
The Increased Popularity of Homeopathy Remedies

There has been a surprising shift in the medical world lately as more and more physicians are actually becoming familiar with both conventional and unconventional methods of treatment these days. Homeopathy remedies are one of the more unconventional types of treatment that are becoming more popular each year, and this should definitely be viewed with a very positive perspective by the majority of the general population. When you think about it, homeopathic remedies should really just be viewed as the most natural form of treatment that you can use.
Homeopathy Remedies

There are millions of individuals out there who seem to be confusing homeopathy remedies with types of herbal medicine, so you need to make sure you are not getting these two different methods of treatment confused. Other people have only heard about the treatment and not actually done the research to find out more information about what it actually is, but the good news is that there is plenty of information available regarding this topic on the Internet. Instead of trusting the word of that person at work who keeps praising homeopathic treatments, you can go ahead and learn about the details of this alternative method of therapy on your own.

Many people view homeopathic treatments as a way of getting medicine for your sickness without any side effects that could come back to haunt you in the future. Homeopathy is basically a method of preparing your body for possible risks in the future by exposing them to the body earlier on in life. You are basically stimulating the sense of the body so that things do not seem as bad when the real thing happens.
It’s time to take homeopathy remedies seriously

Homeopathy remedies are basically an alternative or complimentary treatment to normal solutions to some of the most common health problems known to man. Any homeopathic remedy is going to be made from all natural ingredients and will most likely come from some kind of natural part of Mother Nature. These remedies have been known to be created from such earth bound materials such as minerals, plants and metals.

The basic idea behind homeopathic medicine is that you will be able to strengthen your body by building up its immune system and other defenses against common illnesses. When your body goes through many years without coming down with a sickness, it usually means that your body will not be prepared for the illness when it finally hits you. The best example of this is shown when adults who have never had chicken pox get it at an older age and it turns out to be much more dangerous.
More details on homeopathic solutions

Homeopathy remedies can be found in both tablet and liquid form, so you will have your choice in how you want to ingest them into your body. Don’t be scared of trying new, alternative treatments because they sometimes turn out to be the best choice you could possibly make. You never know if this is the right treatment for your condition until you try it for yourself.

The New and Crazy World of Herbal Breast Enhancement

One of the best things about being a woman is that you get to use some kind of lotion or cream to solve any problem you are having with your body. There seems to be nothing that cannot be relieved through the use of some kind of beauty product and that idea really gets taken to the next level with herbal breast enhancement creams. You don’t have to go through plastic surgery if you want to make changes to your body because there are certain pills and creams you can use to slowly alter certain parts of your body that you do not find acceptable.

Most women are used to using creams to prevent wrinkles or dry skin, so there should be no need to explain how this herbal breast enhancement cream will work over a certain period of time. You will not get the same results as plastic surgery in a matter of a few hours, but you will eventually begin to see some slow changes over time. The cream is the option used by most women because all they have to do is massage the cream into their breasts to help them grow and become their most desirable size.

Herbal breast enhancements are a rather new idea, so you can’t expect creams and pills to be widely available all over the world. You are probably going to have to look for these products on the Internet, but that’s not really a problem since most people shop online these days anyway. You need to find the supplements that contain the right combinations of herbs and vitamins if you are going to find a supplement that will get the job done.

How does herbal breast enhancement work?

There is something about herbal creams that you don’t find in herbal pills, and that is why herbal breast enhancement is best used in cream form. It feels like you get more out of the creams than the pills because the application process is much more intimate and you don’t have to just pop a pill into your mouth without actually seeing what is going on in your body. Some people prefer the pills for various reasons, but there is nothing that can beat any kind of herbal enhancement in cream form.

