Alveo Herbal Supplement - Interview with Dr Khoshbin
Alveo is a unique, high quality botanical food supplement, blended from 24 herbs. It is an anti-oxidant as well, which enables you to detoxify, protect and revitalize. Alveo is completely safe and has no side effects. It saves our body from wear and tear by giving you the nutrients that your body needs on a daily basis.
Herbal Plant Remedies : Herbs: Ginger & Milk Thistle
Ginger and milk thistle are herbs that treat depression and food poisoning. Use ginger and milk thistle herbs for depression with tips from a nutraceutical supervisor in this free video on herbal remedies.
Finding a Natural Treatment for Anxiety
Finding the best natural treatment for anxiety is always the best way to go because more traditional medicine has turned into a world of prescription pills and addiction. Anyone who is suffering from heavy bouts of anxiety and stress needs to look within themselves to find out what is going on in their lives because the anxiety is usually caused by some actions by those people in the past.
If you want to be successful and not have to worry about feeling anxious all the time then you need to put in the hard work that will lead to a happy life.
Success does not mean how much money you make or how many friends you have, and real success is in the eye of the beholder.
When you set goals for yourself and start reaching them one by one, you will be able to reduce the amount of overall stress in your life.
Many people can’t seem to find out why they are stressed out all the time, and they have no idea how much natural treatment for anxiety could improve the quality of their life. Natural cures do not involve any kind of medication or therapy, and you really just need to make a few changes to your lifestyle if you want to get rid of all that stress.By moving towards a healthier life, you will see how easy it is to get rid of all your worries and start living the life you’ve always wanted to live.
Choosing your natural treatment for anxiety
There are many different options to choose from when it comes to natural treatment for anxiety, so don’t think that you will be forced into doing things that you don’t want to do. There are definitely some parts of natural treatment that you may not enjoy, but these are the ones that will be able to help you the most when it comes to anxiety and stress. If you are not willing to exercise and change your diet, then you will not see any big changes made in your life for the better.
Exercise is one of the main ways people can relieve their stress as tension tends to build up in the body over a long period of time. This is especially true if you work in an office environment where you are stuck sitting in front of a computer screen all day. It’s very important to get some stress relief in the form of exercise after work so you can sleep more easily and feel better about your day.
Exercise and eat the right foods
The two biggest things you should look at when you are trying to find a natural treatment for anxiety are the foods you are eating and the amount of exercise you are getting.
Is Faith Healing More Than Just Evangelism?
Call it prayer, call it divine intervention, call it evangelism; but over the ages, faith healing is seen to produce ‘miracles’ that seem to come about only because of the faith that a person has. Though the connection of faith healing to Christianity is strongest, other cultures around the world also have their own versions of faith healing.
Reports of faith healing or spiritual healing reversing blindness, curing cancer, helping overcome paralysis, deafness, developmental disorders, speech defects, rashes and even AIDS are not unheard of. Even those who do not believe in divinity as an external force; those who advocate Spiritual rather than faith healing claim to obtain such remarkable health benefits.
Or faith healing could result from a visit to a shrine. Faith healing can also be from a distance, by the power of prayer.
For a long time now, the relationship between religion and health has fascinated researchers such as sociologists and others. Many medical and scientific bodies have denounced faith healing as being ineffectual in curing any physical ailments and yet there are many claims of faith healing working where medicine has failed to do so.
Skeptics claim that so called cures affected by faith healing may perhaps have occurred any way because spontaneous resolution of medical conditions does occur.
For instance the American Cancer Society claims that miraculous cancer cures at shrines such as Lourdes in France, are about the same in proportion as cases of spontaneous remissions.
The charge against faith healing is that it may prevent a person from seeking and getting the kind of treatment that they need and which could perhaps save lives. There is also the charge that if faith healing doesn’t work for someone, they may feel even worse.
However even the Cancer Society accepts the benefits of faith healing, such as:
- The person’s belief in the treatment can be such that the person not only perceives but actually experiences an improvement. Though the credit may go to the healer, it may be a placebo effect.
- It can evoke the power of suggestion, so that if it is suggested to a person that they can be healed, they can in fact heal themselves.
