
Colon Hydrotherapy For Cleansing Of Colon!

Colon hydrotherapy is an alternate medical procedure which is sometimes associated with the naturopathy. Colon hydrotherapy involves the introduction of pure water or sometimes infused with some minerals or some other materials like organic coffee into the colon (path for expelling toxins).
After some short period, the fluid is released and this process is repeated for number of times in the method of treatment.
Colon hydrotherapy is used in variety of illnesses caused due to the consumption of fecal matter into the large intestine.

Cleansing Methods for cleansing colon:

You can cleanse easily by using modern medications, but due to chemical reactions these medicines can add toxins. So, this is not the correct method for cleansing colon. By alternate treatment methods such as yoga therapy, you can cleanse colon, but it requires skill.
Enema is effective and easy method for cleansing colon. Enema is a natural method of cleansing and it is used as a remedy for bowel problems. Enema is also used for effective body detoxification, constipation remedies, hemorrhoid treatment, ulcerative colitis treatment and for maintaining youthfulness.

Colon hydrotherapy includes Cleansing of colon which helps in improving your immunity:

Colon is used as the path for releasing toxins. Toxic material remains in your body if colon does not function effectively. When toxic material accumulates in your body many health disorders will attack you.
If you have unclean colon then it causes unrelated disorders such as stress, depression, premature ageing, arthritis and many other unrelated disorders. Toxins are the main cause for diseases.
If toxins are accumulated, then these create conditions for breeding of germs and make your blood poisoned. This leads to the critical condition of detoxification. If you reach to this condition, then you cannot accumulate any toxic material.
If you cleanse your colon regularly then you can feel energetic and you can reduce the breeding ground for germs. If germs are reduced in your body then you can improve resistance.

The Benefits obtained from cleansing colon using colon hydrotherapy:

Following colon hydrotherapy provides strength to your digestive system that is it improves digestion of food and it also improves the secretion of digestive enzymes.
It improves the blood circulation of your whole body. You can use home enema equipment for cleansing colon.
Every thing that you eat, end in your bowels as toxins, and releases through colon. If this colon is not cleansed properly, then it causes various diseases. So, colon cleansing is very important to avoid various diseases.

Don’t follow colon hydrotherapy when you are suffering from following situations:

You should not use colon hydrotherapy treatment just after bowel surgery. You should not use this treatment when you are suffering with diverticulities, ulcerative colitis and tumor in colon. You should avoid regular treatment when you are suffering with heart disease and kidney disease.
Colon hydrotherapy, which involves the cleansing of colon is very important to remove the roots of disease that is toxin.


Colon Hydrotherapy For Cleansing Of Colon!

Colon Hydrotherapy For A Clean Colon

Colon hydrotherapy also known as colonic irrigation is one kind of colon cleansing which removes feces and other toxins from the colon.
It is an alternative medical therapy to enhance health and wellness by achieving balance and harmony in the body.
The colon hydrotherapy procedure
The doctor will place a small speculum in your rectum which makes use of enemas and other colon therapy equipment to inject water which is sometimes mixed with herbs to the colon.
Colon hydrotherapy usually takes about 45 minutes, wherein bacteria, candida yeast as well as other parasites inside the colon are eliminated while restoring natural peristaltic muscle activities.
No need to stress yourself, because many people find colon hydrotherapy actually relaxing and the doctor or the therapist will assure you that he or she will be watchful while you undergo the procedure.
Also, you should be assured that all the instruments used for the colon hydrotherapy are sterilized and disposable.
What does colon hydrotherapy do to your colon?
  • It cleanses the colon by flushing out toxins and other bad bacteria which are detrimental to good health.
  • It improves muscle contraction because there are no toxins build up.
  • It removes bulging pockets in the colon which will restore it to its natural shape.
  • It improves stimulated body reflex points which will help the body to function well.
  • It hydrates the whole body which correspondingly increases the blood’s volume. As such, blood circulation is increased resulting to a more efficient cardiovascular and circulatory systems.
Benefits of colon hydrotherapy
  • A clean colon maintains the body’s normal weight. Since the procedure eliminates bowels, it also clears the body of toxins and other build up substances which causes excess weight in the body. Similarly, it is also an efficient way to improve metabolism.
  • You will feel a sense of well being because mucus as well as gases, bad bacteria and other toxins are flushed out, sickness like constipation to colon cancer can be prevented or alleviated because of a clean colon.
  • With colon hydrotherapy regular bowel movement will follow because the bad bacteria and toxins are flushed out, making the digestive system functioning well.
  • After colon hydrotherapy, the abdominal area is more relaxed and your abdomen more toned because it effectively purged the colon from hidden waste.
  • Many women are relieved from gynecological related issues like dysmenorrheal and cystitis.
  • It restores and fosters healthy bacterial balance.
  • Many have reduced complications because colon hydrotherapy boosts the immune system, since it helps the body to restore and repair itself after several sessions.
  • Compression of the organs near the colon is reduced, which in turn helps other organs like the liver, heart and lungs to function more effectively.
  • It enhances the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from foods, which correspondingly help in the repair of the body’s cells, systems and organs.
  • Many also notice a beautiful complexion after the treatment, because colon hydrotherapy helps patients to have a restful sleep at nighttime and a sustained energy all throughout the day.


Colon Hydrotherapy For A Clean Colon

Herbal Colon Cleanse – Is it Advisable and Is It Safe?

There is a school of thought that advocates colon cleansing, believing that the food in the colon rots and decays and that fecal matter collects in the intestines over the years, requiring the intestine and the colon to be detoxed periodically.
However the contrary view says that the colon has an excellent self cleaning mechanism and that there is no need for a herbal colon cleanse or any other sort of cleanse to do this unless there is a medical requirement for it.

What is a herbal colon cleanse?

Herbal Colon CleanseFormulations containing herbs such as psyllium husk or seeds, flax seeds, slippery elm, probiotics and so on, claim to help in clearing the colon of waste and fecal material.
Unhealthy diets high in fat and sugar, environmental pollution, toxins that we ingest by way of pesticides and other chemicals that we use, may collect and deposit in the colon, causing problems ranging from constipation, fatigue and low energy to cancer to weight gain, it is claimed.
So the herbal colon cleanse is supposed to help you get rid of those ailments causing body toxins, plaques and mucus.

Does the body need a herbal colon cleanse?

Views are divided on this – while many experts claim that there is no need for such detoxification of the digestive system, others claim that this is a vital requirement for everyone since all of us are carrying around unnecessary and potentially harmful fecal and other matter within ourselves that causes disease, obesity, and health problems and which also lowers energy levels and productivity.
Possibly the requirement of a colon cleanse may differ from person to person, and many do find that as a result of a herbal colon cleanse they feel lighter, fitter, healthier and more full of energy. Others find that problems such as constipation and so on are greatly helped by colon cleanse treatments.

Is a herbal colon cleanse safe?

One must always be wary of the term ‘Herbal’ being applied indiscriminately to products. Sometimes products manufacturers deliberately seek to mislead by using the term, and at other times though there may be natural herbs, there could also be other potentially problematic additives that are not wholly natural.
So the term ‘natural’ or ‘herbal’ should be taken with a pinch of salt and the label of ingredients carefully examined.
Another problem that could possibly come from overuse or inappropriate use of colon cleanse or similar products is that it could cause the body to lose a lot of water and even cause an electrolyte imbalance.
Also if such a product is taken for extended periods, it may make the digestive system dependent upon the supplement causing more problems when one stops taking the supplement.
Often an herbal colon cleanse may be advertised as a weight loss product. However it must be kept in mind that a lot of the time, the weight that is lost as a result of taking the product, may be only water and the body may actually not have lost any fat at all.


Know the Wonderful Benefits of Ginseng

Ginseng is one of the most popular herbs and is the most widely recognized plant used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is very helpful if you consider it as part of your overall health regimen.
There are various types of ginseng. This herb is in use for more than 7000 years. Today, it is the most popular supplement used in various medicines.
GinsengThe three main species of ginseng includes oriental, Siberian and American.
All these three species have various common elements, but they also have subtle differences.

