
Diabetes and honey

Diabetes and honey
Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Aridi, who holds a Ph.D. and MS in Food Science and Nutrition therapeutic properties of bee products
During your studies Scientific Is there a link between high blood sugar, honey, Is there any precautions for patients with diabetes when you use honey?
- If we throw light on the installation of honey bees chemical it contains 75% - 80% of the sugars is glucose by 35%, and fructose (sugar fruits) 40-45%, sugar, sucrose 3% in addition to several sugars such as maltose, sugars many this is not always fixed and that these percentages are not fixed for all types of honey, each type of honey is specially formulated based on the quality of nectar and the diversity of sources, floral and methods of bee-keeping, feeding on the solutions of sugar for bees as well as some other factors if you may get a honey sugar glucose in which high if Feed your bees to glucose or the fruits of grapes and the sworn enemy of a patient with diabetes may get the honey sugar fructose which high if fed bees on nectar of flowers and given a sufficient period to maturity of honey, this may suit some of the diabetes, particularly type II non-insulin-dependent because the fruit sugar (fructose ) are not represented fully in the body as it does not require insulin to be introduced to the cells if the patient's diabetes was a disease that has the type I insulin-Vonsahh not eat honey, if he so wishes to be within the limits allowed him out of the meal and under medical supervision because the doctor is I know the situation of each patient's rate of one tablespoon in the morning empty stomach, but if a person has diabetes type II ie, non-insulin-dependent and based on diet and certain medications that is to say the percentage of sugar in the blood do not rise to high levels where there is activity in the pancreas, but not enough to organize the level of sugar in the blood and this can take natural honey and one teaspoon (21 gm) morning on an empty stomach only so as to activate the pancreas, there are a lot of scientific research world, some warn of the use of honey for diabetic and other supports covered under certain conditions, and research supports addressing prophylaxis and treatment for his role in stimulating insulin and compensate for the body what it needs from vehicles nutrition are important, such as minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other treatment is characterized by the honey from other materials, this theory does not require proof or proving the remembrance of Allah Almighty in the Holy download in Surat Al-Nahl {out from their bellies a drink of varying color wherein healing to the people! verse No. 69, Vmarb diabetes, especially non-insulin-dependent No one can deprive him of this Article therapeutic food, but according to the regulations and under the supervision of a medical and we would like to review some scientific research has proved that eating a diabetic patient (non-insulin-dependent) of honey Kmlakh one am not raise blood sugar but also activates the secretion of insulin leads to a reduction in the percentage of sugar in the blood, and scientific research and the reasons attributable a reduction in blood sugar, one tablespoon of honey (21 g) gives the calorie amount to 68 calories, less than the apple one and less of the 3 dates of medium and less than a banana if the amount of calories is nothing frightening, then why doctors warn diabetics of honey while allowing the patient's eating dates if the 3 dates that are given more power than a spoon of honey, a patient with diabetes may address more than 10 dates and rice and fruits, etc. This of course has something random and non-compliance with diet, honey is not responsible for raising blood sugar more dangerous than fat honey in their impact.

He revealed that the coefficient Woelm German produce solutions of honey after the liquidation of Gharwiath 20%, 40% under the name of the M2 Woelm ready for injection intravenously is known that these compounds reduce blood sugar, and who benefit from honey are patients with diabetes is insulin-dependent NIDDM Here it should be noted that the use must be within reasonable limits with the expense of the calories of honey in the need of the patient and often the patient is obese, where the amount of insulin in the first normal and may be more than the normal level then taxing the gland Wenger Hans in the pancreas weakening of insulin secretion requires a warning to activate and this case, honey is the most suitable materials and should be use cautiously because excessive eating may lead to the secretion of abundant amount of insulin will cause the consumption of sugars consumed, as well as insulin, which leads this representation is excreted in large quantities of fatty substances, which cause weight gain.

The Russian said Dr. Ayryc that among the components of honey, a sort of natural hormones like insulin.
A study was conducted by Ahmed (2000) to determine the impact of honey bees to the level of glucose in the blood of patients with diabetes type II who are not dependent on insulin was discovered with the disease recently and so giving them different doses of honey or a mixture of sugars essential in honey (fructose , glucose, sucrose) in the same proportions that exist in a sample of honey used in the study as well as giving them doses of glucose to the resistance between the impact and effect of honey and mix of sugars on the level of glucose in the blood and found that small doses of honey (25 g) did not cause the rise mentioned in the blood glucose level after an hour of the start of the test and that the level of blood sugar dropped clearly after 3 hours than in the fasting state, it was noted that a mixture of sugars and glucose causes a sharp rise in the level of sugar in the blood after an hour while the honey did not occur a significant effect and the study showed that it is possible that dealing with patients with diabetes, natural honey, according to guidelines and within the accounts of food .. And to take advantage of food components.

Has conducted all of the (Tobiasch and Killian 1953) study on the effect of honey on diabetes and found that the effect of honey in raising the blood sugar is at least half of the effect of glucose and found that 9 of 17 people after eating a honey sugar their blood after 180 minutes returned to the less-than-average Previous and recommended to the use of honey in the diet diabetic calculated may be used twice in the morning and afternoon at 20 g for each time did not affect the levels of diabetes in study participants so as not to exceed the calories of honey taken in today (60-120 calories) and found that honey Summer the most suitable of honey winter for a patient with diabetes may be due to characterize summer honey in the country of study as a result of the nectar of flowers and chemical composition (percentages sugars) is suitable for patients with diabetes to high fructose example, while the winter may be the result of feeding the fruits or solutions to the lack of flowers in winter .

Study for a doctorate that you made on patients with diabetes found in the honey to eat led to lower blood glucose (fasting), a significant decrease from the fourth week of 219 Milgerama / 100 grams to 195 mg / 100 g and has continued to decline for up to 141 mg / 100 g in the second week of ten of these average and the cases are not all equal.

All-natural honey has a similar effect, but some brands from other characterized and the reason for reducing the percentage of sugar in the blood may be due to the following:
1 - that honey contains a natural hormone and insulin-like Russian, Dr. Ayryc.
2 - Honey may occur a kind of shock to Vionnbh pancreatic beta cells as a result of the sugars of honey contain high amounts of norepinephrine who shall in turn greater than the insulin with the passage of active days (two hours after taking the honey rises slightly and then drops to lower levels of the previous rate).
3 - may have an effect on the receptor cells Cell Receptor
4 - There may be reasons other than that and God knows it.

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