- Peace of mind can be promoted with the help of faith healing.
- It can be a coping mechanism for people to deal better with their illness.
What Is Gua Sha Used For?
Gua Sha is an ancient massage technique which originated from China and by some accounts is over 2,000 years old. It has been adapted by other countries throughout the East and is acommon therapy in both conventional and traditional Chinese medicine today.
However, it is seldom used in the West as little is known about it, and it differs greatly from western standards.
Gua Sha literally means to “scrape away fever”. In Vietnam it is known as “Cow Yaw”, in Laos as “Khoud Lam”, in Cambodia as “Kos Khyol”, in Indonesia as “Kerik”,and in Japan,“Kerokan”.
It is described in some of the oldest knownChinese medical texts, including the Shang Han Lun from the early third century.
It is so prevalentthroughout Asia today, that many villages have their own Gua Sha therapist, and family members even practice on each other.
It has been passed on from generation to generation, and can now even be found in North American and European spas and Oriental medical centers.
Anciently, tools such as animal horns or bones were used to scrape the skin. Today, a spoon is the preferred tool, although the smooth edge of a bottle cap or large coin work equally as well.
The Gua Sha tool is used to scrape the skin of the affected areas, starting towards the spine and working its way out towards the limbs. The motions typically follow the meridians, or energy channels in the body. Lotion or massage oil is generally used to protect the skin.
The scraping causes petechial or minor hemorrhaging just beneath the surface of the skin. This is a normal response to releasing blood stagnation. In severe cases, ecchymosis, or slight bruising and redness may last for two to three days following treatment.
Because Gua Sha is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or TCM, it may also be used in conjunction with other TCM therapies such as acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion and/or herbal remedies.
Acupuncturist Arya Nielsen, who popularized Gua Sha in America, explains that throughout the body is fascia, or connective tissue connecting all the structures of the body. She states, “when blood is stuck in the surface fascia, fabric and function are compromised. There is pain, and a slowing of normal processes, not only there at the surface, but also deeper in the organs… Gua Sha moves this stuck blood, immediately relieves pain and restores the normal processes of circulation”.
Although a casual observer may assume at first glance that Gua Sha is painful or causing damage to the skin, those who have undergone the treatment attest to its amazing benefits. Following a session, most report immediate relief of pain, tenderness and stiffness.
Why Gua Sha?
Gua Sha is different from other forms of massage, which focus mainly on relieving tension in the muscles. The purpose of Gua Sha is to stimulate circulation and move “stagnant” blood. Relaxation of the muscles is a natural response to this movement.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, blood stagnation can cause a wide range of health-related issues, including pain, stiffness and inflammation. Allergies, infertility, arthritis and tendinitis are all examples of disorders which are related to stagnant blood.
There are a few tests which can help you decide if Gua Sha is right for you:
1. If you have acute or chronic pain,
2. If you have severe tenderness or knots in the muscles,
3. If pressing on the skin of the affected area causes blanching (where the skin turns white and slowly fades back to a normal color).
In TCM, Gua Sha may be prescribed for any number of disorders, including: asthma, arthritis, constipation, high blood pressure, headaches, menstrual pain, obesity, severe or chronic back pain, sciatica, stretch marks and varicose veins, to name a few.
Remember that natural therapies such as Gua Sha are meant to complement, not replace medical care. Consult your health care provider if considering Gua Sha for chronic or acute pain.
The Best Herbal Supplements for Anxiety
When it comes to herbal supplements for anxiety, you will always want to go with supplements that have been proven to improve your blood circulation and ease the stress on your heart. Anything that calms you down and makes you feel relaxed can be viewed as a supplement for anxiety because your stress levels are what you want to have lowered as a result of the new substance.
Some of the best things to lower your anxiety levels can actually be found in the foods everyone usually eats on a daily basis.
When your heart is able to pump out blood at a normal rate, it makes it easier to stay very calm in stressful situations. When you are drenched in stress after a long day of work, you need to be able to relax and keep your heart’s beats per minutes down to a safe level.
