
L'Aspartam est l'additif le plus meurtrier au MONDE

Voici un petit message que je me suis promis de faire passer hier en sortant d'une conférence, c'est mon devoir de continuer la chaine d'information sur ce poison qu'est l'Aspartam. Prenez 5mins svp parce que c'est très important de savoir ce qu'est réellement l'Aspartam ou E951. Ouvrez grand vos yeux !!!!

Composition de l'aspartam :
- 50 % de phénylalanine >>> « 2 % » de la population qui pourraient y être allergiques

- 40 % d'acide aspartique >> produit hautement dangereux pour le cerveau : l’espèce humaine est cinq fois plus sensible à cet acide.

- Les 10 % restants sont constitués de méthanol (ou alcool de bois), un poison mortel qui est graduellement libéré par l'intestin grêle à partir d’une température de 30 degrés lors du stockage, de la cuisson, ou tout simplement dans le corps humain ! Ce poison s'accumule petit à petit et provoque en général des troubles de la vue tels que vision embrumée, voilée ou obscurcie, double vision, rétrécissement du champ visuel, dommages rétiniens et perte de la vue… Les autres symptômes d'un empoisonnement au méthanol sont en général des maux de tête, des bourdonnements d'oreille, des troubles gastro-intestinaux, des faiblesses, vertiges, frissons, trous de mémoire, douleurs fulgurantes aux extrémités, des troubles du comportement et des névrites…

Voici les autres effets secondaires qu'on ne peut pas négliger au total il y en a 92 :

Manque de concentration, crampes, fatigue chronique, insomnies, pertes de mémoire, saignements de nez, vertiges, forte sensibilité aux bruits, sensation d'avoir froid même en plein été, problèmes menstruels, impuissance, problèmes sexuels, hyperventilation, attaques et convulsions, épilepsie, nausées, vomissements, hypo et hyperglycémies, baisse de l’intelligence, douleurs dans la poitrine, problèmes de thyroïde, tremblements, douleurs en avalant ou aussi en urinant, sensibilité aux infections, hypertension, asthme… Mais aussi troubles de la personnalité comme : soudaines crises d’agressivité parfois avec violences physiques, paranoïa, agoraphobie, phobies, paniques, sensations de « déjà vu », irritabilité, crises de démence, altération du caractère, difficulté de concentration, confusion, hyperactivité…

De plus, l'aspartame provoque des symptômes semblables aux maladies suivantes ou les aggrave : fibromyalgie, arthrite, sclérose en plaques, maladie de Parkinson, lupus, diabète et complications diabétiques, épilepsie, maladie d'Alzheimer, lymphome, malformations congénitales, syndrome de fatigue chronique.OU SE CACHE L ASPARTAM :

Dans tout les paquets de chewing-gum avec ou sans sucre, tout les produits light, sucrettes ... plus de 1000 produits en contiennent.

Pour s'en débarrasser, ce qui n'est pas une mince affaire car il créé une forte accoutumance, il va falloir prendre de bonnes habitudes et lire les étiquettes des produits. ET BANNIR A TOUT JAMAIS LE E951.

L'Aspartam est l'additif le plus meurtrier au MONDE !!!!


Feng Shui Elements – A Means To Get More Harmony Into Your Living Environment

Every object or element present in the space has its own specific energy that it spreads out to everyone and everything else in its proximity.
One of the easiest ways to find your life leading with the help of feng shui is to get the power of particular feng shui colors to attain the preferred results. Color is the most powerful, as it is light.
The fundamental belief of feng shui is the principle of five elements.
The five feng shui elements include: wood, earth, fire, water and metal.
These five feng shui elements relate with each other in certain means, usually described as the productive and destructive cycles.
Each one of the feng shui elements is defined with a precise color and the color is the simplest method to utilize the five feng shui elements in order to get more harmony into your space.

Color association of all of the five feng shui elements:
  • Wood: Brown, green
  • Earth: Light brown, light yellow
  • Fire: Purple, orange, red and strong yellow
  • Water: Blue and black
  • Metal: Gray and white
It is very hard to know the usage of color in order to support and balance your environment with the help of compound feng shui objects.
But don’t worry about it, there are always basics defined to it. You will come to know everything with the help of feng shui energy map and clear about the right placement of the feng shui colors.
For instance, the energy related to south feng shui region is associated with your recognition and fame. For this, the better transformation is the fire or light within.
This is linked to the representation that your plan to other people, your individuality in others’ eyes and also how strong or good you are at distributing and sustaining your own identity, values or light.
For south region, the feng shui element is fire and the colors corresponding to it include: orange, red, purple and yellow. Don’t consider black or blue colors for south feng shui region.
  • Green color is an excellent or a healing choice to improve your overall health and balances your family life when it is used in the east feng shui region.
  • Blue color is a good choice for north feng shui region. This color supports and helps you in your career plans. For east region, it provides health and family well-being and for southeast, it provides abundance and prosperity.
  • Yellow color in the south region gives good times and happy gatherings.
  • Pure white color in the west region supports you in your imaginative endeavors.
So, when you plan to bring the colors to your environment as feng shui therapy, make sure that you study the light patterns throughout the day in your space and also observe how the color works with other people in your family. Also, the color should match with your decor objects, furniture pieces, arts, etc.

