
Herbal Plant Remedies : Herbs: Ginger & Milk Thistle

Ginger and milk thistle are herbs that treat depression and food poisoning. Use ginger and milk thistle herbs for depression with tips from a nutraceutical supervisor in this free video on herbal remedies.

Expert: Miss Dimple Singh Bindra
Bio: Miss Dimple Singh Bindra is a nutraceutical supervisor in Bio Neutrix, N. Y. She has done clinical studies in herbs from Micro Logix Lab, New York.
Filmmaker: babai das

Types of Alternative Health

Alternative health is becoming more and more popular as more and more people look for other solutions to their health problems than the use of traditional medicine. There are many methods of alternative health that focus on different parts of your body, mind, and spirit. If you are looking for alternative health practices to incorporate into your life take the time to research and see what alternatives exist, such as unconventional Western healing practices and Chinese medicines.

One type of alternative health is traditional Chinese medicine. This type of alternative health is based on the theory that sickness is the result of an improper flow of the natural life force throughout the body. This life force is called the “qi”. This alternative health method of Chinese medicine originated in China thousands of years ago. This type of alternate health believes that the qi can be restored by balancing the forces of yin and yang, which can also be looked at as hot and cold, or abundance and deficiency. The alternative health practice of Chinese medicine attempts to restore this balance with use of meditation, acupuncture, massage, and herbal medicines.

Acupuncture is a popular form of alternative health that is practiced widely around the world. Acupuncture is the practice of stimulating certain parts of the body by inserting very small needles into the skin and tissues. Sometimes added stimulation is achieved by the addition of a low voltage electrical current. It is believed that the sites of the body that are stimulated by the needles will be unblocked and the energy of qi will flow once again along the proper pathways, restoring the natural yin and yang in the body. This type of alternative health has become very popular in the western world. Another form of acupuncture is known as acupressure and uses massage to stimulate the body rather than needles.

If you choose acupuncture as an alternative health method make sure that you get as much information as possible before finding a qualified doctor to perform the procedure on you. The more information you have about any type of alternative health the more successful you will be with the results.

Disability Management: Its Definitions and Benefits

At first consideration, the term disability management might be confusing at best, given how it can mean many different things to different people. But disability management is not only fairly simple to define and understand but it brings numerous benefits to all concerned.

First, disability in the workplace is what is involved here. And a disability is defined in these terms: as “an impairment that restricts the ability to perform normal daily activities—one of which is work—where impairment is any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or function” (according to ceiu.org).

So those in charge of disability management will 1) strive to provide accommodations that keep impairment incidents from becoming disability circumstances; and will 2) work to provide such accommodations that contribute to employees timely (or quicker) return to the workplace.

In the same respect, disability management specialists will train, establish programs for, and find the best possible tools for disability management personnel, employers, or others in the business of keeping workers healthy, motivated, and productive.

These special disability management services and tools have an increasingly positive impact on the workforce environment and the people therein: with such things as a) absence reporting, b) disability evaluations, c) independent medical examinations, d) integrated reporting programs, and e) coordination efforts for the return to work stage(s), disability management services help to facilitate the disabled and/or impaired return and/or continued work presence.

And while integration plans like these do not always feature such plans as a) absence recertification programs; b) early assessment of disability claims measures; c)disability-length certifying; d) medical treatment plan reviewing; e) channel-networking to preferred providers; or even administrative support for STD claims, many disability management services do give disability managers/employers benefits to look forward to.

And those concerned with disability management appreciate such benefits, especially when they help save on what could be costly absences, medical care, and direct or indirect disability expenditures.

Disability Management Information

Disability management is important if you have any sort of disability. If your disability came on suddenly it may be difficult to deal with at first, but through disability management you should be able to regain movement, mobility, and a sense of freedom. You should always discuss different disability management options with your doctor before starting any type of fitness programs or any other type of programs.

If you are living with a disability or know someone who is, you know how important proper disability management is. One of the most important factors of disability management is maintaining some sort of exercise program. It is important for not only your body’s health, but for vitality and a healthy mind as well. Your doctor will probably advise you to see a physiotherapist to deal with fitness disability management. You want to strengthen your muscles but avoid injury. You should see a professional before embarking on any new fitness program as it may actually hinder disability management if done improperly.

Disability management also includes making adjustments in your day to day life. Someone should assist you with making sure that all your daily tasks can still be done with ease. This may take some getting used to, but with proper disability management you should be able to maintain independence and go through your daily routines with little upset. There are many professionals that your doctor may refer you to that can assist you with disability management in your home and work area. They can make helpful suggestions and also help loved ones to understand the changes that may need to be made.