Herbal supplements for anxiety are a great choice when you are looking for ways to help your stress levels because they will be able to make it easier for blood to flow throughout your body.
When your blood can easily move around, it makes it much easier to not get overly stressed and have some sort of panic attack every now and then. If you want to live a stress-free life, then you are going to need to improve your heart health and stay away from situations that can become far too stressful.
Different types of herbal supplements for anxiety
There are many different types of herbal supplements for anxiety available on the market today, but you should really think about what you are buying before you make your purchase. You may actually be better off looking at which supplements work the best for anxiety and getting the foods that contain the main ingredients in those supplements instead.
For example, garlic is said to do wonders for blood circulation and blood pressure, so there is no reason to go out and get a supplement for something you could just add to your meals.
The supplements tend to contain a lot more of the active ingredients found in the beneficial foods, but sometimes you aren’t getting all of the benefits of the food when you take it in supplement form. On top of that, the supplements sometimes contain far too much of the nutrients found in the food, and this can end up actually causing problems for your body. You should just change your diet if you really want to get relief from stress because that is the way that has been proven to work for thousands of years.
Don’t forget to exercise
Herbal supplements for anxiety and diet changes are great, but you should also remember to get thirty minutes of exercise as often as you can. Without the proper exercise, all of your stress is just going to keep building up in your body.
The Best Natural Healing Remedies are Free
Anyone who is looking for some natural healing remedies for any kind of sickness or disease they may have only needs to look at their lifestyle to find the source of their problems. When you look at all of the people in the world who exercise on a daily basis and only eat foods that are healthy and highly nutritional, you will notice that they tend to have a lower amount of downtime due to sickness than everybody else.
This is because exercise and healthy eating really does lead to better results when it comes to your health, and more people around the world can live happier lives as soon as they start realizing this fact.
Plenty of people never exercise and decide to eat whatever they want, and this kind of attitude will almost always lead to some kind of health problems later in life.
Not exercising and eating fatty foods feels great in the short term, but you will definitely be searching for some natural healing remedies after a long period of unhealthy choices.
In addition to exercise and proper eating habits, there are many other alternative medicines available for people who wish to make some big changes in their lives. Supplements are very popular among people who want to stay healthy and active, so those are another option when you are looking for something to improve your life. There are also various relaxation techniquesyou can use on a regular basis to relive your stress, such as meditation or breathing exercises.
What are your natural healing remedies?
The best part about natural healing remedies is that they will be different for every single person around the world. Health problems are usually caused by a lack of exercise or a deficiency of some kind of important vitamin or nutrient, so each individual will need to do something different to get healthy again. Once you’ve filled a certain gap in your life when it comes to having a healthy lifestyle, you will be able to walk around all day feeling much better about yourself.
Happiness is one of the best parts of using natural healing remedies because you are bound to become a happier person once you become healthier. Plenty of people out there are suffering from depression because they aren’t paying attention to their health or keep procrastinating on things they need to take care of, so alternative therapies are a great way to solve some of your life problems and get back on the right track. Anyone who is having some troubles in their life should not get too depressed because there is always a way out of any tough situation.
Make the changes today
The only way to make sure you are going to make the right changes in your life is to make sure that you do it today. Start searching for some natural healing remedies as soon as you can.
Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer
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Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer! | | |
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Can u believe this?? For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. |
Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach
Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will NOT happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach. | | |
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There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight. | | |
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When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up. Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins. | | |
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But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it. | | |
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You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look! |
Fruit is the most important food.
Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.
In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil....
So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You have heard people complaining — every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet, etc — actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!
In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil....
So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You have heard people complaining — every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet, etc — actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!
Colon Cleansing Via Colonic Irrigation
Colon cleansing using the colonic irrigation method is very different from a traditional enema.
In particular, liquid goes higher into the colon, well up into the transverse colon and sometimes even into the ascending colon.
A great deal of more water is used than in an enema, and retention is not so much a factor as is irrigation.
There are several methods for the colon cleanses but they generally use a low pressure water delivery source to introduce the water into the colon [Colon Hydrotherapy]. Usually the pressure comes from either gravity or a mechanical device.