The added perk of using herbal enhancement creams is that you also get to moisturize your skin while you are trying to enhance your breasts. When you weigh these added benefits against trying your hand at breast enhancement in capsule form, it makes the decision rather easy to make. You also have to factor in the idea that you will be able to feel your breasts and see if any progress has been made every time you apply your herbal treatment.
The added benefits of a massage

The best part about using herbal breast enhancement creams is that you get to feel the added benefits of a massage if you have someone else apply the treatment to your body. There is nothing more relaxing than a nice massage on a regular basis, so you have to see how these creams are a much better option than the pills.

9 Best Cures for Fighting Depression Naturally

– Reduce your dependence on medications with these natural depression treatments

If you’ve struggled with depression for any length of time, you know how debilitating it can be. But taking conventional pharmaceutical drugs to treat depression can also be problematic, especially when you consider side effects like drowsiness and lack of libido.

Thankfully, there are options available for fighting depression naturally that involve plant-based herbs and other solutions so you can feel better without the drug.
1. St. John’s Wort

This is the natural antidepressant you will hear talked about the most by scientists and natural health practitioners alike. Though St. John’s Wort is not suitable for severe forms of depression, it has been used by complementary health professionals and naturopaths to help ease the blues symptoms for decades with great success.

It has even been tested against some pharmaceutical antidepressants options. The results were very good, with St. John’s Wort working just as well as serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and working even better than trycyclic antidepressants.

You can get St. John’s Wort in many forms – capsules and tablets, teas, extracts and tinctures, as well as other liquid options. And like all antidepressants, you will have to take it for 4 to 6 weeks before you notice significant and consistent improvement.
2. Saffron stigma

Saffron stigma herbs have apparent abilities to help reduce the severity of depression and improve mood. Saffron is a plant food that has been used for thousands of years in cooking and traditional medicines. Saffron stigma (the portion of the plant that receives pollen) was shown to be more effective than placebos and equally efficacious as fluoxetine and imipramine in treating depression when studied in several trials.

Though saffron is an extremely expensive herb even for cooking, it clearly has great benefits for humans. Scientists are also working on testing saffron petals to determine whether they have equally good results with that portion of the plant. They require further studies, however, to determine what the compound is within the plant that has the mood-boosting impact.
3. Rhodiola

Rhodiola rosea is a plant known by other names such as Golden Root, Roseroot, and Aaron’s Rod and has been tested to show some benefits for people suffering from mild to moderate depression when compared to a placebo.

This plant is grown in colder regions such as the Arctic, Central Asia, the Alps, Iceland, and the Rocky Mountains and is said to improve mood, boost energy levels, and even improve mental performance. It works by mediating changes in serotonin and dopamine levels.

This herb has been used in Russia and Scandinavia for centuries to help people cope with the long, cold winters. It has also been used in traditional Chinese medicine.

4. SAMe

Pronounced “Sammy”, this acronym is short for s-adenosyl-L-methionine, which is a chemical compound found in the human body naturally. Though SAMe is already being prescribed as anantidepressant in Europe, it is only used as a dietary supplement in the US. Nevertheless, with 16 trials already complete that demonstrate it is more effective in fighting depression than standard antidepressants or placebos, the outlook for SAMe in the US is very good.
5. Kanna

This is a South African herb that has just now been studied by Western scientists to determine how effective it is at treating depression. It turns out (from preliminary studies) that kanna may have a compound called mesebrine that can act as an SSRI.

Kanna is a succulent herb that helps to decrease anxiety, promote relaxation, and provide a higher sense of well-being. Doses of this herbal antidepressant should be around 50 mg. This herb should not be taken in combination with other antidepressants like Prozac, Paxil, or Zoloft.
6. Omega-3 fatty acids

We humans cannot synthesize our own omega-3 fatty acids from food, and yet they are essential for our overall wellbeing. And studies are now confirming what natural health care practitioners have known for decades – that omega-3 fatty acids are key to maintaining a happy outlook on life by increasing the intake of EPA and DHA, two components in fighting depression.