If you are dealing with any sort of disability, disability management is key to your quality of life. If you have any concerns or questions about disability management you should see your doctor immediately. They are the best person to help you with any disability management questions you may have. Being referred to a specialist is not uncommon. These specialists have often deal with various disability management issues for many years.

Disabilities Don’t Have to be a Death Sentence

There are two ways that you can look at your disabilities. You can either look at it through a “half-empty” glass, whereby your whole life seems to be over. Or you can view it through a “half-full” glass, and see that your life is changed, but that you will continue to live, cope, and adjust.
People with multiple sclerosis face this decision every day. Depending on what type of multiple sclerosis, or MS, that they have, every day could offer new challenges. Some MS patients get progressively, and inexorably, worse, leading to increased levels of disabilities and dependence.
Other face spells where they seem normal, followed by relapses that take them out of the normal everyday rhythms and activities. Days, or weeks later, the MS subsides, but the person is a little worse the wear for it.
Who is to say which kind of MS is worse? For the person with MS, it is a unique struggle that offers unique moments of dismay, depression, hope, and redemption.
The DL on MS
The DL, or down-low and truthful, information on MS shows that the disease attacks a person’s central nervous system. This is the part of your body that includes your brain, optic nerves, and spinal cord. It is essentially the wiring of the body, in charge of motion, senses, and thoughts.
Around all of the tissues in the central nervous system is a layer of protection, fatty cells called myelin. This material not only buffers the nerves, it also helps them conduct the electrical signals necessary for the nerves’ function.
MS destroys this myelin. Where it hits, the MS leaves behind damaged myelin called sclerosis, hence the name of the condition. Sclerosis patches are more like plaque or lesions, which is essentially useless scar tissue.

MS can be as bad to actually attack the nerves underneath the myelin. In these two ways, MS affects how the nerves function in your body. Not only may the nerves be broken, but their conductive material, the myelin, is gone, making it more difficult for them to relay their messages.
Essentially the hard wiring to your brain is broken down, which results in all of the symptoms of MS that can be so debilitating, such as slurred speech, blurry vision, trouble moving, and pain.
The Many Forms of MSThe extent of disabilities associated with MS depends on the exact kind of the condition that a person has. There are four different types of MS, each of which can range in severity from mild to debilitating.
Relapsing-RemittingThis first kind of MS comes and goes. Its relapses, or flare ups, ignite the symptoms of MS. The MS becomes severe and leads to disabilities during the attacks.
However, they tend to pass and are followed by periods of remission. During this lulls, the MS symptoms can completely or partially disappear, leaving the person on a yo-yo of problems and emotions.
Primary-ProgressivePrimary-progressive MS poses the most disabilities over the long run possibly for people with it. Once this form of MS begins, its progresses gradually but continuously over time.
There are no remissions. The symptoms only get worse and worse. For some people, problems build up slowly over time. For others, however, the MS can come on fast. Some others even experience plateaus, when their MS symptoms seem to stabilize for a time.
Secondary-ProgressiveThis type of MS is a mix of the two types of primary MS. It begins with a form of relapse-remitting pattern, whereby the symptoms come and go in waves,
At a certain point, though, the disease takes a turn for the worse and strictly becomes progressive. There may be an occasional remission, flare up, or plateau, but for the most part, the disease stays its course toward further disabilities.
Progressive-RelapsingPossibly the most dramatic form of MS, progressive-relapsing begins as a steady drumbeat of increasing symptoms and disabilities. Instead of experiencing brief respites from the condition, as in remitting MS, these people only have periods where the MS gets drastically worse.
Once these bad spells pass, there still is no break from the disease. It continues to progress over time.
A Hopeless Case?MS may seem like a death sentence to a person’s old way of life. Where once they could walk and work and play, they may become confined to a walker, a wheelchair, or a bed.
There is no cure for MS at the moment. There are many treatments, though, some of which seem helpful for some patients. Some MS victims may even show improvement without any treatment at all.
The disease is so personal, in both its symptoms and its effects upon a person’s psyche, that it is hard to predict what treatment will work for a person. Doctors can offer steroids, physical therapy, hormones, and a host of other medicines and physical treatments to help an MS sufferer.
The best treatment, nevertheless, is a good attitude. No matter how dark the condition seems, and can be, the best way to cope and recover is for the MS patients themselves to treat the condition with a positive mindset, hope, and strength.