In the best scenario, there is a therapist assisting with the procedure, but there are some home methods available for the individual who wishes to perform colonic irrigation in the privacy of their own home.
Oral products designed and marketed as colon cleansers are available, and some are fairly well known, but they lack the gentleness and the thoroughness of a colon cleansing using water. Their effectiveness can vary from product to product, so you must use caution when using these products.
Critics say that colonic cleansing is generally unnecessary and at times may even be harmful. It is up to each individual to determine whether or not this is an appropriate method for pursuing health. Do be aware that there are certain medical conditions that preclude this type of treatment.
Clinical Hypnotherapy For Emotional And Physical Problems
Clinical Hypnotherapy is proving to be particularly helpful to many types of nervous and emotional disorders and may considerably improve performance and accomplishment both in students and professionals.
After many years hypnosis has found its way into the medical field and is now recognized as an effective way to cure both emotional and physical troubles.
Soon hypnosis will be as acknowledged as most of the traditional medical practices and more people will turn towards this form of alternative treatment to heal from any troubles they may have.
Often people do not feel well, but cannot pinpoint where the problem lies, hypnosis can help detect the problem by using relaxation methods to determine the core of the trouble.
Finding what is causing the problem will help find a solution by removing the cause at the root.
Once the origin is found, hypnosis therapy is used for many ailments by unconsciously offering simple and specific solutions to your subconscious mind, which will then be guided into making these solutions part of your lifestyle and cure your troubles.
If your problem is smoking, hypnosis will attempt to remove all association of smoking from your mind, by the end of the therapy you will no longer consider yourself as a smoker, for you have been induced to think you do not smoke at all.
Hypnosis For Pain Management
An increasing amount of mainstream medicine treatments and surgical procedures are now looking to assist in pain management using hypnosis. Hypnosis is a technique that can not only reduce pain during and after surgery, it can also help to calm patients who are to undergo surgery.
Studies have been able to demonstrate that hypnotic suggestion can help to relieve pain; regardless of the type of pain that it is. In one study, it was found that as many as 89% of subjects found help in pain management with the help of hypnosis.
The manner in which hypnosis can assist in the case of dermatological surgery is – by reducing fear of needles, providing relief from pain such as the type that an analgesic would, and also by speeding up the recovery process.
Will Yourself Well – Using Hypnotherapy to Heal
It has been seen how the mind can control the body, its reactions and even its state of health and wellbeing – consider how a pediatric pulmonologist observed how a person with severe milk allergies could actually bring on an asthma attack simply by imagining the smell of cheeseburgers!
Hypnosis taps in the central nervous system which can impact blood circulation, digestion, breathing and even the immune response of the body.
A dermatologist found that it was possible for his patient to control inflammatory skin disorder using hypnosis – by suggesting to the body that healing is occurring, your body’s immune system can be made to respond in a way that will actually cause that healing to occur – imagining that their warts are freezing can actually cause those warts to disappear with physical treatment.
Even for those who are skeptical about the efficacy of self hypnosis as a method of healing and keeping diseases at bay, examining the possibility may make a lot of sense, particularly when there are such symptoms present which the pills seem unable to cure!
Losing Weight with Hypnotherapy?
“Gastric Band Hypnotherapy” is, like all forms of hypnotherapy, at best controversial, and is certainly not the fit all ‘miracle cure’ for everyone who suffers from obesity. Unfortunately, it is often presented in the media as such, leading to many who are not suitable for the procedure to be disappointed.
But what is Gastric Hypnotherapy? Essentially, it is exactly what the name describes – the utilisation of hypnotic techniques to convince a patient that they have had a gastric band fitted when, in fact, no surgical procedure has taken place. This alone is not detrimental – there is no physical aspect to the procedure to cause harm.
The most common form of Gastric Band Hypnotherapy essentially just requires a CD player and a dark room. However, the success rate for this is low, and many opt to undergo the procedure in a specially designed room that has the same look and smell of an operating theater.
In some extreme cases, the therapists may opt to dress as surgeons for the role, and it has been known for it to go as far as them utilizing an anesthetic to ‘prep’ for the procedure.