You can increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids by eating things like flaxseeds and cold-water fish – in fact, cultures that have a higher intake of fish (Japan, for instance) have depression rates 10 times lower than those in North America.

And while eating more fish can help, taking a supplement such as fish oil capsules or adding flaxseed oil to your salads can be a better way to go, especially considering that fish can often contain high levels of mercury and PCBs. These omega-3 oils can be found in health food stores and should be taken just before meals for maximum results.
7. Magnesium

Sleep is an essential requirement for all humans, but much more so for those suffering from depression. Unfortunately, sleep doesn’t always come easy, One way to help get your sleep is to take magnesium supplements or make sure you eat more legumes, nuts, whole grains, and green vegetables.

This will not only promote relaxed muscles and deeper sleep, but magnesium is also crucial for the production of serotonin, which is necessary for regulating moods.
8. B vitamins – B1, B3, B9, B6

B vitamins are a group of very important nutrients for the human body. They include B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B6 (pyridoxine), and B9 (folic acid), B12 (cyanocobalamin), as well as pantothenic acid, riboflavin, biotin, and more. Working together and with other nutrients, these B vitamins help to reduce stress, boost energy levels and diminish fatigue, and relieve depression.

They’re also needed for a whole host of other functions in the body, so taking some extra certainly won’t hurt!
9. Dietary changes

Of course, taking herbs can clearly help with your depression, but another natural way of fighting depression is to make some dietary changes. There are many types of foods that can actually increase the severity of depression, so decreasing these foods in your diet is a very effective way to keep depression at bay.

Try to reduce your intake of sugary foods, caffeine, and alcohol, all of which can contribute to short-term good feelings, but in the long run actually increase mood swings and make it difficult to sleep.

Basic Home Remedies for Coughing and the Common Cold

In a world that is plagued by money hungry drug companies that just want your money and don’t care about your actual health, it’s always nice to learn about home remedies for coughing and other simple illnesses that actually work in making you feel much better. When you look for a solution to a problem, you should always try to think about what is causing the problem in the first place before you begin the search for a solution. That tends to be the main thing that is missing from conventional medicine in today’s world.Coughing Remedies
Nobody likes to have a cough that will simply not go away, and it always feels terrible to be that one person in the room who cannot stop coughing. Everyone else is going to be trying to keep their distance from you throughout the day, so it can sometimes affect your ability to get your work done and be productive when you have a nagging cough. Finding home remedies for coughing will help you get rid of your cough without having to worry about any lingering side effects.
Unless you are an avid smoker who cannot resist lighting up a cigarette at every chance you get, your cough is likely related to some kind of sickness that has gone undiagnosed up until this point in time. There is a part of your that accepts your need to cough every time you feel that certain sensation in your neck, so it’s always sad to know that you are giving in to your body’s needs. The best thing to do when you have a problem in your throat is to start attacking it as soon as you realize there is a problem with some home remedies.

Real home remedies for coughing that work

When it comes to home remedies for coughing, you really just need to think about the foods that usually lead to good health when eaten on a regular basis. Ginger is definitely one of the best substances you can use to combat your coughas this food ingredient is often used to combat a multitude of different common illnesses. Lemon is another food item that you can use to fight against your cough, and many people suggest adding lemon to the water you drink every day anyway as a way to prevent future illnesses from striking you down.
Garlic is the last food item you should check out because this will actually be used to clear out any bad materials in your mouth, throat and nostrils. The best way to get the most out of your garlic is to just take a clove and start chewing it in your mouth. This will feel rather uncomfortable and even painful if the clove is a bit too large, but you will instantly be able to feel the positive benefits of that clove on your entire body.

Use these three items in a mixture

One of the best home remedies for coughing that you will be able to find is actually a mixture of the three aforementioned ingredients.