Learning disabilities

Learning disabilities are disabilities that affect the way that a person learns and processes information. Some people may have very mild disabilities ranging to severe learning disabilities. In some cases people may trouble interpreting just what it is that they hear and see. Other times an individual can understand the information but will have trouble making mental connections between that information and what is seen and heard. Spoken or written language can sometimes be affected with learning disabilities or sometimes it is a difficulty in doing any type of math problems. Most times people with learning disabilities can lead normal lives and their learning disabilities only appear when they are trying to read, write, to comprehend.
One type of learning disabilities is dyslexia. Dyslexia is a one of the disabilities which is language oriented. People with dyslexia have problems with words and decoding the phonological order that the words are presented. Sometimes there is only a problem with a single word here and there and other times a person will have difficulty with most of the words that they read. People who have these types of language disabilities have trouble reading and attending school and will often need to relearn the way that they interpret language.

There are many other types of learning disabilities that can cause problems for people while they are writing, reading, or understanding. Another one of these disabilities is ADHD ( attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Some specialists do not consider ADHD to be one of the learning disabilities, however people who suffer from ADHD will have a very distinct problem with learning some things due to their inability to concentrate. Another of the learning disabilities that not all experts consider a true learning disability is people who have had a brain injury. There are some genetic diseases that are also considered learning disabilities. These include autism, Down's syndrome, and dementia. No matter what the cause or the origin of learning disabilities they need to be treated under the care of a doctor who can determine what is best and what measures can be taken to improve the ways the individual learns.

Visual disabilities

Visual disabilities can range from moderate to severe, including low vision all the way to blindness. Someone who has a visual disabilities is considered to need some type of a visual correction aid. There are several things that can cause vision loss and lead to visual disabilities. Some of these causes include:

** Macular degeneration - This is leading cause of vision loss in people over 50. This type of vision loss affects a person central vision since the center of the retina, the macula, and degenerates and causes visual disabilities. A person with this type of vision loss will have problems reading, driving, and doing small handwork. There are two types of macular degeneration: the “dry” form and the “wet” form. The dry form of this disease is a slow process of this disease and is the most common occurrence. The wet form of this disease will rarely cause blindness.

** Diabetic retinopathy - These types of visual disabilities are caused by diabetes, both Type I and II. Vision loss occurs when the blood vessels in the retina are damaged by diabetes. If detected early enough surgical procedures such as laser surgery can treat diabetic retinopathy. If not detected early enough blindness will occur resulting in visual disabilities.

** Glaucoma - Glaucoma is the buildup of pressure within the eye for several reasons. Once the optic nerve is damaged the end result is lost or distorted peripheral vision. Although there is no cure for glaucoma early detection can slow or halt some of the vision loss.

** Cataracts - A cataract is the clouding over of the eye by the eye’s natural lens. This allows less light to flow through to the eye. This is a common medical condition in people over 55 and can be successfully treated by surgery.

Approximately 85% of macular degeneration cases are the "dry" form, characterized by a slow and gradual breakdown of the macular cells. If blood vessels grow behind the macula in an effort to provide more oxygen and they burst and bleed, this is referred to as the "wet" form. It is experienced by about 15% of macular degeneration patients. On a positive note, the wet form almost never results in total blindness. It does, however, cause severe vision loss, sometimes resulting in legal blindness (20/200 or worse in both eyes).

Caregivers and Disabilities 2

There are many different types of disabilities that can affect the way that a person lives and the way that they view life. There are some medical disabilities that can be acute and will require that the individual with the disability have some type of assistance both in and out of the home. Acute or chronic types may not be visible to anyone else but may still require the need of a caregiver in the home.

There are some disabilities and medical conditions that have an impact on the educational goals of an individual. People with these types of disabilities may find it difficult to attend school without the help of a caregiver. Some of these types of disabilities include chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, kidney disease, fibromyalgia, allergies, cancer, diabetes, heart conditions, HIV infections, and respiratory problems. With the help of a competent caregiver people with these types of disabilities can still attend school and gain a valuable education that will enhance their life.

A caregiver is there to help the person with disabilities in a variety of ways. A caregiver can be there to take notes or to help the student with disabilities use an alternate form of taking notes, such as a laptop or recording device. Many educational institutions will made some academic allowances for persons with disabilities. Many times there will already be adjusted seating arrangements if this is needed. If a person with a disability needs to be tested the school may provide an alternate method of testing if needed. Persons with disabilities will often be given longer periods of rest between classes so that can be in class on time or so that they can take a physical or mental break if needed.

The important thing to remember is that people with disabilities have just as much success attending school as people without disabilities. Educational institutions are required to be as accommodating as possible to allow for the success of people with disabilities.