The causes of obesity are complex, and there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to weight loss. A psychological procedure like a Hypno-Gastric Band won’t help an individual whose stomach has become stretched and enlarged – The hunger is a biological response that cannot be just ‘ignored’.
Similarly, a gastric band alone won’t resolve someone who’s overeating is a result of a psychological condition – not everyone who overeats does it to satisfy hunger.
The biggest danger is that, for individuals who fall into the lattercatagory, any unprofessional psychological treatment could further complicate the matter;rather than addressing the root cause of their overeating (which often is a symptom of a wider issue that needs to be addressed, rather than the problem) ,patients often convince themselves that an extra chocolate is ok because they are ‘cured’ – they wouldn’t want the chocolate if it wasn’t ok., after all. Nothing actually gets ‘fixed’.
A gastric band, however, is a tried and proven medical technique that genuinely resizes the stomach, changing the amount of food it takes for a patient to feel full, which in effect forces them to form new eating habits. If an individual is considering either option, they should seek advice from a genuine medical practitioner as to their suitability for the procedure.
What Is the Vegan Paleo Diet and How Can It Help You Get Healthy?
Among the many diets that periodically grab headline space and the imaginations of health bloggers, is the Vegan Paleo Diet. So what is this diet – is it something designed to help lose weight, improve health and wellness, or is it just a fad that’s here today gone tomorrow?
The vegan paleo diet refers to diet that places emphasis on eating the way that our Paleolithic ancestors conceivably would have eaten. By Paleolithic, we mean pre-agrarian so there would be no agricultural produce that could be included in this diet: no dairy products but also no grain and no processing and certainly no preservatives and additives.
There seems to be some controversy regarding the Vegan Paleo Diet
This is surely good considering that our ancestors were a lot healthier than us and had none of the “lifestyle diseases” that we have.
But it is also most likely that our ancestors were not vegetarian per se. History has consistently pointed to humans being omnivorous rather than anything else.
There is also the practical difficulty in following both a Paleolithic diet and a vegan diet concurrently. Most of the protein in a vegan diet will typically come from grains but if this is barred then getting adequate protein becomes problematic.
What does a Vegan Paleo Diet consist of?
Based on the modern understanding that humans today eat too much meat and it is mostly meat that is reared on a potent cocktail of antibiotics,growth hormones and other chemicals and that we don’t really need meat nutritionally speaking, the Vegan Paleo Diet eschews meat and eggs and dairy products.
It includes nuts, veggies (preferably raw) and fruit. Some tubers such as sweet potatoes and some plant oils can be included as well. Certainly this sounds like some healthy things to include in the diet.
Possible shortcomings of the Vegan Paleo Diet
There is the obvious problem of nutritional deficiencies resulting from a diet that appears as restricted as this one. After all we have evolved a considerable amount since our Paleolithic ancestors and have been settled, agrarian societies for millennia.
The other thing to keep in mind is that not only did our Paleolithic ancestors eat in a certain way, they also had a very active lifestyle; far more so than ours today. So it wasn’t only their diet but their activity levels that we should be emulating if we are looking to get as fit as them.
How to Define Meditation
Learning how to define meditation can actually be quite a cumbersome task because the experience is generally different for each person out there in the world today. Meditation is all about finding your center and realizing what makes you tick, so what you get out of your alone time is going to be very different from what everyone else gets from there.
The closest thing to meditation that most people probably feel is the few minutes everyone has in their bed right before they fall asleep.
Meditation has been around for thousands of years in various cultures around the world, and it would be hard to say it is unimportant when so many different ancient people have decided that it is rather useful in their everyday lives.
Some people will not be able to tolerate meditation for a long period of time, but those of you who have the patience and time to relax will be able to reap many benefits from various meditation techniques.
Meditation is a tool that should be used by everyone in the world to relieve stress and try to deal with the problems in their lives. It is much easier to deal with something when you are cool headed and thinking clearly, which is why it is usually a great idea to meditate when you need to make a big life decision. Most people don’t use this tool throughout their daily lives, which is why there are so many people who live very stressful lives these days.
