
Baldness treatment - the best ways to treat baldness

Factors affecting the growth of hair:

1 - Cut Hair
Many believe that cutting the hair helps to grow but this is in fact incorrect Vakas does not stimulate hair growth does not change its nature, but only affects the outer part of a hair, a leg and can increase the density of the crust in the outer layer of the hair, leading to thickening of the hair.

2 - Gender
The most abundant hair in women, while increasing body hair in men.

3 - strain
Iggsr hair in some races and races such as the Caucasus, at least in others, such as the peoples of the East Asaaz

4 - hormones
Some hormones increase the growth of hair and other body hair increase, namely:
- Thyroid hormone: deficiency leads to a lack of developing follicles and appears to shiny hair is a senior, and falling quickly.
- Hormone pituitary gland: an increase of this hormone leads to hair loss and increased body hair.
- Hormone gland above the kidney: increased hormone leads to increased growth of body hair.
- Note hormones (testosterone) and cause increased increased facial and body hair.

5 - Massage:
The light massage of the scalp, stimulates circulation and thus the hair follicles deep massage that can harm the bulbs.

6 - Nutrition:
The balanced nutrition, health and beneficial to the body hair is in contrast to malnutrition that can lead to hair loss

7 - Stress
Negatively affect the psychological pressure on the growth of hair and the example of the emergence of alopecia (area on the scalp free of hair).

8 - Drugs:
There are some medications increase the density of hair and the other less,.

9 - Chronic diseases:
Weaken some of the chronic diseases of the hair growth such as heart disease and kidney failure.

Hair Loss
Can be hair loss is temporary or permanent.

First, temporary hair loss:
There are many reasons for hair loss is very temporary, including:

1 - anemia and iron deficiency:
Can increase hair loss anemia in a clear and significant, and the hair usually returns to normal after treatment.

2 - exposure to psychological stress and health:
Such as some surgical procedures, injury, severe illness or exposure to some psychological problems, it could be falling hair profusely after exposure to such conditions and return hair to normal after the elimination of these problems, it can also fall out of hair from a specific region of the scalp or beard when men, the hair back to normal after a period of time.

3 - an imbalance of hormones:
This can occur during pregnancy and childbirth Viggsr hair during pregnancy because of the increase of female hormones and flaking after birth when the low level of these hormones abruptly, and the increase or lack of thyroid hormone can cause hair loss, which dates back to normal after treatment faulty thyroid gland.

4 - the use of certain drugs:
Such as drugs used to treat cancer (methotrexate methotrexate), and Alaakkakeralta used to dilute blood (heparin haparin), and drug chloroquine (cloroquine) which is used to treat malaria.

5 - increase male hormone (testosterone, testosterone) that causes hair loss and the large head and body hair such as what is happening in Almtkis ovarian syndrome (polycystic ovary syndrome).

6 - Infection with certain localized infections of the scalp, such as fungal infections that cause hair loss in the pubic area.

7 - can be a hair loss a presentation of some diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus
(Lupus erythematousis).

8 - to harm the hair dye chemicals or frequent use of drying or heat up during the development of hair pulling rollers that are used by decorating the hair, or rub the hair vigorously during drying.

9 - frequent exposure to hair conditioner, sun and dust.

10 - wash your hair frequently with salt water or hardship or with added chlorine.

Second, permanent hair loss (baldness)

Often gets baldness in men and this is the impact of male hormones, and starts after reaching adulthood, and can say that some women lose hair with age advancement, however, because the full baldness male hormones does not affect women only rarely.
The baldness can occur because of an injury hair follicles either Alagaftria or bacterial infections or by burning the hair dryer air, if not avoid the problem early and the injury led to the formation of scars in the affected follicles.
It should be noted that baldness can occur in rare instances due to poor immunity, the body and self can be a balding limited in small areas or to include the scalp are sometimes extends baldness to include hair the whole body and this condition is called alopecia full (alopecia totalis).
Cause injury treatment with hot oil and hair follicles can occur and the harm that lead to permanent baldness in the affected areas and therefore has to be cautious during treatment or during the operation of oil pools of oil.


Hair loss treatment varies depending on the causative factors, if the cause is malnutrition, anemia can be treated precipitation sound nutrition and iron tablets, but if the reason is the disruption of thyroid hormone can be back to normal hair that corrects the defect.
If either of hair loss due to localized infections should use the appropriate antibiotic and then is cured with the permission of God.
For hair loss caused by the use of certain drugs, the precipitation is gradually stopped after the arrest of treatment, but had to be from the use of drugs may be replaced with another, with fewer side effects.
If the hair loss because of increased male hormones they must treat the problem causing the increase in the secretion of hormones, in the case of the impossibility of treatment can use some topical medications that stimulate hair follicles and increase their growth, such as minoxidil (menoxidil).
In the case of permanent baldness, there is no medicine to bring life to the defective bulb, but can resolve the problem by changing the shape or hairstyle Btgaidh to hide the affected area, and in severe cases can make a hair transplant, which proved successful in multiple centers around the world.