9 Techniques For Stress Relaxation And To Overcome Stress!

How to overcome stress? The world you are living is an extremely stressful place; everyone needs agendas to over come their stress.
Every one will undergo stress in their life, without the question of age and sex. Neglecting stress will be devastating; it will ruin your health and the life too.
Know how to overcome stress and do not neglect even one day to start relaxation programs.
how to overcome stress
If you are stressed, you should know how to overcome stress with some stress relaxation techniques.

How to overcome stress? Stress relaxation techniques to relieve the symptoms:

  1. Exercise: Start doing exercise when you are under stress. This helps the body to excrete adrenaline and cortisol, which are released by adrenal glands. The secretion of these glands causes the feeling of stress. It also activates pituitary and hypothalamus glands which secrete “feel good” hormones called as Endorphins. These also have the capacity to reduce pains and improve the “well-being” sense.
  2. Diversion: One of the reasons behind stress is letting your mind obsess over things that you can’t change. If you think on that issue, divert your mind. Go on a small walk, meet your old friends, if not call them, watch your favorite movie, go for window shopping, check out your old pictures, play with your pet or visit a park and see children playing.
  3. Meditation: Many meditation techniques will help you in overcoming stress; one of them is insight meditation. This is not done by emptying the mind or removing the stress from the mind, but distracts the mind from the stress and focuses mind on a task. Listening to religious speeches also relieves from stress.
  4. Yoga: How to overcome stress with yoga? Yoga is a combination of meditation and exercise and works as a highlighting stress relaxant. It makes you feel calm and relieves tension from the muscles. This is a great way to strengthen your mind and body. Yoga therapy is proven as a stress reducer; this will give you a peaceful and calm state of mind.
  5. Aroma therapy: Bathing with luke warm water is also a good idea of overcoming stress. Adding aroma oils will relax you physically and mentally. Inhaling aroma fragrances, especially cinnamon and vanilla will relax many people. This will refresh the mind and body.
  6. Massage: It’s very helpful in stress relaxation process. It relives stress from the body in all forms. A massage technique provides deep relaxation and improves physiological process and improves mood mentally and physically.
  7. Sleeping: Sleep for a long time, the brain reboots in the time you are sleeping. A sound sleep of 8 hours will reduce stress for a large extent. Researches have proved that people who don’t sleep for 8 hours have problems such as less intellectual abilities, less patience levels and are preys of depressions and stress.
  8. Self Hypnosis: If you feel how to overcome stress with self hypnosis, the positive aspect in hypnosis is that, it will make you strong from inner side to overcome stress and depressions. It controls your mind and develops a “well-being” and “feel-good” environment around you.
  9. Caffeine: Sit in a quiet and comfortable environment and enjoy your cup of coffee or tea. Caffeine present in these liquids works as a very good de-stresser. Caffeine releases ‘feel-good and well-being hormones. Even chocolates contain caffeine. So you can enjoy your sip of coffee or tea and a chocolate bite which can overcome stress. Note: Too much intake of caffeine leads to other problems. Do not take much caffeine, limit yourself.
You should remember that stress relaxation is not imposing one method or other to de-stress. It’s about dealing with the problem of how to overcome stress in general and maintaining balance to fight and overcome the problem.

Wonderful Feng Shui Bedroom Tips to Rejuvenate Your Energy!

Bedroom is the place in which we spend one third of our lives. So, feng shui bedroom tips are the most essential part of our wealth creation strategy.
Bedroom is the place where your body rests, restores and rejuvenates itself, while your brain processes your daily experiences. You need to ensure that the external force in the bedroom flows freely as you identify your internal force during the sleep.