Learning how to define meditation
To truly figure out how to define meditation, you will need to go into your backyard or some other quiet place and try it out for yourself. It’s something that is rather hard to put into words, so you will need to try meditating on your own if you want to see what it’s all about. Most people won’t take an hour or so to sit down in a quiet place and relax for a few minutes because they believe they are going to miss something.
It’s a very good idea to take a break from it all and meditate every now and then because it makes it easier not to get caught up in things that you don’t need to be thinking about. Once you have meditated and released some of that anxiety and stress from your body, you can then move on to dealing with the current problems in your life. You should not try to use meditation to get away from your problems because that will only make things worse in the long run.
Try it out for yourself
Meditation is something that you cannot judge based on the words from other people and you will have to experience it on your own if you want to know how to define meditation. Once you go through your first few sessions, you will begin to realize what it is all about and how you can use it to improve your life.
What Is Vibrational Healing?
Vibrational healing is an alternative form of therapy that allows people to try and reverse the negative vibrations in their body by making significant changes in their lives. When you don’t take care of your body and you procrastinate with everything that you are supposed to do each day, it becomes hard to walk around with positive vibrations.
It has been proven that having a positive outlook on things can lower your risk of illness or disease because your mind will simply not accept the idea of becoming sick.
Your newly found positive vibrations can help you have a better outlook on life, but getting those positive vibes can be quite a hard thing to do.
Anyone who wants to have positive feelings for the majority of the day needs to be able to look at their life and also take a look at what they can do to change it.
Herbal remedies and psychedelic drugs are sometimes used when people want to change their perspective on life because these substances are known to let you view things from a different angle. When you are able to look at yourself from the eyes of another person it becomes much easier to figure out what is wrong in your life and how you can fix your problems.
The only way to truly get positive energy flowing through your body is to attract it to yourself by eating healthy foods, exercising on a regular basis and being kind to others.
Vibrational healing and the secret
A book came out many years ago called “The Secret” and this book was all about the idea of attractive positive energy to yourself by making certain changes in your life. This theory somewhat ties into the idea of vibrational healing because you will be doing things that you are not used to in order to make yourself feel better on a daily basis.
Many people like to look at other people to blame for their own problems, but the real cause of most of the troubles people deal with today are actually self-inflicted.
Anyone who wants to see some kind of change in their world needs to be the person to make that change because no one else is going to do it for you. No one else can move your arms and legs around and get your thirty minutes of exercise every day, so you are the one who needs to make sure your body stays in top shape.
You are the one who chooses what kinds of foods you will be eating on a daily basis, so you need to make sure that you only put local, organic food on the table every day.
Be the change you want to see in the world
Vibrational healing can teach you about all the beautiful things that exist in the world but you have to be willing to make a few changes in your life for it to work. If you are not willing to help yourself then no one else is going to want to help you either.
The Power of Holotropic Breathing
When it comes to holotropic breathing, many people tend to view it with rather skeptical eyes because they don’t see how it could possibly be an acceptable form of treatment. Most people tend to think that alternative forms of treatment like this really have no place in the world of psychology and science because it has not been proven to work all of the time.
The theory behind this treatment is a rather strong one that relies on the specialist’s ability to change someone’s state of consciousness with sounds in a peaceful environment.
By dipping into other perspectives, one can take a view of their life that they would never otherwise get. Many people like to describe this experience as rather similar to an LSD or mushroom experience in an office setting.
There have been over 140 articles written on the topic of holotropic breathwork over the years, so there is plenty of information available online about this strange topic.
Stanislav Grof is the man who revolutionized this new field of study, and he is a psychiatric research who is all about finding solutions that work for various people out there who are troubled.
While this therapy will definitely not work for everyone, there are a good number of people who have experienced positive results from these procedures.
How holotropic breathing works for you
The main key to getting holotropic breathing to be an effective method of psychiatric therapy for someone is to make sure they are in a very comfortable environment where they have no worries on their mind. You need to be able to remove all the stressand anxiety from your body for this to work, which is why some people tend to have a problem getting started with this experience.
The person who is running the treatment will use very powerful music to put people into different states of mind and this will also be combined with various breathing techniques.