Do-It-Yourself Home Chest Congestion Remedies

Are you tired of every cold and flu season searching the stores for cough and cold remedies that are effective yet don’t have harmful side effects?
Most commercial cold and congestion formulas contain one or more of these chemicals:
  • Chest Congestion RemediesDextromethorphan HCL – A cough suppressant which can cause drowsiness,
  • Acetaminophen – A pain reliever which can cause liver damage in large quantities,
  • Guaifenesin – An expectorant which can cause dizziness, or
  • Pseudoephedrine or Phenylephrine–Decongestants which can cause restlessness, anxiety, sleeplessness and headaches.
Did you know that some of the most effective chest congestion remedies are readily available, fairly inexpensive, have little to no adverse effects and have the added benefit of being good for you?
Here are a few herbs to keep handy in your home…


Garlic is valued by both chefs and herbalists alike. It is a versatile culinary spice with medicinal properties. It is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral, which makes it an excellent remedy for most respiratory infections.  It has been shown in several studies to not only reduce cold and flu symptoms, but shorten the duration of a cold.
In addition to being a natural antibiotic, garlic has also been found to help lower cholesterol. It acts as a natural anticoagulant and helps dissolve cholesterol in the blood stream. Many naturopaths and herbalists recommend taking garlic on a regular basis to help fight high cholesterol and heart disease.
Garlic is best eaten fresh, crushed and added to soups or other dishes. But for those who cannot tolerate its pungent taste, garlic extract is also available over-the-counter in tablet and capsule form. The recommended dose is 600 to 1,200 mg daily, divided into individual doses, or 2 to 4 grams per day of fresh garlic.


Echinacea, or purple coneflower, is a folk remedy native to North America. It is a long-standing remedy for the common cold and flu. It is naturally antioxidant and antibacterial, and has been shown to help strengthen the immune system.
Traditionally Echinacea has been used to treat a variety of cold symptoms, including sore throat, cough and chest congestion. It is most commonly taken as an herbal tea, up to three times per day. It is also available as a standardized extract in capsule or tincture form. The recommended dose is 300 mg or 1 to 3 mL, three times per day, for up to 7 days.


Lobelia is a native folk remedy for respiratory problems. It is sometimes referred to as Indian tobacco. But, unlike traditional tobacco it is not inhaled, but consumed as an herbal tea.The use of lobelia as a tobacco substitute has been banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
It is naturally antioxidant and expectorant, and is used by herbalist to treat asthma, bronchitis and chronic cough.  It has also been used in smoking cessation programs to help reduce the effects of nicotine.
Lobelia can be found in liquid extract or dried capsule form. The recommended dose is 2 oz. of dried herb, four times per day, or .6 to 2.0 mL of liquid tincture up to three times per day.


Although generally thought of as fodder for cattle, red clover is an age-old remedy for respiratory illnesses. Traditionally herbalists used the herb to treat whooping cough. It is naturally expectorant and considered a natural blood-purifier.
Today, scientists have found that it has a number of health benefits. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins B1 and B3, vitamin C, calcium, chromium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It is also high in isoflavones, chemicals which have an estrogen-like effect on the body, and can be used to address many menopausal symptoms, including osteoporosis.
It is generally taken as an herbal tea, although it can also be found in liquid extract and capsule form. The typical dose is 40 to 160 mg per day, or 3 to 5 mL, three times per day.


Fennel is an Ayurvedic remedy for gas and indigestion which doubles as a natural cough and chest congestion remedy. It is considered carminative, or soothing to mucous membranes. It is also naturally antioxidant and antibacterial.
While fennel seeds are commonly chewed to treat indigestion and upset stomach, the juice of the seeds are used as a cough syrup. Simply crush or juice 1 to 2 teaspoons of fresh fennel seeds and add to one teaspoon of honey. Take 3 or 4 times per day until symptoms subside.
  1. University of Maryland Medical Center: Alternative Medicine Index: http://www.umm.edu/altmed/