Here are some feng shui bedroom tips:

1. Cover or remove if there are mirrors in the bedroom while sleeping
Feng shui Bed RoomIt is very problematic if you place a mirror that reflects your bed. A single individual is less apt in attracting a romantic partner and placing the mirror doubles his/her loneliness.
A couple is more apt to attract another one who can disturb their relationship.
Individuals with stress, depression and other health problems can also be affected with the mirror that is reflecting the bed as it disturbs the sleep.
2. Don’t place water images in your bedroom
Water makes the energy field filled with too many emotions. Water creates problem in your relationships. It disturbs the concentration of students and creates emotional disturbances for children.
So, remove the fountains and water images from your bedroom and locate them where you find more active life in the house. Also, don’t keep the aquarium in your bedroom.
3. Bed should be in the king’s position so that you can observe the doorway
Locate the headboard of the bed in a fashion that when you rest on the bed you can observe the inward flow of energy if anyone enters the room. Or else, you can not control your life and miss great chances in your career.
If you can not alter the bed position, place a mirror opposite to the entrance so that when you wake up, you can observe the entrance in the mirror.
4. Decrease the electromagnetic field
You will experience great problems by keeping an electric alarm clock next to your head. Particularly, students and children should be aware of this. The force in the room is greatly disturbed with electromagnetic field and makes extra active force when you want to rest.
So, locate the alarm clock 2 meters away from the bed. It is better to keep a battery-operated clock to the wall because it creates too little electromagnetic field.
5. Be careful about the images that you hang over your head
The images that you hang above your head should connect with what you dream throughout the night or in your life. Don’t place aggressive, depressed, and chaotic images, portraits of fierce animals and overwhelming images of the nature.
So, you should be very careful about the images you choose because they need to soothe your strength and support the dreams.
6. Position of the bed to the window
Don’t place the headboard close to a window because your energy will dissipate through the window. You feel more tired when you wake up. The headboard should be strong and stable to protect your energy while you are asleep, to recharge it and internalize it.
7. Lighting in the bedroom
As the bedroom is more of a yin environment, the lighting that you choose must reflect this. It is better to keep soft lighting. Don’t keep ceiling lamps over your head as they disturb your sleep.
Follow these simple Feng Shui bedroom tips and be happy in your life.

Alternative Versions of Walking Pneumonia Treatment

One of the best examples of some sicknesses just being caused by the thoughts in your head comes in the form of alternative types of walking pneumonia treatment. Sometimes pneumonia can turn into a life threatening matter, but many people are really just bringing more pain onto themselves by thinking about their sickness for all hours of the day.
Walking Pneumonia Treatment
There is definitely some truth to the idea that you can bring certain illnesses onto your body just by thinking about them.
Even if you are having some of the coldest weather in your part of the world in hundreds of years, you still should be able to push on through the season like everybody else.

Anyone who is suffering from an illness such as pneumonia should check into different types of walking pneumonia treatment to see what the fuss is all about.
Perhaps you will be able to learn a little bit about yourself just by reading the stories of other people who have dealt with similar problems in the past.
The problem with traditional medicine these days is that it usually treats the symptoms of an illness rather than going after the real problems. Instead of getting at what is causing the problems in the body, most medicine today will just try to help the person feel better above everything else. While feeling better is definitely a good thing in the short term, you eventually need to figure out a way to keep that illness from coming back anytime in the near future.

Stories of alternative walking pneumonia treatment

There have been many instances of walking pneumonia treatment working for various people around the world, and many of these stories have very similar happenings that all seem to be related. A person will usually be put into the hospital for a night where they think they might die just from the pain from their illness, and then they will be sent home with some medication to take for a few days.
The medication will seem to have no effect on the body, and the patient eventually gets more worried about their situation than they were before they checked in to the hospital.
After a few weeks of living with this illness, the person eventually realizes what the real problem is in their life and how they can fix it. Sometimes an illness such as pneumonia is caused by nothing more than immense amounts of stress that could come from many different sources, and that is why stress relief is very important when it comes to overall health. When you are able to reduce the amount of overall stress in your life, you will become a much happier person who rarely comes down with any kind of sickness.

The path to complete health

While most people think that exercise and proper dieting are the only things you need to worry about when it comes to proper health, people who have gone through alternative walking pneumonia treatment know that stress relief is another main component of staying healthy.