Benefits of ginseng

An adaptogen: Ginseng acts as an adaptogen, in that it normalizes physical functioning based on your individual needs. For instance, it lowers high blood pressure and at the same time raises low blood pressure.
As a tonic: This herb is used to diminish the effects of stress, boost your energy levels, improve your performance, and stimulate your immune system.
Research showed that ginseng supports the central nervous system, lung function, circulatory system and liver function. So, ginseng acts as a general tonic for your entire body.
Sexual health: Men use this herb to improve the sexual function and also as a remedy for impotence. Ginseng helps effectively to reduce the menopausal symptoms because it increases the levels of estrogen in your body.
Prevention and cure: Most of the conventional medicine systems use ginseng as an essential component in variety of prescriptions and consider the herb as both preventative and curative.
This herb removes both physical and mental fatigue, dissolves tumors, cures pulmonary complaints, and also reduces the effects of aging.

Ginseng is effectively used for:

  • Colds
  • Diabetes
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy protection
  • As a sleep aid
  • Chest problems
  • Appetite stimulant
The herb is prescribed to restore your memory, and enhance cognitive abilities and concentration that is damaged with improper blood supply to the brain.

Active ingredients of ginseng:

Ginseng consists of vitamins A, B6 and zinc metal. Zinc helps in the development of thymic hormones, which are essential for the functioning defense system.
The active ingredients in ginseng are called as ginsenosides. These ingredients have adaptogenic properties, which enable ginseng to balance and counter the effects of stress.
Other types of ingredients are glycosides, which act on your adrenal glands and help to remove adrenal hypertrophy and production of additional corticosteroids in response to chemical, physical and biological stress. Benefits of ginseng multiply when it is combined with other herbs.
But, there are some precautionary measures to be taken while using ginseng. Pregnant women and children should avoid the usage of ginseng. People with illnesses such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or cancers of ovaries, breast, prostate, and uterus should avoid ginseng as it has estrogenic effects.
Diabetic people should also avoid ginseng as it lowers blood sugar levels. There are some mild side effects of ginseng such as insomnia, heart palpitations, diarrhea, high blood pressure, agitation, headaches, and nervousness.
So, you should also keep these in mind along with the benefits of ginseng.


Herbs for Weight Loss – How Safe and Effective are Herbal Weight loss Remedies?

Herbs for weight loss are supposed to be the safe, effective and natural way to lose weight; free from harmful side effects and so on. However the claims made by herbal weight loss products about efficacy and safety are to be treated with caution and it must not be assumed that simply because something is labeled “Herbal”, it is safe to use and free from side effects.
We take a look at which herbs for weight loss are safe and which are effective and which indeed are both safe as well as effective –
Herbs For Weight LossThe following herbs for weight loss are considered to be generally safe, though they should be cleared with one’s health care professional, particularly if there is a preexisting medical condition that precludes using these weight loss herbs  –
1. Green tea and green tea extracts are often advertised as weight loss supplements, and there has been some evidence to show that when an effective exercise program and healthy diet are initiated, this could help in weight loss efforts because of its antioxidant properties and caffeine content.
And even drinking 5 to 6 cups of tea a day is usually not shown to have any adverse effects, so green tea as a weight loss herb may be said to be safe and moderately effective.
2. Cayenne or chili pepper are known to have capcaisin that claims to speed up metabolism and hence may aid in weight loss. The supplements are largely safe, however efficacy as one of the herbs for weight loss may be limited.
3. Ginseng is a natural herb which is also thought to speed up the metabolism and help in weight loss. However its efficacy is not seen to be uniform though ginseng is thought to be safe to take and there are usually no harmful side effects.
4. Nettle is a herb that is supposed to help in shedding weight because it creates heat inside the body, having a thermogenic effect on it. Reviews about the efficacy of this herb for weight loss are mixed.
5. Seaweed or kelp has long been touted as being among the most effective herbs for weight loss because of its iodine and chromium content and its ability to stimulate the thyroid gland.
Which herbs for weight loss are unsafe or ineffective?
  • Various herbal supplements such as Hoodia, Acai Berry, Pineapple extract pills and so on claim to be very effective for weight loss. However the claims made by manufacturers are usually unable to stand up to scrutiny and their efficacy is suspect at best.
  • Ephedra or Ma Huang is known to cause several health problems such as elevated pulse rate, high blood pressure, and even heart attack, stroke and death in high doses.
  • All laxatives, even so called ‘herbal’ laxatives can be dangerous and may cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance and also make the digestive system dependent upon them for regular functioning. These herbs for weight loss are marketed as diet tea, or senna cascara and so on.



Saffron – The Many Reasons why it is Good for You

It is the most expensive spice in the world and has been prized for thousands of years for its rich flavor and its ability to be used as a natural food pigment.
The spice saffron, which comes from the little purple saffron crocus flower is used not only for food flavoring and color but is also known to have medicinal uses.

Saffrons ImportanceFor Alzheimer’s Disease

Those with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease could find help for their condition with the help of saffron. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study conducted in the year 2010 was able to show as much.

As a Cancer Inhibitor

Saffron is known to have certain tumor inhibiting properties. It is elements such as Crocin, Safranal and Picrocrocin that saffron is known to contain, that helps to inhibit progress of human cancer cells.

To Elevate the Mood

Saffron is known to have certain properties that cause people to feel feelings of joy and happiness, which is why large amounts of the spice or its tea, may help to relieve depression.

Good for the heart

In Chinese medicine, this spice, which is native to South West Asia, has long been used as a way to help cure bruising and for improving blood circulation.
Saffron is known to possess an active ingredient called Crocetin, for which there is some evidence to suggest could lower triglyceride levels and high cholesterol. Arthritis and arthrosclerosis are also conditions that saffron can help with.

For the Eyes

The Macular degeneration in the eyes that comes from advancing age, is clinically shown to improve with the help of saffron, thus keeping failing vision and blindness at bay which is a common ailment of the elderly.

As an Antioxidant

Saffron is also effective as a fighter of free radicals and its ingredient Safranal is known to have antioxidant properties.


Placebo or the Power of the Mind

The leading UK publication The Economist recently ran an article called Think yourself better, where it was claimed that rather than alternative medicine, it is the power of the mind or the placebo effect that helps to heal and cure people.
For a long time there has been a hue and cry about the British National Health Service funding homeopathy, with many in mainstream medicine calling for the stoppage of this funding. Those in mainstream medicine and pharma want this funding to stop because they supposedly think it is a waste of public money.
Placebo EffectAnd yet those that use homeopathy and other alternative and complementary medicines will swear by the efficacy of the treatment that they use; which have often worked when conventional medicine has not.
So when the nay sayers argue that it is merely the placebo effect and the power of the mind that is supposed to yield results – as in the cited article, then how do they explain the fact that the placebo effect did not kick in with conventional or main stream medication.
Many who use complementary or alternative therapies do so after having tried and tested other pharmacological options which have not worked for them.
The placebo effect on the human system, where the person thinks they are getting better and therefore they do get better, cannot be denied. The mind is a very powerful thing and in many cases we can ‘think’ ourselves better so it is not the placebo effect that is being denied here.
But to say that all complementary and alternative treatments are placebo (described by the article as “sham medical treatment… pharmacologically inert sugar pill, piece of pretend surgery”) is shortsighted and rigid to say the least.
Another point that the article largely ignores is the fact that alternative therapies, have far fewer side effects when compared with mainstream pharmaceutical medications.
There is a claim made that homeopaths are permitted to make claims about curing problems such as malaria when there is no evidence of this working.
Certainly there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that homeopathy is effective against this and a host of other ailments – and even if it is not, it has still not caused any harm or side effect so why the mainstream medical community is up in arms against alternative and complementary treatments is really a mystery.
If people do benefit, even if it is only from the placebo effect which works for them, they have still done it by the power of their mind and without putting chemicals in their body.
The bottom line is, that each one of us is uniquely different and the one size fits all approach of mainstream medication is limited in its view. This limited view is expanded by complementary therapies which alter to suit the person, and this is the reason for their success.