It’s very important to have very comfortable sheets, pillows and blankets in the room where the subject will be located because you don’t want them to start thinking about how they are uncomfortable in their current environment. The subject needs to be able to drift away into a dreamlike state for these procedures to work effectively. These sessions can vary as far as time frames go, but you can expect the average procedure to last about three hours.
Become an independent person
In addition to relieving your stress and learning how to deal with your problems, holotropic breathing can also teach you how to become more dependent on yourself instead of others. You are all alone when you go off into that other world, and the experience has been described by many as similar to a trip from a psychedelic drug. Anyone who wants to find their inner self should definitely think about giving this treatment a try at some point.
Grow Your Own Herbal Plants at Home
As herbs and holistic medicine become more and more commonplace, many are becoming interested in having easy access to popular healing plants. Did you know that a variety of beneficial herbs can be grown at home in your back yard or even in your kitchen?
Included here is a list of some of the most powerful natural herbs and simple instructions for home cultivation. You may be surprised to find just how easy it is to create your own herbal pharmacopea.
Arnica montana
Arnica is a wild flower which grows throughout the mountainsides of Europe, Siberia and North America. It is used as an external remedy for sore muscles, sprains, strains and bruises.
The yellow flowers of the plant are used to make extracts, tinctures and massage oils and creams. It makes an excellent home remedyfor sports injuries and other trauma.
Arnica can be grown from seeds. It grows best in a mixture of soil, peat and sand. The seeds can be started indoors and then planted outside in the spring.
The plants will grow up to two feet and produce yellowish-orange, daisy-like flowers.
Calendula, also known as pot marigold, is a time-honored folk remedy for the skin. Tincture of calendula is used to treat a variety of topical conditions, including eczema, acne, bee stings, scrapes, superficial cuts and other minor wounds. It makes an excellent addition to your herbal first-aid kit.
Marigolds grow well indoors and out, and thrive in medium-grade soil. They do not require a lot of moisture, and are proned to mildew if over-watered. They are otherwise a hearty annual plant that can survive most temperature extremes and even a mild frost. The seeds should be planted in the early spring. The plants grow quickly and produce flowers by early summer.
Echinacea, or purple coneflower, is another wildflower native to North America. It was used traditionally to treat sore throats, coughs, fevers and respiratory infections. Modern scientific studies have shown that echinacea can reduce the severity and duration of the common cold and flu. It is naturally antibiotic and antibacterial, and helps to strengthen the immune system.
It may also be used to treat yeast infections, urinary tract infections, ear infections and hay fever.
Echinacea grows well in most garden soils. It is a hardy plant that can be started in both the spring and fall, and produces shoots up to 3 feet tall. It propogates easily and needs a little more growing space, so it is best grown outdoors in a garden or flower bed.
Garlic is a versatile herb that is used for a variety of conditions. It is naturally antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. During World Wars I and II it was used as a natural antibiotic and referred to as “Russian penicillin”. Research suggests that compounds in garlic help protect the body against heart disease and cancer. It is naturally antioxidant, and helps strengthen the immune system.
It is also a natural blood thinner, and helps dissolve cholesterol in the bloodstream. It makes an excellent addition to both the medicine cabinet and spice rack.
Garlic is a prolific plant which grows easily in even the poorest soil. It can be grown indoors or out, either in the ground or flower pots, and is cultivated throughout the world. Garlic grows from bulbs, which can be found in just about any farmers market or garden supply store.
Peppermint is another herbaceous plant which grows easily in most climates. Originally found in Europe and Asia, it is now cultivated throughout the world. Peppermint tea is a common home remedy for gas, indigestion, nausea and other gastrointestinal problems. Some studies have shown peppermint to be effective in treating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Additionally, peppermint has anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities. It is sometimes recommended for headaches, fevers, as well as cold and flu symtpoms.
Peppermint is planted in the early spring and matures mid to late summer. It grows 2 to 3 feet tall and produces small purple or white blossoms, but it is the leaves which are used for medicinal purposes. It grows well both indoors and out, in moderate to moist soil. It grows easily and can be invasive, so it is best contained in pots or flower boxes.
