical and built the most important natural medicines hormone insulin, which is a derivative of animal, where it Isthsal from the pancreas of cattle and given doses of this hormone are codified by competent by injection to patients who suffer from diabetes type one. There is also a lot of natural medicines from medicinal herbs, minerals and some other animal derivatives, which is usually given to patients with diabetes type II, can be given some of them for patients with diabetes type one.
With regard to medicines chemical constructed it is tablets or capsules are not included in the preparation of any of the animal products or herbal or mineral, often used for patients with diabetes type II and can in a few cases to be given with insulin for patients with diabetes type one.
Herbal medicines:
Proved a new study that Nigella sativa and components of the oil have a significant effect in reducing the percentage of sugar in the blood of elderly people with diabetes and those with increased fat in the blood, and confirmed the study, which had been prepared by Amal Saeed Abdel Azim, the National Center for Research in Cairo to get a Ph.D., the study focused on the biological effects and immune from giving a group of elderly people with diabetes and patients with increased fat in the blood as well as patients with anemia of capsules cumin and the oil (700 mg and 450 mg) 3 times per day, respectively for three months, and the study called for the possibility of the use of Nigella sativa for the elderly who suffer of the disease increase the proportion of fat in the blood and anemia in addition to the treatment of infections where it improved the immune system in humans.

Jakas: a herbal plant little is known scientifically as neurolaena lobata In 1989, writes a doctor from Florida to the doctor and Walter Mertz Director of the Department of Agriculture, USA Research Center Human Nutrition in Beltsville Beltsviie, Maryland, accompanied by a sample of the plant Jakas and told him that one of the patients of sugar in the clinic may used this herb, which I brought from the island of Trinidad, and they have a disease type II diabetes and was taking insulin even used this plant, which was used soaked twice a day and no longer uses insulin and has continued to use it six months and is now in good health and sugar it has in its natural state and is still used this plant. He asked Dr. Walter is the definition of plant and materials contained in this plant and analysis of the plant after it became clear that it contains the following chemicals:
Sescuterban Aktonz where the separation of eight compounds from this group was the most important of Naorlanin "1" and Enyorollenen "2" and Germrquenolajd_ "3.6" on the property also contains thymol derivatives and flavonoids and Hedrfelix Kmpaondz.

What are the early symptoms of diabetes?

Diabetes, a common disease affecting about thirty million people in the world and many of them do not know they are infected. And the patient's body to be slow in the use of glucose "sugar" and so increases the rate of glucose in the blood. Kidneys and put part of the excess sugar in the urine. In severe cases of diabetes will not benefit the patient's body fat and protein are normal.
There are two types of diabetes: The first type, known as "the first model of diabetes," Insulin dependent disease or what is known as boys or boys Juvenile onset is known of this type diabetes insulin-dependent.

The second type is called the "second model of diabetes," non-insulin dependent diabetes is known as insulin-dependent disease or what is known as adult or adults.

The diabetic patients who are Type I Type I is to have a significant lack of the hormone insulin, which is produced by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas because of irregularities or due to stoppage of production of this hormone due to damage any other reason must for patients of this type use insulin injections as an alternative to insulin, lost they have.
The second type TypeII the patients with this type do not have a lack of secretion of insulin from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, but the receptor cells to insulin in the body do not respond to him. The patients of this type are those who are over the age of thirty and those who suffer from obesity. It was found that 85% of cases of diabetes are type II category. And can be controlled by following this type of diet and sports, weight reduction and the use of some of the built or natural medicines by mouth, but patients who can not control their condition on the diet only use insulin.

Needs of patients with diabetes type I daily doses of insulin, and needs some more of the dose of insulin per day. And must be absorbed by insulin in the bloodstream to be effective, it must give it by injection under the skin and a few of them are using mobile pumps to inject insulin. Insulin can not be given by mouth for the possibility of damage in the digestive tract. The amount of insulin prescribed by a doctor on the patient's diet and exercise habits. If a patient stops taking the diabetes need daily insulin, the amount of sugar in the blood exceeding the limit and cause the case of diabetic ketoacidosis, and therefore the patient enters a comatose state of diabetes.

