
Mental Health: Coping with Chronic Illness and Depression

Coping with Chronic Illness and Depression

Living with a chronic illness is a tremendous challenge. Periods of grief and sadness are to be expected as you come to grips with your condition and its implications. But if you find that your depression persists, it is important to seek help. While you get treatment, experts offer these lifestyle tips:
  1. Try not to isolate yourself. Reach out to family and friends.
  2. Learn as much as you can about your condition. Knowledge is power when it comes to getting the best treatment available, and maintaining a sense of control.
  3. Make sure that you have medical support from experts you trust, and can talk to openly about your concerns.
  4. If you suspect that your medication is causing you to be depressed, consult your doctor about alternative treatments.
  5. If you are in chronic pain, talk with your physician about alternative pain management.
  6. As much as is possible, remain engaged in the activities you enjoy. Stay connected with your community.
WebMD Medical Reference. Coping With Chronic Illnesses and Depression. 2007.

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