Music Therapy, Acupuncture for Pain Management

There may be many that pooh-pooh the possible benefits of music therapy, however a recent study carried out at the University of Granada may cause the nay sayers to revise their views.
In the study, not only was it seen that music therapy relieves fibromyalgia pain, it was also seen to improve life quality when used in conjunction with relaxation techniques.
Music Therapy
The symptoms of Fibromyalgia, which are usually characterized by unexplained pain and stiffness of the joints and muscles, recurrent fatigue, sleep and bowel disturbances and also depression, were seen to significantly decline when researchers used music therapy along with relaxation techniques based on guided imagery.
In the study, the participants were given a CD to listen to at home and patients were offered better understanding of their condition.
It was found at the end of the 8 week study that significant improvements in fibromyalgia symptoms were seen – intensity of pain and sleep disturbances were reduced, and quality of life was seen to improve.
The study confirms what many believe about the efficacy of music therapy and guided imagery used as a relaxation technique; that they can be used to alleviate the troublesome symptoms of problems such as fibromyalgia.
This article speaks about the efficacy of acupuncture in treating unexplained pain – written by a doctor, it speaks of how the medical community does not know everything and is not able to heal or cure everything.
There are still so many conditions, about which little is known and for which there are no cures.  In so many cases, people therefore seek out alternative therapies for their problems, for which there appears to be no solution.
A case in point is about a patient who suffered from narrow arteries and also shoulder pain; which the doctor could do little about, particularly when the medical options available were limited.
Since the shoulder pain was not related to the heart disease or high blood pressure and was also not getting better, the doctor referred the patient to an acupuncturist.
Much to the joy of the patient and the doctor, the acupuncture worked – the shoulder pain was gone and the blood pressure was back to normal as well.
Enlightened and forward thinking doctors now choose to look beyond their own field of training in the interests of healing and bettering the lives of those who suffer. In the process they choose not to blinker their vision and embrace all healing methods available.


How to use Common Sense to avoid Health Supplement Rip-Offs!

From time to time we hear horror stories about manufacturers and merchants in the health industry producing a snake-oil product and selling it to the public for enormous sums of money. The alternative health supplement industry is poorly regulated, and there is little preventing shysters from marketing a “new” weight loss supplement in a nice bottle with a shiny label. Who knows what is actually in that bottle? Maybe it contains some pills with a few vitamins, some sugar or starch powder or occasionally maybe even a product that actually works.

The first thing you need to remember when buying a health supplement is that you should focus on companies with a quality reputation. The larger health supplement manufacturers didn’t get that big by accident … their business plan has got to be based on long term product sales, and that means they have to produce a product that consumers will consistently buy year after year. In other words: they must consistently produce good, quality products.

Shysters don’t have to do this … they can produce a small run of a $2.99 vitamin pills, market it as the “greatest” vitamin because of its “super-absorbancy” at the “nano-mico-cellular level” (blah blah blah) and sell it to an unsuspecting public for $49.95. When the public gets wise, they simply stick a different label on their product and call it “Improved Super Premium Plus.” You get the picture.

So how do you find those quality companies? Easy. Do a little homework using an Internet search engine. Try to find some unbiased reviews of a company and their products. Here is a hint: if a site sells products from the company in question, their reviews are NOT unbiased. (On the other hand, if a site sells competing products, you can rest assured their reviews are not unbiased either.)

You need to look for information sites that do not sell products at all. Some informational sites may have a review or description about a manufacturer, while others may review their products. One of the best known unbiased health supplement review sites on the Internet is NutritionalTree.com. You also probably will find some forums and blogs where people describe their experiences with that particular company. Read what they have to say, but be careful: many blogs that seem to promote a product are really fake – the shyster companies that sell the products often also set up blogs praising their product.

If you find that the company has been around for years and has a loyal following of happy customers, then that may be all you need to know. If on the other hand, you see that it has been around for one year and its owners have just indicted for fraud or that there are entire sites dedicated to angry former customer complaints, then you should move on.

Most probably, when you find a legitimate company, you will find a lot of good reviews as well as some bad reviews. All companies have a few customers who are unhappy enough to voice their problems on the Internet out of “revenge” or for whatever reason. Try to get a general sense of the overall feelings toward the company. Do most comments seem to be positive? Do the negative comments seem valid or is the customer just being way too picky? For instance, is a customer complaining that they don’t like the International shipping policy to Cambodia? This probably won’t affect you.

What happens if I don’t find any information about the company?

This one is easy. If there is no information about it found on the Internet, then it isn’t legit. Simple as that.

The argument comes up that it might be a new, legitimate company with a new, innovative product without much history yet. This is a possibility, but you are still taking a chance. If the company has a worthwhile product, two things will happen within one year: 1) customer feedback will start to appear on the Internet and 2) larger, legitimate companies will come out with their own versions of the product. 

So don’t be hasty, give it some time. Or if you are determined to take the chance, gamble your money and see what you get. Only once you have done that, do the rest of the world a favor and get your thoughts about the product or company (positive or negative) out there in a forum or blog or review site so others like you can benefit!

Swedish Massage Techniques – The 5 Steps of Swedish Massage

Swedish massage techniques are different from other massage techniques in that they are quite specific in the order in which the massage is done. These techniques apply deeper pressure than other kind of massages and they are also known to increase oxygenation of blood and release metabolic waste such as lactic and uric acids from the tissues of the muscles.
Swedish Massage TechniquesThis can be particularly important for athletes who find that exercise causes build-up of lactic acids in the muscles, which the massage can dislodge and replace with fresh oxygenated blood.
Swedish massage techniques can help not only relieve physical stress but also emotional stress and can have other medical and therapeutic uses.
Swedish massage is known to help with reducing joint pain and stiffness, and has also been known to help those with osteoarthritis.
Those who undergo this kind of massage also report to enjoying enhanced flexibility. These particular massage techniques are also thought to help improve blood circulation.
Swedish massage is also known as ‘Classic Massage’ in certain areas of the world.
The 5 main Swedish massage techniques as they were developed by Swedish doctor Per Henrik Ling, a physical therapist, developer and teacher of medical-gymnastics are –

1. Effleurage

These are the sliding or gliding Swedish massage techniques that cover different areas of the body. They are long sweeping strokes that alternate between firm and light pressure and with can be performed using the palm of the hand or the fingertips. The knots and tension in the muscles tend to get broken with this massage technique.

2. Petrissage

This is the technique of kneading the muscles of the body to attain deeper massage penetration. The thumbs and the knuckles of the fingers are used to knead the muscles of the body and to squeeze them to prepare them for the other Swedish massage techniques that follow.

3. Tapotement or Rhythmic Tapping

This technique of Swedish massage, as the name suggests consists of rhythmic tapping that uses the fists of the cupped hands. This helps to loosen and relax the muscles being manipulated and also helps to energize them. The sides of the hands are used in this massage technique.

4. Friction

This move seeks to create heat to bring about relaxation of the muscles. The palms of the hand are rubbed together vigorously with each other, or they are rubbed onto the skin of the person being massaged in order to produce heat by friction. This technique can be used as a warm up for the muscles of the body to be treated for deeper massage.

5. Vibration or Shaking

This is the one among Swedish massage techniques that helps to loosen up the muscles by using a back and forth action of the fingertips or the heel of the hand over the skin. The muscles of the body are literally shaken up to loosen and relax the muscles. The sides of the hand, and any part of the hand such as the tips or heel can be used by the masseuse to shake up the muscles of the person.