Followed by most patients with diabetes type I insulin-dependent Organization diet containing certain quantities of sugars, fats, proteins and most of them also examines the urine or blood daily to determine the proportion of blood glucose and acetone in the urine. And acetone is a substance formed when the effect of insulin is insufficient and not subject the patient to the diet strictly, but if he has a reaction against insulin or insulin shock. This situation can occur when the effect of insulin to a large class of low blood sugar level to a large extent, can the patient sweats heavily and becomes nervous, weak, frail or unconscious. And this can be addressed quickly to give the patient food rich in sugar and carries many of the diabetics chocolate or sugar with them for use in the case of reaction to insulin.
What complications can be caused by diabetes? Can cause diabetes complications in the case of non-compliance with a diabetic diet, treatment and follow up his case with the physician reactions may occur such as changes in blood vessels, the retina of the eye, called "diabetic retinopathy" and may be phase advanced the disease a major cause of blindness. Also result in diabetes to similar changes in blood vessels, kidneys, and this case know the situation of "diabetic nephropathy" and can lead to kidney failure and can different treatments that control many cases of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy and can be affected nerves is also a result of diabetes , and these complications are known as "diabetic neuropathy" may lead to loss of feeling or abnormal sensations in many parts of the body. It can also lead to diabetes also atherosclerosis, a type of hardening of the arteries can lead to stroke or heart failure, or gangrene.
What are the early symptoms of diabetes? There are several symptoms you should be aware of her frequent urination and excessive thirst, weakness, apathy, and Astgak the anus and genitalia, particularly the bottom of the testicles and frequent appearance of boils and abscesses and poor sexual orientation in males and the weakness of erection of the penis and numbness in some of the parties, and dry mouth. (Drugs)

Natural alternative to drug use ! The causes of bedwetting.

Natural alternative to drug use
Treat bed-wetting

Of problems family problem (bedwetting), but considered a family problem, because it is the case of a negative impact on the child and his parents, but may affect parents' sense of frustration and regret, and hand it affects the child a sense of shame in front of his brothers, making it the subject of ridicule and joke between brothers and those around him. 
It also caused him a feeling of inferiority and loss of sense of security that leads to failure of course and a sense of Balzlh and shame, and a tendency to pull and seizures, etc., and result in this problem the child to the intransigence and sabotage, and the tendency to retaliate in an attempt to avenge himself and make up the shortfall in his frequent criticism and irritability, which cause sleep disorders for children as well as bad dreams and the deterioration of neurological and psychological.

Here was a family problem (psychological) .. 
And that the delay in treatment poses a threat to psychological family consisting of parents and their children.
The causes of bedwetting.
There are numerous studies on the stand at the Assab this problem, the most important of these reasons:

- Reasons for membership: -

- bladder disorders (inflammation - the small size of the bladder - a narrow neck of the bladder)
- major epileptic seizures at night,
- division of the lumbar spine,
- inflammation of the spinal cord.
- Diabetes DM.
- side effects of some medications
- Control of the natural Mathaba acquires a phased manner and the acquisition of control depends on several things, including mental development - muscle .

Emotional, and also training on the use of the bathroom early.
  Fay said that the delay
May lead to delays in gaining control of the bladder.
- the genetic factor plays an important role
Statistics only 75% of children with their parents involuntary urinating or mothers were infected with this when a young age.


- and other studies showed a lack of hormone ANT DIURTIC HORMONE during the night and the hormone that controls the process of urine.

