
Henna plant (Low sania Henna)

Henna plant (Low sania _ Henna):Shrub of the platoon Alhanaúah lythracees Yearbook or perennial stay about three years and may extend to ten, permanent vegetation, heavy branching, with a length of three meters, the plant henna dendritic Muammar has roots and spheroid red leg and many branches and branches of side a green color and turn brown at maturity , and a simple leather henna leaves oval-shaped length of 3 _ 4 cm oval or broad Stanah situation facing red light or yellowish white. , And small white flowers have a strong aromatic smell and a distinct cluster in Nurat and fruit tray containing a small pyramid-shaped seeds, henna and the tree has two types differ in the color cast Kalsnf Alba A white floral Miniata product with violet flowers. The types of henna: municipal, and Shami, al Baghdadi, and thorny.

The main home for Henna:
South West Asia, and you need to a hot environment, so they grow extensively in tropical environments of the continent of Africa. The cultivation has spread in the countries of the Mediterranean basin and the main producing countries of Egypt, Sudan, India and China.

Chemical composition:Henna leaves contain contain different Glicosidih the most important of the main material, known as Allawson (Lawsone) Dzeiha chemotherapy and type 2 - hydroxy -1.4 - Nfetukenon or 1.4 Nfetukenon. This article is responsible for the biological effect medically, as well as responsible for the dye and the color brown blackened and proportion in the papers about 88% to the type of henna Limermis compared Balsnfein with flowers white and red light, and the proportion of Alglicosid in the leaves of each is 5.0% 6.0%, respectively . Henna consists of the following vehicles: type pigments of 4.1 Navthokinnon include 1% to Lawson (2-hydroxy Navthokinnon 4.1) Hedroksilitid Navthalin derivatives such as: 4 Gelokosaal Wuxi 2.1 Dai-hydroxy as well as Kiomaran, xanthone, flavonoid 0.5 10% Tannen, acid Gaelic , a small amount of steroid such as sitosterol. Flowers and contains a two-volatile oil has a strong smell and is considered the most important components Alvobita Aaonon material (A, B, Ionone).
The amount of active substances, in particular Article Allawson in the leaves of henna, the more progress the plant life and leaves the modern contain small amounts of these materials from those of older, next to that containing the acid Galak materials Taninah up rate of between 5-10%, and the sugar and resin rate of about 1 %.

The user:And the user of the henna plant usually flowers, leaves, twigs and buds of modern growth.

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