Massage Therapy – Things to Keep in Mind

Massage is not just about relaxation and working out the kinks in the body – though clinicians do not fully understand the mechanics of massage, the therapeutic impacts of massage are obvious and many.
Massage TherapyMassage can be used for pain reduction, for rehabilitation after a sports injury, it can help control depression and anxiety and reduce stress, reduce chronic neck and lower back pain, and it can increase an overall feeling of wellbeing.
A survey showed that as many as 18 million American adults received some sort of massage therapy in the year 2006 so clearly massage therapy is a popular choice for people.
However the following points should be kept in mind about massage therapy –
  • Discuss with your regular doctor the idea of initiating massage therapy, and take into account any precautions suggested or concerns that he or she may have.
  • Consider the financial implications of the massage therapy – the duration of the therapy and if your insurance covers it.
  • When initiating massage therapy, inform the therapist about any health conditions that you have, medications that you are on, and share all other relevant health related information. In particular if you are on any blood thinning medication, or have a low blood platelet count or a bleeding disorder, tell the therapist about all of this beforehand.
  • Massage is not recommended to be performed on any area of the body with open wounds or scabs, or injury such as a fracture or at the site of a surgical incision. Also if a person has any bone related conditions such as osteoporosis, massage may be inappropriate.
  • Massage is shown to improve well being and lower stress in cancer patients; however massage therapy, particularly deep tissue massage, should be cleared with one’s oncologist.
  • Many pregnancy women may benefit from massage; however the kind of massage that is appropriate during pregnancy may differ from regular methods, so it is best to work with a massage therapist who is experienced in dealing with pregnant women.
  • Consider the kind of certification that the massage therapist has. Some physiotherapists may also be trained in massage. Or the therapist could be certified or licensed as an Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), Licensed Massage Practitioner (LMP), Certified Massage Therapist (CMT), or have passed an exam or received a certification from the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.
  • It is also prudent to inquire after the amount of experience that a therapist has; particularly in respect of others who have had medical conditions similar to any you may have.


The 14 Best Natural Herbal Remedies

—-Know The Herbal Plants Usable For Treatment
Nowadays, when people are more in favor of using natural ingredients instead of chemical products, natural herbal remedies are going well into their favor.
Nevertheless, this trend has already hit the western market several years back but oriental people are using natural herbal remedies for a very long time already as therapeutic elements.
herbal plants
Centuries back when there was no medical technology, people used to get herbal treatment to cure several ailments.
These are wonderful, as they not only reduce quantity of harmful chemicals in our body but also help us in getting cured in a more natural manner. There are numerous herbs, which are used for curative measures. Below is a list to check out on an extensive array of frequently used herbs:

1. Lagundi (Vitex Negundo)

lagundiThis is a bush, which is commonly used as medicine in the Philippines and other parts of the world.
Raw Lagundi is used for curative measures to more than a thousand years in the said country but nowadays it is widely sold as capsules, which are conveniently prepared by various pharmaceutical companies.
It is even said that every part of the Lagundi shrub is useful, as its root is considered good for energy boosting and is a great medicine for diseases such as dyspepsia, colic, rheumatism, worms, boils, and even leprosy.
Its flowers are hailed as awesome curatives used in common cases of diarrhea, cholera, high temperature (fever), liver diseases and cardiac problems.
Moreover, Lagundi seeds are generally taken to heal skin problems, inflammation of the mouth and leprosy. Most importantly, Lagundi has emerged as the most trusted remedy for coughs and asthma.

2. Yerba (Hierba) Buena (Mentha cordifelia)

Popular as ‘Mint,’ this shrub can be found in almost every part of the earth. It is broadly used as one of the natural herbal remedies for weakness, stomach problems and diarrhea.
This plant has an antiseptic nature, which makes it perfect for asthma patients. It is generally used in alcohol solution for asthma. Its leaves are said to be the most important part of a Mint plant for it can be used in the treatment of coughs and colds, toothaches and rheumatism.

3. Basil Leaves

basil leavesBasil is used as a spice in Italy and is considered a holy plant in oriental countries.
It is one of the few plants, which exhales Oxygen twenty fours a day, as it always support the reaction of ‘photosynthesis.’
Basil is used in diverse forms of medicine in different countries.
People from the Far East use it to heal ‘cough’ whereas in some places, it is used for the treatment of asthma.
It is also useful for vomiting and constipation episodes. In a commercialized manner, Basil is available in capsules.

4. Tsaang Gubat (Carmona Retusa)

Commonly known as ‘Putputai’ and ‘wild tea,’ Tsaang Gubat is a famous antidote. It is broadly used to cure stomachaches, diarrhea and dysentery. This is also used to stop bleeding from snakebites.
It is a well-known body cleanser for newly born babies. Today, this is already available as a capsule and herbal tea in the market.

5. Bayabas/Guavas (Psidium Guajava L.)

The most common name of this herbal tree is the ‘Guava tree.’ The bark and leaves of the guava tree are well-known astringents. They are also effective anti-diarrheic.
Its bark is primarily used in cases of severe diarrhea in children. Ripe guava fruit is used as a curative agent for high blood pressure, poor circulation, diabetes and asthma. These are also considered as an enriched source of Vitamin C .

6. Bawang (AlliumSativum Linn)

garlicFamously known as ‘Garlic,’ this wonder spice has a long history in the natural herbal remedies world.
It is considered as a super antioxidant and normally prescribed for patients with lower blood pressures and heart diseases.
It is also regarded as the best medicine to boost the immune system and balancing blood sugar. Garlic is a trusted curative agent to increase fat metabolism. Even if there is no ultimate treatment for cancer, Bawang is still a great herbal drug for prevention.

7. Ulasimang Bato (Peperomia Pellucida)

This is a seasonal herb. It is considered as a wonderful treatment for those who are faded up and experience complexion problems. This is a commonly used medicine for gout and arthritis.

8. Akapulko (Cassia, Alata L.)

Akapulko is a wild shrub, which is known for its antifungal qualities. Akapulko leaves are considered to be the best oriental treatment for fungal diseases because they contain chrysophanic acid.
As a mixture, it is also used to treat bronchitis and alleviate the condition of asthma patients. Akapulko is now available at the market in the form of anti-fungal liniments.

9. Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia)

ampalayaAmpalaya is a vegetable that is also known as bitter melon.
It is full of momordicin, which makes it bitter. Due to its bitterness, it is considered as one of the natural herbal remedies for diabetes.
It improves the body’s ability to produce more insulin. It is also effectual in HIV problems and liver problems.

10. Sambong (Blumea Balsamifera)

Camphor is the popular name of Sambong. This herbal plant is considered as a great medicine for edema. Normally, doctors prescribe camphor as a medicine to dissolve kidney stones.
Tea made from camphor leaves are taken as a remedy to get cured from colds. They also take it as an expectorant and is a trusted remedy for toothaches. Sambong is among the most used medicinal plants today.

11. Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)

You can find this readily available herbal plant in any kitchen. This is obviously a broadly used spice. Ginger is supposed to be magical in the treatment of some diseases.
It is a bit bitter in taste but a perfect treatment for coughs and colds. It is also used to reduce the body temperature in cases of high-fever.

12. Turmeric (Curcuma Longa SynC. Domestica)

turmericAmong one of the most trusted natural herbal remedies, turmeric has miscellaneous uses. It is used differently in varied regions.
Many people use Turmeric powder to heal skin ulcers and in some other places it is used to cure the navel of newborn babies.
It plays a great role in tacking blemishes and other skin diseases such as itching of the skin, eczema and psoriasis. Turmeric paste provides a great relief in muscle crack or sprain.

13. Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza Glabra)

This medicine is widely available in Asian countries. It is a perfect medicine for multitude of diseases such as abdominal pain, colds, bronchitis, cough etc.
In some places, it is used to treat hyperacidity, sore throat and inflammation. If you are suffering from a constant fall of hair then apply Mulethi. It is taken as a great treatment for hair-fall.