- Psychological reasons: -
- anxiety.
- child's vulnerability to conflicts with the frustration and repression of emotion.
- to attract the attention of the child lost because of the birth of a new baby or discrimination.
- the beginning of the child goes to nursery.
- moving to a new home.
- family problems or differences

Solution and treatment:
Through the presentation of the reasons we can see a very important point in the treatment of this problem, is that it must take into consideration not to deal with all cases in the same manner and style Each case requires a special study to identify its causes and treatment of the causes. 
This is a step in the treatment or, which is find out why.
Then there are ways and guidelines may be useful, God willing, in the treatment of this case (the problem), including:
- Early Habituation of the child to enter the (bathroom) and use it properly used
With a napkin easy for mothers failed to train the child at an early age.
- to accustom the child to enter (the bathroom and urinate) before going to bed.
- not to reprimand and ridicule it, as this is not in a position, it is better that we help him not to war against him.
- encouraged rewarded when waking from sleep did not pee.
- day training of the child to delay the desire to urinate.
reduce the amount of fluids before bedtime.
- to accustom the child to wake up at night to empty his bladder, and what in the wake of this purpose and be in full consciousness. And the duty of parents to facilitate the child goes to the toilet to urinate and lit. 

And to be close to the water cycle of child's bedroom should not be such a confusing process for the child to see and heavy duty, and take one adult to the toilet if he is afraid to go alone at night. 

Herbal medicines can be used for the treatment of urination Alaarade:
The truth is that herbs that address diseases such as bedwetting in children and often caused tension for the child stress Commissioner as a result of tension of life around him, or because of local irritation as a result of a narrow urethra or bladder infection or other problems. 

And some useful herbs in this case is to eat a boiled Chrysanthemum Rue and linden, chamomile and Nigella and Alkndr, fennel, taking into account the desalination Alchukoria honey bees and empty the bladder before bedtime.
- Honey: say (d. Q. Jarvis): We need a drug absorbs water and holds it, and has an analgesic effect on the body of children, and should not be in the use of harm, whether used for a long time continuously or used in intermittent long-term or short- as necessary, before all this must be palatable to the child and embrace with great satisfaction, and this can only be in honey.
Honey can absorb moisture from the air and intensify, and fruit sugar (fructose) in honey has a characteristic absorption of moisture, thanks to the characteristic absorption of moisture honey absorbs the water in the child's body and prevents Taboula during the night in bed
Can follow the following recipe for the treatment of bedwetting in children a teaspoon of honey before bedtime, and these affect the two-way:

They inhabit the nervous system in children, as they absorb water in his body, and keep it for the duration of sleep, and the rest of this kidney as well.
And Dr. Hani Al-Ghazawi by natural beauty expert, that a teaspoon of honey before bedtime or before going to bed half an hour time to give a good result 

For individuals who suffer from the problem of urination Allarade.

- Alum: (money exchange) or (heart broke), a salt stone-like material (salt lemon) in shape but differ in taste, and sold in shops Perfumery.

Way: be taken from this exchange and wet and wipe it on (Ana) of the child before going to sleep in a circular motion, a method used by folk who prefer folk remedies that embrace the ways of hospitals and its streets . .

Ginger: ginger until toasted, such as coffee, crushes and blends the amount of ten grams ounce honey is taken with one teaspoon before bed each night to extend the fifteen days.

type of poisoning

Abundance in Upper Egypt, especially in Assiut, Sohag and Aswan, which is taken originally from the ancient Egyptians. Patience: The patience the best thing for burns and caustic chemicals that fall on the skin and the way to break the paper cactus and fresh paint burns or place of caustic creamier well Balasarh coming out from the leaves of aloe This method is popular and scientifically documented.

Plantain: The plant is the pregnancy of the best materials against poisoning skin of some plants as some plants if you have touched caused threatening allergy to human skin and ideals of this plant Alhabahb where taken leaves of the plantain and rub well and then placed over the affected area.

Soap inventory: Drs used in the United States advise the use of soap leaves warehouse in case of exposure or touching plants cause allergic reactions of the skin where the papers are taken and rub well and then placed on the affected premises are the best counter to this type of poisoning.