Caregivers and Disabilities

There are many different types of disabilities that can affect the way that a person lives and the way that they view life. There are some medical disabilities that can be acute and will require that the individual with the disability have some type of assistance both in and out of the home. Acute or chronic types may not be visible to anyone else but may still require the need of a caregiver in the home.

There are some disabilities and medical conditions that have an impact on the educational goals of an individual. People with these types of disabilities may find it difficult to attend school without the help of a caregiver. Some of these types of disabilities include chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, kidney disease, fibromyalgia, allergies, cancer, diabetes, heart conditions, HIV infections, and respiratory problems. With the help of a competent caregiver people with these types of disabilities can still attend school and gain a valuable education that will enhance their life.

A caregiver is there to help the person with disabilities in a variety of ways. A caregiver can be there to take notes or to help the student with disabilities use an alternate form of taking notes, such as a laptop or recording device. Many educational institutions will made some academic allowances for persons with disabilities. Many times there will already be adjusted seating arrangements if this is needed. If a person with a disability needs to be tested the school may provide an alternate method of testing if needed. Persons with disabilities will often be given longer periods of rest between classes so that can be in class on time or so that they can take a physical or mental break if needed.

The important thing to remember is that people with disabilities have just as much success attending school as people without disabilities. Educational institutions are required to be as accommodating as possible to allow for the success of people with disabilities.


Acupuncture is an ancient form of alternative health that originated in the Orient. This healing method is based on the concept that there is a physical energy force that exists in all living things. Known as Chi or Qi, this force flows through the body and can be manipulated using thin needles places at appropriate points in the body. Needles inserted at acupoints are used to rebalance a body’s Chi, thus restoring health.

Acupuncture involves inserting thin stainless steel needles into the body at depths ranging from 1/5 of an inch to three inches, depending on the specific treatment. The procedure is not completely painless, but any minor pain that arises typically goes away in a matter of seconds. A slight heating sensation may be experienced after the slight pain dissipates. Needles may be inserted into the legs, arms, scalp, or in the ears.

Acupuncture is good alternative method for healing respiratory ailments such as sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, rhinitis and the common cold. Eye problems such as pinkeye and cataracts are also treated with this alternative health method. Toothaches and gingivitis, as well diarrhea, ulcers and other gastrointestinal disorders are also treated with acupuncture. Headaches, migraines, sciatica, osteoarthritis and low back pain can also benefit from acupuncture therapy. Modern applications of the healing method include smoking cessation, and treatment of alcoholism and eating disorders.

Activating acupoints on the body has been shown to stimulate the immune system and it has positive affects on circulation, blood pressure and production of red and white blood cells. It also stimulates release of hormones that help the body repair itself. In the treatment of chronic pain, acupuncture can block flow of pain signals to the brain. Working with the body’s electromagnetic fields, applying pressure to acupoints alters chemical neurotransmitters in the body resulting in effective alternative healing of a multitude of ailments.

Patients seeking alternative health can utilize acupuncture to treat minor aches and pains, organ problems, or for problems with depression or for general well being. Treatment of chronic illnesses typically takes one month of acupuncture therapy for each year that one has been sick. More acute diseases can be treated in three or four sessions. Acupuncture can also be used to maintain one’s good health.

Though still considered an alternative health practice, acupuncture has been the subject of many clinical studies. Research has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of painful menstrual cycles, migraine headaches, pain management and management of drug addiction. Scientific research continues to show that acupuncture is a viable alternative to modern Western medicine.

Alternative Treatments for Asthmatics

It is not safe to completely substitute alternative forms of treatment for conventional forms of treatment necessary for asthmatics. The alternative treatment options for asthmatics listed in this article are options intended to be used in tandem with a physician’s recommended treatment plan. It is best to discuss all alternative plans with your physician.
An incredibly simple and obvious way to help decrease the amount of asthma attacks and to improve one’s breathing in general is an extremely clean house. Who knew that an extremely clean home could be an alternative treatment plan? Many asthmatics are allergic to dust mites.

Dust mites are mean little things that live off of dead skin cells and that go unseen. There are special dust mite cleaning products that a physician or specialist should be able to recommend. If you are asthmatic and if you are one doing the cleaning it is important to wear a mask while doing the cleaning.

If you are asthmatic and just too darn busy to deep clean your home on a regular basis, there are dehumidifiers designed to kill dust mites. Be sure to have your physician recommend a dehumidifier. After all, dehumidifiers are costly and not all of them that make claims to be helpful actually are.