Homeopathy Treatment for Treating Allergies

Homeopathy treatment is all about finding effective ways of treating problems in the body that come from natural solutions rather than prescription drugs and modern medicine. By choosing natural solutions, you will be improving the defense mechanisms of the body and making sure your body can fight off any kind of disease or illness. When you take care of your body and treat it properly, it becomes hard for any kind of sickness to affect your life.Homeopathy
Homeopathy treatment for allergies is the most effective form of treatment for many people, but it shouldn’t be viewed as the only type of treatment for people looking for alternatives to mainstream solutions. The reason that homeopathy solutions work for a large amount of people is that it helps the body’s immune system and allows you to fix any problems that already exist in the body. Instead of bringing in an outside source to take care of a problem, you are strengthening your body to make sure it can take care of itself.
Many of the main causes of allergies are directly related to various imbalances found in the body and its immune system. When your body is not getting the vitamins and nutrientsit needs on a regular basis, it will begin to malfunction. It is similar to making sure you are putting the right things into your car to make it run properly.

How homeopathy treatment helps people with allergies

People with constant problems with allergies have quite a problem on their hands because they will be spending the entire day complaining about their runny nose, sore throat and itchy eyes. Instead of complaining all the time, anyone with allergy problems should begin to look for real, natural solutions. Homeopathy treatment is one of the best solutions you will be able to find because it also improves the overall health of your body over time.
Homeopathy uses the things given to people by nature to heal the body and make sure everything is working properly on the inside. Herbs, minerals and other natural ingredients are the only things that are allowed to be used in homeopathy, so you don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals causing any problems. You wouldn’t want to try and deal with your allergy problem by exposing yourself to a chemically based allergic reaction.

Healing your inner self

Homeopathy treatment gives you the ability to heal your inner self because all of the tools used during your healing process will come from natural origins. You can actually learn how to strengthen your physical body by first learning about how to heal your spiritual and mental health. It is much easier to heal your body when you can think clearly and have a balanced body, and that is why homeopathy is used by so many different people around the world who are suffering from many different kinds of mental and physical problems. This alternative form of treatment is definitely worth a try if you want to get rid of your allergies.

Alternative Pain Relief for Children

A child in pain is difficult for any parent to bear; and there is the temptation to make that pain go away by whatever means available.
However the recent massive recall of children’s pain medications can make anyone doubt the safety of mainstream pharmaceutical formulations.
However it is only natural that many of the alternative therapies that adults choose for pain management and relief may be viewed with some concern when it comes to children.
For instance is it safe for children to be subjected to complementary therapies such as acupuncture and hypnosis?
Integrative therapy does show that it is possible to safely offer certain alternative therapies to children as well. The following alternative therapies for pain relief in children could be considered:
  • Biofeedback
  • Guided Imagery
  • Hypnosis
  • Massage
  • Art Therapy
These can be used by themselves or in conjunction with conventional medications as many integrative medicine practitioners prescribe.
It has also been seen that the children themselves may be more amenable to alternative therapiesthan we may think. Teens in particular have displayed more interest in these therapies and have shown themselves as being more open to trying something new.
Children with conditions such as chronic headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, neck and back problems, fibromyalgia, tooth pain, sickle cell anemia, inflammatory bowel disease and even cancer can receive benefit.

Relieve Chronic Pain with Non-Surgical Pain Management Techniques

In US, non surgical pain management techniques such as complementary and alternative medicine therapies are the most preferable ones to treat chronic pain.
Acupuncture, nutritional supplements, chiropractic, massage, herbal remedies, therapeutic touch and some dietary approaches can also have the ability to alleviate the pain.
Pain ManagementHere are the CAM therapies to relieve chronic pain:
1. Acupuncture
Studies conducted by World Health Organization showed that acupuncture is helpful for treating almost 30 diseases. Among those, the main use of acupuncture is for pain relief.
Some other conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, headache, menstrual cramps, low back pain,fibromyalgia, tennis elbow, myofascial pain andosteoarthritis can be treated with acupuncture along with traditional methods.
2. Massage and chiropractic treatment
Massaging is the most popular treatment for relieving chronic back and neck pain. It reduces the stress and relieves tension by improving blood flow. Also, massage reduces the existence of substances that can create and sustain pain.
Chiropractic is also the most common non-surgical pain management technique for treating back pain. But, the effectiveness of the treatment in relieving back and neck pain has not been supported by various clinical trails.
3. Mind-body therapy
MBT is the treatment that deals with the mind’s ability to affect the functions and symptoms of the body. There are various MBT treatment methods including meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, relaxation techniques, and guided imagery that can help in dealing with the pain.
Researches showed that relaxation methods can alleviate the discomfort related to cancer, headaches, and chronic pain.
4. Nutritional supplements
There is strong evidence that supports the effectiveness of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate in treating the knee arthritis.
These natural compounds decrease the pain and increase the mobility of your knee. These supplements are safe and are well-tolerated by anyone.
5. Herbal remedies
Till now there is no evidence that supports the effectiveness of herbal remedies in treating chronic pain. If you consider herbal remedies to treat the pain, you must ensure with your healthcare provider.
Some of the herbs can interact with other pain relief medications and cause severe health issues.
6. Dietary approaches
Some studies showed that changing the diet and eating the plant generated foods can ease the pain by reducing inflammation. It is also found that consuming a raw food diet can help with fibromyalgia symptoms.
Also, a low-fat vegetarian diet helps in relieving the pain associated with premenstrual syndrome. The diet decreases the intensity and duration of the pain.
Dietary changes and physical activity used for weight loss are also part of the pain management techniques that can help the patients with osteoarthritis.