14. Indian Gooseberry, Amla (Emblica officinalis)

indian gooseberryIndian gooseberry is the secret of good health for many people.
The Vitamin C enriched fruit is considered as a great medicine to make the eyesight better. It is widely used as an antibacterial agent.
This fruit is full of astringent properties, which makes it a great medication to be used in the prevention of infection. Their magical effects are able to cure ulcers as well.
Taken as the perfect alternatives for the more commercially-prepared and standard chemical medications, natural herbal remedies are making appeal to the masses nowadays.
These are not only lucrative in economic terms but are also the best substitutes to be used for healing. Unlike chemical drugs, they boast of having no unexpected side effects.


7 Home Remedies For Preventing & Treating Acne!

Are you preparing for a big date? Getting ready for a major office presentation? Or just want to get rid of chronic acne? Do it without turning to pharmaceuticals that can harm your health in the short and long term. Instead, turn to these natural acne remedies for preventing and treating acne.

1. Drink A Lot Of Water

treating acne
(Photo by Kathry002)
Water is important for the human body as it is necessary for maintaining adequate levels of hydration (and thus avoiding dry skin) and for flushing toxins and oils out of the body.
It is recommended that the average adult drink at least 8 cups of water every single day – more if you really want to help prevent acne.

2. Calendula Tincture, Lotion, Or Oil

treating acne
(Photo by yellobird )
This “pot marigold” flower has been shown to be effective at treating acne to chapped skin to skin rashes, to minor burns and can be found in a variety of forms, including oils, tinctures, creams and lotions.
Calendula should be purchased with at least 10% extract of “Calendula officinalis” to ensure effectiveness and then used as a wash for the skin or applied as oil directly to the affected areas for treating acne.

3. Zinc Rich Foods And Supplements

treating acne
(Photo by WordRidden)
Zinc is an important mineral in the human diet, and even though we don’t need a lot (between 15 mg and 30 mg for the average adult), when we don’t get enough, it can affect how our wounds heal, our immune system function, new collagen production, vision, metabolism of carbs and proteins, and more.
A good diet rich in zinc will help to prevent things like acne, diarrhea, ulcers, and other health problems. You can find zinc in foods like eggs, pumpkin seeds, legumes (chickpeas and lentils, and whole soy products), but if you’re not getting enough dietary zinc, try taking a zinc plus copper supplement.

4. Vitamin B6

treating acne
(Photo by hotes trinkets)
Another important vitamin in the human diet, vitamin B6 is necessary to maintain many systems in your body. It is needed for metabolic processes, prevention of depression and arthritis, brain function, and to prevent things like lung cancer, acne, and ADHD. B6 should be consumed by adults at a rate between 1.3 mg and 2 mg depending on age, gender, and health.
Some naturopaths even recommend taking doses of B6 as high as 50 mg daily. You can also eat B6 in a variety of foods including bananas, cheese, milk, legumes, brewer’s yeast, and sunflower seeds.

5. Tea Tree Oil Gel

prevent acne
(Photo by The Body Shop)
As a natural anti-inflammatory treatment, tea tree oil gel can be used directly on the skin to reduce swelling and redness caused by pimples and acne.
Many companies now sell tea tree oil gel for treating acne in a variety of forms – some like this stick treatment, others in bottles as oil, and still others as soap. Be sure that whatever option you choose, it contains at least 5% concentration.

6. Astragalus (Astragalus Membranaceous)

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(Photo by iHerb)
This is a Chinese herbal treatment that can be taken as a remedy for treating acne and pimples in either topical liquid form or oral pill form.
It is an herb derived from the root of a Chinese plant that is often utilized to fight infections but it has also proven to be very effective in treating chronic acne.

7. Dark Chocolate

prevent acne
You may be asking how chocolate can help acne, but good quality chocolate with high cacao content (dark chocolate) can benefit your body when eaten in small doses.
Chocolate in its purest form (without a lot of added sugar and dairy) contains a lot of antioxidants which are helpful for maintaining healthy skin. Eaten in moderation, chocolate can help prevent acne, heart disease, and more.


Top 10 Ayurvedic Herbs

Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine used in India and other Eastern countries. Much like Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Ayurvedic approach is holistic, and looks to address the root cause of disease, as opposed to simply treating a list of symptoms.
Ayurvedic herbs are commonly used as foods or culinary spices, and help to restore balance to the body. In Ayurvedic terms, when disease is present, it is the result of an imbalance in one of the three doshas, or the body’s vital energy.
Ayurvedic Herbs These are pitta (fire), vata (air) and kapha (water). Herbs and food alike are used as part of a therapeutic regimen which may also include yoga, meditation and cleansing techniques.
The following herbs are considered a few of the most important remedies in Ayurvedic medicine.
They can be commonly found in most natural health food stores and herbal markets. Remember holistic treatments such as herbs are meant to complement, and not replace medical care.
Talk to your health care practitioner before using herbs for medicinal purposes.


Although traditionally an Ayurvedic herb, ashwagandha is now commonly used in herbal medicine throughout the West. Also known as winter cherry, it is naturally antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and has immune-boosting properties.
It is your first line of defense against cancer and other immune system-related diseases. It helps improve vitality and combat insomnia, cancer, arthritis and diabetes.


Boswellia, known as Shallaki in Ayurveda, is an excellent pain remedy. It is naturally anti-inflammatory and analgesic. In the west it is called Frankincense, and has been used to treat both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, gout, and general aches and pains. Studies have even shown that taking boswellia can alleviate arthritis pain in as little as 7 days without the harmful side effects of over-the-counter NSAIDs.


Coriander, or dhanyaka as it is referred to in Ayurveda, is a common culinary spice in both Asian and Latin cuisine. The fresh leaves are called cilantro, while the ground seeds are called coriander. Both contain natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
The herb is used in Ayurveda to treat indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, fevers, respiratory infections and allergies. It is also a natural chelating agent, and has been used to help remove heavy metals from the body.


Garlic is revered by both chefs and herbalists alike. The Ayurvedic name for the herb is Lasuna. It is a prolific bulb that is used for a number of purposes. It is naturally antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial. It has been shown to be effective against the common cold and flu, and help enhance immune function.
It is used in both holistic and conventional medical circles to protect against heart disease and lower cholesterol. Garlic is a must-have for the home medicine cabinet.


Ginger, or shunti, is another versatile herbal remedy that doubles as a cooking spice. The root, or rhizome, is used to treat anything from benign conditions such as indigestion and nausea to more serious chronic problems such as arthritis and migraines. It is easily made into and herbal tea and makes a great home remedy tohave on hand.


Shardunikagurmar, or more commonly, gymnema, is one Ayurvedic herb which has undergone extensive study. It has been found to be effective in treating and preventing type II diabetes because it appears to help control blood sugar levels. It can be used as a natural sweetener, or taken in capsule form.


Amla, bibhitaki and haritaki are actually three herbs used together exclusively in an Ayurvedic formula known as triphala.
Amla is used to treat digestive disorders such as indigestion, gas, constipation, colitis and ulcers.
Bibhitaki is likewise used to treat digestive disorders, including Chron’s disease, intestinal parasites and gall stones.
Haritaki is used specifically for constipation, but is also effective for hemorrhoids, dysentery and parasites or worms.
Together these three herbs make a powerful internal cleansing remedy. They help restore balance and improve regularity. However, they are used only on a period basis due to their cathartic effect.


Turmeric, or haridra, is the Indian spice which gives curry its golden color. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years, but it has also been studied scientifically in modern day. It is naturally anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and helps strengthen the immune system.
It has been shown to be effective in treating arthritis, diabetes and even cancer. Keep this herb handy in the spice rack!


What Is Adrenal Fatigue? What Are the Symptoms and Treatment?