Rosemary is both a culinary spice and medicinal herb. It can be dried for tea or made into a tincture or liquid extract. Traditionally, herbalists used rosemary to treat nervous conditions, including stress, anxiety, fatigue, memory loss, irregular menstrual periods, and as a tonic for the heart. More recent studies show that rosemary has antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
Rosemary oil is used topically to help relieve sore muscles, and general aches and pains.
Rosemary grows easily with little cultivation. It makes an excellent ornamental bush or can be pruned and contained in flower pots. It can be pruned repeatedly without much harm to the plant.
UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND MEDICINE: HERBS – http://www.umm.edu/altmed/
Is a Home Colonic Hydrotherapy Kit Worth It?
Many people have heard about the benefits of colonic hydrotherapy, but not many of you out there have probably heard that you can perform this procedure at home for a lower price. There are a lot of people out there who are scared away from the normal procedure by the high price tag, so home colonic kits are viewed as an alternative to people who do not want to spend all of their money.
The real question when it comes to home kits for colonic hydrotherapy is whether they will be as effective as the real thing.
You are going to have a much better overall experience if you get this procedure done with the help of a specialist because you won’t have to worry about something going wrong.
While the professional is going to be more expensive and you won’t have as much privacy with the procedure, it is always much better to be safe than sorry.
Other options in a home colonic
The best way to perform a home colonic on yourself is to completely change your diet and make sure that you are not putting any harmful substances into your body. Detoxifying your body with the use of healthy foods is a great method of cleaning out your colon because it is the best option for long term health.
Instead of getting a real colonic every few years from a professional, you can just make sure that you keep all of the harmful materials out of your body instead.
The best foods to eat when you are changing your diet for colon health are fruits and vegetables. These are really the best foods to eat for any diet because they contain the most vitamins and nutrients with the least amount of additional substances. You will basically be getting everything you need out of your food without the added stuff that gets clogged up in your colon.
The other method you can use
The other method you can use for your home colonic is to buy a home enema kit. These kits will give you much faster results but you will really be fixing the symptoms of the problem rather than the actually factors causing your troubles.
Choosing Your Herbal Anti Inflammatory
Inflammation is a problem for many people during an infection because it can cause a lot of uncomfortable pain and swelling in the affected areas. Buying an herbal anti inflammatory is a great choice when you run into these problems because they will be able to help you out without having to worry about possible side effects.
Internal inflammation can sometimes lead to other, more severe problems, so it’s important to take care of business as quickly as possible when it comes to these kinds of things.
For this main reason, there are many different options available in the herbal anti inflammatory world to choose from.
Anyone who has a lot of pain in their body from inflammation should be able to find exactly what they need every time they go to the store for some herbal remedies.
The type of inflammation you have will depend on what is causing it in the first place, and the inflammation you are feeling can come in many different forms. Sometimes the pain will be in one specific part on your body, while other times it will seem to be affecting every last cell inside of you.
If you do not treat your inflammation right away, it can actually lead to other problems down the road.
Finding the right herbal anti inflammatory
You will have many different choices when it comes to finding the right herbal anti inflammatory, so don’t get too worried if you think you will never be able to find some quick relief for your pain. There are plenty of different anti inflammatory remedies that have been found throughout history, so you should try sticking with the ones that have stood the test of time. Try not to be a guinea pig for any new kind of treatment because you never know if you may have a bad reaction to it.
Ginger is a very popular anti inflammatory that you probably already have in your home, so this is something that people tend to look at first. Since most people already have ginger in their home, it makes it easy to find and you can start using it right away. You can try adding ginger to your food if you’d like to take it that way, or you can drink some amazing ginger tea every morning before you go to work or school.
Follow the Asian diet
Asian dishes almost always contain some kind of herbal anti inflammatory, whether it be ginger or turmeric is not really important. The important factor here is to make sure you get plenty of herbal solutions to your inflammation problems as quickly as possible if you do not want them to get worse over the long term. There are plenty of different herbs to choose from in this situation, so you just need to find something that you wouldn’t mind taking on a daily basis.
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