Seeds, grains
Tropical America (Central and South America), Ceylon, Java.
80% of the global harvest of the seeds of today's cocoa comes from West Africa.
Cacao tree bearing leaves and fruit throughout the year, but months picking fruit be in June and December.
The seeds are used in Mexico, or rather like the minted money, and these were the seeds necessary for small transactions, and is still used for that to this day in some areas in Mexico.
The cocoa tree is grown in large quantities in the shade of trees that are larger, such as the banana tree and the fruits of the cocoa tree is kept in a century or a bag of beans, such as peas or beans. This century or the bag opens when the fruit matures and graduated from dried seeds and warm sun, (currently drying the steam).
In the middle of the seventeenth century AD, spread the chocolate in Western Europe, became popular in Switzerland, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, where he became a bitter drink enriched with sugar and milk, improving its taste and many buying.
In Central America used cocoa for centuries to treat fevers, coughs, and reproductive status and pregnancy, and painted objects cocoa butter for the treatment of burns, chapped lips, hair baldness, and cracked nipples chest (during breastfeeding children).
Currently used cocoa butter and cocoa in many treatments, especially in ointments for cuts, problems in the treatment of asthma, and a reasonable alternative to coffee, which can tire some, and a nutritious substance for Ye Naqhen acute diseases.
Seeds contain:
• Theobromine
• fat
• Vitamins E, C
• Some minerals such as magnesium, selenium and the metal is important.
Cortex contains a gel.
The use of cocoa and medical benefits:
Usually used in foods are sweet and delicious ice cream, etc., and is used in medicine, and preparation of medicines, and in this regard has healing powers because of the high content of antioxidants, caffeine, theobromine.
Chocolate and address:
1. Diseases that lead to decomposition of tissue and Thtkha with age, due to the presence of vitamin E. C, magnesium and selenium. Substances called: antioxidants, which prevent tissue damage and destroy the body which cause diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. And has conducted some research on a group did not eat chocolate, and ate a group of one to three plates chocolate per month, and the result was a mortality rate of less than 36% in the category that dealt with chocolate. It was also noted that eating more than 3 panels per month chocolate reduces the incidence of heart disease and death.
2. Diseases, fatigue and decadence, containing cocoa 10-20% of caffeinated coffee, and so the cocoa and chocolate removes laziness and drowsiness and lethargy, and to give a range of activation is causing a lot of nervousness and jitters as they do coffee.
3. Gastroenterology: The theobromine in the cocoa cause relaxation of the muscles of the intestines, so we find that it is desirable to address some of the chocolate after a big meal.
4. Respiratory disease: The substance theobromine and material Theophylline is a chemical close of the effect of medical similarly, and article Theophylline prescribed to expand the airways and prevent Chnjha, and such use has recently started, so it helps eating chocolate prescribed medications for the treatment of chest congestion in colds and flu.
5. Calming the nerves and improve your mood: Chocolate contains a compound that plays an important role in the biochemistry of sensation and feeling of the situation of love.
6. Urinary system: diuretic which directly affects the cells in the kidney, so it helps drugs prescribed for cardiac hypertrophy, where body fluids accumulate, leading to expansion of the heart, as well as cocoa reduces blood pressure, which increases the effectiveness of medications prescribed.
7. Cosmetics (skin and skin), especially pomade protector of the skin, Anamam and moisturizes the skin and skin, and softens the skin layers, and prevents cracking of the skin from cold or exposure to chemicals at the housewives, as well as prevent cracking of the lips that gets in the winter, is struggling and prevent cracking of the nipples when nursing mothers, and prevents cracking of the skin in the abdomen when pregnant. As well as the intervention material in the composition of cocoa butter masks that are placed on the face or body to keep the vitality and beauty of skin and face and to keep the freshness and vitality face.
8. There is a tendency among women to eat chocolate during the menstrual cycle to compensate for energy.
9. Pharmaceutical uses: and the preparation of medicines and make it in the outer layer of grain and desalination and remove the repulsive taste of medicine in the drink, and in the manufacture of suppositories, ointments and in industry.