When dusting, it is best to use a damp cloth. Even better is using eucalyptus oil on a damp cloth. Eucalyptus oil helps keep dust mites away.

Vacuuming with a powerful allergen reducing vacuum can help. Not all vacuums that make the claim to reduce allergens do. Vacuuming with an inferior vacuum frequently is more detrimental than helpful as it will pull allergens up out of the carpet and send them flying into the air.

It may be better to simply eliminate carpeting in the home. Dust mites have a difficult time hiding out on regularly cleaned wood, laminate or tile. It is best for an asthmatic to not be around while the remodeling is being done.

Another alternative treatment for asthma is yoga. Hatha Yoga is the most effective in improving one’s breathing and some may feel that Hatha Yoga is the most challenging form of yoga. Hatha Yoga is helpful because of the breathing techniques used, the calm concentration required while executing a pose which can be extremely strenuous. This combination creates a deep sense of relaxation once complete and helps one to focus on controlling one’s muscles and breath. Since yoga is not a cardio exercise it will not bring on an asthma attack. Yoga is an empowering form of exercise.

The Buteyko Method is an alternative treatment plan for asthmatics developed by Professor Konstantin Buteyko. It is absolutely imperative to talk to your physician and to receive permission from your physician before beginning the Buteyko Method. When the Buteyko Method first came out, the medical community was extremely skeptical.

Despite this initial skepticism, this alternative to mainstream medicines has proven itself to be quite helpful. The two main parts of this alternative treatment are the unblocking of the nose so that an asthmatic can stop breathing through his or her mouth and the training of an asthmatic of how not to hyperventilate. Although the Buteyko Method has proven to be effective, some of the practitioners have made harmful alternative treatment recommendations. If a questionable recommendation is made, be sure to double check it with your physician.

Men’s Health Supplements

Men’s health supplements should be tucked into soft loaves of homemade bread and slipped to them when they are—as usual—preoccupied. If only more men would read up on the risks they take by not getting health checkups, not taking any preventative measures, and not taking any health supplements to make up for the deficit behavior…. But since they don’t do any of these (a great portion of them don’t, anyway) we are going to have to nudge them a bit.

Clearly, their health is as important women’s, yet the general consensus has it that they too often neglect themselves, especially when they do not have someone to nudge them, nurture them, care for or care about them. Men’s health supplements are a harmless—once a day--nudge. And for now, so am I. This article (as well as a number of other articles) will focus on men as they should be focused on—will give them attention and will give attention to the health concerns they should have in ways they might not care to.

Prioritization is something most of us are naturally good at. But since what we prioritize is just as important as how we do it, it must be noted that when anyone puts his own well-being last on the list, it might eventually be the top-listed items and people that suffer. Men’s health supplements is trying to undo this likelihood, but working to make ends meet, working to support a family, entertaining and dedicating time to family and friends, and then working some more…. Is what most men choose, thereby challenging the probabilities that these activities might eventually negatively contribute to the need for a man to at some point cry out that he needs time to himself.

Yes! He needs to know that taking time for selfish things is taking time for selfless things. His health in tact will ensure he can go on entertaining, providing, nurturing, and partying. His health in tact means he will not suffer and will not have to share his suffering by being (begrudgingly dependent upon others because he neglected his health, failed to even glance at the Men’s health supplements his friend snuck into his briefcase or lunchbox and now is helpless.

For instance, the number of areas covered that should get attention (and that would do quite a bit better with simple men’s health supplements)--weight, liver, vision, teeth, heart, prostrate, bone joints and muscles, sexual equipment, stomach--are, sadly, neglected. Is it because men feel selfish if they take time out to attend regularly scheduled appointments? Is it because men get wrapped up in enjoying or consumed by doing the twelve hundred other daily duties that the last thing they would remember is a dental cleaning or a blood pressure check?

Men’s health supplements would replace some of the missing nutrients, would prevent some of the risks, ones that are revealed—in general terms—in the statistics: men are four times less likely to see a doctor than women. This is according to Dr. Hilary Jones at netdoctor.co.uk. At the same time, however, 45% of all men are overweight, and one third of them are termed clinically obese; 7 out of 8 carry at least one risk toward heart disease and/or stroke; and of all men with high blood pressure, only 25% use a medication to control it.

So it is shame? Control? Or is it the invincibility syndrome at any age that takes over and prevents men from preventing such health problems, illness, disorders, and diseases as hypertension, peptic ulcer, heart attack, cancer…. I will ask this again, in the next ten articles, hoping to get a response. And I will work on ways to sneak men’s health supplements into their beer bottles without them knowing.