Poisons: drink honey with hot fat roses.
It is useful in edible poisons . .
Painted place poison in his water-cooked Ferula.
And drink from it the amount of half a teaspoon. This is useful for both eroding toxic. Continue treatment until he recovers.
Capacity of racing and insects:
Remove the needle first and then painted insect place a piece of lemon.
Bee sting: Sa massage place with garlic or onion, basil, or paper.
Mosquito bites: Rub with garlic or shallots place or parsley.

Alternative Medicine Diagnosis System

Would you believe it that my herbalist Sinseh Phang Oo Lang can diagnose what illness we are suffering from by looking at our fingernail, tongue, ears or eyes? See for yourself the amazing diagnose systems of Chinese Alternative Medicine practiced by Phang Oo Lang!Get treated at Phang Oo Lang Kedai Ubat. His address is No.5881, Jalan Satu, off Jalan Datuk Ahmad Badawi, 13200, Kepala Batas, Seberang Perai Utara, Malaysia. Tel:604-575 1921. Fax:604-575 2246. Tell him that MAHAGURU58 recommended you. Reasonable charges, proven treatments.

Herbs & Alternative Medicine : Natural Ways to Detox Your Body With Lemon Water

A natural way to detox your body with lemon juice is to do the Master Cleanse, which uses lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Drinking lemon juice mixed with warm water in the morning can also help cleanse the system. Use lemon as a means of detoxifying the body with instructions from a wellness educator and herbal medicine specialist in this free video on alternative medicine.

Alternative Medicine Herbal Remedies : Cold & Flu Home Remedies

Home remedies for helping a cold and flu include chicken soup, teas made with ginger, cayenne, chamomile or common yarrow, a long shower, and getting extra sleep. Consider adding lemon or honey to tea to help with the symptoms of a cold or flu with advice from a practicing herbalist in this free video on alternative medicine.

Top 10 Strange Alternative Medicine Practices

This list of the Top 10 Strangest Alternative Medicine Practices includes many of the strange and interesting techniques in alternative medicine that I've come across in my natural health research.

Now keep in mind, some of these may be effective, while others may not at all. I'll let you take a look and then give your opinions on the ones that work and the ones that don't!

5 Alternatives To Conventional Medications To Keep Your Blood Pressure In Check

Here are a few holistic methods to keep one’s blood pressure in check:
  1. Eat healthy, keep weight in check: This one is a no bariner that can be recommended for pretty much any ailment!
  2. Beat that Stress: Learn relaxation techniques such as Yoga, meditation, massage, music therapy, which could all be useful.
  3. Magnet therapy: Copper and iron bracelets have been seen to keep BP in check and there are no known side effects.
  4. Chiropractic treatment or Acupuncture: While the former can help restore body balance, the latter can help to ease the strain that is being put on the heart. They are both helpful in controlling stress as well.
  5. Vitamins and herbs: Calcium, potassium and magnesium are available in supplement form, however increasing the proportion of fresh fruit and veggies in the diet can also help a great deal.

The Eternal Alternative Medicine Debate

It is a debate that has been raging from the time that Penicillin was first invented – whether introducing chemicals into the system of the body is actually capable of healing or is only able to provide symptomatic relief; in other words instant gratification?
alternative medicineAnd in spite of the great strides that have been made in the field of pharmaceuticals, there are many who choose to go the alternative medicineway, shunning main stream medications.
Alternative or natural medicines are still more popular in many parts of the world such as China, Japan and in South America. Instances of alternative medicine offering very real and substantive relief abound – and this, without any harmful side effects, which is the main reason why people choose to eschew mainstream treatments.
This debate has been revived once again due to the anti homeopathy movement ongoing in Britain, where it is being recommended that homeopathy no longer be offered as part of the NHS (National health Scheme) treatments.
The idea is that balancing out one’s lifestyle is of more important when working towards good health. Practitioners of treatments such astraditional Chinese medicine claim that pharmacological preparations may give relief today, but alternative therapies may cure a person forever!