The term Adrenal Fatigue is often used by practitioners of alternative medicine to denote a hormonal imbalance and other problems arising from exhaustion of the adrenal glands. This is the sort of condition that is characterized by sleep disturbances, body aches, low blood pressure, hair loss, unexplained weight loss, digestive disturbances, nervousness, tiredness, salt craving and so on.
Adrenal fatigue is a group of symptoms that is to be distinguished from adrenal insufficiency or Addison’s disease and is often not recognized as an actual medical condition by mainstream practitioners.
Adrenal FatigueThe understanding is that adrenal fatigue is a milder form of adrenal insufficiency and so may not show up on standard tests, but that it could be responsible for several health imbalances.
It is thought that adrenal fatigue could be caused by stress and produces the characteristic symptoms.
However in the main stream medical community, the term adrenal fatigue is not an accepted diagnosis and it is thought that adrenal fatigue is simply a convenient but ambiguous term used to explain away symptoms that cannot be explained any other way.
According to many in the medical community, it is thought that underlying cause for the symptoms could actually be quite different – it could be fibromyalgia or depression that may be causing the troublesome symptoms.
It is argued that assigning the term adrenal fatigue could have negative repercussions in that a proper diagnosis and treatment of the real condition may be compromised.
However alternative practitioners do recognize adrenal fatigue as an actual condition that is chiefly characterized by tiredness that is not mitigated by rest or sleep. The person may not show any obvious signs of a disease other than the constant feeling of being sad or constantly tired, and feeling generally unwell.
However the onset of the symptoms could follow a particular pattern. Very often prolonged stress or very severe stress could result in the symptoms. Chronic or severe infections of certain kinds could also be the start off point for what is understood as adrenal fatigue.
A crisis, or a difficult to cope with situation, a life altering event could be triggering of this. People with this condition may find that they prop themselves up during the day with coffee, colas and other stimulants.
Though the condition is disputed by the mainstream medical community, adrenal fatigue is recognized by alternative practitioners. Suitable remedies and treatments have therefore also been developed that can effectively treat the condition and help in controlling symptoms.


Is Psychodynamic Therapy Right for You?

If you have tried a number of different therapeutic approaches for depression, anxiety, panic or stress disorders without success, or if you simply want a non-pharmaceutical approach to mental health, then Psychodynamic Therapy may be right for you.
Psychodynamic Therapy, also known as insight-oriented therapy, helps you tap into your subconscious to find the underlying cause of  emotional problems.

What Makes Psychodynamic Therapy Different?

Psychodynamic TherapyConventional psychiatric treatments generally focus on treating primary symptoms, or correcting chemical imbalances with prescription medication.
Through Psychodynamic Therapy you and the clinician explore and discuss all your emotions. Traditional therapy sessions are structured and generally therapist-guided.
Whereas Psychodynamic therapy allows the patient to freely discuss whatever is on their mind.
You may also be surprised to find that a Psychodymanic therapist works to develop a healthy “therapy” relationship with you. This is different than the traditional patient-doctor relationship which is less intimate.

What Is a Typical Psychodynamic Therapy Session Like?

An initial consultation will involve the typical medical forms and background questions. The therapist will also gather general information from you about your current condition. Experts at the Mayo Clinic also recommend you use this time to “interview” your therapist. Ask them questions about their approach and determine if they will be a good match for you.
In follow up sessions, the therapist will work with you to explore different issues you may be dealing with. One main issue Psychodynamic therapists will focus on is avoidance. Avoidances are behaviors that you may exhibit when you simply do not want to deal with difficult problems or situations. At times you may try to avoid distressing thoughts or feelings altogether. Together, you and your therapist will work to determine which emotions you are avoiding and why.
Psychodynamic therapists also work to identify recurring patterns in thoughts, feelings and relationships. This includes exploring past relationships and experiences. The therapist will also encourage you to explore your fantasies. Sessions generally last 45 to 60 minutes and recur weekly.

Has Psychodynamic Therapy Been Scientifically Tested?

A wealth of empirical evidence suggests that it is as effective, and possible even more effective than traditional approaches. A recent analysis by Jonathan Shedler of the University of Colorado showed that Psychodynamic Therapy significantly improves a variety of mental health conditions, and appears to produce positive changes in behaviors that lead to lasting results.

How Is Psychodynamic Therapy Related to Natural Health?

Psychodynamic therapy allows the patient to work through emotional problems without relying on prescription medications. Although it is a medically approved method, it is by nature, a holistic approach. Rather than addressing only superficial problems and present situations, Psychodynamic therapy looks at past experiences and encourages individual growth.

Can I Stop My Meds Once I Start Psychodynamic Therapy?

It is never a good idea to just stop taking prescription medication. Always consult your health care provider before changing your medication regimen. If you would like to discontinue your meds, discuss this with your doctor. They can help you make changes safely.
Make sure you express your interest in Psychodynamic therapy and make them aware of any other experimental or alternative treatments you may be considering.


Relieve Chronic Pain with Non-Surgical Pain Management Techniques

In US, non surgical pain management techniques such as complementary and alternative medicine therapies are the most preferable ones to treat chronic pain.
Acupuncture, nutritional supplements, chiropractic, massage, herbal remedies, therapeutic touch and some dietary approaches can also have the ability to alleviate the pain.
Pain ManagementHere are the CAM therapies to relieve chronic pain:
1. Acupuncture
Studies conducted by World Health Organization showed that acupuncture is helpful for treating almost 30 diseases. Among those, the main use of acupuncture is for pain relief.
Some other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, headache, menstrual cramps, low back pain, fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, myofascial pain and osteoarthritis can be treated with acupuncture along with traditional methods.
2. Massage and chiropractic treatment
Massaging is the most popular treatment for relieving chronic back and neck pain. It reduces the stress and relieves tension by improving blood flow. Also, massage reduces the existence of substances that can create and sustain pain.
Chiropractic is also the most common non-surgical pain management technique for treating back pain. But, the effectiveness of the treatment in relieving back and neck pain has not been supported by various clinical trails.
3. Mind-body therapy
MBT is the treatment that deals with the mind’s ability to affect the functions and symptoms of the body. There are various MBT treatment methods including meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, relaxation techniques, and guided imagery that can help in dealing with the pain.
Researches showed that relaxation methods can alleviate the discomfort related to cancer, headaches, and chronic pain.
4. Nutritional supplements
There is strong evidence that supports the effectiveness of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate in treating the knee arthritis.
These natural compounds decrease the pain and increase the mobility of your knee. These supplements are safe and are well-tolerated by anyone.
5. Herbal remedies
Till now there is no evidence that supports the effectiveness of herbal remedies in treating chronic pain. If you consider herbal remedies to treat the pain, you must ensure with your healthcare provider.
Some of the herbs can interact with other pain relief medications and cause severe health issues.
6. Dietary approaches
Some studies showed that changing the diet and eating the plant generated foods can ease the pain by reducing inflammation. It is also found that consuming a raw food diet can help with fibromyalgia symptoms.
Also, a low-fat vegetarian diet helps in relieving the pain associated with premenstrual syndrome. The diet decreases the intensity and duration of the pain.
Dietary changes and physical activity used for weight loss are also part of the pain management techniques that can help the patients with osteoarthritis.