Placebo or the Power of the Mind

The leading UK publication The Economist recently ran an article called Think yourself better, where it was claimed that rather than alternative medicine, it is the power of the mind or the placebo effect that helps to heal and cure people.
For a long time there has been a hue and cry about the British National Health Service funding homeopathy, with many in mainstream medicine calling for the stoppage of this funding. Those in mainstream medicine and pharma want this funding to stop because they supposedly think it is a waste of public money.
Placebo EffectAnd yet those that use homeopathy and otheralternative and complementary medicineswill swear by the efficacy of the treatment that they use; which have often worked when conventional medicine has not.
So when the nay sayers argue that it is merely the placebo effect and the power of the mind that is supposed to yield results – as in the cited article, then how do they explain the fact that the placebo effect did not kick in with conventional or main stream medication.
Many who use complementary or alternative therapies do so after having tried and tested other pharmacological options which have not worked for them.
The placebo effect on the human system, where the person thinks they are getting better and therefore they do get better, cannot be denied. The mind is a very powerful thing and in many cases we can ‘think’ ourselves better so it is not the placebo effect that is being denied here.
But to say that all complementary and alternative treatments are placebo (described by the article as “sham medical treatment… pharmacologically inert sugar pill, piece of pretend surgery”) is shortsighted and rigid to say the least.
Another point that the article largely ignores is the fact that alternative therapies, have far fewer side effects when compared with mainstream pharmaceutical medications.
There is a claim made that homeopaths are permitted to make claims about curing problems such as malaria when there is no evidence of this working.
Certainly there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that homeopathy is effective against this and a host of other ailments – and even if it is not, it has still not caused any harm or side effect so why the mainstream medical community is up in arms against alternative and complementary treatments is really a mystery.
If people do benefit, even if it is only from the placebo effect which works for them, they have still done it by the power of their mind and without putting chemicals in their body.
The bottom line is, that each one of us is uniquely different and the one size fits all approach of mainstream medication is limited in its view. This limited view is expanded by complementary therapies which alter to suit the person, and this is the reason for their success.

Health Bill Should Cover Alternative Therapies

We have touched upon the Health Bill that has recently been made law in the United States, and itsinadequate attention to Complementary and alternative therapies. In purely practical and financial terms as well, the health bill does not address issues of alternative medicine.
The fact is that more and more Americans are now interested in and prefer CAM therapies to the usual drugs-surgery routine of mainstream medicine. An estimated 38% of the adult population of the United States uses CAM therapies such as meditation and acupuncture according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Also according to the statement made by National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Americans spent about $38 billion out of pocket in the year before, because CAM therapies are not covered.
It is not just the fact that so many people use CAM and have to go out of pocket. It is also the fact that CAM therapies are preventive in nature and encourage healthy eating and lifestyle choices which actually reduces health care costs in the long run. This fact also ought to be taken into consideration; so that CAM therapies are brought within the ambit of the health care reform.
Source: State Press

Therapies Popular Choice For Treating Childhood Cancers

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies are gaining more currency the world over and in particular CAM therapies are a popular option when treating children with cancer.
A study conducted on 3,500 children found that up to 91 percent of the participating children had, at some point or other during their treatment of cancer used some form of CAM therapy.
It is not clear whether the CAM therapies formed part of the treatment; as in whether they were using them as an adjunct to mainstream therapy, or as the principle/only form of cancer treatment. But it was clear from the study that a substantial proportion of the pediatric cancer patients were using some form of cancer therapy.

The reason people opt for CAM options is that they are perceived as safe and natural, causing no harmful side effects. While some CAM therapies are excellent for combating cancer and form a valuable form of combat against the cancer, others have to be used with caution particularly when used in combination with mainstream cancer medications.
The efficacy of some cancer medications can be lessened by excessive vitamin C, Green tea compounds and St John’s wort.
Whether CAM therapies can be used for cancer or not is certainly a subject that should be discussed with one’s doctor.
Source: Cancer Health