The Eternal Alternative Medicine Debate

Alternative Therapies Give Immense Relief

Anyone who has had recurring, chronic aches and pains knows how difficult the pain is to live with and also how very difficult it is to get rid of it.  However, a new study has shown that alternative treatments are of immense benefit for back pain.
massage for back pain
As many as 60% of those surveyed said that they had tried some or other (in cases more than one type) of alternative treatment for their back pain and that the CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) therapy had offered exceptional relief. The top therapies that were shown to provide the maximum relief for back pain were:
  • Chiropractic Treatment
  • Massage
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi qi Gong
  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal remedies
  • Relaxation techniques
From among these, it was seen that chiropractic care was the most effective and the most preferred option with 74% people using that to resolve their back pain. Massage therapy came in next; however a range of different alternative remedies were used by back pain sufferers ranging from naturopathy to hypnotherapy.
Though the findings of the study are significant and encouraging in that they show that alternative therapies do work for a great many people, it was disheartening to note that 24% of those surveyed had alternative therapy recommended by their regular medical practitioners.

Green Tea For Good Teeth?

Green tea, as you well know, is known to be good for a wide array of health benefits – from improving heart health to treating cancer, from preventing infection to improving immune function and even helping treat cancer!
green teaNow recently scientists have found that green tea is even good for our teeth! Not just does green tea contain powerful antioxidants that help to lower LDL cholesterol, it also contains certain antimicrobial components, molecules known as catechins. It is these catechins that are known topromote good dental health.
Antioxidants in green tea help to reduce periodontal disease, a chronic inflammatory disease, which is known to affect the gums and the bone supporting the teeth. Studies conducted have shown that those who take green tea regularly actually enjoy better oral health than those who don’t.

Another study showed that green tea drinkers were less likely to have lost teeth and more likely to have a full set of 32 teeth than those who do not drink green tea.
So it would seem that there are plenty of reasons to indulge in the health giving, uplifting and refreshing beverage. However, it is important to remember that the benefits of green tea for health are consequent upon drinking the beverage without adding any sugar.

Green Tea For Good Teeth?

Gardening – How Can It Be Of Benefit For Health And Wellness?

Have you noticed how nice you feel after you’ve had a nice, long walk in the great outdoors? Or that keen gardeners seem to be really nice people? Well it may not all be a coincidence; that the outdoors and physical and mental wellbeing seem to go together.
The theories as to the reasons why the outdoors and gardening are good for you are several:

Garden Bacteria

health benefits of gardeningIn the garden one is exposed to harmful as well asbeneficial bacteria and both can help. Exposure to harmful bacteria can sometimes help in building the body’s defenses to infection.
Some experts have shown that certain beneficial kind of bacteria actually works to reduce anxiety and improve problem solving abilities.
Gardens are beneficial for children as well: their immunity is helped to be built up as they mess about in the dirt, and the physical activity helps boost health and wellbeing. They also turn out to be better learners when they spend more time out of doors.

From Gardening comes Happiness

Surrounded by natural growing things is soothing for the eyes and very relaxing for the soul. Also being a gardener can be very rewarding thing because of the satisfaction that one can get from growing things.
Planning a garden is a project that requires planning, preparation and effort; to say nothing of a good amount of physical activity.
This means that there is always something to plan and look forward to, and the rewards are there in every successfully grown flower, fruit or vegetable! Many people find that it is the physical activity and the actual working with one’s hands that is relaxing and rewarding.
Others find great satisfaction in growing their garden and seeing in bear fruit; both literally and figuratively. Not only does this aid relaxation, it also helps reduce stress and helps increase well being.

Bounty from the kitchen garden

Keen gardeners who like to grow their own herbs, vegetables and even perhaps fruit, have the benefit of ultra fresh, home grown produce that you can choose to make organic if you so wish!
The fact that you are eating healthy, home grown, organic produce, is a wonderful thing in itself – the fact that its free is just an added benefit. If yours is a flower garden then fresh flowers are another thing you will enjoy; the fragrance and beauty of fresh flowers can be matchless.
So if you’re wondering about a new hobby or activity, gardening could be your best bet – for the sake of your health as well!