Alternative Medicine (mixes and tips to strengthen hair and treat baldness and prevent hair loss and install):

Public health care, where it has a direct impact on the safety of hair or hair loss, the roots of the hair and Besalath depend on what gets your body of food, so it is necessary to contain your food on the basic elements of food, the most important proteins that are available in meat, eggs, pulses, dairy products, vitamins, minerals and salts that exist in abundance in vegetables like spinach, carrots, cabbage, leafy vegetables and fresh fruit.
Ahard to massage the scalp every day in the early morning, or before engaging in business, the goal is to stimulate blood circulation to the scalp with a view to maintaining the health of the ground where the hair, and must have a massage with fingertips that it covers the entire head, preferably the use of some vitamins nutrients or lotions for hair, and can be used during the massage Bulsion hair, for dry hair preferably after a bath oil, hair wrap a warm towel after a bath to further stimulate circulation.
Avoid chemical products such as hair dyes and hair creams individual, as well as hot air dryers (Alscoar) and others.

A. Hair normal: take into account the shampoo normal twice a week during the winter and 3 times weekly during the summer, with the need to use soap and shampoo, a little alkali to preserve it from droughts, with the hairdresser once a week using some vegetable oils such as olive oil or aloe plant to ensure vitality of the hair and Ndharth.
B. Greasy hair: Prefer washing greasy hair three times a week shampoo has a lemon or white (to save the hair from excess fat).
T.. Dry hair: Dry hair enough to wash once a week using shampoo containing the oil or Allanonan, preferably castor oil, a bath a week.

According to the use of certain plants (such as chamomile flowers, seeds, peanuts) with olive and cactus plants and seeds as well as islands in strengthening the hair and prevent his fall.
According to massage the scalp with the juice of onions for the treatment of hair loss as well as useful in removing stains and freckles the face when heated and soaked in vinegar and then scrub its face.
According to the following address for 3 months:

On the first day: eating pack watercress, On the second day the fruit of Islands is peeled, on the third day the fruit of choice Bakcherha, On the fourth day repeat the same monotonous over 3 months, and in the fourth month running a mixture of equal proportions from each of the sweet almond oil and oil Kheruag oil olive to massage the scalp with water droplets at the massage and it once before sleep every night (and can use this mixture to the eyelashes and eyebrows, too) and then comb the hair comb and wide eyes, in the fifth month painted hair once or twice a week with a mixture of oils mentioned above, as could use a few drops of it to paint the skin stretched and worked to Tnaimha and increases the density and thickness of eyelashes.

Action mixture consisting of garlic raw or garlic oil (which is the strongest because it is center) with the bone beef with juice or oil, onions, and Tlkht these components and then squeeze in the intersections hair and then subjected to steam until the opening of pores and to a quarter of an hour and repeat this process every week.
Fat fingertips of the hands of the oil seeds of watercress and fresh paint to the areas free of hair and germinate until the areas to be absorbed by the scalp, to repeat it 3 times a day, do not wash your hair only once a week, and Bamadaoma for two months.
According to the use of henna in hair nutrition, they are the best and oldest form of natural dye, which feed the hair and gives texture Hariri also gives him the natural beauty and protect the limbs of embrittlement.
Stay away from any sources of concern psychological, and not to suppress feelings of anger or frustration or oppression or grief, but to hasten to the discharge so as not to accumulate internally, and here comes the exercise light walking, and the meetings of openness and disclosure with their closest loved ones as a treatment quickly to psychological pressures, and thus public health.
According to mixing 50 grams of juice, watercress with the amount of 50 grams of Sbrto (alcohol) with a little paper flowers of Roses, and tells you its scalp every day for a month to prevent hair loss, as has the use of oil, watercress with pill vitamin "B" boat + CD-Iron for 3 days while the use of oil, watercress.
Washing hair Bmenkua Thyme strengthens hair and prevents the fall.
According to medical Gdhafah castor oil to the components of the shampoo to wash hair for increased luster and shine and to prevent falling or brittleness.
For the treatment of female baldness is useful eating 2% solution of a substance MINOXIDIL
Mixing castor oil, sweet almond oil, olive oil and applied to the hair.
Mix onion juice, watercress juice, olive oil, cumin powder and uses the painter.
According to peel boiled garlic and mix with olive oil and applied to the hair.
Mix onion juice with the juice, watercress evenly with a little alcohol dissolved Vij juice, garlic and applied to the hair.
Boiling patience in the olive oil and applied to the hair.
Grinding paper dried figs and add the hot olive oil with a little rose water and rub their scalp once daily.
Mixing equal Mekdaran of watercress juice and pure alcohol with a little rose water and rub their scalp once daily.
Action mixture of 10 grams {Vaseline oil +25 g castor oil +5 grams pine fragrance oil +75 g alcohol white +3 g} violet fragrance and massage this mix the hair and roots.
Action mixture of {5 grams ammonia +15 grams fragrance Alterbntina +100 grams alcohol Eafor} and massage are the roots of the hair.
According to rub radish juice.
According to rub watercress juice with rose oil.
Eat onions with meals.
Eat lupine or use boiled water wash.


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