Alternative Medicine > Massage Therapy > Schools

ABI - American Bodywork Institute - Website of School of Massage Therapy, Bodywork, and Natural Health.
Academy for Massage Therapy Training - A Texas state approved program based in San Antonio.
Academy of Healing Arts - Hopes to teach all the necessary skills to form a successful practice. Based in Macon, Georgia.
Academy of Massage Therapy - Provides certification and continuing education classes located in in Englewood, NJ.
Academy of Natural Therapy - Offers training in massage therapy. Based in Eaton, Colorado.
Academy of Systematic Kinesiology in Ireland - Systematic Kinesiology based in Ireland offering training.
Acupressure Institute - Offers vocational trainings in the areas of bodywork, Shiatsu as well as acupressure massage. (Berkeley, CA)
Amanae Foundation - Features emotional release bodywork workshops. Includes practitioners list. Christine Day, founder.
American Institute of Clinical Massage - (AICM) Provides a full curriculum of professional massage therapy and continuing education classes. Based in Post Falls, Idaho.
American Institute of Massage Therapy - Features our approach to health emphasizing wellness - regaining, maintaining or enhancing your health.
American Institute Of Massage Therapy Hawaii - A Department of Education approved program, providing a holistic and nurturing learning environment. Based in Kailua, on the Windward side of Oahu.
Applied Motor Control - AMC is a therapy and research training centre committed to patient rehabilitation.
Arizona School of Integrative Studies - Features awareness based massage and hydrotherapy training. (Cottonwood, AZ)
Ashmead College - Insight into the the evolution of the Seattle Massage School, is a national leader is massage education, including 4 campuses found in Everett, Seattle, Tacoma and Vancouver, WA.
Blue Sky Educational Foundation - Blue Sky provides a comprehensive massage program including public courses on holistic health subjects.
The Bodhiwork Institute - Providing massage training and related modalities located in Concord, California.
Body Harmonics - Providing training classes in a variety of types of massage in the UK.
Body Therapy Center - Features a professional massage school and bodywork center, state and NCBTMB approved certification. Covers Swedish Esalen, deep tissue, shiatsu, reflexology, reiki, sports massage. Based in Palo Alto, California.
Canadian Therapeutic College - Provides a massage and related education, based out of Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Public Clinic offered.
Dahn Healing Institute - Providing education for energy healing, holistic health program, ki gong, dahn, tai chi, many more healing modalities. Based in Closter, New Jersey.
Dalton's Deep Tissue School (MAT) Massage Therapy Techniques - Provides national workshops, massage therapy books and videos, certified Massage School, in addition to distance education and home study.
Darcy Lane Institute - Based in London, Ontario. Programs provided in massage therapy. The Institute has a School of Massage Therapy for human massage and a School of Equine Massage Therapy, the only registered program this kind found in North America.
Dayton School of Medical Massage - Features 2 levels of study: Anatomy and Physiology (Level I) and Massage (Level II). Admission application offered on the web.
The Deeper Well: Integrative Medicine Workshops - Integrative Medicine workshops designed as continuing education for nurses and healthcare professionals located in Three Rivers, CA.
Educating Hands School of Massage - A program in Miami, provides 624 hour curriculum.
EMTI - The European Massage Therapy Institute provides workshops, training, equipment in addition to a variety of accessories.
Equine Massage Training - Post graduate certificate in Equine Massage Training developed for the certified therapist or horse owner. (MA)
Equitouch - A rigorous Equine Massage Certification Program based in Loveland, CO.
Hawaiian Healing Institute of Integrated Studies - Offers programs on lomilomi, herbal therapy, fasting, hot stone therapy, ho'oponopono in addition to other Hawaiian healing techniques.
Hawaiian Island School of Body Therapies - Provides a variety of levels of training.
Healing Arts Institute - A massage program located in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Healing Arts Institute - Massage therapy school based in Roseville, California. Dr. James Mally serves as the director.
Healing Bodywork Centre - Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, many courses are offered.
Kalamazoo Center for the Healing Arts, L.L.C. - KCHA is a massage therapy and bodywork center and school based in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Accredited by the International Massage and Somatic Therapies Accreditation Council (IMSTAC).
Kali Institute - Provides post-secondary academic programs, public education as well as therapeutic services. Features information regarding courses and programs. [Spanish and English]
KCCAT - Provides ITEC approved massage therapy, reflexology and aromatherapy classes based in Bristol, UK
Kine Concept Institute (Ottawa, Montreal, Fredericton) - Features 3 campuses (Ottawa, Montreal, Fredericton) and over 2500+ hours in curriculum. Only institute with a research department and foundation.
Kinesiology College of Ireland - Information of Diploma classes and postgraduate learning programs provided by college at their teaching center located in Midleton, Co. Cork, Ireland.
LearnMassage.com - Features home study class that teaches one to practice as a therapist.
Les Gens de Massage en Entreprises - Features ergonomic analysis and chair massage therapy for the workplace, helping to relieve stress among employees. Provides new and effective methods to increase productivity and reduce absenteism.
Los Angeles Vocational Institute - Provides all massage therapy modalities, in addition to physical therapy aide courses. Includes flexible schedules, revolving programs and easy payment plans.
Massage Therapy College of Manitoba - Provides a comprehensive curriculum located in Manitoba, Canada.
Massage therapy education and training - Offering continuing education and seminars designed for health care professionals.
Massage Therapy Education Consultants - Emphasizes community courses and continuing education units for massage therapists and bodyworkers.
Massage Therapy Institute - Trainings meet the requirements for registered health professionals located in South Africa.
Massage Therapy Institute of Colorado - Teaching students excellence in the field of massage, healing and bodywork. Established in 1986. Based out of Denver, Colorado.
Massage Therapy Schools - Offers details on schools in the Southern U.S., featuring forms to request more details directly from the colleges.
National Academy of Massage Therapy - Provides massage therapy and reflexology diploma programs. Includes continuing education. Based in the Philadelphia area.
National Holistic Institute - Massage Schools AMTA/COMTA program approved and nationally accredited by ACCET. Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, California.
Natural Health Institute - Features a 500-hour program of Professional Massage and Bodywork Therapy. Based out of Tennessee.
N.E.I.W.H. - North Eastern Institute of Whole Health is the biggest School of Massage Therapy in New England. Based in Manchester, N.H.
NeuroSoma Training Courses - Offers 67-hour curriculum in muscle physiology and engineering technology. Based in Ashburn, VA.
Pacific School of Massage & Healing Arts - Providing advanced training in Transformational Bodywork and Shamanic Explorations, located in Gualala, CA.
Panabaa Release Therapy - Therapeutic massage method developed by Gordon Tyack. Offers massage classes, workshops and seminars available. Based in Batemans Bay, NSW, Australia.
Pennsylvania Institute of Massage Therapy - Provides a 520 Hour Massage Therapy Curriculum.
Pennsylvania School of Muscle Therapy - Basic and Advanced classes in Swedish Massage. Certificate and continuing education programs offered as well. Based in the Valley Forge area of suburban Philadelphia.
Phoenix Institute of Holistic Massage - Web-based training class leading to state certification.
Phoenix School Of Holistic Health - Based in Houston, Texas, offering massage and bodywork programs from a "holistic" perspective.
The Phoenix Therapeutic Massage College - Programs provided in Therapeutic Massage and a Professional Certification Program for Therapeutic Massage (includes the Therapeutic massage). Features 2 locations in Phoenix, Arizona.
Port Townsend School of Massage - Programs designed for the non-professional population, especially for those interested in becoming licensed massage practitioners, and continuing education for bodyworkers. Located in Port Townsend, WA.
Professional Fitness Institute - Features a 6 month training program located in Olathe, KA and Las Vegas, NV.
Quality College - Provides a massage and various other vocational programs.
Seashore Healing Arts Center - School for massage training based in Somers Point, New Jersey.
Sebastopol Massage Center - Provides daytime, part time and rigorous certificate classes in Sebastopol, CA.
Sensory DeveIopment Institute School Of Massage - Emphasizes Spa Treatment Training, 706 Hour Massage Therapy class, and advanced Training. State approved school located in St. George, UT.
SHI Integrative Medical Massage School - A program located in Ohio providing a well-rounded education.
Space Coast Health Institute - Offers massage, chiropractic, and spa therapy training. Based in West Melbourne, Florida.
Spa-Therapy.com - Offers a certificate from this association utilizing an online class.
Spectrum Center - Offers a comprehensive, wholistic training program based in Lake Stevens, WA.
St. Charles School of Massage Therapy - Provides 600 hours of training located in St. Charles, Missouri.
Sterling Health Center - Provides a fully certified training program for full-time or part-time days, evenings and weekend courses. Based in Addison, Texas.
Stonewater Education - Provides courses and distant education on Hot Stone Therapy and Shiatsu for Conception and Pregnancy.
Study Guide - Offers a study guide for future massage practitioners in preparation for National Certification Examination.
Swedish Institute - Schools of Massage Therapy and Acupuncture. Established in 1916, the Swedish Institute is the oldest school of massage therapy in the US. Located in New York.
Tantric Massage Workshop - Systematic Workshop in the Ancient Tantric Massage Techniques of Self-Healing and Beauty Care. Massage system that minimizes fatigue, humor of wind and enhances longevity. Obtain information via email.
Taos School of Massage - A program in Taos, featuring shiatsu, body-mind clearing, and meditation.
Tennessee School of Therapeutic Massage - Provides quality training in Knoxville, TN.
Texas Healing Arts Institute - Provides state approved programs as well as advanced and continuing education classes, with registration available on the Web. Located in Austin, Texas.
Therapeutic Massage Training Center - Based in Westfield, NJ, small focused classes available.
Therapeutic Rhythmical Massage - Spiritually inspired massage therapy dealing with a wide variety of imbalances, restores harmony, and encourages the natural ability to heal from within.
Virginia School of Massage - Provides a Basic Course, 510-Hour Professional Program, as well as a 610-Hour Professional Medical Massage Program.
Wellington College - Details on training programs in Remedial Massage Therapy available offered by the College in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Wellness and Massage Training Institute - A private vocational school with approval from the Illinois State Board of Education. Programs covering Massage Therapy, Ortho-Bionomy, Oriental Body Work and continuing education are offered. Downloadable web-based applications for enrollment.
Wellness Skills, Inc. - School of massage featuring professional education.