Gardening – How Can It Be Of Benefit For Health And Wellness?

8 Benefits of Consuming Fish Oils

— Add some magic to your nutritional plan with fish oils!
Much research has been done recently to prove the amazing health benefits of fish oils, so be sure to include them in your daily regimen to reap their abundant blessings. We’ll tell you why.

1. Lower Blood Pressure

Fish oils are high in omega-3 fatty acids – these two in particular: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). These fats have been shown to provide many benefits to humans who have a healthy, balanced diet that includes fatty fish. One of the most interesting finds is that it can help lower blood pressure.
fish oils
( Photo by House Of Sims )

2. Reduce Triglycerides

But that’s not all. Omega fatty acids like those found in fish can also benefit you by reducing the triglycerides found in your system by regulating your cholesterol levels naturally. Both EPA and DHA help to make this happen.
fish oils
( Photo by cogdogblog )

3. Slow Down the Development of Plaques in the Arteries

With balanced cholesterol, there’s also the benefit of reduced plaque forming on your heart’s arteries. You can imagine that this would have many benefits for you personally, not only in energy levels and the functioning of your heart, but also in preventing other serious heart problems from developing. Plaque is a very bad thing when it comes to cardiovascular health, and fish oils can help with that.
benefits of fish oils
( Photo by gandhiji40 )

4. Reduce the Chances of Stroke or Heart Attack

All of these heart-healthy benefits of fish oils add up to a much healthier cardiovascular system, and as a result, a lower incidence of strokes and heart attacks. Those who have taken fish oils in moderation regularly find that they are much better protected from these heart problems and therefore live longer, healthier lives.
fish oil benefits
( Photo by a.drian )

5. Mitigate Mental and Emotional Challenges

In case you thought fish oil’s benefits had only to do with the heart, think again! Fish oil is also being connected to a healthy mental and emotional state. Some studies have shown to reduce the risk of depression and suicide. It may also be beneficial for those suffering from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and even Alzheimer’s disease.
fish oil benefits
( Photo by Helga Weber )
6. Better Eye Health
Your eyes will thank you for taking fish oils as well. Studies have shown that fish oils can help to reduce the chances of developing macular degeneration. It may also help those who suffer from dry eye syndrome.
benefits of fish oils
( Photo by WTL photos )

7. Fish Oils Are Good for Children, Too

And fish oils aren’t just for the adults. Adding fish oils to a baby’s formula can help boost infant neural growth and development, so feed some to your little one to get him/her grow smarter, faster!
fish oil
( Photo by mia3mom )

8. Diminish Your Chances of Getting Cancer

If the above reasons weren’t enough to entice you to include fish oils in your diet on a daily or weekly basis, consider that fish oils and the omega-3 fatty acids they contain are also being connected to reductions in some cancers, including breast, colon, and prostate cancers.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to slow the growth of cancer cells and even help to prevent them from developing in the first place.
fish oil
( Photo by Sugar Daze )

Daily Fish Oil Recommendations

So, what practical steps can you take to include fish oils in your regular dietary routine? Here are some recommendations from the experts. Generally, you should include no more than 3 grams of fish oil daily in your diet, and only 2 grams of that should come from supplements.
fish oil recommendations
( Photo by TheTruthAbout )
An excessive amount of fish oil can result in unpleasant side effects, including stomach upset, fishy breath, compromised immunity, risk of bleeding, and loose stools.

What Foods Contain Healthy Fish Oils Naturally

healthy fish oils
( Photo by atl10trader )
Healthy fish oils can be found in many natural food products. For instance, you should look to include a variety of fish in your diet, including species such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and herring.

8 Benefits of Consuming Fish Oils