Side effects of cocoa:
Consult your doctor, especially when the following symptoms:
• blisters on the face, acne.
• sensitive skin and rashes.
• Eating 222 grams of dark chocolate (over an ounce) Awakther opposed the poisoning occurs, such as:
Headache, insomnia, discomfort, irritability, muscle tremors, tachycardia pulse, irregular heartbeat, mild delirium.
Drug interaction:
The mix of plants and herbs with certain drugs alter the effect and the effect of these drugs and work, causing unwanted side effects, and is not required, and must review and tell the doctor about medications that are covered by the patient and in particular of taking the following medications:
• medicines eliminating frustration, and should not be eating chocolate or cocoa through the use of these drugs for example (Nardil, Parnate).
• You should avoid eating chocolate with the property (Theo - Dur).
• Do not eat chocolate in people allergic to this article, leading to rashes and sensitive skin.
• You must not eat chocolate at the people who follow a diet low Alsodio, such as people with high blood pressure, or weak heart muscle, and cardiac hypertrophy.
• You should avoid eating too much chocolate in people with colon disease (colon or Awar).
• must specify the cocoa in patients with intestinal diseases and inflammation, heart disease, and cardiovascular disease, and heart palpitations.
• prepare for persons with blisters facial acne, you should avoid ointments and cosmetic creams that contain cocoa butter.
What do you say new research for this article?
Some of the antioxidants in cocoa reduces the blotting of blood vessels (the accumulation of spark plugs in the arteries). Which reduces the incidence of blood clots. And the right that patients have access to antioxidants by eating fruits and vegetables and vitamins, which have higher nutritional value of cocoa and contains less fat.
Fat that chocolate can lead to obesity and heart disease, but the chocolate in the candy cause fewer problems than butter food that contains fat more and the percentage of cholesterol the most, as well as the kind placed in the cake and candy, and draw attention to the cocoa does not contain cholesterol (except chocolate mixed with milk), cocoa contains fat, and particularly saturated fat, which accuses it cause higher rates of cholesterol in blood, and heart disease and some cancers, and we remember that the saturated fat in cocoa is a form of saturated fat-filled b Acid Stearic that do not raise the proportion of blood cholesterol.
And for tooth decay, studies have shown that the antioxidants in cocoa contribute to the growth inhibition of bacteria harmful that contribute to get tooth decay, and the problem becomes a real sugar in candy, not chocolate itself, and to prevent this effect is recommended Balamadamadp after chocolate.
There is also no evidence that chocolate causes pimples, skin, kidney stones, and colic in children, but it contains material Tyramines found in red wine, types of cheese Kashkaval that can ignite headaches and migraine in people susceptible to these seizures.
Can of chocolate could lead to "burning heart" when people with weak muscles opening the esophagus and connected to the stomach, leading to the rise of acid up into the esophagus, leading to the burning heart, and the reason here that the opening between the stomach and the esophagus does not close tightly.
The chocolate contains caffeine increased from 10-20% less than those in coffee, the high percentage of caffeine in coffee cause activating a strong and lead to addiction, and caffeine relationship with perpetuating insomnia and tension, high blood pressure, high Alcoltsrol blood, high sugar in the blood, and the possibility for genetic diseases and birth defects when embryos.
The best in people with diseases and symptoms mentioned here, to reduce or avoid eating chocolate and all kinds of foods that contain caffeine.
Wise use:
The cocoa and chocolate is one of the safe materials that could be addressed without significant damage, and avoid eating the best chocolate in the following cases:
- Pregnant and lactating women
- People with insomnia
- People with nervous myself
- High blood cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- People with diabetes
- People with heart disease
The chocolate is the safe side in the quantities typically consumed in the normal case.
The use of chocolate in quantities and doses of medical doctors, specialists vested, and could not be self-sufficient.
Finally, the cocoa tree is different from a coconut tree and the tree of Coca, which is extracted from cocaine.
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