Acupuncture is an ancient form of alternative health that originated in the Orient. This healing method is based on the concept that there is a physical energy force that exists in all living things. Known as Chi or Qi, this force flows through the body and can be manipulated using thin needles places at appropriate points in the body. Needles inserted at acupoints are used to rebalance a body’s Chi, thus restoring health.
Acupuncture involves inserting thin stainless steel needles into the body at depths ranging from 1/5 of an inch to three inches, depending on the specific treatment. The procedure is not completely painless, but any minor pain that arises typically goes away in a matter of seconds. A slight heating sensation may be experienced after the slight pain dissipates. Needles may be inserted into the legs, arms, scalp, or in the ears.
Acupuncture is good alternative method for healing respiratory ailments such as sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis and the common cold. Eye problems such as pinkeye and cataracts are also treated with this alternative health method. Toothaches and gingivitis, as well diarrhea, ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders are also treated with acupuncture. Headaches, migraines, sciatica, osteoarthritis and low back pain can also benefit from acupuncture therapy. Modern applications of the healing method include smoking cessation, and treatment of alcoholism and eating disorders.
Activating acupoints on the body has been shown to stimulate the immune system and it has positive affects on circulation, blood pressure and production of red and white blood cells. It also stimulates release of hormones that help the body repair itself. In the treatment of chronic pain, acupuncture can block flow of pain signals to the brain. Working with the body’s electromagnetic fields, applying pressure to acupoints alters chemical neurotransmitters in the body resulting in effective alternative healing of a multitude of ailments.
Patients seeking alternative health can utilize acupuncture to treat minor aches and pains, organ problems, or for problems with depression or for general well being. Treatment of chronic illnesses typically takes one month of acupuncture therapy for each year that one has been sick. More acute diseases can be treated in three or four sessions. Acupuncture can also be used to maintain one’s good health.
Though still considered an alternative health practice, acupuncture has been the subject of many clinical studies. Research has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of painful menstrual cycles, migraine headaches, pain management and management of drug addiction. Scientific research continues to show that acupuncture is a viable alternative to modern Western medicine.
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