The Many Options of Natural Lice Treatment

You should never settle for a commercially available product when you are looking for a solution to a problem as trivial as lice, and natural lice treatment is usually all you need to get rid of your lice and move on with your life. The only thing you need to worry about with this kind of treatment is making sure you do everything properly during the application process. You may need to apply a natural remedy more than once for it to work effectively, but you will be very proud of your final decision in the end.Natural Lice Treatment
The infestation in your hair of lice and other similar problems is likely related to the environment found in your home, so you also need to make sure you take care of the lice problem around your house. You are probably not the only person in your house with lice, so make sure everyone else gets checked out as soon as possible. Once you know the level of the problem found in your home, you can then move onto methods of natural lice treatment to get rid of the lice troubles.
There are not many clinically researched natural lice treatments, so you will have to rely on evidence that does not rely on science and numbers when you decide to go this route. There are plenty of people who have seen the productivity of natural treatments for lice first hand, so these are the accounts you will have to rely on for research. The best thing about natural treatments for lice is that they don’t contain any of the harmful chemicals that could end up damaging your health that are found in the chemically based products sold at the store.

Natural lice treatment is the safe treatment

You don’t want to throw chemicals on your body and around the house when you don’t have to, especially if there are young children who live in your home. Children are much more problematic when it comes to chemicals because their bodies have not fully developed and been able to handle invasions by dangerous chemicals. Natural lice treatment is always the right decision for anyone who has children because these natural solutions do not contain any harmful chemicals.
The simplest method of lice treatment that won’t contain harmful chemicals comes through the use of a nit comb. You have to shampoo the hair before you begin, but leave the conditioner in the hair as you go through it with the nit comb. The process of using the nit comb is rather simple and you just need to go up and down the hair until you’ve found that no lice or eggs can be found in the hair at all.

Food products are another option

Some people use mayonnaise as a natural lice treatment, but this method can get rather messy. You still need to use a nit comb to go through the hair with the mayonnaise in it, but the mayonnaise is actually better for setting up the hair than conditioner.

Understanding the Types of Meditation – Mindfulness, Transcendental and Vipassana

The evidence of the benefits of meditation for enhancing physical and mental wellbeing is increasing by the day and there are many forms of meditation that a person can derive advantage from:

Mindfulness Meditation or Smriti

Smriti is a Sanskrit word that means awareness of remembering and is considered to be one of the 7 important factors that bring about enlightenment according to the teachings of the Buddha. This type of meditation tries to perceive things as they are and a clear comprehension of reality. It is method of letting go of negative emotions such as hatred, greed and the desire for material or unimportant things.

It involves the attempt to maintain a sense of calm awareness at all times in one’s day to day life. Today western psychologist employ this ancient form of meditation to help resolve a range of mental and physical conditions such as drug addiction, obsessive compulsive disorders, depression and so on.

It is also found to be useful in preventing relapse of certain conditions.

Transcendental Meditation

This form of meditation was popularized by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (of the Beatles fame) in about the 1950’s and went on to become something of a spiritual movement. This is a form of mantra meditation and is one of the most widely practiced and researched forms of meditation.

This meditation involves thinking rather than speaking a mantra and requires the mind to reach a quieter and less active plane. The mantras may be wordless sounds and may vary from person to person as may suit a particular individual. 15 to 20 minutes of this meditation is ideally supposed to be practiced in the morning and in the evening.

Vipassana Meditation
One of the most ancient methods of meditation, this form is also a Buddhist tradition that seeks to obtain insight into the true nature of reality. A steadfast mind uses introspection and self observation to lead to self transformation in this type of meditation. The focus is on attaining clarity and lucidity of the mind; which helps the mind see and perceive more clearly.
Rather than the release of past trauma this meditation seeks to comprehend the real nature of human suffering. The impermanence of things and the achievement of wisdom are the ultimate aims of this meditation.
The different forms of meditation can all have beneficial impacts of helping to lower stress and help enhance mental and hence physical health.