by AlternativeMedicineDirectory.org

Alternative Medicine > Magnetic Therapy > Products

Alternative Medicine --- Magnetic Therapy --- Products
  • Advanced Health and Sleep Systems - Jewelry, mattress pads and bedding, insoles, and body wraps. Also offers nutritional and herbal supplements.
  • Advanced Living Technology - An electromagnetic shield that provides protection against radiation and electromagnetic fields, offering industry news and testimonials.
  • Arizona Unipole Magnetics - Medical research grade mattress pads, books and research reports with magnetic protocols for self help, therapy wraps, in-soles, and pet pads, includes testimonials and newsletter.
  • Australian Magnet Therapy - Pillows and underlays, insoles, jewelry, and pet products.
  • Beauty Magnets - Magnetic, natural face-lift products, includes recipes and testimonials.
  • Bio Magnetic Therapy - Mattress and pillow pads, chair back supports, and shoe insoles for pain relief. Includes clinical case studies and expected benefits.
  • Bioflex Medical Magnetics - Body wraps, braces and supports, foot care, and other magnetic accessories. Includes scientific studies and product catalog.
  • Biomagnetics USA - Wraps and body bands for humans and animals, and tape to magnetize water.
  • BioTransMed Therapy Products - Equipment delivers a broad frequency spectrum of bio magnetically stimulating pulses to treat a variety of symptoms and conditions. Includes product specifications and usage instructions.
  • Centurion Systems - Magnetic pulse therapy equipment for use on humans and animals. Also offers equipment rentals in the UK.
  • ComfortSmith - Provider of magnetic pain relief patches, and chair and mattress pads, highlighting expected benefits and usage instructions.
  • The Copper Council - Jewelry and watches, mattress pads, massagers, and pet products. Includes testimonials and special offers.
  • Curatronic Ltd. - Magnetic field therapy equipment for home care and clinical therapy including pain management and energy regulation systems, with product specifications and scientific information.
  • CZimm, Inc. - Bedding, body wraps and supports, shoe insoles, and pet products.
  • Emerson World Wide - Therapeutic wraps for a variety of joint and muscle pains, also offering direct application single magnets.
  • EZ Pain Relief - Offering bedding, shoe inserts, jewelry, and wraps.
  • Feel Great International - Belts and wraps, mats and cushions, and pet beds.
  • Garden Cottage - Therapeutic jewelry, supports, wraps, insoles, and pet collars.
  • Good Health Center - Magnetic wraps and supports, ionized bracelets, and support stockings.
  • Guide Health Products - Magnetic product which removes acidity from the body to change the Ph balance, with company mission and testimonials.
  • Happy Daze Magnets - North Pole facing rare earth magnets for pain relief.
  • Homewater Magnetic Therapy - Complete line of products including jewelry, insoles, pillows, protective wraps, mattress pads, and water treatment systems.
  • J-D-A Magnotherpy - Magnetic wrist straps to increase blood flow and increase oxygen circulation, includes company history and product guarantee.
  • Kimberly Health Products - Jewelry, discs, supplements, insoles, and pet products.
  • The Klemens - Bioelectric pulser, and colloidal silver zappers and generators.
  • Magic Belt - Belt for men or women to relieve pain, provide support, and increase circulation.
  • Magic Sleep - Contoured magnetic pillows and lumbar supporters.
  • MagnaMax - Mail order sales from the UK for an adjustable polarity magnotherapy device.
  • MagnaTick - Magnetic jewelry, watches, and other therapeutic products, includes benefits and pet items.
  • Magnawool - Underlays and mattress pads. Includes research data.
  • Magnelyfe - Jewelry, single magnets, sleep systems, and gloves.
  • Magnet Emporium - Offers a variety of products for humans and animals.
  • Magnet EZe - Rare Earth magnets and discs, copper jewelry, and magnetic sheeting from Australia.
  • Magnetic Alternatives - Australian manufacturer of insoles, jewelry, pillows, and body wraps.
  • The Magnetic Force - Offering a variety of products for humans and horses.
  • Magnetic MyPads - Basic and adjustable magnetic sleep pads. Includes research data.
  • Magnetic Products International - Jewelry, mattress pads, and pet products.
  • Magnetic Products International - Magnetic body care products including facial masks, jewelry, hand and foot care, and bedding, with medical studies and newsletter.
  • The Magnetic Pulser - High intensity momentary time-variant pulsed DC magnetic field therapy generator.
  • Magnetic Sleep - Specializing in bedding including mattress pads, pillows, and cushions. Also offers jewelry, shoe insoles, and dog collars.
  • MAGNETiC Therapy - Jewelry, wrist bands, mattress pads, and products for animals.
  • Magnetic Therapy, Ltd. - Jewelry, beauty products, wraps, and water treatment systems.
  • Magnetic Therapy Sales - Magnets for support and pain reduction.
  • Magnetic Therapy UK - Cotton and wool magnetic bedding. Also offers jewelry.
  • Magnets 4 Health - Provides a range of magnetic health products and information.
  • Magnets 4 Therapy - Australian supplier of neodymium magnetic products. Includes usage information.
  • Magnopro - Pulsed magnetic field bedding underlay and padding. Includes technical data and financing options.
  • Magno-Pulse, Ltd. - Body wraps and pads for people and pets.
  • MagPulse - Pulsed magnetic field equipment. Features scientific study data.
  • Natural Feeling - Biomagnetic mattresses and pillows, body wraps, shoe inserts, cushions, and spots magnets.
  • Neilos - Magnetic harmonizers for body care and water improvements.
  • NorthSouth Biomagnetics - Offering mattress pads, inserts, wraps, pet pads, and golf and jewelry accessories.
  • The Pain Relievers - Therapeutic products including bracelets, body wraps, and bedding.
  • Prizm-Medical - Glove, sock, and wrap electrodes. Also offers neuro-muscular stimulation equipment.
  • The Radionics Magnetic Shop - Radionic talismans and other irradiating products. Includes product definitions and expected benefits.
  • Sabona - Copper and gold jewelry, back supports, and rubbing oil.
  • Shanghai Magnet and Biotech, Ltd - Magnetic plaster discs for pain relief and healing, highlighting acupuncture points for proper placement.
  • Starlite Jewels - Jewelry, wraps, discs, and heating pads.
  • Synergy For Life - Sleep systems, insoles, wraps, jewelry, and water.
  • Tectonic Magnets - Supports and body wraps, discs and dots, jewelry, and insoles.